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2006年7月,非洲人权法院正式成立。它是在特定背景下成立的,经历了艰难而曲折的历程。与欧洲人权法院和美洲人权法院相比,非洲人权法院既有其共性,又有其特性。非洲人权法院享有诉讼管辖权和咨询管辖权,可以适用所有相关的国际人权条约,在法官组成上注重女性比例和对所涉国家时的回避制度。新成立的非洲人权法院能否成功履行其预定职能,主要取决于非洲人权法院受到非洲国家的支持程度,以及非洲人权法院自身如何运作。  相似文献   

人权非政府组织与联合国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡拓  刘贞晔 《国际观察》2005,16(1):40-46
在二战以来的国际人权政治发展中 ,人权非政府组织与联合国已形成了日益紧密的合作关系。一方面 ,人权非政府组织积极地借助联合国来扩大自身的影响 ,并对主权国家施加更大的压力 ;另一方面 ,联合国为拓展人权事务在资源、信息和机构运作等方面也积极地倚重人权非政府组织的活动支持。人权非政府组织与联合国的这种紧密合作 ,导致了人权非政府组织对联合国人权事务和人权机构的渗透、联合国人权机构人事上的交叉任职以及复杂的国际多边人权干预 ,从而形成了包含人权非政府组织、主权国家与联合国在内的复杂三角政治关系  相似文献   

本文从巴基斯坦宗教自由现状、宪法与刑法对宗教自由权的保护、巴基斯坦国内法律与国际人权宪章关于宗教自由权规定的比较分析等几个方面对巴基斯坦宗教自由权进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

俄罗斯物权立法的现代化经历了两个多世纪的艰难曲折,仍在徘徊之中。究其原因主要在于非西方国家现代化道路选择的非自主性所导致的现代立法模式与俄罗斯本土社会文化的不相融,以至于在俄罗斯物权立法现代性的旨向中呈现出传统与现代交织的画面,导致现代化进程面临困境。作者从俄罗斯社会文化传统、社会变革的模式、民族性格和地理环境方面分析了与俄罗斯物权立法现代化相背离的阻碍因素,不仅有利于理解俄罗斯物权立法的现代化进程,同时也为克服中国物权立法中的各种阻碍因素提供了借鉴的范式。  相似文献   

Between 1968 and 1974 Italy was subjected to an unusually virulent campaign of right‐wing terrorism and subversion. An illustrative episode associated with this so‐called ‘strategy of tension’, which was characterized by the systematic use of covert ‘false flag’ operations, was the 17 May 1973 grenade attack outside Milan police headquarters that resulted in four dead and over 40 injured. Although the perpetrator, Gianfranco Bertoli, claimed to be an ‘individualist anarchist’ and had in fact established contacts with certain anarchist and leftist groups, subsequent judicial investigations revealed that he had been an informant and infiltrator for the Italian military intelligence service, that he had long maintained links with various anti‐communist and neo‐fascist organizations, and that he apparently received ‘cover’ and some type of logistical support prior to the attack from one or more ‘international secret services’. Although many aspects of the crime still remain murky, in all probability Bertoli was an agent provocateur acting on behalf of clandestine, quasi‐official intelligence apparatuses rather than a solitary anarchist engaging in violent ‘propaganda of the deed’.  相似文献   

The rise of the extreme right in Europe in recent years is an important political and social phenomenon. On 22 July 2011, a terror attackcarded out by an extreme-right-wing Norwegian zealot shocked the...  相似文献   

This article reviews the background to the rise of the right wing in South Africa and argues that there has always been a strand in Afrikaner politics with a proclivity to violence. The transformation in South Africa began in the 1980s and accelerated in the 1990s, alienating conservatives and those in the security forces who were still in the grip of the militarist doctrines espoused during the P.W. Botha era. Hit squads, dirty tricks and efforts to destabilise neighbouring governments were part of the state's response to the rise of black militance in the 1980s. Terrorism was also practised by paramilitary right‐wing groups, the biggest of which was the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB). Eventually the right‐wing counterrevolution failed, in large measure because potentially the most effective of the paramilitary forces, led by retired General Constand Viljoen, rejected the option of violence and sought instead a negotiated accommodation  相似文献   

In the run-up to South Africa's first non-racial election in 1994, extremist right-wing organizations, and their sympathizers in the state security forces, posed a real danger to the country's future democratic order. After 1994, violent, right-wing extremist activities virtually dissipated. However, during a single night in late 2002, eight bomb blasts rocked Soweto, South Africa's largest black township. An unknown organization, Boeremag (Boer force/power), claimed responsibility for the bombings. Some two dozen alleged Boeremag members, including serving military officers, were subsequently arrested and charged with terrorism-related offenses. The Boeremag makes an interesting case study of how the extreme white right in South Africa mixes politics and religion, and seeks to exploit popular grievances to garner support for the creation of a secessionist Afrikaner state. The South African white right does not have the resources, capacity, or support to successfully execute a coup d'état. The Boeremag serves as a reminder, however, that the extreme right can create instability and destruction on a significant scale in South Africa.  相似文献   

