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论弱势者的基本人权   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、弱势者的历史与现实 任何一个国家和社会都存在着强势者和弱势者。弱势者是由于种种原因而在经济收入、社会地位、权益维护、竞争能力等方面处于困难和不利境地的劳动者,具体表现为社会地位低下,处于社会  相似文献   

罚金刑是我国刑罚体系中的一种刑种,它是责令犯罪分子向国家缴纳一定数额的金钱的刑事制裁方法。这种刑罚在我国刑法体系中目前处于辅助的从属地位,然而,各种刑罚(刑种)在刑罚体系中的地位不是一成不变的。纵观刑罚的历史沿革,便可看出各种刑罚(刑种)在刑罚家族中地位的变化:在奴隶社会,生命刑处于刑罚的中心地位;在封建社会,肉体刑处于刑罚的中心地位;在资本主义社会,自由刑处于刑罚的中心地位。在我国现阶段,自由刑仍处于中心地位。制约这一发展的是生产力发展  相似文献   

应当明确,我们讲社会公平有两个层面的含义.第一是一般意义上的社会公平,就是我们平常讲的对每一个人都要一视同仁,在法律面前人人平等;第二是差别性的社会公平.在整个社会上,一定存在着一定量的人口,在利益取得和权益保障方面处于"最不利者"的地位.对处于"最不利者"地位的人群,法律制度和整个社会都要给予特别的关注.不言而喻,老年人在整个社会中的利益取得和权益保障方面处于"最不利者"的地位.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中被害人法律地位之研讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
被害人在刑事诉讼中的法律地位 ,是被害人法律权利和法律义务的集中体现。由于对刑事诉讼本质、功能、目的认识不同以及法律文化、社会环境等方面的差异 ,在不同历史时期、不同国家的刑事诉讼中 ,被害人处于不同的法律地位。在我国现行刑事诉讼制度中 ,被害人是刑事诉讼的当事人 ,但在公诉案件中 ,被害人的当事人地位受到国家公诉权的限制和制约 ,处于从属性的当事人地位。这一规定 ,整体上是合理的 ,但在一些具体规定上需要加以改进和完善。  相似文献   

法律书签 信息不对称 信息不对称,指交易中的各人拥有的信息不同.在社会政治、经济等活动中,一些成员拥有其他成员无法拥有的信息,由此造成信息的不对称.在市场经济活动中,各类人员对有关信息的了解是有差异的:掌握信息比较充分的人员,往往处于比较有利的地位;而信息贫乏的人员,则处于比较不利的地位.不对称信息可能导致逆向选择.  相似文献   

当代中国仍然处于家本位,家庭的整体利益常常优于孩子个体利益而存在,孩子在家庭中的地位经常处于被漠视的地位,处于婚姻关系中的子女尚且如此,而处于特殊法律地位的非婚生子女更是如此。随着社会历史的发展,非婚生子女的法律地位和社会地位同样经历了一个漫长的变化。在古代,非婚生子女与婚生子女有着巨大的差别待遇,备受歧视,在现代仍有许多国家不承认非婚生子女与婚生子女具有相同的法律权利。然而我国虽然给予了非婚生子女与婚生子女相同的法律保护,但是仍有很多需要改进的地方。  相似文献   

由于我国目前关于物业管理方面的法律制度不完善、市场化程度不高等原因,造成物业管理在一定程度上处于被动地位。所以要想真正提高物业管理的水平,全面发挥其社会和经济效用,就必须加强立法做到物业管理有法可依、加大法制宣传力度促使业主积极履行相关权利、严格规范行业标准,整体提高从业人员专业水平。  相似文献   

王聪 《法制与社会》2011,(11):146-147
我国处在社会转型时期,由于社会利益的博弈和深层次矛盾的暴露,引发众多社会群体性事件。我国实行依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家。法律在处理社会群体性事件中应处于核心地位,发挥重要作用,目前这种作用存在群体性事件法律定位不明确等局限性。  相似文献   

