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Studies were made on the acid-base balance, blood gases, and carbon monoxide (CO), cyanide, and sulfur dioxide concentrations in the blood of albino rabbits that died from automobile exhaust gas poisoning (group I) or fires in cars (complete combustion, group II; incomplete combustion, group III). In group I, the temperature and CO concentration increased gradually to 35 degrees C and 5.2% in 70 min. The animals died after 9 min, when the values were 20 degrees C and 5.2%, respectively. In group II the animals died after 9 min, when the values were 55 degrees C and 1.95%, respectively. In group III, the temperature was very high (870 degrees C), but the CO concentration was not (0.6-1.3%) after 4 min. The animals died after 5 min. In all experimental groups, marked acidosis and hypoxemia were seen, but the CO2 tension (PCO2) was high, in contrast to previous studies on pure CO poisoning. In group I, the level of carboxyhemoglobin (CO-Hb) was significantly higher (91.2 +/- 3.4% in arterial blood, 87.5 +/- 8.1% in venous blood; p less than 0.01) than in groups II and III. Although the O2 tensions of venous and arterial blood (PvO2, PaO2) were very low, that of arterial blood was higher, suggesting that O2 was still being utilized in the tissues at the time of death. In group II, CO-Hb was high (57.7 +/- 16.0% in arterial blood, 61.2 +/- 20.6% in venous blood) and the acid-base balance indicated marked acidosis. In group III, the CO-Hb, PCO2 and cyanide levels in the blood were very high.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Discussed are the unusual position of a body at a death scene and plausible mechanisms responsible for this positioning.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of ripped-up documents can be a very time-consuming task for forensic experts. Currently, this task is often carried out using various homespun or loosely defined procedures. Under the main assumption that a (partially) ordered set of fragments can be recovered, we propose and discuss a more formal analysis methodology for this type of reconstruction problem. We discuss several complications that can occur in real-life problems and illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods. Although several avenues for further research remain, we show that the proposed approach offers both a better understanding of the problem, as well as important strategies for devising very fast manual and semi-automatic fragment reassembly procedures.  相似文献   

患者王某某,34岁。于2003年6月16日因停经56天、阴道不规则流血5天到A医院求诊,经检查诊断胚胎停止发育。手术医师将手术中易发生的并发症进行告知.夫妇双方签字后给予行清官术。手术过程顺利,术中宫缩好,检查吸出物为陈旧性血块及绒毛组织。术毕5分钟出现阴道流血约400毫升,色新鲜,  相似文献   

病例报告患者王某某,34岁。于2003年6月16日因停经56天、阴道不规则流血5天到A医院求诊,经检查诊断胚胎停止发育。手术医师将手术中易发生的并发症进行告知,夫妇双方签字后给予行清宫术。手术过程顺利,术中宫缩好,检查吸出物为陈旧性血块及绒毛组织。术毕5分钟出现阴道流血约400毫升,色新鲜,立即给予催产素、静脉输液、手法按摩子宫等处理,阴道流血迅速停止,观察8小时无异常回家,嘱其有异常及时复诊(门诊病历记载)。2003年7月16日,因阴道淋漓不断流血30天来院复查,患者孕3产1,1994年行剖宫产术,1998年行人工流产术。体格检查:T37℃,P76次/…  相似文献   

From January 1995 through March 2000, temperatures in the passenger compartment of automobiles of different sizes were measured under varying weather conditions (sunshine, cloudy skies, rain) at two locations in eastern Switzerland. During the cold season, the interior temperature rose to 21 degrees C when cars were exposed to sunshine, whereas in summer interior temperature extremes of up to 89 degrees C were recorded. Make, model, and color of the vehicles were of only minor influence.  相似文献   

In a case of murder by a single .22 caliber bullet fragmented in the head, determination of the trajectory was a key issue in identifying which of 2 windows, 1 of which was associated with 2 suspects, was the site of fire. For this purpose, we processed the computed tomography of the victim's head by using a radiation therapy planning system called Plato, which is routinely used in radiation oncology. This tool provided a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the cranio-cerebral lesions and a spatial location of bullet and bone fragments. In this article is described the more intuitive relationship with forensic and ballistic data obtained from the 3-dimensional visualization and the physical and mathematical analysis used to calculate the angle of shot.  相似文献   

