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《中外关系鉴览1950—2005——中国与大国关系定量衡量》一书,是清华大学国际问题研究所的学者新近出版的一部运用事件数据分析方法进行国家双边关系定量衡量的著述。该书系统梳理了建国以来中外关系的发展情况,覆盖了几乎所有对7组大国关系有影响的重要事件,根据记录绘制了中外双边关系曲线,得到一系列有意义和启发性的分析结论,并建立了一个庞大完整的中外双边关系数据库。这在中国国际问题研究领域具有开创性意义。但该书也存在一些不足和需要完善之处,有待后来者继续挖掘,不断探索。  相似文献   

欢庆百年同济校庆之际,德国问题研究所李乐曾教授广览中德文献资料,搜集中德档案及私人珍藏,以缜密的取证和科学的分析,撰就《德国对华政策中的同济大学(1907-1941)》一书,梳理同济大学与德国的渊源关系,复又为本期的《德国研究》杂志撰写"同济大学德国特征的形成与延续"的专稿,激发了我不避续貂之嫌,以在校六十余年的身历,书此短文.瞻顾德国特征在同济的变迁.  相似文献   

李开盛 《美国研究》2006,20(2):149-156
近些来年,在具有浓厚科学行为主义氛围的美国国际关系学界,历史研究方法似乎有抬头之势。例如,约翰·米尔斯海默(John J.Mearshei mer)在《大国政治的悲剧》一书中恢复了摩根索纵横历史的传统,尽管加进了很多的数据分析,但全书有一种历史的穿透力。①美国南卡罗莱纳州大学唐纳德·帕查拉(Donald J.Puchala,1939~)教授的《国际关系中的理论与历史》一书也应算是这些“历史型”国际关系著作中的一本。②但与其他作者不同的是,帕查拉不是把历史事件简单地视为一种论据来使用,他穿过长达数千年的历史隧道,考察了一个宏大的历史现象——文明的…  相似文献   

车仁锡  王军 《当代韩国》2007,(2):30-34,插3
未终结的历史当1992年弗兰西斯.福山(Francis Fukuyama)出版《历史的终结与最后的人》一书时,①共产主义意识形态在世界许多地方业已消退,而且这些地方开始大胆地迈向以市场为导向的经济。福山宣称,这些动向预示着“历史的终结”。博学而颇富激情的福山认为,人类的意识形态演进  相似文献   

本文从正名溯源、思想之旅、中国观念和作者的研究风格四个方面对张小明撰写的《国际关系英国学派:历史、理论和中国观》一书做了介绍和评论,认为该书从一个中国学者的角度,把英国学派的研究推向了一个新的高度,对中国的国际关系理论建设具有启迪意义。  相似文献   

李剑鸣 《美国研究》2007,21(2):112-128
晚清士人在最初接触美国历史知识时,就曾涉及早期的重要事件和人物。魏源在《海国图志》中提到了美国立国的历史;徐继?在所著《瀛环志略》中,则对乔治.华盛顿和美国建国史做了一些介绍。到20世纪初年,美国革命、华盛顿和《美国宪法》的名称以及相关史事,不时出现在中国改革派和  相似文献   

本文是即将出版的《东南亚古代史》一书的结束语。《东南亚古代史》是一部全面系统地阐述从远古至19世纪初叶东南亚历史发展的地区史,既有对地区历史发展的综合性整体论述,又有对各主要国家和重要事件的具体分析与专题研讨;既有古代东南亚国家的经济、政治、国际关系的历史论述,又有对古代东南亚国家的各民族宗教文化的阐述。作者们从东南亚自身历史的视角出发,对东南亚的史前文化及其特色、稻作文化与社会基本结构、早期国家的形成和演进、中央集权国家的兴起与特征、宗教与民族文化的多样化和本土化,以及中国、印度与古代东南亚国家的关系等方面提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

《韩中关系论》简介吴莲姬韩国建国大学中国问题研究所所长宋永等编写的《韩中关系论》一书,于1993年8月由韩国知永社出版发行。作者的写作的目的在于帮助广大读者了解朝鲜、韩国统一之前中国和朝鲜半岛之间关系的变化及发展趋势。基于这种目的,本书着重论述了中国...  相似文献   

