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福利国家是20世纪民主社会主义所取得的最重大成就之一.随着时代变迁,其负面影响愈益突出,改革传统的福利国家遂成为当务之急.90年代,为了应对全球化的挑战,英国工党提出了一系列改革主张,其核心是以"积极的"福利国家代替传统的福利国家;具体做法是减少对社会弱势群体的直接给予,增加教育经费和培训经费,变直接救济为生存能力的培养和更新.  相似文献   

马克·特拉亨伯格是横跨历史和国际关系领域的学者。他的著作不仅以对历史事件的严谨分析著称,更是以打通国际关系和历史研究在方法论上的隔阂为目标。凭借自己近40年的国际关系史研究阅历,特拉亨伯格证明了跨学科研究方法的可行性。这种研究方法将促进历史与国际关系学领域的发展。  相似文献   

Modern terrorist attacks are usually characterized by intentionally extreme public displays of massive violence to get wide propagation, courtesy of the media. This article uses large-scale, world sporting events, from the 1972 Munich massacre to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing to document and analyze how terror acts grew and acclimatized into a reality in which the symbiotic, massive linkage between two gigantic entities—sports and the media—allows terrorism to prosper.  相似文献   

The article discusses possible answers to the question of what constitutes different types of change of state organizations. Drawing upon contributions from organization theory and public administration, classifications of different types of births, survivals, and deaths, are discussed and outlined, providing a mapping of organizational change in state administration along the horizontal as well as the vertical dimension. As an illustration, the article also shows how a detailed classification has been used in the Norwegian State Administration Database.  相似文献   

The article discusses possible answers on three key questions for attempts at mapping the pattern of state organizations:
  1. What constitutes a state organization?

  2. What constitutes one state organization?

  3. What constitutes different types of state organizations?

The main focus is on structural relations within and between organizational units, but the article also draws upon other classifications of units from the academic literature in organization theory and public administration. As an illustration, the article also outlines how these questions have been handled in the development of the Norwegian State Administration Database.  相似文献   


Russia’s historical policy towards the centenary of 1917 was composed of several parallel strategies: diminishing the meaning of the event to avoid the head of state and other government figures having to take a stance; outsourcing commemorative events, with no pre-planned grand design; developing a reconciliatory narrative of the ‘Whites’ and the ‘Reds’; and allowing other actors to promote a plurality of contradictory readings of the events. Yet the space left by the state’s refusal to commemorate 1917 has been taken over by the Church, which, as today’s most active engineer of Russia’s historical policy, promoted a very clear pro-Tsarist narrative best embodied by the multimedia historical park ‘Russia—my history’ (Rossiya—moya istoriya).  相似文献   

Tax evasion is a serious and growing problem all over the world. In most cases, non-compliant tax behavior is associated with tax evasion. Such approach, however, is incomplete. There is a lack of clear definitions of compliance and non-compliance. This article focuses on defining the key terms related to tax compliance and on mapping and systematizing the determinants of tax compliance and proposes a way to develop an administrative strategy for tax compliance. The novelty of the study lies in approaching tax compliance as a systemic whole. A systemic approach to tax compliance as a comprehensive whole could serve as the basis for the tax authority in developing administrative strategies.  相似文献   

2010年2月7日,在哥斯达黎加4年一度的大选中,前副总统劳拉·钦奇利亚得票46.7%,以绝对优势当选总统,成为这个有着“中美洲的瑞士”及“花园国家”美称的国度历史上首位女总统,并于5月8日就职。这是哥斯达黎加在女性获得选举权后60个年头中选出的首位女总统。在9位总统候选人中,钦奇利亚是唯一的女性,她并不是传奇人物,而是一步一个台阶,由众多因素造就出来的“实力派”选手,使得巾帼不让须眉再次传为美谈。  相似文献   

苏联史就是现代史的同义语,只有把苏联包括在内才有可能书写20世纪的世界历史;苏联的存在对20世纪世界历史的事件序列和结构,对国际体系,对文化关系和微观环境(不只局限于苏联),对政治和社会话语,对有关政治、经济、社会理论的形成,都产生了决定性的作用;不能把苏联史错误地理解为苏联疆域内的历史,也不能理解为现代史部门内众多国别史中的一部,因为苏联史同时显示出欧洲和全球的维度,波及西欧和欧洲以外的社会乃至日常生活和生活环境。因此,本文在兼顾欧洲背景的情况下,试图突出苏联史的几个主要线索,如人口损失、暴政、非斯大林化、苏维埃社会国家、合法性基础的改变、社会的转变、帝国的形成等,并探讨了与苏联现代化和工业化有关的理论问题。  相似文献   

2003年11月23日,持续半个多月的格鲁吉亚政治危机以谢瓦德纳泽宣布辞职、反对派上台而暂告一段落.但由此造成的政局不确定性并不会随总统提前选举而结束,独联体地区的形势也将受到微妙的影响.  相似文献   

Public sector reform in both developed and developing countries has now become a routine matter of public policy—reform is almost continuous, if not always successful. While the role of international transfer agents such as the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in promoting reforms has often been noted, there has been no comprehensive mapping of the global network on public sector reform. This article makes a first attempt to map the close to 100 organizations that make up a loose global network around public administration and governance. It then provides a brief history of the evolution of the network, and the key events that encouraged a substantial degree of coherence among its members. It examines the practices and tools that are specific to this global public policy network, and concludes with some observations on policy transfer models. The article shows that in trying to understand the dynamics of public administration reform, we need to pay greater attention to this network, its members, and its influence over national policy priorities.  相似文献   

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