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CHINA, its customs and traditions changed little throughout the millennia leading to the early 20th century. Then, after the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, revolutionary changes occurred in all areas of Chinese life, particularly in courtship and marriage rituals. Nowadays, whether or not an engaged couple adheres to longstanding customs is their own decision. In bygone days,  相似文献   

In the decades prior to the 1980s, Chinese weddings were simple occasions, for the people were then quite poor. Indeed, in the 1950s, the cost of a wedding amounted to the cost of a bed, in the 60s, a bag of candies was thrown into the bargain, and in the 1970s, Mao Zedong's Little Red Book made for the perfect wedding gift. But since China's reform and opening-up policy started to have a real impact on people's living standards in the early 1980s, weddings have become far more flamboyant affairs. Here are three accounts of post-1980 weddings in China.  相似文献   

An overview of Si no-Russian relations shows the two countries are bound by history and destiny since 1949, China and Russia have seen their relations evolve through dramatic twists and turns-from a friendly alliance based on goodwill and mutual interests, to tense  相似文献   

Jilin Province enjoys bustling trade with I the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)and four other Asia-Pacific economies,all of whom signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)agreement together with China last year,creating the largest free trade bloc in the world.  相似文献   

正Around 3 p.m. on July 19, it started to rain. It continued to rain with occasional showers landing in the city throughout the night.On July 20, I had to avoid the puddles on my way to work. The rain was getting heavier. WeChat Moments, the messaging app’s feature for posting microblogs, was rife with jokes about Zhengzhou becoming the new Venice.  相似文献   

Four More Years     
正What the world should expect from a second Obama term In the early hours of November 7, U.S. President Barack Obama stood in front of a cheering crowd and gave a victory speech promising that the best is yet to come  相似文献   

IINKSTONE,along with ink,writing brush and rice paper,are known as the Four Treasures of Study in China. For calligraphers and painters,a good inkstone is as important as the inkstick itself.An inkstone is a slate to grind the solid inkstick in water,and as such may  相似文献   

<正>China and Iran forge an enduring relationship 40 years after the establishment of diplomatic ties This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran.Over the past four decades,Sino-Iranian relations have not only endured tests,but also made great strides.Since the beginning of the 21st century in particular,the two countries have developed strong political,economic and trade ties. Early relations In April 1970,a table tennis team from the United States visited China.Iran was one of the first nations to seize upon the  相似文献   

社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性,而文化和谐是社会和谐的重要组成部分.是社会和谐的思想保证。实现文化和谐,要着重处理好主导文化与多元文化的关系,处理好文化事业与文化产业的关系,处理好传统与现代、本土与外来的关系.处理好城市文化和乡村文化的关系。  相似文献   

本文对怎样建设社会主义进行了深入的历史考察;着重对四次大的转折进行了分析;考察社会主义建设发展变化历程的目的一是进一步弄清什么是社会主义这一重大基本理论问题;二是进一步探索社会主义建设的发展规律.  相似文献   

前几年,特别酸的在某本书的扉页上,写过对音乐的感悟:“假如这世界上没有了音乐,就像一个女孩子失去了满头的黑发。”现在想来,如果音乐如发,那么歌曲是什么呢?依然很酸的想下去,你就会想到,歌曲应当是发型。美声唱法的歌曲是烫发,无论是大花小花,短波浪长波浪,总让人有一种华贵之感;民族唱法的歌曲,该是一条能拖到腰际的大辫子,或是两个小抓鬏,当然辫梢上一定要有根红头绳;那么,通俗唱法的流行歌曲呢?这变化可就大了,你一定见过王菲唱歌时的发型吧,千奇百怪:一会两个小咕嘟,一会儿独角朝天,一会如蛇漫舞,一会万辫如帘,这就是流行歌曲。千万别信那个专家给流行歌曲下的定义,他有什么权利?流行歌曲就这么无拘无束,变化莫测。你听着好听,愿意跟着哼哼,还有点儿歌星崇拜,齐了。有一老歌星,借着点掌声赶紧返场,很热情的说:“我再演唱一首流行了八十多年的流行歌曲,大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去……”,你有辙吗?流行歌曲就是那么一个有动静的东西,但身前身后必须围着一帮半大小子,年轻闺女。要围着一帮老头老太太,那不是流行歌曲,那准是大秧歌。  相似文献   

正Former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun faces a series of charges Wang Lijun, former Vice Mayor and former police chief of southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality,  相似文献   

At the end of 2014,Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the strategic layout of the Four Comprehensives—comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society,deepening reform,advancing the rule of law,and strictly governing the Communist Party of China.Later,the new guideline for development became the overall framework for the current leadership’s work and has aroused interest at home and abroad.From Issue No.17 published on April 23,Beijing Review has put forth a series of commentaries by foreign researchers commissioned by Renmin University of China’s Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies.This is the last commentary of the series,presented here in abridged form.  相似文献   

中西亲等计算方法的比较及我国相关立法建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童哲 《公安学刊》2005,(1):97-98
亲等计算法是衡量亲属关系远近的方法.西方国家主要有两种亲等计算法:一是为世界多数国家所采用的罗马法亲等计算法;二是为部分国家所采用的寺院法亲等计算法.我国当代立法沿用的是世代直示计算法.该方法计算简便易行,但精确性不够,建议吸收采用罗马法亲等计算法.  相似文献   

美国对中国产品并用反倾销反补贴措施问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据WTO贸易规则,WTO成员对来自市场经济其他成员的进口产品并用反倾销反补贴措施具有合理性和合法性.市场经济国家产品与非市场经济国家产品产生补贴重复计算的根源不同,补贴的形式也有差异.在美国对华并用反倾销反补贴的铜版纸案中,美国商务部对华适用反补贴法存在巨大的法律障碍.美国商务部拒绝给予中国市场经济地位或市场导向产业待遇,在反倾销调查中所采用的生产要素方法不可避免地导致了对中国铜版纸国内补贴的重复计算.我国有理由启动WTO争端解决机制和寻求美国司法救济.  相似文献   

李富强 《桂海论丛》2011,27(1):96-101
广西之所以堪称民族团结的模范、维护统一的模范、维护稳定的模范,是我国民族关系‘三个离不开’的模范,主要是应归功于党和国家正确的民族政策;广西壮族自治区各级党委、政府认真贯彻落实党的民族政策,脚踏实地地带领全区共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展;兄弟省区、兄弟民族的无私、大力的支援;广西各族人民对中华民族的坚定不移的认同。要维护和发展广西"四个模范",必须坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,推进广西经济社会又好又快发展,正确处理各类社会矛盾,加强宣传教育,推动民族交流,巩固和发展平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系。  相似文献   

20世纪以来西方生态思潮经历了四次值得注意的论争:一是生态悲观主义和生态乐观主义的交锋;二是生态现代主义和生态后现代主义的分野;三是无差别主体指向与差异性主体指向的纷争;四是绿色生态思潮和红色生态思潮的辉映。西方生态思潮发展对我国的生态文明建设具有如下借鉴意义:一是建设生态文明要警惕盲目的技术乐观主义;二是建设生态文明要发挥理论先导的作用,建设中国特色的生态文化;三是在生态文明建设过程中注意社会制度的协调跟进,推进社会公平正义,维护环境公平等。  相似文献   

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