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Studies of prostitution have overlooked the role of law in constituting the identities and sexual practices of women in the sex trade and defining the boundary between legitimate and illegitimate violence in the sexual economy. Drawing on field work with sex trade participants in a northwestern United States city, this paper explores how the cultural logic of modern liberal law shapes women's identities and interpretations of their actions. In positioning women in the sex trade as "sexual outlaws" to be managed and subjected to the full scope of legal authority, the law simultaneously limits women's citizenship and withdraws its protection. Moreover, in restricting women's ca-pacity to invoke fundamental legal rights, the law effectively sanctions "private" or extralegal forms of discipline and creates a space for violence. Given the paradoxical position these women hold as sexual outlaws on the one hand and frequent victims of physical and sexual assault on the other, I explore how they negotiate consent and resist violence.  相似文献   

This paper offers a legal perspective on the phenomenon of shadow banning: content moderation sanctions which are undetectable to those affected. Drawing on recent social science research, it connects current concerns about shadow banning to novel visibility management techniques in content moderation, such as delisting and demotion. Conventional moderation techniques such as outright content removal or account suspension can be observed by those affected, but these new visibility often cannot. This lends newfound significance to the legal question of moderation transparency rights. The EU Digital Services Act (DSA) is analysed in this light, as the first major legislation to regulate transparency of visibility remedies. In effect, its due process framework prohibits shadow banning with only limited exceptions. In doing so, the DSA surfaces tensions between two competing models for content moderation: as rule-bound administration or as adversarial security conflict. I discuss possible interpretations and trade-offs for this regime, and then turn to a more fundamental problem: how to define visibility reduction as a category of content moderation actions. The concept of visibility reduction or ‘demotions’ is central to both the shadow banning imaginary and to the DSA's safeguards, but its meaning is far from straightforward. Responding to claims that demotion is entirely relative, and therefore not actionable as a category of content moderation sanctions, I show how visibility reduction can still be regulated when defined as ex post adjustments to engagement-based relevance scores. Still, regulating demotion in this way will not cover all exercises of ranking power, since it manifests not only in individual cases of moderation but also through structural acts of content curation; not just by reducing visibility, but by producing visibility.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and China’s regularized pandemic prevention and control, leading legal scholars from China, North America, and Eurasia participated in The 6th International Conference on Human Rights Protection under Pandemic Prevention and Control. Participants engaged in fruitful discussions on the normative necessity and practical relevance of the principle of proportionality in justifying their current governments’ anti-pandemic measures. Focusing on pandemic-related human rights conditions and rule of law challenges in global contexts, this article summarizes the participating scholars’ speeches through the integrated lens of human rights and the jurisprudence of health law in the COVID-19 containment phase. Speeches can be divided into six topical dimensions, involving normative utility, governance logic, reasonable limits, constitutional criteria, viable approaches, and post-pandemic challenges with respect to the principle of proportionality. To provide a more policy-relevant and theoretically sound framework for a community of common health for mankind, this article succinctly concludes with a series of overlapping consensus on the application of the principle of proportionality in the fight against the pandemic. This consensus, tentatively named the “Renmin Human Rights Consensus,” builds on five interrelated elements and generates five human rights assertions and a series of specific principles of health law.  相似文献   

网络游戏直播是近年来我国知识产权学界关注的难点问题,案件多发,观点多样,争议不断。网络游戏直播涉及复杂的客体、多方主体及权利,宜从法律关系角度对其要素进行分析,并且应认识到在数字互联网时代传统的表演已扩展包括数字表演形式。网络游戏直播涉及的主体主要包括游戏开发商、游戏玩家和直播平台,涉及的客体主要包括游戏软件、游戏整体画面和直播画面。依据罗马公约、WPPT和我国著作权法,游戏玩家应被界定为游戏作品的表演者,游戏整体画面则属游戏作品的表演,游戏直播平台亦可成为游戏作品的法人表演者。网络游戏直播的法律关系可藉此厘清,各主体的行为及其权利与边界可得以界定,网络游戏产业可望得到合理引导。  相似文献   