杰出的俄语诗人布罗茨基同时也是一位杰出的英语散文家。他生前最后一部散文集《悲伤与理智》是他散文创作的集大成者。通过对这部文集的解读和分析,我们可以对布罗茨基散文的内容和形式、风格和特色有更深的认识。诗歌和散文之间早有"散文诗"和"韵律散文"等交叉体裁,而《悲伤与理智》一书的文体更可定义为"诗散文"。布罗茨基曾言茨维塔耶娃的散文"是她的诗歌以另一种方式的继续",有论者也认为布罗茨基的散文同样是他的诗歌之"继续"。事实上,在布罗茨基的创作中,诗和散文这两大体裁相互影响,相互交融,二者间并无分明的主次地位或清晰的从属关系。以《悲伤与理智》一书为代表的布罗茨基散文创作所体现出的鲜明个性,所赢得的巨大成功,表明布罗茨基的散文不仅是其诗歌的"继续",更是一种"发展",甚至已构成一种有其独特风格和自在意义的"存在"。  相似文献   

李宁 《当代韩国》2015,(1):126-128
<正>提到韩国的外交,就不得不提到李承晚这个人物。作为韩国近代史上最为著名和重要的人物之一,他是李氏朝鲜没落旁系王族后裔,参与、领导了韩国独立运动,是大韩民国临时政府大统领,也是大韩民国第一任总统。更为重要的是,他的外交思想及实践,深刻影响了韩国建国后对美、对日关系的基调,成为韩国现代外交政策的缘起。这样重要的人物在中国无人问津不得不说是中国韩国学研究的缺憾。社会科学文献出版社2014年12月出版的朱芹博士所著《独立与依附:李承晚之外交独立思想》(以下简称《独立与依附》)一书填补了这个空白。首先,作者以依附论为理论主线,运用历史分析法,详细阐述了李承晚外交独立思想的三个最  相似文献   

McGeorge Bundy, William J Crowe, JR., and Sidney D Drell, Reducing Nuclear Danger, Council on Foreign Relations Press, New York, 1993, pp.107.

Robert D. Blackwill and Albert Carnesale (eds.), New Nuclear Nations ‐Consequences for US Policy, Council on Foreign Relations Press, New York, 1993, pp.272.

Peter Van Ham, Managing Non‐Proliferation Regimes in the 1990s, Council on Foreign Relations Press, New York, 1994, pp.112.  相似文献   

This paper considers two aspects of historiography about the 1967 Arab–Israeli war – American and Soviet foreign policy in the region – to better appreciate the Soviet role in the outbreak of hostilities, as well as how the war concretized the USA–Israel ‘special relationship’ and weakened American–Arab relations. Relying especially on research from the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library and Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), this paper argues that Soviet officials had little interest in pursuing measures to prevent war during the prewar crisis because the situation promised to undermine American interests in the region.  相似文献   

Conor Meleady 《中东研究》2016,52(2):182-197
This paper considers two aspects of historiography about the 1967 Arab–Israeli War – American and Soviet foreign policy in the region – to better appreciate the Soviet role in the outbreak of hostilities, as well as how the war concretized the US–Israeli ‘special relationship’ and weakened American–Arab relations. Relying especially on research from the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library and Foreign Relations of the United States, this paper argues that Soviet officials had little interest in pursuing measures to prevent war during the pre-war crisis because the situation promised to undermine American interests in the region.  相似文献   

The 1920s and 1930s were years of active personal support for the USSR by a number of eminent French intellectuals who assisted in the creation of an image of the USSR in French public opinion. This was largely based on their perceptions of the social, political and cultural achievements in Soviet society. Analysis of the archival, and mainly unpublished, documents of VOKS (the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries) illustrate the true nature of an organisation that claimed to have been created in order to promote international cultural relations. The internal correspondence and reports reveal the mechanisms used by VOKS from its inception in order to create, foster, and manipulate relations with numerous members of the French intelligentsia. Also revealed in this paper is the leading role played by VOKS in the creation of the USSR-France "cultural" friendship societies, its policies concerning the selection and treatment of French visitors, and other features of political propaganda that have been commonly considered to belong to the period of the 1930s.  相似文献   

An up-to-date paper by the Deputy Chairman of the State Commission on Foreign Economic Relations, USSR Council of Ministers, details recent economic reforms in the foreign trade sector of the USSR. Particular emphasis is placed on direct business relations between Soviet enterprises and their foreign counterparts, and on joint ventures with CMEA partners as well as firms in Western and developing countries. Anticipated changes in the role exports and imports are to play in the Soviet economy are also discussed. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 052, 124, 420.  相似文献   

