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The recovery of Aristotle's view of the political community as guardian of the common good and moral educator has fueled a continuing debate about civic education and virtue. In focusing on the relation of virtue to the common good and that of the individual, however, this debate has obscured Aristotle's insight into virtue's status as an independent end. I argue that by taking account of this dimension of virtue, Aristotle's discussion of the particular moral virtues in the Nicomachean Ethics clarifies the nature and limits of civic education and shows that the full question of the human good emerges only with an investigation of the political community's highest and noblest pedagogic aims.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):141-158

In what sense could discourse ethics be linked with normative problems raised by the ecological crisis? Even if Apel and Habermas have not really addressed this question extensively, and even if their position in moral philosophy seems to develop and reinforce a neo-Kantian anthropocentric point of view, one can find in their works some evidence for the possibility of connecting a dialogical view with an ecological one. In order to defend the philosophical interest in highlighting this possibility, this essay analyses Habermas' position concerning the moral and ontological status of animality in particular, and attempts to situate this position within the history of Critical Theory.  相似文献   

经济伦理学是一门正在崛起的新兴学科,经济伦理学科研究事关人类未来经济的发展,事关经济的正常运行.  相似文献   

论行政伦理建设的价值取向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
唐志君 《行政论坛》2001,1(2):21-23
行政伦理是以责、权、利的相互关联为基础,以调节个人、组织、社会之间的关系为核心的行政行为准则和规范的总和,它在现代公共行政和责任政府的建设中具有十分重要的地位和作用.当前,构建一套现实、合理、完整的行政伦理规范系统,首先必须设定其基础性前提,即行政伦理建设的基础价值取向、棱心价值取向、根本价值取向及目标的价值取向.  相似文献   

加强领导干部的作风建设是新形势下反腐倡廉工作的一项重大战略任务,也是爱护干部、保护干部的重要措施。加强领导干部的作风建设的目的在于抓好反腐倡廉工作中的苗头性、倾向性问题,使党和人民的事业少受损失。同时,要建立健全惩治和预防腐败的体系,并把这个体系的建立作为反腐倡廉工作的重点,治理腐败要各种方法综合运用,多措并举。党员领导千部一定要注重良好作风的养成,注重道德的表现和树立公众形象,要将领导干部的作风表现规范化、纪律化。  相似文献   

转型期我国社会利益分化加剧,突发性公共危机成为当前公共治理中无法回避、常态化、尖锐而复杂的难题.行政自由裁量权的合理应用,是突发性公共危机有效治理不可或缺的重要手段,行政自由裁量必须以公共利益为逻辑起点,方有价值正当性与合法性基础,也才有积极效用性可言.因此,在公共危机频发的当今时代,围绕公共危机治理的主题,建构自由裁量权合理应用的行政伦理就有了重大的时代意义与价值.  相似文献   

佛教伦理:一种全球伦理资源的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球伦理作为一种共享的全球性道德理想,必须在全球各种文明中寻找思想的资源.本文通过对佛教伦理内容的概括与梳理,考察了在"全球伦理"语境下佛教伦理的现代诠释方法,从信仰伦理、社会规范伦理、美德伦理等方面构建了佛教伦理的体系,探讨了佛教伦理思想的特质,展现了佛教伦理作为一种全球伦理资源的必要性、可能性及其意义.  相似文献   

“经济贫困”还是“心理贫困”:幸福感悖论新解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭经济和外显自尊、自我接纳、被接纳感及其交互作用对大学生幸福感的影响同时存在;外显自尊与自我接纳是家庭经济与幸福感的中介变量;在农村与贫困生样本模型中,家庭经济、外显自尊、自我接纳的主效应显著;在城市与非贫困生样本模型中,家庭经济与外显自尊的交互效应显著。幸福感悖论之所以存在就是因为只考虑了经济与幸福感的关系而忽略了心理因素在其中的作用,心理贫困与经济贫困都会影响幸福感。  相似文献   

