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正Mr. Luo Haocai taught at Peking University Law School for a long time. Even though he held such important positions as vice president of Peking University (PKU),chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party, vice president of the Supreme People’s Court, and vice chairman of the Ninth and Tenth National Committee of the CPPCC, he preferred being called "Teacher Luo." My frequent interactions with Teacher Luo started in 2007 and continued to 2016 when he was the president of the CSHRS.  相似文献   

The human rights education is an educational activity aimed at cultivating the sense of respect-ing human rights. International organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), the State, local groups, families, schools, communities and citizens all have their respective and irre-placeable roles in it, while the State is the main body responsible for promoting human rights education. At a time when human rights have walked out of scholars' studies and statues of constitutions and laws towards society and life. That is to say, at a time when the slogan of human rights is materialized, there arise some outstanding questions such as: Who are to be the educators? Who are to be educated? What should be taught? How is the education conducted? This article is to present an initial analysis of the issues associ-ated with the State as the major actor in human rights education.  相似文献   

Protecting the rights and interests of workers and staff members constitutes an important aspect of China's human rights protection. At the time when the country is dealing with impacts of the global financial crisis, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions has been working fruitfully and effectively to accelerate economic and social development and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, therefore making contributions to the protection of the rights and interests of Chinese workers. Now I would like to make a brief introduction on this subject.  相似文献   

LI ERPING the 《人权》2012,(3):20-21
At the invitation of Professor Francois Collart-Dutilleul from the University of Nantes in France,I attended an international academic conference focusing on the EU’s foreign policies after the Lisbon Treaty,which was held at the university from Nov.21 to Dec.1,2011. Afterwards Professor Collart-Dutilleul asked me to give a lecture on human rights in China to his Ph.D.students and the following is what I got from this experience in France.  相似文献   

正Chairman Luo Haocai served as the president of CSHRS from 2007 to 2016.During those nine years, he built deep friendships with researchers on human rights.Because President Luo served as vice chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC for a long time, we were used to calling him "Chairman Luo." Chairman Luo was a leader with strategic and overall awareness, a scholar-official, an elder with a young mentality, and a motivator and protector of young people.  相似文献   

The "2018·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights" was successfully held at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, on June 28. The seminar was hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the International Institute of Human Rights, and was organized by the Human Rights Institute at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law and the French ADELIE Language and Cultural Exchange Association. The University of Strasbourg, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and European Institute for Political and Strategic Communication were served as co-organizers. Over 60 experts and scholars in the field of human rights from China and Europe attended the seminar in search of the diversity of civilization and human rights protection, focusing on themes such as "the philosophy of human rights in a Chinese context", "the philosophy of human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its reflection", "human rights theory and practice in a pluralistic world", "human rights exchanges and dialogues under the diversity of civilization", and "in search of human rights consensus in diverse civilizations." In the context of respecting diversity, the seminar sought a consensus to promote trans-cultural communication in the form of dialogues and to strengthen understanding between the academic circles of China and Europe.  相似文献   

THE realization of human rights not only requires lay- ing claims to rights, but also demanding a social environment tavorable to human rights de- velopment. China's priorities for the cause of human rights protection are to create a social order favorable to the full realization of human rights, and to construct an environment for sustainable human rights develop- ment," said Luo Haocai, president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), during his opening- ceremony address at the Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights.  相似文献   

QI YANPING 《人权》2014,(5):16-17
We feel a great honor and heavy responsibil- ity upon the Human Rights Research Center at Shandong University being named one of China's national human rights education and training bases. In our view, national human rights education and training bases should keep up with the times, bring into full play their ad- vantages of uniqueness and openness, complement each other, make con- certed efforts to achieve innovation and vigorously boost the development of Chinese human rights theory and practice. The university center will continue to bring into play its tradi- tional strength in theoretical research and graduate education and work hard to fulfill all the tasks of the center. It will focus on the following work.  相似文献   

