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随着商品经济的发展,资金收入作为一种非劳动收入,在人们的个人收入中已占有一定比重。如何正确地看待个人资金收入,具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。当前,个人资金收入大致有两类: 1 利息收入。具体分为银行存款的利息收入和购买债券的利息收入。2.股息收入。即在股份企业中入股所分得的红利。那么,我们应如何看待社会主义条件  相似文献   

劳动者报酬在初次分配中占比偏低 从收入法核算的GDP看,在初次分配中劳动者报酬占比从1995年的51.4%下降到2007年的39.7%。在此期间,统计口径的调整,是其原因之一。  相似文献   

咏之 《侨园》2003,(2):22-23
有人把召开中共十六大的2002年称为中国的政治年,将2003年称之为中国的经济年,认为今年中国的经济发展将比政治事件更引人瞩目,尽管今年政府换届同样难以忽视。中国在新年前后相继召开一系列重要会议,为2003年经济工作定调。显而易见,2003年的中国将继续坚持扩大内需的方针,实施积极的财政政策和  相似文献   

●去年就有过中国经济出现“拐点”的说法,拐点到底有无出现?●要警惕通货膨胀的议论已经出现,中国会不会出现通货膨胀?●近几年有关人民币贬值的预言未曾停过,未来几年究竟如何?新的千年已经开始。21世纪前期我国国民经济走势如何,是人们普遍关心的一个问题。国民经济运行的“拐点”是否已经出现?有没有发生通货膨胀的可能?人民币是坚挺还是疲软?更是人们特别关注的几大问题。国民经济的“拐点”何时出现从短期波动角度看,根据2000年第二季度消费物价出现正增长02%和GDP增长82%、出口增长383%,从一系列的情况看,我国…  相似文献   

美国经济依然强劲,但最终能否摆脱资本主义经济荣枯循环的规律实难逆料低价欧元并不意味着弱势欧盟,欧元回升是肯定趋势亚洲经济已步入恢复和发展交叉阶段,但潜藏着变故和暗流 分当前的世界经济形势,我 们可以发现,经过两年金融 危机冲击和景气低迷不振的风风雨雨,世界经济又重露曙光,喜讯频传。国际货币基金组织已将今年全球经济增长率的预测值从3,5%调升到4.2%。但是,三大重要走向变化的脉动仍是令国际社会十分关注的问题。美国经济的走向 截至今年6月,美国已持续111个月的经济繁荣。美联储虽然从去年6月以来,多次…  相似文献   

随着马克思主义研究的逐步深入,对马克思主义创始人早就提出的“三大社会形态”理论,我认为有深入探讨的必要。这一理论把人类历史发展过程概括为“三大社会形态”或“三大阶段”,认为社会历史发展的一般规律,是由最初的以原始公有制为基础的原生社会形态向第二大阶段即以私有制为基础的次生的社会形态,再向第三大阶段即以高级公有制为基础的共产主义社会形态的依次过渡。本文就这一理论的形成过程和主要内容作一初步探讨。 (一) “三大社会形态”理论贯穿于马克思恩格斯各个时期的著作中,它是随着唯物史观的创立而形成,并在马、恩不断总结无产阶级革命实践经验,高度概括世界各个民族、  相似文献   

赵海均在《中国经济时报》2011年1月12日撰文指出,目前中国社会正面临三大形态变化。第一,由生产型社会转向消费型社会。改革开放以来,中国社会逐步放  相似文献   

21世纪前50年,中国的现代化要以经济现代化为重心。经济现代化的突出问题在于经济质量和经济结构的现代化的任务艰巨,以及中国经济国际竞争力大幅提升的紧迫性。  相似文献   

世界经济增长率已连续4年超过4%,其中2006年更高达5.4%,是二战结束以来世界经济增长最快的一个时期。但是,随着不利因素和风险增多,世界经济丧事或将放慢。目前,世界经济主要面临的三大风险,已引起国际社会和各国政府的高度关注。  相似文献   

当前,在我国宏观分配政策、社会保障制度、收入分配宏观调控体系不健全的情况下,个人收入构成必然存在着巨大的差异。个人收入多少不仅取决于个人的工资性收入的收益能力,也取决于个人可获得公共收入的多少。个人可获得性公共收入也是个人收入的重要组成部分,本文选择了影响个人可获得性公共收入政府方面的因素进行分析。通过分析得出政府的分配偏好、政府传递分配信号的能力、政策执行者偏好等因素对个人可获得性公共收入影响明显。  相似文献   

