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哈尔滨冰雪艺术的新创造●徐宜军一年一度的冰雪节,不仅给冰城哈尔滨人以无限的乐趣,而且给数以万计的海内外旅游者增添新的景点。国家旅游局已把“冰雪哈尔滨”列为当代中国35个王牌景点之一。哈尔滨人民创造出的独具特色的冰雪文化,已走出北疆雪域,走出国门,给海...  相似文献   

辛云鹏 《学理论》2013,(10):83-84
众所周知,哈尔滨拥有发展冰雪旅游得天独厚的自然条件和坚实的发展基础,同时哈尔滨发展冰雪旅游也遭遇国际国内激烈市场竞争的威胁。在体验经济的大潮中,如何在激烈竞争的条件下赢得更大的市场份额,吸引和感染更多游客,已经成为哈尔滨发展冰雪旅游要考虑的关键问题。在分析了哈尔滨发展冰雪体验旅游过程中存在问题的基础上,提出了哈尔滨发展体验式冰雪旅游的策略。  相似文献   

杨春玲 《学理论》2011,(28):80-81
目前,东北亚各国积极开发冰雪旅游资源,发展冰雪旅游。哈尔滨冰雪旅游资源丰富,是中国最早开展冰雪旅游的城市,面临着前所未有的挑战和机遇。首先分析了以中国、日本和韩国为代表的东北亚国家冰雪旅游发展的现状;接着又从资源、产品、品牌、管理、环境、成长、创新等方面,分析哈尔滨冰雪旅游的竞争力;最后又着眼于东北亚区域,提出提高哈尔滨冰雪旅游竞争力的发展策略。  相似文献   

哈尔滨意在东北亚本刊记者哈尔滨的冬季是冰雪的世界,也是这个北方重镇最富魅力的季节。1月5日晚,哈尔滨在缤纷的礼花中迎来了她的第十个冰雪节,同时也迎来了擘划这个城市未来命运的一次最重要的会议──将哈尔滨建设成为东北亚重要国际经贸城市战略研讨会的召开。"...  相似文献   

当前我国旅游发展已经进入全域旅游、冰雪旅游和目的地旅游的全新时代。作为最热门旅游城市之一的哈尔滨必须跟上时代步伐,转换旅游思维,充分利用哈尔滨自身在全国起步早、基础设施齐全、冰雪文化独特的诸多优势条件,积极创建全国冰雪旅游首选目的地。在发展路径方面,应选择打造冰雪生活城市、冰雪产业城市和文化品质城市。与此同时,也要在做好规划、市场监管、激活市场主体的活力、实现营销渠道创新等方面提供充足的保障。  相似文献   

哈尔滨冰雪旅游历经半个世纪的发展,冰雪旅游产业链初步形成。但是目前制约哈尔滨冰雪旅游产业发展的因素依然存在,冰雪旅游产业链尚需完善。从研究哈尔滨冰雪旅游产业研究的特殊意义着手,总结了哈尔滨冰雪旅游产业的发展现状,分析了制约哈尔滨冰雪旅游产业发展的因素,进而提出了促进哈尔滨冰雪旅游产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

瑞士是一个山地国家,拥有得天独厚的滑雪资源和条件,冰雪旅游产业发达,滑雪运动普及,堪称"冰雪王国",对于冰雪旅游重要城市哈尔滨而言,有许多值得学习的经验。近年来,哈尔滨以建设"国内冰雪旅游首选目的地""世界冰雪文化旅游名城"为目标,抓住北京冬奥会的机遇,发掘冰雪资源优势,以全域旅游为抓手,推动产业融合发展、冰雪旅游蓬勃发展。结合瑞士滑雪旅游的发展经验,从政策支持、滑雪场建设、赛事培育、人才培养、品牌打造五个方面,提出了哈尔滨发展滑雪旅游、推动冰雪旅游高质量发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

徐淑梅 《学理论》2008,(4):64-65
建设世界冰雪旅游名城已成为新世纪哈尔滨市跨越式发展战略,面临着来自国内外冰雪旅游市场的激烈竞争以及自身发展中存在的诸多问题和严峻形势,如何发展冰雪旅游,做好冰雪旅游产业文章,真正将哈尔滨建设成为国际知名的冰雪旅游城市,是摆在哈尔滨人和黑龙江人面前的重大课题。本文针对此课题提出了进行国际水准规划。政府主导,社会参与,市场运作。旅游经营要走“提质增效”的道路,产品创新、市场营销策略、营造世界冰雪旅游名城环境氛围、提升旅游服务、人才兴旅等相应对策。  相似文献   

