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Asmile was written all over Yao Yunlang's face when he talked about his newly renovated house."The wood and brick structure is well kept,so are the doors decorated with assorted carved flowers,"said Yao,"This is too good to be true."  相似文献   

"NO! This type of screw should never be used!" says Thomas R. Conlon to a worker. Strict and zealous, this American professor (Chinese name Kang Deming) is in China to help bring windmill technology to rural residents. "Though this kind of screw won't harm the machine, we haven't tested it," Thomas explains to the worker in broken Chinese. "It would be irresponsible to our customers if problems emerge in the future." The incident is indicative of Conlon's high standards and dedication.  相似文献   

Back to School     
Schools across China are opening their gates to welcome students displaced by the Sichuan earthquake Tlie first day in a new school is usually hard for a transferred student,and it was particularly so for 17-year-old Zeng Yan.Not only was she m strange surroundings and a different city,but she  相似文献   

Back to School     
Students at Beijing's Zhongguancun No.3 Primary School raise the national flag on September 1, when primary and middle schools across China started the fall semester.China is exempting about 28.21 million urban students in the nine-year compulsory education program from tuition fees this semester. The students need to pay for textbooks and uniforms only.  相似文献   

SUIYANG County in north- ern Guizhou is known in the region as an incubator of poets. County records compiled from the early Yuan Dynasty (279-68) until today show that a great many Chinese poets emerged from Suiyang. Since the found- ing of the people…  相似文献   

State-owned enterprises will no longer get a free ride as the Chinese Government steps up reforms and more profits will go to public benefits  相似文献   

Having failed to form a coalition government, Israel prepares for an election sraeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni admitted her failure to form a new government on October 26, thrusting Israel into a complicated, uncertain transitional period. Israel is scheduled to hold a parliamentary election on February 10 next year. As the winning party is unlikely to gain enough seats for a majority, it will need time to organize a coalition government. Therefore, the transitional period could be as long as six months. During this period, current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who resigned in September amid corruption allegations, will run a caretaker government. In the meantime, the United States will swear in a new president and Palestinian National  相似文献   

LiaoningProvinceComingBacktoPowerBystaffreportLIJIANGUOLIAONINGPROVINCEinNortheastChinaisanimporstate-ownedenterprisesastheba...  相似文献   

Bringing Relief     
China is mobilizing medical and epidemic prevention resources from around the country to ensure adequate levels of care for earthquake survivors"When the rescued people arrive, what we can do is to try our best to restore their health,"said Liu Xiaoguang,Deputy Principal of Peking University Third Hospital and head of Beijing's medical rescue team for the Sichuan earthquake.As one of the first  相似文献   

IN1996,archaeologistsmadenewdiscoveriesinZigong,apopularexcavaionsiteinSichuanProvince.Earlyintheyear,awell-preserveddinosaurskeletonwasunearthednearaconstructionsite.ResearchlatershowedthistobeacreatureoftheLateJurassic,whichindicatedthatithadbeenburiedinthePmplishsandstoneoftheregionforabout150allonyears.Anerreconstruction,thedinosaurwasseentobe20meterslong,3.5met-ershighfromthegroundtoitsspine,anditsheadoverthreestorieshigh.In0ctoberthatsameyear,over200dinosaurfootyrintswerefoundonrocksa…  相似文献   

MY 12-year-old son's bedtime question last night was Mom, when will Mrs. Mei bring Angel back to Beijing?
Mrs. Mei (Kathy) was the principal of The Wall Street Journal's Beijing Office. She and Mr. Mei, who was the first secretary of the U.S. Embassy in China, passed a four-year term here before returning to the U.S. in 2006. My family cherishes memories of our wonderful times with them. Although separated by the Pacific Ocean now, the friendship between our two families has remained close.  相似文献   

In the early hours of the morning in Shanghai,2004,a man pulling a three-wheel cart cycles through the streets.Hunched over his handlebars,he meanders through the jumble of alleyways crowded with furniture being sold by elderly couples.  相似文献   

Gobacktonature,understandherandProtecttheenvironment"isthesloganofChinaEcotour'99,jointlylaunchedbytheChinaNationalTourismAdministrationandtheStateEnvironmentalProtectionAgency.Chinahasawealthofuniqueecotourismresources,includingavarietyofforestparks,naturereserves,scenicspotsandhistoricalsites,aswellas56ethnicgroupswiththeircolorfulculturesandcustoms.ChinaEcotour'99aimstorationallydevelopprogramsthatcontributetoenvironmentalprotectionwhiletakingadvantageoftheabove-mentionedresourcestoprom…  相似文献   

SWORD-MAKER GaoQingmin first dreamt ofmaking swords whenstanding by his father atthe furnace. As a teenag-er, he was apprenticed to hisblacksmith father Gao Xikun, andschooled in stories of master iron-smiths Ou Yezi and Gan Jiang,both famous for forging high-quality Tangxi swords. In the 1930s, Gao Xikunworked at a German machine fac-tory in Tianjin, where he learnedmetallurgical techniques. Afterthe founding of new China, he  相似文献   

BEIJING is becoming ever more international, an image its national gallery must reflect by having a world-class art institution - a Chinese Louvre or Metropolis. After a one-year closure for renovations, and on the 40th anniversary of its founding, the China National Museum of Fine Arts is open and ready for business.  相似文献   

FIOR hundreds of years the Dong ethnic group has nestled on the Hunan-GuizhouGuangxi borders in southern China. With a population of around 2.9 million, it is a relatively largeminority but has shared territory in these mountainous regions withthe Han, Miao, Zhuang, Yao, Shui and Tujia ethnic groups.  相似文献   

China'sSchoolDropouts:GivingThemHopeByYUXIANGJUNProjectHope,aimedathelpingpoorchildreninChinawhocannotarffordtogotoschool,has...  相似文献   

Cutting Back     
China is on target to reach its goal of reducing national energy consumption by 20 percent in 2010 china's efforts to reduce energy consumption and emissions nationwide have achieved great results so far. According to information jointly  相似文献   

DONG Junqi's wash paintings capture the beauty and quiet elegance of crystal ice, a unique natural characteristic of northern China. The artist mainly depicts the perennially snow-capped Changbai Mountains. His skillful use of ink-and-wash, and the meticulous layout of his work, owes a clear debt to traditional Chinese landscape painting, as well as expressing Dong's own innovative style.  相似文献   

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