Views of China in today's Russia are characterized by great diversity. There are those who stand for strengthening ties with China to counterbalance the West; those who prefer Russia balancing between various power centers; and those who fear China as a growing geopolitical rival with a potential of expanding at the expense of Russian territory. Russia's government for the foreseeable future can be expected to advocate closer ties with China. However, the real question now is not whether a future Russian leadership will advocate a more hostile or more friendly course toward China, but if it will be able to support its wishes (whatever they may be) with the real resources necessary to pursue any consistent policy. Alexander Lukin received his first degree from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations and a doctorate from Oxford University. He worked at the Soviet Foreign Ministry, Soviet Embassy to the PRC, and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. From 1990 to 1993 he was an elected deputy of the Moscow City Soviet (Council), where he chaired the Sub-Committee for Inter-Regional Relations. He is the author of Russian Democrats: A Study in Political Culture (to be published by Oxford University Press in 1999) and numerous articles on Russian and Chinese politics and Russian-Chinese relations which have been published in Russia, the PRC, the U.S., the UK, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In 1997/1998 he was a visiting research fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University. He is currently a research fellow at the Center for International Studies of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Foreign Ministry (MGIMO-University) and an Associate in Research at the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research at Harvard University.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Murillo, María Victoria. Labor Unions, Partisan Coalitions, and Market Reforms in Latin America.
Tulchin, Joseph S., ed. with Amelia Brown. Democratic Governance and Social Inequality.
Borzutzky, Silvia. Vital Connections: Politics, Social Security, and Inequality in Chile.
Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo. Economic Reforms in Chile: From Dictatorship to Democracy.
Crandall, Russell. Driven by Drugs: U.S. Policy Toward Colombia.
Erisman, H. Michael. Cuba's Foreign Relations in a Post-Soviet World.  相似文献   

Dr. Takeyh is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. Gvosdev is a senior fellow at the Nixon Center. The following is adapted from the conclusion of their recent book, The Receding Shadow of the Prophet: The Rise and Fall of Radical Political Islam (Praeger, 2004), reproduced with permission of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT.  相似文献   

不附加政治条件原则的雏形是中国援外八项原则中的不附加任何条件原则。伴随中国改革开放和援外体制改革,期间曾表述为不附加任何政治条件。只字之差,反映了中国援外政策的变与不变之道。国家主权平等原则、不干涉原则以及经济发展的内在性要求,是不附加政治条件原则的理论基础。西方国家之所以歪曲和批评这一原则,归根结底还是出于对中国影响力上升的猜忌和遏制。着眼长远,中国援外的国际化道路是一个必然趋势,但是在变与不变之间,不附加政治条件原则仍将具有长久的生命力。  相似文献   

V.A. Shmarov, entitled Osobyennosti politiki impyeraylizma v Vostochnom Sryednyezyemnomor'ye, The Characteristics of Imperialism's Politics1 in the Eastern Mediterranean (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1986; 256pp.).

I.I. Ivanova, Turyetsko‐Arabskiye otnoshyeniya i ikh myesto vsistyemye myedzhdunarodnikh svyazyey na Blidzhynem Vostokye (1945–1983) Turkish‐Arab Relations and Their Place in the International Relations System of the Near East, 1945–83 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1985; 150pp.).

SSSR i Turtsiya 1917–1979, The Soviet Union and Turkey, 1917–1979 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 320pp.)

A. Shvyedov and V. Rumantsyev, is entitled Sovyetsko‐Liviyskiye otnoshyeniya Soviet‐Libyan Relations (Moscow: Progress Press, 1986: 188pp.).

al‐'Alaqat al‐Sufyatiyya al‐Libiyya (Moscow: Dar al‐Taqaddum, 1986; 213pp.).

B.M. Potskhvyeriya's study is entitled Vnyeshnaya politika Turtsii v 60‐kh – nachalye 80‐kh godov XX v., The Foreign Politics of Turkey in the 1960s – Early 1980s (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1986; 296pp.)

Vnyeshnaya politika Turtsii poslye vtoroy mirovoy voyni, The Foreign Politics of Turkey After the Second World War (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1976; 307pp.).

Vnyeshnaya politika stran Blidzhnyego i Sryednyego Vostoka, The Foreign Politics of the Near and Middle East (Moscow: International Relations Press, 1984; 288pp.)  相似文献   

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