In the recent study of international relations, political realism has, apparently, had as many supporters as detractors. Nonetheless, there seems to be a growing tendency to treat the categories of political realism as if they were passing the way of all flesh, destined to be replaced by system theory, transnationalism, Marxist structuralism, critical theory or whatever. One difficulty with this judgement is that political realism is not a single theoretical entity which can be refuted by single disconfirming instances. Nor is it an understanding of the subject rooted in the views of such well-known exponents of this school as Hans Morgenthau, Kenneth Thompson, Martin Wight, Sir Herbert Butterfield, E. H. Carr or Raymond Aron. On the contrary, political realism is a conception of politics which stretches back to the great Indian thinker Kautilya and in fact constitutes a many-mansioned tradition of thought about international relations. Three aspects of that tradition are examined in this essay: Common-sense Realism, Concessional Realism and neo-Aristotelian Realism. These reflections are only very tangentially related to the debates in the 1950s and 1960s concerning realism. This essay focuses, rather, on certain neglected features of contrasting philosophies of science. The article concludes, somewhat tentatively, that neo-Aristotelian Realism is coherent and cogent and superior in important respects to what scientific empiricism has to offer.  相似文献   

万红 《理论导刊》2001,(6):17-19
我国现行的个人所得税是将原来的个人所得税、个人收入调节税、城乡个体工商户所得税合并而成的,并从1994年1月1日开始实行。几年来发挥了积极的作用。但是,在新旧体制转换过程中,我国个人所得税的设计势必要受到各种因素的制约,不可能一步到位实现规范化,而只能随着经济改革的逐步发展和人们认识的不断深化,在实践中日益完善。本文拟针对现行的个人所得税制中存在的问题及完善建议,谈一谈自己的认识。一、现行个人所得税制存在的主要问题(一)分类所得税制问题个人所得税制通常根据其计税方法的不同分为三大类,即分类所得税制、综合…  相似文献   

Optimal Taxation,Economic Growth and Income Inequality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Scully  Gerald W. 《Public Choice》2003,115(3-4):299-312
That there is a trade-off between equityand efficiency (economic growth) is wellknown. Two models have been developed thatlink government spending and taxation toeconomic growth. This paper uses thesemodels to provide estimates of thegrowth-maximizing tax rate. Then, a twoequation structural model is developed andestimated that is used to find thetrade-off rate between economic growth andincome inequality and the growth-maximizinglevel of income inequality for the UnitedStates over the period 1960–1990.  相似文献   

Three Forms of Interpersonal Trust: Evidence from Swedish Municipalities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social trust is usually treated as a dichotomy between particularized and generalized trust. In this article it is argued that a third distinct form, community trust, is neither particularized nor generalized and bounded in space rather than persons. Factor analysis of survey data from 33 Swedish municipalities (N = 6,453) distinguishes between particularized, generalized and community trust. Furthermore, regression analyses show that the three trust forms have partly distinct antecedents and linked to different types of behaviours. While generalized trust best predicts leaps of faith in relation to strangers, community trust is the only trust form significantly predicting taking part in local problem solving. Finally, multilevel analysis shows that community trust is the trust form most vulnerable to changes with respect to ethnic diversity and socioeconomic equality.  相似文献   

在工业社会中,谋求承认是人们社会生活的基本内容之一.事实上,工业社会的全部制度设置也都可以解读为通过权利、荣誉与职权这三种基础性的承认形式而对人的承认,因而,对权利、荣誉和职权的分析是有助于我们更好地把握承认关系的实质的.在这三种承认形式中,权利属于社会承认的形式,职权则属于组织承认的范畴,荣誉既会以社会承认的形式出现也会以组织承认的形式出现,但实质上属于社会承认的范畴.权利属于对社会成员的普遍性承认,而荣誉和职权则标示着差异承认.权利、荣誉和职权共同营建起来的是工业社会人与人之间竞争的氛围,它把所有人都置于"为承认而斗争"的过程之中.  相似文献   

从历史大尺度着眼,马克思共产主义理论是在对资本主义剖析基础上的预见式社会主义,苏联、前期中国的社会主义建设是经济政治文化落后条件下的模式化社会主义,中国改革、苏联东欧剧变从正反两面证实:全球现代化过程中的原则型社会主义是当代社会主义的唯一方向和前途。预见式社会主义、模式化社会主义、原则型社会主义是科学社会主义发展的三个历史阶段、三种历史形态。  相似文献   

Political Behavior - This paper reveals how community-level income inequality affects political participation. We theorize that local experiences of inequality increase awareness of the unequal...  相似文献   

John R. Carter 《Public Choice》2007,130(1-2):163-177
I report estimates for a fixed-effects model of country-level Gini coefficients as a function of economic freedom along with relevant control variables. Gini coefficients are drawn from the UNU/WIDER World Income Inequality Database Version 2.0a, while economic freedom is measured by the Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World index. Controls are included for per capita income, political structure, education, demographics, and industrial composition. Over a broad range of freedom, the estimated relation between economic freedom and income inequality is positive, statistically significant, but relatively inelastic.  相似文献   

Personal income tax has grown in importance in China's revenue system. Revenue from personal income tax was more than 2 trillion RMB yuan for the first half of 2008, a 27 percent increase from the previous year. And while similarities exist between China and the United States, distinctive features separate the two. Hua Xu of Auburn University at Montgomery and Huiyu Cui of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics underscore the need for equitable personal income tax reform in China. Using lessons from the United States, an agenda for future research on tax policy is outlined.  相似文献   

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