朱艺浩 《法学杂志》2020,(3):132-140
人工智能技术的进步使得法学界兴起"人工智能法律人格论"。然而,意志只能来源于自然人而非机器,人工智能也无法独立主张权利和承担义务,因此人工智能无法享有法律人格。赋予人工智能法律人格可能会严重冲击现有法律制度,使得其沦为自然人逃避法律制裁的工具,甚至加剧奴役和压迫。面对人工智能技术,需要坚持人类唯一主体地位,在现有法律框架内处理责任承担问题,不得随意拟制法律人格,根据其技术含量采取前期引导、中期约束、后期干预的立法逻辑,理性应对人工智能技术带来的挑战。  相似文献   

This article adopts a theoretical and comparative perspective on the prisoner's legal status in England and Wales. Applying the principles of human rights, legality and proportionality, it argues that the prisoner's legal status must rest on a divisible conception of liberty. Such a conception must distinguish clearly between the liberty lost, and the rights restricted, by the imposition of the custodial sentence as opposed to the administration of prisons (the key distinction). In order for this to be achieved, the conception of the prisoner's legal status must also establish the purpose or purposes of the custodial sanction as distinct from the purpose of prison administration. Through comparison with Germany, the article demonstrates that the common law concept of the prisoner's legal status is unstable. Vacillating between a divisible and indivisible conception of the prisoner's liberty, the English conception of the prisoner's legal status lacks a foundation firm enough to satisfy the principles of human rights, legality and proportionality.  相似文献   

The deployment of artificial intelligence on automated platforms needs to go hand in hand with the development of a legal framework safeguarding socio-ethical values as well as fundamental rights, particularly the self-determination and the non-discrimination principle. A trust-based approach focused on human values can mitigate a potential clash between a solely market- and technology-oriented use of artificial intelligence and a more inclusive multistakeholder approach. The regulatory tools are to be designed in a manner that leads to a symbiotic relationship between ethics and law.  相似文献   

梁迎修 《法学研究》2014,36(2):61-72
法定权利之间的冲突并非一个伪命题,其在司法实践中颇为常见。受到立法者的有限理性、社会的变动性以及法律语言的模糊性等多重因素的影响,某些情形下权利的边界未被立法者清晰界定,并由此引发法定权利之间的冲突。权利冲突的实质是利益冲突和价值冲突。权利冲突的存在导致了法律适用的难题,法官需要借助个案中的法益衡量来确定权利边界并进而化解权利冲突。法官在进行法益衡量时,可以参考权利位阶来作出判断,然而权利位阶秩序缺乏整体确定性,仅有有限的参考价值,因此法益衡量还需诉诸比例原则。比例原则包括适当性原则、必要性原则和狭义的比例原则三项子原则。比例原则能够指引法官对权利作客观和理性的衡量,最大限度地缩小法官的裁量余地。鉴于个案中的法益衡量具有决策性质,法官必须在司法能动主义与司法克制主义之间维持恰当的平衡,在解决权利冲突时不能逾越司法的限度。  相似文献   

This article highlights how the EU fundamental rights framework should inform the liability regime of platforms foreseen in secondary EU law, in particular with regard to the reform of the E-commerce directive by the Digital Services Act. In order to identify all possible tensions between the liability regime of platforms on the one hand, and fundamental rights on the other hand, and in order to contribute to a well-balanced and proportionate European legal instrument, this article addresses these potential conflicts from the standpoint of users (those who share content and those who access it), platforms, regulators and other stakeholders involved. Section 2 delves into the intricate landscape of online intermediary liability, interrogating how the E-Commerce Directive and the emerging Digital Services Act grapple with the delicate equilibrium between shielding intermediaries and upholding the competing rights of other stakeholders. The article then navigates in Section 3 the fraught terrain of fundamental rights as articulated by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) under the aegis of the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter. This section poses an urgent inquiry: can the DSA's foundational principles reconcile these legal frameworks in a manner that fuels democracy rather than stifles it through inadvertent censorship? Section 4 then delves into the intricate relationship between fundamental rights and the DSA reform. This section conducts a comprehensive analysis of the key provisions of the DSA, emphasising how they underscore the importance of fundamental rights. In addition to mapping out the strengths of the framework the section also identifies existing limitations within the DSA and suggests potential pathways for further refinement and improvement. This article concludes by outlining key avenues for achieving a balanced and fundamental rights-compliant regulatory framework for platform liability within the EU.  相似文献   

