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<正>The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18 th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)reviewed and a pproved the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Certain Key Issues Concerning Comprehensively Pushing Forward the Rule of Law(hereafter,"Decision").The plenary session was convened at a pivotal stage in comprehensively building a well-off society and comprehensively deepening reform.It was the first of its kind with the theme of  相似文献   

正Mr. Luo Haocai taught at Peking University Law School for a long time. Even though he held such important positions as vice president of Peking University (PKU),chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party, vice president of the Supreme People’s Court, and vice chairman of the Ninth and Tenth National Committee of the CPPCC, he preferred being called "Teacher Luo." My frequent interactions with Teacher Luo started in 2007 and continued to 2016 when he was the president of the CSHRS.  相似文献   

International human rights instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant  相似文献   

正It has been more than a decade since I met Teacher Luo Haocai. Before I met him, I had already heard that he was an approachable scholar. Although he was at a high position and played a leading role in establishing China’s administrative law, he always had a peaceful mind, which was highly respected and honored by colleagues in the academic community. After I actually met him, I was deeply impressed by the  相似文献   

正On November 3, 2011 when I attended the experience exchange meeting for human rights institutions held at Sichuan University, I had my first close contact with Teacher Luo Haocai. At the meeting, I gave a speech on the theme of the history and status quo of human rights research and teaching at Southwest University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL). At lunchtime, Teacher Luo went to the restaurant with us to eat buffet, when he specially asked me to his table and further inquired about the  相似文献   

Question: Would you elaborate on the progress China has made under the state policy of reform and opening-up in improving the system of administrative litigation?
Answer: Efforts-in this reguard began in 1982, with publication of the Law of Civil Procedures (for trial implementation).  相似文献   

The UN Charter first of all affirmed the basic concept of international protection of human rights and opened up a broad space for international protection of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an important document in the development of the international human rights cause. It established a set of international standards for basic human rights, represents the world's most important consensus on human rights, and contributes greatly to the creation of an international human rights legal system. The important theory put forward by President Xi Jinping to build a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings, as a Chinese program for today s global major issues, also outlines a new blueprint for national human rights protection and will play a major role in promoting the development of China's human rights and international human rights protection.  相似文献   

<正>From Nov.5 to 6,2013,the China Society for Human R i g h t s S t u d i e s(C S H R S)held the Fifth National Meeting for the Exchange of Work Experience Among Human Rights Research Institutions at Wuhan University.More than 100 experts and scholars,focusing on empirical human rights studies and their contribution to building a society based on the rule of law,shared their work experience and discussed effective strategies.CSHRS President  相似文献   

Question: As you know. attention is now growing in China and outside to judicial protection of human rights. As President of the Supreme People's Court and China's top judge, would you make some comments on protection of human rights under China's juridical system?  相似文献   

<正>Key points:Throughout the ages,rule of law has been an indispensable means of governing a state.However,as General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out,it is not enough to govern a state by the rule of law  相似文献   

Question: On March 17, 2004, theSecond Session of the Tenth NationalPeople's Congress, China's highest leg-islature, approved the revision of Chi-na's Constitution to include a newclause reading "the state shall respectand protect human rights." This causedwidespread repercussions in China andabroad. We'd like to have your com-ment on it. Answer: I have to note that before thenew constitutional clause was adopted,human rights had already been protectedunder China's Constitution and laws.…  相似文献   

The first time I have learnt the name Wu Qing was in a host show, "Close-Up" on CCTV-4. She is a professor of Beijing Foreign Studies Univer-sity, and moreover she is the daughter of one of Chinese literary giants, Ms. Bing Xin. I was immediately fascinated not  相似文献   