知情权是金融消费者进行金融消费的前提,也是金融消费者实现其他权益的基础。但是,当今金融市场日益复杂化、专业化、多样化,存在严重的信息不对称现象,金融消费者在金融市场交易中处于弱势地位,其知情权经常受到各种侵害,由此引发了诸多金融机构侵犯金融消费者权益的事件。然而,目前我国在维护金融消费者知情权的法律保护方面存在着诸多缺陷,因此有必要借鉴发达国家的经验,进行相关金融立法、行政监管、司法救济等方面的改革,切实维护金融消费者权益。  相似文献   

资源优势的滥用与证券犯罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、滥用资源优势是证券犯罪的基本特点 本文所称证券犯罪,是指与证券发行、交易直接相关的各种严重危害社会的行为,包括内幕交易、操纵市场、欺诈客户以及虚假陈述等行为。证券犯罪是一种优势犯罪,也就是社会资源分配关系中处于优势地位的人,在证券发行、交易的过程中,滥用拥有的权力、财富牟取私利的犯罪。  相似文献   

The present research breaks from the urban orthodoxy and tests two ecological propositions in less densely populated, nonmetropolitan communities. The analysis file features 1,125 citizens nested in 31 residential units located in Michigan. Hierarchical logistic modeling is used to examine the effects of structural antecedents and social mechanisms, net of citizen-level correlates, on perceived burglary. Three findings emerge: 1) respondents living in residential units with higher levels of economic disadvantage report that burglary is significantly more problematic in their community; 2) social cohesion is inversely associated with perceived crime; and 3) social cohesion partially mediates the effect of economic disadvantage. This project was supported by grant #97-CK-WX-0010 awarded by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U. S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. I would like to thank Mike Reisig and Phil He for their helpful comments on previous drafts of this paper and statistical assistance.  相似文献   

Research examining the relationship between neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and adolescent offending typically examines only the influence of residential neighborhoods. This strategy may be problematic as 1) neighborhoods are rarely spatially independent of each other and 2) adolescents spend an appreciable portion of their time engaged in activities outside of their immediate neighborhood. Therefore, characteristics of neighborhoods outside of, but geographically proximate to, residential neighborhoods may affect adolescents’ propensity to engage in delinquent behavior. We append a spatially lagged, distance‐weighted measure of socioeconomic disadvantage in “extralocal” neighborhoods to the individual records of respondents participating in the first two waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997 Cohort (N = 6,491). Results from negative binomial regression analyses indicate that the level of socioeconomic disadvantage in extralocal neighborhoods is inversely associated with youth offending, as theories of relative deprivation, structured opportunity, and routine activities would predict, and that the magnitude of this effect rivals that of the level of disadvantage in youths’ own residential neighborhoods. Moreover, socioeconomic disadvantage in extralocal neighborhoods suppresses the criminogenic influence of socioeconomic disadvantage in youths’ own neighborhoods, revealing stronger effects of local neighborhood disadvantage than would otherwise be observed.  相似文献   

Macrolevel research on the race‐violence relationship has focused on the assumption of racial invariance in the effects of structural disadvantage measures on violence. Yet in most urban areas black and white disadvantage distributions only partially overlap, which precludes a critical empirical test of the assumption. I refer to this as the problem of “restricted distributions.” Using block group data for Atlanta, results show that the effect of a disadvantage index on violence is similar in black and white neighborhoods within the low range of the disadvantage distribution, but diminishes significantly at the higher levels prevalent in black areas. I discuss the implications of the findings and suggest avenues for future research.  相似文献   

弱势群体与心态失衡   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
弱势群体问题已成为当前困扰我国改革与发展进程的重大社会问题。弱势群体的规模不断扩大 ,社会地位呈下降态势 ,他们在生存、生计、机会和权利等方面所面临的弱势境遇 ,客观上诱发了各种消极情绪的积累。弱势群体的产生是社会矛盾的集中反映 ,也是社会缺乏公正的体现。弱势地位不仅带来了生活上的窘迫 ,更多的是心理上的失衡。而心理的失衡极大地动摇了个体原有的人生观和行为定势 ,为越轨行为的产生创造了条件。  相似文献   

