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2009年4月以来,奥巴马政府对非洲采取了一连串引人注目的外交动作,为新政府的对非政策确定基调,积极造势。首先,新政府积极宣示对非政策。奥巴马在加纳议会发表了题为“民主、良政、发展与和平”的演讲,希拉里国务卿在第八届《非洲增长与机会法案》(AGOA)论坛年会上发表讲话,  相似文献   

2011年年初以来,一场从突尼斯政局突变开始,迅速波及埃及和利比亚的阿拉伯政治危机风暴,正剧烈冲击和改变着北非中东的政治图谱。北非中东政局对近邻欧洲而言是巨大冲击和挑战。  相似文献   

李金霞 《当代世界》2011,(5):48-49,53
突尼斯政局动荡以来,其示范效应不断扩散,继埃及成为地区局势的风向标之后,利比亚又成"风暴中心"。此次中东北非局势动荡来势迅猛、波及面宽、政治诉求明确、国际社会反应强烈。奥巴马上台后,忙于两场战争、国内改革和重返亚洲,中东并不是其施力重点。  相似文献   

This paper identifies some deficiencies in the theory of value as found in traditional economics, specifically the fallacy of absolute value and its spurious resolution that treats prices as a priori parameters rather than as variables to be explained. One is a fallacy of omission, the other of commission, which together comprise the epistemological paradox of the modern neoclassical theory of value. This paper advances a different, sociological approach to economic value or market prices as a possible corrective to this paradox. Such an approach has origins in sociological economics or economic sociology, the main premise of which is that social influences in the economy affect the formation of value or price. This paper therefore explores the seldom examined social underpinnings of price formation and of market processes generally.  相似文献   

袁征 《当代世界》2010,(12):31-34
2010年11月2日,存引人关注的美国国会中期选举中,超过60个席位的转换使共和党人夺回众议院掌控权,民主党人勉强保住了参议院的多数席位,出现了国会“两院分治”的局面。  相似文献   

美国是当代西方国家中宗教最兴盛、最活跃、势力最强大、教派最多,也是影响最广泛的国家。在美国,宗教与政治联系密切,“宗教是美国民族的精神源泉,世俗化了的宗教是美国国家政治的基本依托。美国宗教与政治的关系过去是、现在是、将来一定还是密不可分的”。  相似文献   

After Malawi adopted a multiparty system of governance in 1994, the country went about setting institutional frameworks that would promote good governance and democratic principles. Among other things these were to create strong local institutions that would promote local development participation and accountability and enhance delivery of services. . However, the transformation of the local assemblies posed a very serious challenge to manage. It is not surprising therefore that more than 10 years after initiating the changes, several studies have concluded that the decentralization process in Malawi is hugely disappointing. The situation in most local assemblies has almost reached the crisis point and is seemingly unredeemable. Despite this chaotic and complex scenario, the decentralized local assemblies still continue to deliver their services to the public, though with some reservation. This article utilizes the Chaos and Complexity theory in order to explain why the decentralized sector still manages to survive and show resilience despite the great challenges it encounters. Ultimately, through chaos and complexity theories, the article provides the framework for understanding the change management process in the assemblies which has not been explored adequately in previous studies. The article recommends that when introducing interventions in transitional systems such as decentralization programs, special recognition should be given to emerging dynamic and evolving occurrences that are beyond the control of policy makers.  相似文献   

美国总统选举已经持续了一年多。在今后两个月中,民主党的奥巴马和共和党的麦凯恩作为两党推出的候选人将展开一场激烈的政治厮杀。尽管国内经济问题以及由此引发的各种社会问题将成为竞选的中心议题,但是在外交政策方面,中东问题将不可避免地成为政治角逐的焦点之一。  相似文献   

在中共中央对外联络部建部60周年之际,李北海同志精心回顾思考了他长期从事政党外交的实践、经验与体会,出版了《外交心语》这部很不寻常的著作。说很不寻常,是因为这不是一般意义上的外交回忆录,而是通过讲述一个个典型的案例、鲜活的故事,诠释出政党外交的真谛。更重要的是,通过这些感人的故事,透视出一种深邃的智慧。《外交心语》,贵在一个“心”字上,“人之相知,贵在知心”,外交是“争取人心的艺术”。诚如作者所言,政党外交,  相似文献   

2008年6月21日,一架标有鲜艳五星红旗的飞机从首都机场腾空而起,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记贺国强应古巴共产党、特立尼达和多巴哥政府、巴西政府、安哥拉人民解放运动的邀请开始对上述四国进行友好访问。自此,飞机每一次落地,播撒下的是中国人民对往访国人民的亲切问候;每一次起飞,带走的是往访国人民对中国人民的浓浓情谊。  相似文献   

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