A 34 years old man shot himself by a selfmade muzzle-loader. He pluged one end of a waterpipe, used a cylindrical lead shot (Cal. 1.2 cm, length 2.15 cm, mass 22.7 g), special black powder (about 4 g, from fire-crackers; powder with an admixture of aluminium) and kindled the weapon in front of his chest by a slowmatch. He died immediately by retained missile of chest. The weapon flew away like a rocket. Unused projectils and powder (found in the flat) and the uninjured pipe allowed to copy the event. Velocity and energy of shot and weapon were determined, also the recoil of the pipe and the highest force of a hand to hold it fast. Experimental investigations and calculations correspondet well to the findings af the case.  相似文献   

"权利的成本"理论从"权利依赖于税"这一常识出发,立足于权利的可行性,厘清了传统权利观念的种种误解。法律权利的实现需要公共成本负担,因而消极权利和积极权利两分法并不适当,一切权利都是积极权利,都需要政府的积极保护。公共资源有限,权利的实现需要平衡,因此具有相对性,而非常见的绝对性。这也论证了权利与责任的内在一致性,提倡从权利话语到责任话语的重构。个人自由在本质上依靠社会合作与政府行动,私人权利也具有公共属性和促进社会整合的功能。这超越了权力与权利的零和博弈,从一个新的角度为面临危机的自由主义宪政体制做出了论证。但在中国独特的语境下,应注意保持这一理论作为自由宣言书的底色,避免其沦为行政擅权的辩护词。同时应正视税收对宪政的促进作用并完善公共预算改革。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(1):19-37
Traffic collisions are incidents with high fatality rate which generate billions of US dollars of loss worldwide each year. Post-collision scene reconstruction, which involves knowledge of multiple disciplines, is an important approach to restore the traffic collision and infer the cause of it. This paper uses software CiteSpace, VOSviewer, and SciMAT to conduct a visualization study of knowledge mapping on the literature of traffic collision scene reconstruction from 2001 to 2021 based on the Web of Science database. Knowledge mapping is a cutting-edge research method in scientometric, which has been widely applied in medicine and informatics. Compared with traditional literature review, knowledge mapping with visual techniques identifies hot keywords and key literature in the field more scientifically, and displays them in schematic diagrams intuitively which allows to further predict potential hotspots. A total of 803 original papers are retrieved to analyze and discuss the evolution of the field in the past 20 years, from macro to micro, in term of background information, popular themes, and knowledge structure. Results indicate the number of publications in this field is limited, and collaborations among authors and among institutions are insufficient. In the meantime, mappings imply the top three hot themes being scene reconstruction, computer technology, and injuries. The introduction of AI related technologies, such as neural networks and genetic algorithms, into collision reconstruction would be a potential research direction.  相似文献   

“复制”版权之反思与重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
彭学龙 《知识产权》2005,15(2):23-29
传统版权法是建立在复制权基础之上的,一部技术发展史也是版权人所享有的复制权不断扩张的历史,数字网络技术则将这种扩张推向极至,而与之相伴的控制社会公众获得作品的后果又促使人们思考放弃传统的复制版权模式,以重构适应数字网络环境需要的新型版权制度.在数字网络环境下应以获得作品权取代复制权,而在模拟世界传统复制版权依然能够有效运行,如何协调现实和网络世界的版权保护是版权法不能回避的问题.  相似文献   

曹恒民 《法学杂志》2012,33(8):150-154
证明标准是由法律加以规定的,指证明主体对案件事实及其他待证事实的证明所应达到的程度,是一个与自由心证密切联系的范畴。它不仅是衡量当事人是否切实履行证明责任的最低标准,同时也是法官根据既有的证据认定案件事实的心证标准,是一个具有主客观双重性的法学概念。本文以证明标准概念作为逻辑起点,从比较法的视角审视两大法系行政诉讼证明标准的特点以获取关于建构我国行政诉讼证明标准的有益启示。最后在分析我国现阶段行政诉讼证明标准所存在的问题的前提下,结合我国行政诉讼的特征,提出在法定证明基础上的自由心证证明模式下,建立多元化的行政诉讼证明标准体系。  相似文献   