李有义 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):102-106
民警开枪射击的法律界限,就是必须遵守比例原则,满足妥当性、必要性和均衡性的要求。在警察使用枪支的时候,警察的强制力最容易侵犯到公民的健康自由权和生命权。所以我国必须修订《警察法》,使比例原则法律化,有效规范警察行政执法和刑事侦查,而且必须制定《中华人民共和国人民警察使用警械和武器法》,使《条例》这种行政法规上升到法律的高度,从而为民警开枪射击确定法律界限,使警察权和公民的基本人权得到平衡。  相似文献   

In situations where people have an incentive to coordinate their behavior, law can provide a framework for understanding and predicting what others are likely to do. According to the focal point theory of legal compliance, the law's articulation of a behavior can sometimes create self‐fulfilling expectations that it will occur. Existing theories of legal compliance emphasize the effect of sanctions or legitimacy; we argue that, in addition to sanctions and legitimacy, law can also influence compliance simply by making one outcome salient. We tested this claim in two experiments where sanctions and legitimacy were held constant. Experiment 1 demonstrated that a mandatory legal rule operating in a property dispute influenced compliance only when there was an element of coordination. Experiment 2 demonstrated that a default rule in a contract negotiation acted as a focal point for coordinating negotiation decisions. Both experiments confirm that legal rules can create a focal point around which people tend to coordinate.  相似文献   

李薇薇 《法律科学》2007,25(2):49-56
联合国经济制裁是安理会依据《联合国宪章》第41条为维持国际和平与安全采取的一种强制措施.战后安理会实施的经济制裁一方面给受制裁国发出了要求或强迫其遵守国际法的警告,而另一方面,在实施制裁过程中给受制裁国带来人道主义灾难,妨碍而不是促进人权,从而削弱了经济制裁的效力.因此,联合国在经济制裁中也应遵守国际人权法和国际人道主义法.  相似文献   

梅扬 《法学研究》2020,(2):57-70
比例原则是对限制公民权利的国家权力的限制,其适用需要满足一定的前提条件。比例原则保护的是一种相对权利,审查的是国家权力行使的合理性问题,不可克减的公民权利以及目的正当性不在其适用范围内。比例原则具有独特的内涵和价值功能,没有必要也不应当在民法、刑法等部门法中普遍适用,理应回归行政法这一固有领地。为适应国家任务的多样性,比例原则在关注侵益行政行为的同时,也应当向授益行政行为和互益行政行为的领域拓展,但“最小侵害”的严格标准和“法益均衡”的目标追求,决定了其主要用于规制常态意义下的行政权力行使,在紧急状态中的适用要受到一定限制。  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary work in the law often starts and stops with the social sciences. To produce a complete understanding of how law, evolutionary game‐theoretic insights must, however, supplement these more standard social scientific methods. To illustrate, this article critically examines The Force of Law by Frederick Schauer and The Expressive Powers of Law by Richard McAdams. Combining the methods of analytic jurisprudence and social psychology, Schauer clarifies the need for a philosophically respectable and empirically well‐grounded account of the ubiquity of legal sanctions. Drawing primarily on economic and social psychological paradigms, McAdams highlights law's potential to alter human behavior through expressions that coordinate. Still, these contributions generate further puzzles about how law works, which can be addressed using evolutionary game‐theoretic resources. Drawing on these resources, this article argues that legal sanctions are ubiquitous to law not only because they can motivate legal compliance, as Schauer suggests, but also because they provide the general evolutionary stability conditions for intrinsic legal motivation. In reaction to McAdams, this article argues that law's expressive powers can function to coordinate human behavior only because humans are naturally and culturally evolved to share a prior background agreement in forms of life. Evolutionary game‐theoretic resources can thus be used to develop a unified framework from within which to understand some of the complex interrelationships between legal sanctions, intrinsic legal motivation, and law's coordinating power. Going forward, interdisciplinary studies of how law works should include greater syntheses of contemporary insights from evolutionary game theory.  相似文献   

龙建林  白开荣 《行政与法》2013,(4):126-128,F0003
随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展.作为市场经济重要参与主体之一的公司也在其中发挥着重要作用。公司资本是公司财产的重要组成部分,是公司具有法人人格最基础的物质基础,是维护公司对外交易安全、股东、债权人以及公司等合法权益的重要保证。对公司而言.股东出资是公司成立和存续的物质基础,是公司资本形成的最基本途径。然而,股东抽逃出资是公司治理中较为普遍的现象。本文在对股东抽逃出资内涵界定的基础上,对其法律制裁措施的不足、成因以及出路做以探讨,以期为完善股东抽逃出资的法律制裁措施提供参考。  相似文献   