The CPC Central Committee has put forward the thesis of integrating the leadership of the Party, the position of people as masters of the country, and the rule of law. This thesis is an important development of the Marxist legal ideology and the socialist theory of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics. It is also a main line of the construction of a socialist rule of law country with Chinese characteristics and should be the general and basic principle of the construction of the theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the CPC should also endeavor to guarantee the realization of human rights, under the leadership of whom we advance the rule of law of "ensuring that the people are masters of the country" and "respecting and protecting human rights" in order to implement the modernization of the state governance system and capacity in which democracy, rule of law and human rights are the core elements of the country.  相似文献   

Within the international human rights circle,Abduliahi AhmedAn-Na'im is regarded as a representative of Southern voices.Under such a circumstance that the confrontation between the West and non-Western countries on human rights has become a routine reality,An-Na'im advocates a contingent universality of human rights or contingent universality of human rights, and insists that the universality of human rights be based on the cultural legitimacy of human rights.While he sees the internal dialogue of human rights in all non-Western countries,including Islamic ones,as a basic way to ensure the international human rights standards be accepted gradually,he also believes the cross-cultural dialogue among different societies can eventually lead to the reconstruction of the legitimacy of international human rights standards or even the standards themselves.An-Na'im's theory of moderate cultural relativism points a way to achieve universality of human rights for developing countries,but there are a few questions that need to be further addressed.  相似文献   

<正>Since 1999,there have been 11 Sino-German Human Rights symposiums.Due to the concept of peace and development and the principle of dialogue through consultation,nonconfrontation and pragmatism with equality,which have been upheld by organizers,such symposiums have made great achievements.The  相似文献   

Women's human rights are an important component part of human rights. The Chinese government has over the years made equality between men and women a basic state policy and made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention in the legislation and practice on protecting the rights of women. Not long ago, Ms. Huang Qingyi, Vice-Chairperson of the All-China Women's Federation, granted an interview with this reporter and answered questions on related issues.  相似文献   

The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held in 2003 set the task of promoting the reform of China's judicial system, a task seen as of strategic importance to the country's development. Shortly afterwards, the CPC Central Committee set up the Leading Group for the Judicial System Reform (LGJSR). By basing itself on the results of investigations conducted by itself and suggestions and ideas collected from all sectors of society, the LGJSR has produced some initial opinions on  相似文献   

An exhibition on human rights in China was held in the Cultural Palace of Ethnic Groups, Beijing, November 17-26,2006, jointly by the Information Office of the State Council, China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) and China Human Rights Development Fund. The exhibition attracted more than 10,000 visitors from in and outside the country and aroused much media attention. Following is an interview by our reporter with Prof. Dong Yunhu, vice-president and secretary-general of the CSHRS, on the exhibition.  相似文献   

Under Article 2(1) of the International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights,States undertake three primary obligations,namely obligations of progressive realization, obligations of non-retrogression and obligations to the maximum available resources. In a domestic constitutional setting,it has been firmly established that protection of economic,social and cultural rights is unavoidably linked to all kinds of economic resources,this so-called resource-dependence dilemma has posed serious constitutional challenges to fulfilling our commitments to human rights.It is therefore not only useful but also necessary to transform the three primary legal obligations under ICESCR into specific and concrete fiscal obligations.This article provides three approaches for a systematic construction of a financial analysis of economic,social and cultural rights protection.First,States should identify all the available revenues in a democratic process.Second,the budget allocation of economic resources per se is a matter of allocative justice,and State legislatures must act in a way that meets the essential requirements of allocative justice.Lastly,States are bound by certain legal principles to deal with reasonable budget expenditure,and this is the primary obligation for the executive.Based on intensive international comparisons of selected jurisdictions and China's rights realities,this article proposes bifurcated solutions for China 's constitutional protection of economic,social and cultural rights both on horizontal and vertical levels regarding its ongoing fiscal reforms.  相似文献   

<正>This session of the Forum has the theme,"The Chinese Dream:New Progress in the Cause of Human Rights in China."This theme concentrates on such important subtopics as"The Chinese Dream and Human Rights,""Innovation in National Governance and Human Rights Protection,"  相似文献   

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