吴冬颖  赵雅波 《学理论》2022,(10):94-96
哈尔滨冰雪旅游一直以特色最突出、知晓度最广和竞争力最强成为中国冰雪旅游业的佼佼者,是哈尔滨旅游业的支柱性品牌,对哈尔滨城市影响力和辐射力的提升做出了不可估量的贡献。然而,面对国内冰雪旅游遍地开花的现状,如何扩大哈尔滨冰雪旅游的优势再塑昔日辉煌是亟须研究的紧迫性课题。为更客观清晰地自我评价,在中国冰雪旅游实力最强的东北板块中,选取同为省会城市、地理区位条件、冰雪旅游资源和冰雪旅游客源地与哈尔滨高度相似,且冰雪旅游发展的速度、规模和质量均在近几年取得耀眼成绩的长春市作为参照物开展对比研究,力图使结论更具说服力,所提对策建议更具有针对性和可操作性。  相似文献   

正进入冬季以来,盘锦冰雪旅游系列活动好戏连台,几十项冰雪旅游活动将一直持续到3月。冬雪温泉的世界,一片银装眼。疙瘩楼冰雪嘉年华、中尧七彩庄园首届冰雪节、总部生态城冰雪大世界等活动相继举办。第四届疙瘩楼冰雪温泉嘉年华启幕。当天,近万名游客集聚疙瘩楼,共同领略冬季冰雪风情,掀起又一轮雪域狂欢。此次冰雪嘉年华设置了滑雪圈、冰滑梯等40佘项冰雪休闲娱乐项目,可以满足游客从娱乐到挑战的  相似文献   

长期以来,中国传统节日文化在中华民族的文化史上起了重要的作用,尽管传统节日文化的休闲文化有诸多缺失与遗憾,没有形成现代意义上的休闲文化,但是在构建大众休闲文化的过程中,传统节日文化以其独特性、民族性为我们所重视,依然是构建大众休闲文化的核心。  相似文献   

四、国际竞争力的差距城市的国际竞争力是城市参与国际竞争的能力 ,是城市对全球人才、技术、资金等资源的吸引能力。城市国际竞争力的强弱取决于城市信息化水平、科技实力、国际交通能力和经济开放度的高低。在这些方面 ,北京国际交通能力较低 ,其他几方面的基础条件与发达国家接近。(一 )信息化程度接近发达国家水平资料显示 ,2 0世纪 80年代前后 ,以纽约为首的几个全球性世界城市正是通过电信技术的革新 ,使信息活动得以集中化 ,从而使得在一个特定城市的中心区协调和控制全国乃至全球经济成为可能。例如纽约 ,至 1 984年 ,美国有 1 /3的…  相似文献   

Price  Simon 《Public Choice》1997,92(3-4):407-427
There is clear evidence that government popularity and election performance is affected, in part, by economic performance, suggesting that governments may manipulate the economy to political advantage. Simple models incorporating adaptive expectations which allowed the government to exploit this relationship were developed in the 1970s, but fell out of fashion with the advent of new-classical economics. However, modern theories of the political business cycle, which are closely related to the macroeconomic policy game literature, assume rational expectations, and lead to forms of political business cycle, driven by the existence of uncertainty of one type or another. The international evidence suggests that some aspects of the theories apply, although definitive conclusions are – as we might expect – hard to come by.  相似文献   

黄澄 《学理论》2012,(10):140-141
按照原哈尔滨市市委书记盖如垠关于《挖掘金源文化,提升哈尔滨城市知名度》一文的批示,我们加强对金源文化相关问题的研究,并就一些专题设立科研项目,本文是第二阶段的研究成果。金源文化作为哈尔滨地区曾经辉煌的文明历史的代表,是哈尔滨历史的骄傲。金源文化极大地丰富了中华民族传统文化,加速了民族的融合,体现出了中华民族文化多源多流而一体的特色。本文研究了金源文化的起源和内涵、金源文化所包含的文化遗存、金源文化与现代哈尔滨的关系等方面的内容,并在金源文化的保护与开发上提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This study explores how the socio-cultural aspects of Nowruz are resemiotised to represent, orient and organize ideological constructs in Tehran’s “Fatemi Spring” billboards. These billboards are semiotic constructs with mixed messages about the coincidence of the Iranian new year festival of Nowruz at the beginning of spring and the Shia religious mourning on the occasion of the passing away of the holy prophet’s daughter Fateme, known as the Fatemiye period. Based on an integrated social semiotics approach, the study draws on multimodal analysis to elucidate the way semiotic resources are used for ideological transition within this discursive context. Quantitative enquiry methods are applied to illuminate the meaning construction processes shaped by the research corpus. The results show that in the generic discourse of Fatemi Spring billboards, the elements of Fatemiye mourning that belong to Shia beliefs are mostly preferred and the natural elements of spring are replaced by the Nowruz celebration rituals. Thus, people in power (billboard designers) appear to apply these ideological structures as a means to exercise discursive control over Tehran citizens.  相似文献   

