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"MADE in China" is everywhere. In America especially,it is a rarity to enter a store and not see these three short words wherever you look. China is the world’s biggest exporter. It possesses abundant natural resources,relatively cheap labor costs by international standards and an extensive transport and business infrastructure. All this means Chinese products are extremely price competitive.  相似文献   

一是举办“企业战略转型与发展”企业家论坛。邀请国内著名区域经济研究与企业经营战略专家郑文正老师为企业家作报告。企业家们就当前国际金融危机环境下如何实施企业战略转型、如何分析市场、了解企业自身的优势与劣势、如何实施科学创新管理等问题进行了讨论,现场交流热烈。  相似文献   

Big in China     
Geely is growing fast in the China mar- ket but does it have what it takes for the US and Europe?Y OU expect Chinese businessmen to be sus- picious. Decades of state-set targets after all don’t bring out the ? ip-chart-? ipping entre- preneur in people. But Li Shufu ? ips charts as we sit in his roomy offi ce in Hangzhou, a garden city south of Shanghai. His charts of fi gures suggest decades of frustration and determination have paid off since the 42-year-old farmer-turned businessman p…  相似文献   

不仅在电子领域,而且在汽车行业,如诺曼·马克莱所预言的,日本将从美国手中夺取汽车王国的宝座,因为它是以生产小型汽车而制胜的。丰田的皇冠车进入美国市场时的口号是“制造小卡迪拉克”,所以在汽车关车门的声音  相似文献   

AT the 2008 Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin, China Today saw Feng Jun ,spare no effort in demonstrating his products to visitors. At that moment, it was really difficult to imagine he was the CEO of Beijing Huaqi (Aigo) Information Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

董云虎 《人权》2007,6(6):16-17
胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大上的报告通篇贯穿着以人为本、改善民主、扩大民生、保障人权的内容。报告引人注目地两次直接提到"人权",在我们党的历史上首次把人权事业的发展作为党和国家事业发展的一个重要方面加以总结,体现了党中央对人权问题前所未有的重视。报告从新的历史起点出发,强调要坚定不移地发  相似文献   

SINCE its emergence in Guangdong Province in 1978, the processing trade in China has developed rapidly. The processing trade refers to the process by which raw and auxiliary materials, parts and components, accessories and packaging materials are imported from abroad and used to produce a finished product which are then re-exported. In 1996, the processing trade became the principal form of international  相似文献   

In overlooking multiple faceted labor issues, Human Rights Watch has indiscriminately accused CNMC of deep-rooted, persistent human rights misdemeanors.  相似文献   

采访施维雄委员的时候,他鼻子上架着副会边眼镜,看人的眼神品亮而清澈,说话语调谦和而内敛,友善的微笑始终像花儿一般开在脸上,令人感觉舒服而亲近。好一个谦谦书生样。  相似文献   

Of major events in China over the past three decades, most Chinese would list the resumption of National Examination for the Entrance of University as number one. In December 1977, 5.7 million Chinese participated in the national exams, the first since the catastrophic Cultural Revolution (1966-76). One year later, the country's reform, opening up and modernization drive was launched.  相似文献   

Better Charity     
<正>China’s biggest problem with philanthropy is not the amount donated,but efficiency in using it China’s latest wave of major philanthropists are not just donating their money,they’re requiring charity funds be used in a more efficient way according to blueprints they’ve set out themselves.While a bit demanding,the  相似文献   

Charity Online     
MAO Lihui, a teacher in a remote mountainous area, changed his deprived students' lives with the help of the Internet. The article he wrote on his blog,which included pictures of his pupils in their tattered clothes and often bare feet, aroused public sympathy and prompted an influx of donations.  相似文献   

正Charity concerns everyone in society.Though sadly,in recent years,malpractice in the sector has been prevalent,and has sparked questions about the lack of oversight of charities.For instance,Guo Meimei,who claimed to have connections with the Red Cross Society of China and showed off her extravagant lifestyle online in 2011,  相似文献   

Helping Charity     
<正>At five and a half years old, Heungkong Charitable Foundation is China’s oldest private foundation. It was formally launched in 2005 by Zhai Meiqing with a 50-million-yuan donation ($7.26 million) from her company, Heungkong Group.  相似文献   

正A venture capital investor uses his business savvy to maximize the impact of his philanthropic work Wang Bing is a man with plans. When he became one of China’s first generation of securities brokers after graduating from college in the early 1990s, he decided to spend the next 12 years making enough money so that he wouldn’t have financial worries for the  相似文献   

A unique dinner club unites foreigners and locals looking to give something back to Beijing.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese social entrepreneurs seek to solve social problems by using a business approach The journey from poverty to prosperity can take many paths. Ren Xuping went from an impoverished rural  相似文献   

吕静 《桂海论丛》2013,(3):61-66
慈善事业是社会保障的重要组成部分。作为第三次分配的重要载体,慈善事业具有增加社会福利和社会总消费等方面的经济功能。我国慈善事业的发展时间虽然不长,但发展速度很快,同时也凸显了善款运作方面的问题。文章从产生慈善行为的经济动因出发,揭示了慈善事业对经济发展的影响,并在分析慈善资金供给与需求的基础上,对资金的合理使用与慈善组织的有效监督提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

POP diva Faye Wong and her husband,actor Li Yapeng,won top honors last May 19 at the China Charity Celebrity Gala in Beijing.Kung Fu star Jet Li came a close second,with superstar actor and director Jackie Chan bringing up the rear in third place.Rather than donations,the awards acknowledged these big names’ proactive dedication to good causes and use of their celebrity status to polarize public attention.Gala organizers remarked that the magnitude of everyday people these individuals draw into and acquaint with charitable culture outweighs by far the value of their personal donations. Although celebrity charity is relatively new to China it has already moved on from stars acting as mere figureheads.They now take concrete measures towards sustainable charity development.Examples include Faye  相似文献   

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