Debates concerning the relationship between human rights and cyberspace(specifically, the internet)) have recently become fashionable in various disciplines but most of the analysis has paid scant attention to the spatial attribute of cyberspace. In this paper, I outline a framework for a spatial inquiry into the usefulness of human rights in cyberspace, relying heavily on the emerging ‘spatial turn' in law as well as the continual intellectual redirection toward a locally-focused approach to human rights. To answer the question of whether cyberspace is useful for improving the effectiveness of international human rights law everywhere, I begin by clarifying the significance of the spatiality of human rights from a geographic perspective, and then provide an analysis of the relationship between human rights and cyberspace. Human rights, I argue, are inherently geographic, and are spatially embodied in cyberspace. Accordingly, I try to explore the local relevance of cyberspace in contributing to the investigation of the effectiveness of international human rights law at local sites by an empirical endeavor to emphasize the right to education in China.  相似文献   

At present,human rights protection has been recognized as one of the three main topics on the UN agenda together with development and security,due to its increasing importance in the arena of contemporary international relations and international politics.The diffusion of human rights culture across the world will more or less facilitate the development of human rights in all states.  相似文献   

<正>We feel a great honor and a heavy responsibility upon the Human Rights Research Center at Shandong University being named one of China’s national human rights education and training bases.In our view,national human rights education and training bases should keep up with the times,bring into full play their advantages of uniqueness and openness,complement each other,make concerted efforts to achieve innovation  相似文献   

正The 19th National Congress was a meeting of strategic importance at a decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society and at the critical moment when socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.At this important political event for the CPC and the country,the staff of China Ethnic Languages Translation Bureau was honored to participate in  相似文献   

LIU XIAOYAN 《人权》2010,(1):39-39
The China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) shared its views on human rights with European officials and scholars when CSHRS President Luo Haocai, heading a CSHRS delegation, visited Belgium and the headquarters of the European Union and the European Commission on September 19-24, 2009.  相似文献   

<正>Exchange and cooperation in the i eld of human rights education,between higher education and research institutions in the Chinese mainland and foreign human rights institutions and relevant international organizations,are an important aspect of human rights exchange and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and foreign countries.The China University of Political Science and Law is the first university in the mainland to establish  相似文献   

There is no man or state in the world that can essentially argue against norms and rules of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But in this case a question appears: what reasons don't lead to application of this conception in all the states and in the world at all? Appealing of the world community to peace, safety and abidance by human rights is often ignored by some states and societies and sometimes is absolutely right qualified as an effort to interfere to internal affairs of a sovereign state. We should analyze the real essence of the human rights conception and compare it with its official explanation to find the reasons of this situation. At the beginning of this report let's give its basic points.  相似文献   

When discussing the relationship between the Internet and human rights,we need to have a broad exploration of human rights issues across the current media environment,featuring rapidly growing technologies and increasingly extensive applications.It is worth emphasizing that,since the Internet and its related applications are still under development,with Chinese society at a transitional stage,it is important for us to look at these issues with a dynamic view and handle human rights concerning the Internet in an  相似文献   

There is substantial attention in the international community being directed at present to the human rights of people with disabilities. An international convention on human rights and disability is being actively considered through the United Nations system. Internationally, the case for a human rights Convention specifically dealing with people with disabilities  相似文献   

ZHAN ZHONGLE  SU YU 《人权》2010,(2):26-31
During the process of human rights protection worldwide, poverty is increasingly attracting attentions from the international community. Whether the right of getting out of poverty can be regarded as a basic human right is still undetermined, at least it has become an unavoidable focus in the human rights area. In the article, I plan to discuss the significance of poverty eradication to human rights protection, review the efforts and achievements China has made in this regard and analyze, examine and introspect the existing problems.  相似文献   

FU ZITANG 《人权》2014,(5):18-18
<正>The Southwest University of Political Science and Law is one of the earliest higher-learning institutions that conducted human rights education and research,with a long history and rich experience in human rights education and research and a great number of professionals.After many years’efforts,the Human Rights Education and Research Center at the university has cultivated an excellent academic team,consisting of four  相似文献   

LUO YUTING 《人权》2014,(5):15-16
<正>The Human Rights Research Academy of Wu han University being named a national human rights education and training base is an affirmation and sign of trust in the university as well as a glorious responsibility.We are going to work hard to build the academy into a world-recognized education and research platform with Chinese characteristics,making its necessary contribution to human rights development in China.Wuhan University has a long tradition and academic strength in  相似文献   

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