燕继荣 《政治学研究》2020,(2):2-13,M0002
中共十九届四中全会《决定》为中国政治学提出了新议题:如何理解制度优势、制度供给与治理效能的关系、如何把制度优势转化为治理效能。讨论上述议题,需要探究国家治理效能的来源。在当今国际体系中,国家作为一个共同体,其运行状况和竞争实力取决于两方面的表现:一是发展水平,二是治理能力。这也就是说,发展和治理是国家的双重任务和追求。无论谋发展,还是求治理,国家运转需要有制度支撑,也需要有政策支持,因此,制度供给和政策供给二者互动状况决定着国家治理的绩效。良好的制度要配套良好的政策才能产生良好的效能,中国发展绩效实则就是制度效应与政策效应相结合的结果。中国在实现发展中国家所追求的主要目标方面,尤其是在40多年改革开放政策推动下,显示了良好的绩效。主要资源国家所有和多种所有制下不同经济主体市场化竞争的经济制度、中国共产党全面领导的制度体系、单一制中央集权的行政体制,这三项制度的综合效应支持了中国高效快速的发展,也为中国治理优势的展现提供了保障。今后,中国共产党应继续凭借集中性、协调性、持续性、高效性的制度优势,通过改革创新,集中力量解决人民关切的问题,并通过对现实问题的逐一解决最终实现制度的成熟固化。  相似文献   

This article analyses the extent to which national policies in the highly internationalised environmental sector are influenced by the policy preferences of political parties. The focus is on policy outputs rather than environmental performance as the central indicator of policy change. Based on a discussion of the relevant theoretical literature competing hypotheses are presented. For an empirical test, a dataset is used that includes information on the number of environmental policies adopted in 18 OECD countries at four points in time between 1970 and 2000. The results show that not only international integration, economic development and problem pressure, but also aspects of party politics, influence the number of policies adopted. The number of environmental measures increases if the governmental parties adopt more pro‐environmentalist policy positions. This effect remains robust even when controlling for the institutional strength of governments, the left‐right position of parties in government, the inclusion of an ecological or left‐libertarian party inside the (coalition) government, and the presence of a portfolio that deals exclusively with environmental issues.  相似文献   

This article analyses the formation and development of business associations in Central America from the 1960s to the present. It shows how the development of the region's economies and its formal business associations were shaped by increasing economic integration in the region and by foreign governments and institutions. The argument presented is that the role of external actors and increasing international economic and political integration renders inadequate the commonly held explanation regarding the existence and operation of business associations as interest groups in the region. The origin, cohesiveness, evolution and influence of many formal business organizations in Central America is the result not only of a self-help function, the dynamics of business–state relations, or that of business reacting to perceived threats from labour or other organized groups, but also of various international influences. These international forces worked to both divide and unify the region's business interests but overall have increased their numbers and the technical and political capacity of both new and existing organizations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ethics and Government: Preliminary Considerations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This symposium reproduces several of the papers presented during the international conference sponsored by the Queensland University of Technology Centre for the Study of Ethics, at Parliament House, Brisbane, 11-13 February, 1999. The theme of the conference was 'Government and Business: Integrity and Accountability'. The papers have been revised following discussions within a research colloquium associated with the conference. They were initially presented within a strand entitled 'Competition, Marketisation, Public Services and Public Ethics' which explored ethical issues for contemporary government within different national contexts (New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Australia) around the impact of economic policies that have reframed the role of government primarily as a servant of the international market.  相似文献   


Momentous events in Western democracies have brought renewed attention to how various aspects of government-controlled policy outputs and outcomes affect citizens’ trust in politics. Unlike most previous research, this study uses individual-level panel data to test the link between government performance evaluations and political trust. Moreover, it gauges performance in more policy areas than previous research, including key aspects of government-controlled social services as well as a wide range of economic risks. The study finds that evaluations of government performance affect political trust but that the evidence is stronger for evaluations of social protection than for economic risks. Crucially, the analysis suggests that the relationship between performance evaluations and distrust is reciprocal. The relationship may be described as a ‘downbound spiral’ where dissatisfied groups develop distrust, which in turn makes for a more pessimistic interpretation of economic risks and welfare state performance.  相似文献   

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