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North Korea might agree to a nuclear deal in return for economic concessions from South Korea and security assurances from the US  相似文献   

欧洲社会党(包括社会民主党、社会党和工党)是现代欧洲政治舞台上最重要的政治力量之一。西欧大多数国家都有社会党,而它们大多是执政党或第一反对党。社会党党团是欧洲议会中最大的党团。20世纪90年代中后期,欧洲一度出现欧盟15国中社会民主党人在13国单独执政或联合执政的盛况。从近20年来欧洲社会党及社会民主主义的变化的角度来看,德国社会民主党、瑞典社会民主党和法国社会党是欧洲比较有代表性的社会党。从这些社会党处理党群关系的经验教训中,我们可以加深对欧洲左翼执政党的社会基础和执政经验的理解,并获得一些启示。  相似文献   

老挝人民革命党处理宗教问题的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于宗教在老挝社会生活中的特殊影响和作用,老挝人民革命党从政策和措施上采取了一系列举动,取得了良好的效果,发挥了宗教在老挝社会生活中的积极作用。这不仅加强了人民革命党的执政能力,而且还在相当程度上实现了社会的稳定,巩固了社会主义制度。老挝人民革命党在探索和处理宗教问题上积累的一些有益乃至成功的经验,将为其他社会主义国家如何应对和处理本国的宗教问题提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

在法国小镇埃维昂召开的八国集团峰会,开得平平淡淡。不过,中外媒体都认为,这次峰会有一个亮点,就是中国领导人胡锦涛参加了八国峰会期间的南北领导人非正式对话会议,展示了我国的大国风范。同时,也引起了对中国是否准备参加八国集团的热烈讨论。对于这个问题,本刊记者(以下简称“记”)专门采访了当代世界研究中心研究员吴兴唐先生(以下简称“吴”)。  相似文献   

Globalization may yet repeal the Biblical adage that the poor will always be with us. But for now there are enough losers to go along with the winners that a slide back toward fragmentation and protectionism is a distinct possibility, as was also the case at the turn of the 20th century. Our contributors in this section offer their advice on how to make globalization work for everyone.  相似文献   

Tamas Matura 《欧亚研究》2019,71(3):388-407

The growing and intensifying cooperation between China and 16 Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries has generated extensive criticism by and concerns among EU institutions and Western European member states of the Union. According to diplomatic presumptions, China aims to gain political leverage in exchange for economic benefits in the EU through its CEE members. The following article attempts to evaluate the correlation between the quality of bilateral political relations and economic relations of China and CEE countries in order to draw conclusions on the importance or, on the contrary, the irrelevance of Chinese activity in the region.  相似文献   


There is a dearth of information in the open literature with a direct focus on the Hizbollah organization. Symptomatic of the shortcomings of the existing literature is the tendency to analyze Islamist movements in general with only peripheral reference to specific organizational entities such as Hizbollah. This paper will examine the development of the Hizbollah organization in the context of the Lebanese civil war, address its emergence in Amal, follow the Party of God's long march toward an Islamist republic, and observe the splitting of the party into an emasculated Hizbollah and a marginalized Islamic Resistance.  相似文献   

Will China's authoritarian leaders succeed in building a future by erasing the past? Can the ideology of “nationalist consumerism” obliterate memory altogether? Will the Olympic applause drown out the weak and exiled witnesses of the Tiananmen crackdown? In this section we listen to a key Tiananmen student leader two decades on as well as check in with today's young elites in Beijing. A political leader from the reformist regime in 1989 calls for justice from house arrest and a young Chinese novelist wonders what kind of identity is possible without memory.  相似文献   

The return of the Middle Kingdom to the center stage of history is the most significant geo‐civilizaitonal development of the 21st Century. China's rise raises anew the great question, thought settled after the Cold War, of what system of governance will stand on the right or wrong side of history. In this section the leading ideologists of the China model and its “peaceful rise” appear alongside the fiercest critics of China's way.  相似文献   

中亚国家是我国近邻,我国与中亚各国在政治、经济、人文、科技领域的合作不断扩大,但在各方面仍有潜力可挖。加快与中亚国家的油气合作步伐,对我国具有政治、安全、经济等诸多方面的意义。 一、有利于增强我国与中亚国家的友好合作。 苏联解体后,我国对中亚各国奉行睦邻友好政策,各领域的合作不断加深。但是应当看到,中国与中亚国家的经济联系尚不密切,远未构筑起能够从经济领域影响中亚国家的平台。在世界经济一体化的  相似文献   

Though not much noticed in the West, a great debate is raging across China today, from the law faculties of its major universities to the Central Party School to the dissident community, over “constitutionalism” and the establishment of rule of law. In the wake of major corruption scandals, there are great expectations that the new leadership under Xi Jinping will respond to social pressure and pursue political reforms that have stalled over the last decade. A leading China scholar, Cheng Li, and the now famous blind civil rights advocate Chen Guangcheng, who dramatically escaped house arrest and fled to the US Embassy in Beijing last year, comment on where this debate is headed and what it might—or might not—produce.  相似文献   

去年11月中国国家主席胡锦涛拉美四国之行和今年1月国家副主席曾庆红对拉美五国的访问均取得圆满成功.从而推动了中国拉美经贸关系的迅速发展.  相似文献   

Never before in history have China and Japan been great powers at the same time. Today they must figure out how to live together as equals. The promise of mutual prosperity ties them together; the remembrance of bad things past pushes them apart. If that wary dance were not complicated enough, a nuclear provocateur from neighboring North Korea intrudes. A legendary figure of Japan's post‐war miracle, Tsuneo Watanabe, weighs in on these big questions. Hans Blix, a former UN arms inspector and the former South Korean prime minister and Nobel laureate, Kim Dae Jung, address the North Korean conundrum.  相似文献   

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