日本的政治走向是亚洲国家和国际社会长期关注的焦点问题。近年来,新保守主义左右了日本政坛,日本政治日益右倾并呈加速发展的态势,引起周边国家的忧虑和不安,为亚太地区的和平和安全蒙上了一层阴影。一、从“战后政治总决算”到“有事法制”的出台20世纪80年代,日本成为世界第二经济强国,寻求与之相称的政治大国地位逐渐成了自民党的普遍认知。中曾根康弘当政时期,提出“战后政治总决算”口号,主张清算战后以来的经济主义政治,确立向政治大国迈进的目标。在其任上,日本展开了一系列政策行动以实现“战后政治总决算”确立的目标,如大力扩张…  相似文献   

聂文娟 《亚非纵横》2012,(2):23-28,59,62
非洲的人权机制建设呈现出两个鲜明特征:一方面,在机制建设层面,非洲联盟内部已经取得了重大历史进展;另一方面,在实践履行层面,非盟成员国内部的人权形势却依然严峻。这对非盟人权事业的进一步发展构成了重大挑战,同时这种“冰火两重天”的趋势也是一个值得深入研究和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

Scholars from numerous disciplines continue to study, debate, and value Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War. This review essay first explores and elaborates many of the enduring and vital contributions of Thucydides for IR theory. It then assesses and engages three new books, including a major, wide-ranging collection of new essays and a very influential (and deeply flawed) attempt to apply the lessons of that work—one that warns of a “Thucydides Trap” that might unwittingly ensnare the United States and China, resulting in an unwanted and catastrophic war between the two. This review essay argues that, as illustrated by the books under consideration here, contemporary IR scholars would be very well served by taking Thucydides seriously and would benefit from reading and considering his History with great care; at the same time, there are enormous, perilous analytical dangers inherent in attempting to draw conclusions from a superficial reading of The Peloponnesian War.  相似文献   

印度很重视版权保护 ,其版权保护程度较高 ;严格的版权保护促进了印度软件业的发展。在世界经济全球化的大趋势下 ,世界知识产权体制也深入到了经济的每个方面 ,印度的娱乐业因此也迫切需要版权保护。  相似文献   

After the disastrous end of the Waco standoff in 1993, the Branch Davidian dead were idealized as martyrs by many on the radical right, despite the incompatibility between Davidian doctrine and right-wing ideology. This appropriation suggests the importance of martyrologists in identifying martyrs, as well as the increasing malleability of the concept of martyrdom. For martyrdom, as it appears in the right-wing treatment of the Waco affair, departs significantly from classical definitions of what constitutes a martyr.  相似文献   

the majority of the people from the Asia Pacific, especially those from China, South Korea and North Korea that were badly hurt by Japanese militarism, have been filled with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited righteous indignation when Japanese the Yasukuni Shrine on December 26, 2013 and with the resurgence of the Japanese Right Wing. However, many of these people do not take these developments seriously. They see Abe as someone with few supporters and Japan's Right Wing as having little power. Further, Japan's military might is now much weaker than the "militarist era" before the Second World War. Thus, they do not think that Abe and the Right Wing can do much harm today. They underestimate the risk that their actions pose to Asia-Pacific peace. They are not correct and this thinking can also be dangerous. They lack a deeper understanding of Japan's special political and social structure, their historical, cultural and strategic traditions, as well as their unique national disposition--such as lower levels effecting a fait accompli, daring to take risks, a tendency to attack and cruel belligerence.  相似文献   

The rise of the far right in Europe has captured the attention of the international community in recent years.Its specific features are:an unprecedentedly strong influence,an obvious trend towards the moderate line,horizontal collaboration to expand its reach,and a very adept use of social media networks.The refugee crisis has given the far right an historical opportunity.The rise has also had a profound effect on European politics;it has deepened the political divide inside EU member states,and shaken up the traditional political values and the foundation of the union.The rise of the far right will likely not change Europe's political landscape,but problems of EU governance over its handling of the refugee crisis cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出根据《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协定》安排,中国和东盟在10年内建成自由贸易区。新加坡作为东盟中的一员,亦随着中国和东盟自由贸易区的建立,与中国的经贸联系日益频繁起来。新加坡国际企业发展局提供的统计数据表明,中国现在已是新加坡的第四大贸易伙伴。2004年中新双边贸易总额为533.3亿新元(约合325.8亿美元),占新加坡外贸总额的9.19%。2005年9月,双边贸易额331.5亿美元,比2004年增长24.2%。以上数据表明,近年来中新双边贸易发展迅速,呈现出良好的发展态势,到2010年双边贸易额有望达到500亿美元。而根据中国驻新加坡大…  相似文献   

自2003年3月23日美国发动伊拉克战争迄今已历四年。四年来,美国软硬实力、内政外交因为这场战争而发生了什么样的变化?国际战略形势又随之出现了哪些变迁?对中国而言,加速发展的战略机遇期是否还将持续?伊拉克战争本身又带来哪些启示?围绕这些问题,《现代国际关系》编辑部举办了“伊拉克战争四周年国际战略形势”专题研讨会,邀请一些知名国际问题专家进行了深入探讨。现将与会专家学者的主要观点辑录刊发,以期对读者更好地理解和把握这些问题有所裨益。  相似文献   

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