近期,一些国家通过街头政治的方式迅速地实现了民主转型。但是,这种"转型"是不稳定的,存在许多隐患。民主转型的实质是民主的信念和价值的最终确立。处在转型过程中的社会,其以往的政治价值必然同民主的价值发生激烈的冲突。在不断的相互碰撞中,双方互相吸取彼此的思想要素,最终形成一种具有本国特色的主流政治价值。但价值不是空洞的口号,一定的制度体现着价值的内涵,同时制度也形塑着价值。政治价值重构的结果最终会带来政治体制的改变。本文认为,在政治价值重构的问题上,需要形成被民众接受的权威,政府与社会之间形成互相纠错机制,尤其是要协调民主价值与学习西方具体制度这二者的关系。  相似文献   

张莹  冀宗儒 《河北法学》2020,38(5):187-197
我国现有的民事诉讼代表人制度中,将人数众多一方中的每个成员均视作诉讼当事人,但只将诉讼权利义务赋予代表人,被代表的当事人却无进行诉讼的权利和义务。这样的制度安排看似符合群体诉讼的特性要求,但却与民事诉讼制度原理相悖。考察相关国家的制度安排,发现我国现有代表人制度中的诉讼当事人确定既阻碍了诉讼当事人平等原则的贯彻,又不能使代表人充分进行诉讼,从而成为该制度不能被广泛适用的先天缺陷之一。因此,作为解决群体纠纷的诉讼机制,代表人制度中诉讼当事人的选择,既要满足群体诉讼的特殊要求,又应契合民事诉讼当事人制度原理的运行机制。  相似文献   

A total of 90 images of male cranes from different groups of horizontal profiling (120 +/- 10 degrees, 140 +/- 10 degrees, 160 +/- 10 degrees) were studied in experiment with the coordinate-controlled complex for turning angle (from the position full face to the right and left by 14 degrees with spacing 2 degrees). Each image was marked according to the system of 18 control points. Precision of the angle fixation was 0.1 degrees. Calculation of the angles of horizontal profiling and turning of the crane were made according to a specially devised program INPUTTING. Statistic processing of the computer data base made it possible to calculate precision rates of marking points and regression equation describing the pattern of cranial control points in turning. It is shown that presicion of the turning angle estimation with reference to horizontal profiling is much higher than without it. Basing on the data obtained a method of zeroing of coordinates of the control points (placing in position for correct scaling of the objects of craniofacial identification) was devised. The method allows greater reliability of the results of personal craniofacial identification.  相似文献   

试论我国法院调解制度的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐万鹏  刘芳  喻玫 《河北法学》2006,24(1):114-117
现代社会为其成员提供多元化的纠纷解决机制,以此来满足社会成员的多层次的法律需求和多元化的价值追求.但是,建立机制本身只是手段,制度的完善和政策、法律的疏导来实现机制的顺畅运作并最终实现纠纷的合理分流和有效解决才是建立起多元化纠纷解决机制的最终目的.任何一项制度都是在改革中不断完善和发展的,法院调解制度也是如此.因此,我们现在要做的是不要盲目的摒弃,而是要深入地研究,努力使我们的优良传统发扬光大.  相似文献   

傅达林 《北方法学》2011,5(1):85-92
军事法体系的建构关涉军事法部门和军事法学学科的独立性,深刻影响着军事立法和军队法制建设实践。长期以来学界对军事法体系进行了卓有成效的构建,但也凸显出自主性不足的缺陷。在新的思路下以军事权为线索,可以将军事法体系划分为军事组织法、军事行为法、军事程序法、军事监督和救济法。  相似文献   

有限责任公司股权转让制度在我国现行《公司法》中作了基本的规定,但该规定无论在转让实质要件上、规制对象上,还是在转让形式要件上均存在不足之处,应予重构。  相似文献   

我国的街道办事处作为区政府的派出机构,缺乏相应的行政权力,没有独立的法律地位,然而由于其在社会工作和行政管理中起着越来越重要的作用,所以,街道办事处是不是还该存在,以何种方式存在,就成为行政机构改革一个无法回避的问题,而如何确定其法律地位就是这个问题的核心。不管从理论还是实践的角度,街道办事处都是不可能废除的,只能强化,最好能成为一级人民政府,从而加强基层行政管理能力。  相似文献   

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