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Plot Unravels     
An investigation suggests the July 5 riot in Urumqi was organized and linked to terrorist groups Although alerted to a possible protest beforehand, the government of Urumqi did not expect the demonstration on July 5 to escalate into a murderous rampage with brutality, the likes of which the city had never seen, officials said.  相似文献   

Missing the Plot     
When devastating floods struck Zhengzhou in central China in August 2021,BBC journalists reporting on the disaster claimed that they encountered a lot of verbal abuse,both online and in real life.Chinese netizens accused BBC journalist Robin Brant of factual distortion and rumor-mongering at first,but things got slightly more out of hand as they resulted in a standoff between the BBC team and a group of angry locals.A statement issued by the BBC after the happenings claimed that their reporters were attacked by themob.  相似文献   

正Despite several blockbusters,2017 exposed the Chinese film industry’s weakness—lack of diversity Though the Chinese film industry started with a bang in 2017,as the year wore on,it faced a challenging future despite several blockbusters.  相似文献   

周敏之 《湖湘论坛》2003,16(2):82-84
康党拟武装夺权 ,是王照上书导致礼部六堂官被黜后新旧矛盾尖锐化的产物 ,有一个逐渐形成的过程。考察康党拟武装夺权的原因和时间 ,以王照上书、礼部六堂官被黜事件作为起点较为恰当。  相似文献   

After You     
<正>The United States and North Korea still waiting for each other to make the first move North Korea and the United States completed a twoday round of talks in Geneva, Switzerland, on October  相似文献   

A rising glut of under- qualified business con- sultants is worrying for- eign investors seeking assistance in establish- ing wholly foreign-owned enterprises or joint ventures in China, according to an established Beijing-based consultant. Mediocre consultants in China must be weeded out by government regulations, says Chris Devonshire Ellis, managing partner of Dezan Shira & Associates,. , , which claims to be China's largest inde- pendent business consultancy. "A num- ber of regulatory …  相似文献   

On September 19,a special bus pulled out of the Joy City Shopping Center in Beijing.Just before it drove off,a host of fashion models in the latest arrivals of Crocs took people toDestination,the new theme of its autumn and winter show.  相似文献   

This Spring Festival will be very different due to many reasons. In response to the government's call for prevention and control of novel coronavirus infections, millions of Chinese are spending the Chinese New Year where they work, instead of returning to their hometown as they did in the past.  相似文献   

Pay as You Go     
正China's pay--for--knowledge industry explodes as people seek to improve themselves Worries about her declining English language proficiency have been rattling around in Liang Rui's head since she graduated from the University of Huddersfield in Britain three years ago.Working at a private company in her hometown of Taiyuan,capital of north China's  相似文献   

心理案例:大学女孩抑郁了李娜今年20岁,是一个刚刚走进大学不久的女孩.她天资聪颖,从小学到中学,成绩一直十分优秀,不仅父母视为掌上明珠,老师同学也对她众星捧月.然而,自从走进大学校门,过去一直众星捧月的李娜却遇到了一个不小的麻烦.  相似文献   

<正>How a Fujian painter came to call the northwest region his second home Camels in the desert,cows and sheep grazing serenely on grasslands,and beautiful young Uygur and Kazak ladies attired in colorful,traditional clothing.The aforementioned are just some of the typical elements a viewer may encounter in one of Chinese painter Lin Feng’s paintings.From May 20 to June 1,more than 70 of Lin’s works were put on display at an art exhibi-  相似文献   

Thank You,My Son     
BORNonNovember22,1980,Yunfengwasmyonlyson.Istillrememberclearlyhisappearancewhenhewasborn.Helayquietlyinmylap.Thoughhisappearancewasnotparticularlycharming,hewasverypaleandfat.Yunfengshowedhisintelligencewhenhewasstillababy.HecouldrecitesomeancientChinesepoemsandspeakabout30Englishwordswhenhewasonlytwoyearsold.Oneday,Inoticedthatheoftenscratchedhisneck.Ithoughtthathemightbeallergictosomethingandquicklycheckedtoseewhatthematterwas.Itouchedhisneck,anddiscoveredaswellingthesizeofabeau.Iaske…  相似文献   

很久以后,想起他们的第一次见面,他依旧心生爱怜,她倚着硕大的玻璃门,下半个身子在门里,上半个身子在门外,声音温柔的能融化掉荒山野岭里任何一块顽石,当然也就融化了他那颗早已被婚姻冰冻的心。她轻轻地说,我是新搬来的,还请多多关照,柔柔弱弱的话语像一棵美丽的种子,轻舞飞扬,飘落在他的心房之上,他的心脏就在那一瞬,重重地沸腾了两下。  相似文献   

什么是自我设障 你也许大惑不解,人们不是都在为自己的成功清除障碍吗?难道还会有人主动为自己的成功设置障碍吗?事实正是这样,我们都会在某些时候给自己设置障碍.  相似文献   

<正>China’s outbound investment reached$116 billion in 2014.If Chinese firms’investment through third-party financing is included,the total investment would amount to$140 billion,outweighing the country’s capital inflows for the first time in history.In the same year,foreign direct investment in China totaled$119.6 billion.China’s role has transformed from that of a recipient of foreign investment,which it has assumed ever since the reform and  相似文献   

该文客观分析了中国刑法典对量刑情节规定的主要瑕疵,提出了对量刑情节的立法完善建议,指出电脑量刑技术的弊端、提出改进方向,并对颁布量刑指南的必要性和前提条件作了分析,为中国刑法典的修订提供参考。  相似文献   

Hebei Province,surrounding Beijing and Tianjin municipalities and facing the Bohai Sea,is very rich in tourism resources.  相似文献   

WORDS for colors often have social and cultural implica- tions. In France blue is reserved for the king, but travel abroad to other cultures and this is not the case. We have an expression in French "I am turning black," an equivalence of "seeing red" in English. In Japan inexperience is described as having a "blue butt"  相似文献   

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