国人道德水准的滑落并非始自改革开放,从追求最高境界到突破道德底线,其实是一个渐进的过程。通过检视道德的全视域构成,很容易发现滑落的始端是新中国成立后很快开始的政治运动。从那时开始,在道德构成的全视域内,部分根基开始被严重蚕食。突出的特点是不同的阶段,被蚕食而消逝的内容有很大的不同;而共同的特点是消逝速度很快,一种传承数千年的德性,可以在十年、甚至几年内彻底消亡,但是这种德性的再生过程肯定会相当漫长。  相似文献   

Treatments of Aristotle's moral‐political science have largely disregarded the methodological statements that he delivers as he embarks on his “philosophy of human affairs” in book I of the Nicomachean Ethics. A consideration of these statements, however, lends critical support to the view that Aristotle sought to give the sharpest possible expression to ordinary moral‐political opinion. Moreover, apart from revealing the by‐no‐means ordinary reasons that induced Aristotle to do so (and to do so in contrast to Plato), such a consideration sheds light on the source of the vagueness or ambiguity that defines moral‐political opinion as such. Indeed, the methodological statements are perhaps the first entries in the old quarrel of “relevance versus rigor.” And, through them, Aristotle suggests how political scientists today might walk a fine line between “politics,” on one hand, and “science,” on the other, without losing sight of the ultimate tension between them.  相似文献   

论行政伦理研究范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政伦理学如果希望不断积累知识,就必须在其研究领域形成公认的理论范式。范式的形成必须具备两个基本条件:在基本的问题上获得共识并形成坚定的信念;以共同的研究方法研究问题。行政伦理学以行政人员的道德行为为研究对象,而道德行为归根结底是遵守伦理规范的行为。规范既是一种制度,又是一种观念。前者是制度分析的对象;后者是知识社会学分析的对象。行政伦理的制度分析和知识社会学分析是理解行政伦理的必要途径。  相似文献   

流动人口的居住问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
流动人口问题是事关北京未来发展和社会和谐的紧迫问题。近年来,学界对于北京市的流动人口问题及对策进行了较为集中和深入的研究。本组笔谈涉及了在京流动人口的就业、居住、教育及迁移倾向等问题,反映了北京市流动人口研究的最新成果。  相似文献   

诉因制度构建以诉因相对公开原则、诉因真实原则和诉因变更严格限制原则为指导。诉因理论虽然源于起诉和审判程序,但在其潜在功能和制度基础上,完全可以扩展到侦查程序中。在我国的侦查程序中,应当增强对主动型侦查模式的法律规制、改革羁押期限的重新计算方式以及建立司法审查制度。  相似文献   

The following Symposium on Australia's national integrity systems, drawn from an Australian Research Council‐funded project conducted in 2002‐2004 by researchers from Griffith University, Charles Sturt University, University of Sydney, RMIT University, Monash University and the Australian National University, together with Transparency International Australia. The first three papers examine the public integrity regimes at federal, state (NSW) and local levels. The remaining four papers develop three themes as a framework for assessing strengths and weaknesses in Australia's major integrity regimes: consequences, capacity and coherence. The papers were originally presented in sessions of the Australasian Political Studies Association (University of Adelaide, September 2004) and the 5th National Investigation Symposium (NSW Ombudsman, Independent Commission Against Corruption and Institute of Public Administration Australia NSW, Sydney, November 2004).  相似文献   


Okay if you are worried about the greenhouse effect, if you want us to be responsible corporate citizens of the world, you must also understand we are a Third World nation and need the money. Give us 200 million PGK a year for our budget and you can be in charge of our forests.  相似文献   

公共政策作为现代社会政府管理社会、服务社会的主要途径之一,其执行存在重要的伦理价值。我国政策执行中存在的一些问题与其伦理取向有关。因此,政策执行过程中要坚持公共利益至上、实事求是、人本、协调等原则,以提高政策执行的力度。  相似文献   

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