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On a spectrum based on national demographics,economy and power,there are many more"small powers"than there are middle powers and big powers.Critical to China’s new diplomacy is to identify and target the small powers that are key states for its strategic relations.A state such as Sri Lanka cannot truly be categorized into any of the three categories and its development outgrows traditional classification.Regarding the more than 200 states and regions in the world,China has officially stated that"relations with big powers are critical,with  相似文献   

The relationship between China and the United States is the most important bilateral relations in the world. Though being the most complicated relationship, it has been managed as the most successful one in the world. In terms of population, territorial size, overall national strength and international status, both China and the United Sates are big countries with great influence in the world arena. The nature and value of such a relationship between major powers exceeds that of pure bilateral relations. China-U.S. relations not only have a close bearing on the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also are of vital importance to world peace, security and development.  相似文献   

EU and China are two important world powers, whose common interests far outweigh their disagreements. The intention of the EU-China relationship was to work closely together, but the relationship did not develop as anticipated and the last two years have been particularly turbulent. Three factors may explain this phenomenon. First, the EU is not trusted by other countries as a strategic partner and needs further institutional improvement to strengthen solidarity. Second, EU-China cooperation centers mainly around economic issues and strategic cooperation in security and politics needs to be improved. Third, there are certain other issues which affect EU-China relations. More research needs to be carried out and made public.  相似文献   

The current world, experiencing fast changes, is in a crucialtransitional period of realignment immediate reason for such a change of various powers. The is that after decades of development, a group of developing countries represented by China have come into prominence to become new "emerging countries" with rising political and economic status in the world.  相似文献   

Humanity faces a full opportunity of peace and development with the end of the Cold War. All the countries in the world are eager to get a new driving force in two major realms in order to find more resources for social wealth. First, they want to share the so-called“peace dividend”, that is, they hope that the big powers in the world would allocate a rather big share of their savings in reducing their nuclear armament and cutting down their military expenses to aid the under-developed count…  相似文献   

The United States is the most developed country in the world and the number one energy-importing country. China is the largest developing country and the number two energy-importing country. The energy issue is thus a key issue in Sino-US Relations. The United States has been on bad terms with some energy-rich "problem countries", while the energy cooperation between China and these countries is starting to go well. Sino-US relations now affect the whole world, and China's and the United States' relations with these key energy producers--the 'third party factor' may become a major source of competition and conflict between the two powers.  相似文献   

Russia is trying to establish a Eurasian Economic Union with a Free Trade Area under the CIS, a Customs Union and a Unified Economic Space under the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community. Its ultimate goal is to achieve integration of former USSR satellites and make it into one of the world’s top powers.  相似文献   

1.International Strategic Situation in the "Post-crisis Era" and Its Development Trend, by Gao Zugui, Senior Research Fellow at China Institutes of Contemporary International Studies, and Guest Researcher, CPDS. The Post-Cold War international setup feels a strong urge for change after the financial and economic crisis sweeping across the entire world. While the U.S. is still the sole world superpower in terms of its comprehensive strength, the gap between that of the As big powers and power groups are busy making U.S. and those of the other big powers is narrowing down. strategic alignments in prospect of a multi-polar world, relations between and among them are going to take on a new look. Competitions between and among them still carry the day, and are going to be even more intense in various fields.  相似文献   

The present Sino-Japanese relations have developed smoothly and achieved marked results, but some problems are yet to be, solved. One of them is that, compared with the closer economic ties, political and security relations between the two states are lagging behind, in which security relations in particular have obstructed the deepening of ties between the two nations. As two major powers in East Asia, the ties be-  相似文献   

The relationship between China and the United States is becoming increasingly important in the world; no longer is it limited to bilateral issues, and the third party issue has grown in significance. There are various kinds of third party countries.Some of these, such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and the European countries are U.S. allies. Some, like the central Asian and ASEAN states, are neighbors of China. In the category of major world powers we can also include Russia, India, Japan and the EU, while African and some Latin American countries are relatively marginalized. An important aspect of China's diplomacy in recent years has been to work hard on two fronts:to develop relations with the above mentioned countries, while at the same time taking note of the interests and concerns of the United States. China has achieved a successful balance between the two.  相似文献   

As China and Japan are the two biggest powers in East Asia and the .second and third largest economies in the world, so the stability of their bilateral relations is vital for maintaining regional and world peace, as well as the wellbeing of both peoples. However, over the past 40-plus years since the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, the stability of the bilateral relationship has been deteriorating. The reason for this is that there are more and more barriers that are increasingly difficult to overcome.  相似文献   

Many Chinese scholars have described China as the world's second biggest power after the U.S.. This is based on two facts. First, China overtook Japan in total economic output measured by GDP in 2010 to become the world's second biggest economy. Some scholars argue that China still lags behind the U.S. in comprehensive national power and in this sense it is also ranked second) The other is that Sino-U.S. relations are frequently described as the rise and fall of big powers, especially when referring to the Asia-Pacific region. It is the latest example of how relations between a rising power and one struggling to maintain its status have been so complex in the long history of international relations. While many people talk about the possibility that China will overtake the U.S. in the future, others talk about a G2.2 If we look closely at global trends and changes to China' s international environment, if we examine what exactly we mean by power status, we will have a much deeper understanding of China' s current power status from which we can build a solid foundation for this country' s foreign strategy and diplomacy.  相似文献   