李霞 《政法论丛》2010,(5):18-23
我国民法对成年非完全民事行为能力人的类型划分不具备妥当性,对其法律行为之效力的规定不具备可适用性。因而应取消成年无行为能力人,仅保留限制行为能力人一级。对限制行为能力人,宜以意思能力的残余程度为标准,将其进行划分。在法律效力制度中,对于限制行为能力人实施的法律行为,如果属于不受限制的法律行为,本人可以单独有效实施;对于受限制范围内的法律行为,则需经法定代理人(监护人)的同意,否则为可撤销。同时,宜将撤销权赋予限制行为能力人本人和法定代理人。  相似文献   

许韬 《政法学刊》2007,24(3):52-57
作为国家权力之重要组成部分,警察权的法治化运作乃公民基本权利之最有力保障,然而公民基本权利也面临来自警察权滥用的威胁。被誉为西方国家公法领域之“帝王条款”的比例原则起源于德国警察法,蕴涵着丰富的控权思想,对警察权的运作具有极强的监督与控制功能,并为实现行政目的与保障人权之间的平衡和防止警察自由裁量权的滥用提供了可操作的标准。因此,为保障人权,弘扬法治,应尽快确立我国的警察比例原则,从而实现对警察权的有效规制。  相似文献   

联合国制裁之定性问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
简基松 《法律科学》2005,23(6):89-96
国际社会虽然使用“联合国制裁”的措词来表述联合国宪章第七章中规定的强制措施,但却因为其带有浓厚的政治色彩而对其法律制裁的特性深表怀疑,这种怀疑无疑将严重影响联合国制裁机制的进一步发展。然而,按照法律制裁的基本标准来判断,联合国制裁不失为一种专门的法律制裁机制,虽然与国内法律制裁机制相比较,它具有许多缺陷:制裁领域的残缺性;制裁对象的局限性;制裁环节的分权性。但这些缺陷不能从根本上影响其作为法律制裁的本质特性。认识到联合国制裁的这一特性具有十分重大的现实意义,它将为联合国制裁系统最终通过改革而发展成为一种更加全面、完善的法律制裁机制奠定坚实的思想基础。  相似文献   

Whether policy-makers should mandate that various digital platforms be made interoperable with others and how to achieve it has sparked much controversy, while there is less discussion on the implementation and effectiveness of interoperability on digital platforms in specific contexts and given settings. This article examines the practice and outcome of Chinese policy-makers and regulators in promoting interoperability on digital platforms in the field of social media and mobile payment scenarios. China's practice shows that mandatory interoperability of platforms brings very limited convenience to consumers, and it hardly facilitates entry of small operators but rather facilitates expansion of other competitive platforms. The interoperability promoted by administrative forces unfairly provides a competitive advantage to state-owned enterprises and reduces the willingness of existing platforms to innovate and expand. These results corroborate international criticisms and concerns about mandatory interoperability, reflecting the very limited effect of mandatory interoperability on cracking the network blocking effect of internet platforms.  相似文献   

This essay aims at laying the foundations for a general theory offundamental rights. It starts out from a formal and structuraldefinition of the concept of `fundamental right', which is definedas a non-disposable, universal right. The author believes thatthis definition can be used as a starting point for the constructionof a theory of constitutional democracy based on four main theses.1) As fundamental rights are non-disposable and universal, theyare structurally different from patrimonial rights, which aredisposable and individual; 2) fundamental rights constitute thecontent of substantial democracy, i.e. the positive and negativelimits set on the power exercisable by the majority that comprisesformal democracy; 3) citizenship, which is still the precondition forholding many fundamental rights, is a regressive category becauseit is a source of inequality; 4) a distinction must be drawn betweenfundamental rights and the guarantees (duties and sanctions) put in place to protect them. Should a legal order make provision forfundamental rights but fail to accompany them with the necessaryauarantees, the result is a gap that the legislator and the legalinterpreter have a duty to bridge. The theory of constitutionaldemocracy thus elaborated constitutes a profound change in classical(Kelsenian) legal positivism, which is no longer suitable forpresenting the law of contemporary states governed by the rule oflaw, and calls for a more active, critical attitude towards law both by the judge and by legal science.  相似文献   

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