在美国的刑事证明责任分配标准中,犯罪构成要件标准一直占据着正统的地位,而无罪推定标准只是昙花一现。无罪推定标准无法长期在美国刑事证明责任的分配中占据一席之地的原因在于:第一,无罪推定标准与美国的犯罪构成模式格格不入;第二,在美国采用无罪推定标准更不利于保护被告人权利。犯罪构成要件标准的优点在于它既与美国对抗式的刑事诉讼模式相契合,又降低了控方的证明负担,有利于提高起诉的效率;它的缺点在于有时很难区分犯罪构成要素与辩护理由。  相似文献   

The present study assesses the relationship between family and educational disadvantage on self-reported offending, victimisation and violent youth group involvement in a Belgian medium-sized city. Many studies have focused on the relationship between family disadvantage (one-parent families, immigrant background) and educational disadvantage (vocational tracking, school failure) and violent youth group involvement, offending/victimisation in surveys. The present study primarily assesses to what extent social bonds (parental monitoring and the school social bond), deviant beliefs, low self-control and lifestyle risk are stable mediators of the relationship between family and educational disadvantage and self-reported offending, victimisation and troublesome youth group involvement among young adolescents. The results indicate that the lifestyle-exposure model, which was initially used to explain individual differences in victimisation is much better capable of explaining differences in selfreported offending and violent youth group involvement than victimisation. The implications for further studies are discussed.  相似文献   


There has been little systematic research on how the characteristics of locales condition the relationship of ethnicity to crime-related attitudes, and none of it has examined southwestern Hispanics. Addressing these issues, this investigation examines the effects of ethnicity and concentrated minority disadvantage on confidence in the police and perceived risk of victimization. Data collected in telephone and personal interviews in El Paso, Texas, were analyzed using OLS multiple regression. The analyses show that Hispanics residing in the locales with the greatest concentrated minority disadvantage expressed less confidence in the police than did Hispanics residing in other areas and, irrespective of locale, Anglos. People residing in areas of concentrated disadvantage perceived greater risk of victimization than did those who resided elsewhere. In addition, confidence in the police was related negatively to perceived risk of victimization. These findings indicate that concentrated minority disadvantage has an important influence on crime-related attitudes.  相似文献   

A number of scholars have attempted to explain disproportionality within the juvenile justice system as a function of cumulative disadvantage. This empirical test of the cumulative disadvantage hypothesis suggests that minorities tend to be most disadvantaged at stages in the process where confinement decisions are made (detention, commitment). Thus, while disadvantage does not appear to aggregate consistently and unidirectionally as the child moves through the system, there is some evidence that disadvantage does aggregate between the detention and adjudication stages, once controls from legal differences are imposed.  相似文献   

In recent years positive action to improve women's position in the labour market has risen up the political agenda, with measures ranging from quotas to special training. The legal framework has been slower to change. Initially seeking to eliminate all forms of discrimination, it now reflects a more sophisticated approach, attempting to achieve substantive equality. This may encompass measures which appear to disadvantage men but are aimed at rectifying women's structural, economic or historical disadvantage. We investigate the limits imposed on EU member states' ability to take positive action under Community law, and examine the much narrower provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act. We argue that the time is now ripe, with the ongoing review of equality law, to reappraise domestic law and to use the freedom provided under Community law to expand the scope of positive action under the Sex Discrimination Act.  相似文献   

ERIC P. BAUMER 《犯罪学》2002,40(3):579-616
This research uses data from the Area‐Identified National Crime Victimization Survey to examine the influence of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage on the likelihood of police notification by victims of violence. The results indicate that neighborhood disadvantage does not significantly affect the likelihood of police notification among robbery and aggravated assault victims. However, a significant curvilinear effect of neighborhood disadvantage is observed for simple assault victims. The implications of these results for community‐level crime research and for theoretical perspectives on police notification are discussed.  相似文献   

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