In recent years, the "new-type relationship between major powers" ,has become a hot-topic term in the studies of internationalpolitics and international relations. Why is it necessary to build a new-type relationship between major powers? What are the essence and the connotation of such relationship? How to build it against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world that is undergoing a profound structural reform and the evolving balance of international forces in international relations in all fields and at all levels?  相似文献   

The article metaphorizes the relationship of extra-system actors with the world's dominant international system as a "jostle-to-board- the-train Game Model," and transplants the disadvantaged group theory of domestic sociology to international relations. On the basis of this the author proposes a loss-driven model to explain the self-destructive asymmetric conflicts in the world today. As the result of two climaxes in the jostle to board the train games, the author argues that three structural changes have occurred: centralization of power, institutionalization, and legitimization in the international system. These changes have created a "spindle-shaped" system structure with international disadvantaged groups taking a passive role. Although this structure is highly stable, channels for international disadvantaged groups to express their interests are blocked. As the net losers in the established system and order, international disadvantaged groups have no alternative but to follow the loss-driven model to confront the strong. Their action of "beating stone with eggs" is surely not capable of overthrowing the whole system, but creates a significant potential threat to world stability and harmony.  相似文献   

The contemporary world situation is undergoing complex and deep changes and at a conjuncture of major transformation and readjustment. Generally speaking, the international situation is stable and the common wish of the people of the world is to seek peace, development and cooperation. The international balance of power is developing in the direction favourable to world peace, leaving little possibility of major scourge of war that may disequilibrate world configuration. But the old problems affecting world tranquillity are still pending with cropping up of new problems and new conflicts. The relations among major world powers are undergoing delicate changes. There is uncertainty in regional conflicts and hot spot issues in the Middle East and Africa. Traditional security threats are intertwined with non-traditional ones.  相似文献   

The paper aims to provide a framework for understanding the global impact of the rise of the “Second World” (emerging powers, such as BRICS) brought about by globalization and the transformation of international relations and international political economy. The paper takes the point of departure from one of Gramsci’s key conceptual categories and analytical apparatus, e.g. “hegemony,” to explore the extent that the upsurge of the emerging powers has reshaped the terrain and parameters of social, economic and political relations both at the national and global levels, and has exerted pressure on the existing international order in terms of both opportunities and constraints. The paper intends to examine the dialectical nexus between the role of the emerging powers as a counter-hegemonic, socio-economic and socio-political force for a new world order. The paper’s analytical approach is to combine neo-Gramscian hegemony theories with critical post-hegemony theories. The conclusion of the paper is to suggest that in an era of globalization and transformational capitalism it is impossible for the emerging powers to establish an alternative independent hegemony; rather, the world will witness a new era of “interdependent hegemony,” in which both the “First World” and the “Second World” are intertwined in a constant process of shaping and reshaping the world order in the nexus of national interest, regional orientation, common economic and political agendas, security alliance and potential confl icts.  相似文献   

To make an assessment of the changes in the trend of U. S. status in international politics and world economy, beside development and e- volvement of the United States history, rise and fall of other nations should also be brought into consideration. At present and in the years to come, among the external powers that have the ability to compete with America, it seems the European Union (EU) is in the first place. This is determined by the EU's status in international politics and world eco…  相似文献   

Compared with world's other great powers, the United States deserves to be called a state that has both the desire and capability to rebuild the world. Therefore, its global strategy has become very important , and any nation that has dealings with Washington must take this into consideration. However, it is much debatable whether the United States has a global strategy, and whether a new global strategy has  相似文献   

The global campaign against terror has achieved considerable success over the past five years since the events of 9/11. The Taliban forces in Afghanistan have been destroyed and Al-Qeda has received a devastating blow. In Russia, Chechen secessionist terrorist forces have also suffered heavy losses. Nevertheless, the major terrorist attacks that took place in the UK, Spain, Russia, Iraq, India and Indonesia clearly demonstrate that terrorism has not yet disappeared.Terrorist attacks are on the increase, the targets are becoming more varied, and the methods more covert and more violent. Terrorist groups and organizations have become better organized in their activities and there is a trend towards the use of high-tech in the attacks.Some world public media refers to these phenomena as "counter-terrorism leading to yet more terrorism". Therefore, two fundamental questions may be posed to all countries throughout the world: What are the roots of terrorism? How can terrorism be eradicated?  相似文献   

To make an assessment of the changes in the trend of U. S. status in international politics and world economy, beside development and evolvement of the United States history, rise and fall of other nations should also be brought into consideration. At present and in the years to come, among the external powers that have the ability to compete with America, it seems the European Union (EU) is in the first place.……  相似文献   

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