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BOT是英文Build—Operate—Transfer的缩写,即建设——运营——转让。其含义足指东道国政府授权外国投资者组成的项目公司以一定期限的特许专营权,许可其融资建设和经营特定的公用基础设施,井准许其通过向用户收取费用或出售产品以清偿贷款、回收投资并赚取利润:特许期限届满时,该基础设施无偿转让给政府。它作为一种利用国际私人资本进行基础设施建设的投资方式,一经出现便受到各国的重视和广泛采用。  相似文献   

BOT中政府保证的相关法律问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沈玮 《现代法学》2001,23(2):126-129
BOT作为一种新型的利用国际私人资本进行基础设施项目投资的方式,已越来越多地被世界各国所重视和采用。但其在理论和法律规范上还有许多值得探讨之处,政府保证的法律问题就是其中之一。目前我国政府对BOT中的政府保证基本采取拒绝的态度,这对吸引外国投资者参与我国基础设施建设有消极影响。因此我国必须抛弃对政府保证的疑虑,对BOT项目作充分而适当的政府保证。本文将就BOT中政府保证的几个相关的法律问题加以分析。  相似文献   

积极利用外资,引进先进技术,是我国发展经济的长期战略方针.为了进一步贯彻执行对外开放政策,我们不仅鼓励海外各界人士来我国兴办各种合作事业,而且也欢迎他们来举办独资企业.外商独资企业,是由外国投资者单独占有,并由外国投资者自己负责经营管理的企业.它是一种完全私人资本的独营企业.除个人投资外,独资企业的组织形式还有有限公司、无限公司或股份有限公司.因此,从法律上说,在我国的外商独资企业可以是一个独立的法人.外商在我国举办独资企业的特点是,我方有偿提供土地,收取土地使用  相似文献   

王淑敏 《法商研究》2013,(5):102-111
"外国政府控制的交易"已成为我国企业海外并购的"梦魇"。发达国家的国家安全审查对"外国政府控制的交易"的歧视肇始于不公正的国内立法和投资条约。所谓此类交易与我国国有企业的关联性以及与国家安全的因果关系的指责其实是法哲学上的悖论。为避免我国企业陷入"外国政府控制的交易"的泥潭,一方面我国企业应当审时度势,在并购初期积极配合东道国的审批程序,主动报备和签订减缓协议,如遭遇"外国政府控制的交易"立法的阻挡,则应利用"越权无效原则"或主张间接征收索赔来进行救济;另一方面,我国政府应在加快国内商主体规则修订的同时,转变在双边投资条约中就国家控制企业投资的谈判策略,并适时启动类似主权财富基金谈判的国有企业多边谈判。  相似文献   

BOT 是目前世界上盛行的主要的特许权投资方式。BOT 特许协议是东道国政府与私人投资者(本文仅指外国私人投资者)订立的协议。通过该协议,私人投资者获得建设、营运东道国某个国家项目(多为基础设施)的特许以及东道国政府在政治风险方面的支持和保证;东道国政府则通过协议对项目实现一定的控制(如社会安全、产品质量、项目维修与保养等),以确保  相似文献   

BOT(建造-营运-移交)一般是指私营企业(包括外国企业)从政府获得对项目的特许权后,融资建设特定的公用基础设施等,并在约定的期限内进行经营,在项目经营期间,以提供服务或出售产品所得价款清偿贷款、收回资本并赚取合理的利润,期满后再将项目无偿移交给政府。 一、我国法律应为BOT特许权协议投资者提供的保护  相似文献   

曹军  朱国祥 《中国律师》2002,(10):41-43
20世纪七八十年代以来,为解决政府建设资金严重短缺问题,世界各国都在积极探索私人资本投资建设国家基础设施的新模式。随着世界各国社会经济发展对基础设施建设的迫切需求和八十年代国际工程承包业务的萎缩以及国际金融市场项目融资机制的建立,BOT方式应运而生。该方式兼顾了东道国政府和私人投资者的利益,因而备受青睐,已发展成为一国基础设施建设的有效方式。据统计,各国在商谈或实施的BOT项目达180个,我国试办了北京京通高速公路、上海延安东路隧道、福建泉州刺桐大桥、广西来宾电厂、湖南长沙望城电厂等BOT项目,并将B…  相似文献   

一、国际 BOT 方式概述BOT 这一英文缩写原文为 BUILT——OPERA-TION——TRANSFE 可翻译为建设——经营——转让,这是国际上为动员私人投资基础设施经常采用的一种办法,具体做法就是政府将公用基础设施的建设和经营权交给私人资本,并授予特许权,然后由私人企业自行筹资建设,并在建成后自行运营取得预期收益,若干年后再移交给政府。BOT 实际上是政府和私人企业之间就基础设施建设所建立的特许权协议关系。在私人资本并不是很雄厚的  相似文献   

关于BOT项目的风险分析及政府保证的法律问题   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BOT是英文“Buile-Operate-Transfer”的缩写,意思是“建造—运营—转让”。BOT的含义是指东道国政府授权或委托某一外国投资者(项目主办人)对东道国的某个项目(通常是基础设施或公益项目)进行筹资、建设并按约定的年限进行经营、在协议期满后将项目无偿转让给东道国政府或其指定机构的一种交易方式。这种方式自80年代以来越来越引起发展中国家的兴趣,并成为一些国家配合投资促进战略和吸引外国资本的重要措施之一。如马来西亚南北高速公路、菲律宾PAGAILAO电站以及泰国南部装机200万线的电  相似文献   

关于完善我国商标法的两点思考王晨雁随着我国政府对外商投资企业实行“国民待遇”,取消其商品内销的种种限制,许多国货名牌纷纷被外商收购、控股。外国投资者对国内市场的冲击与占有,使国内企业面临着从未有过的竞争与威胁。创名牌、保名牌已成为我国众多企业的共同心...  相似文献   

The concept of avidyā is one of the central categories in the Advaita of Śaṇkara and Maṇḍana. Shifting the focus from māyā, interpreted either as illusion or as the divine power, this concept brings ignorance to the forefront in describing duality and bondage. Although all Advaitins accept avidyā as a category, its scope and nature is interpreted in multiple ways. Key elements in Maṇḍana’s philosophy include the plurality of avidyā, individual selves as its substrate and the Brahman as its field (viṣaya), and the distinction in avidyā between non-apprehension and misapprehension. A closer investigation shows that Maṇḍana is directly influenced by Bhartṛhari’s linguistic non-dualism in developing the concept of avidyā. This study also compares other key constituents such as vivartta and pariṇāma that are relevant to the analysis of avidyā. As the concept of counter-image (pratibimba) emerges as a distinct stream of Advaita subsequent to Maṇḍana, this study also compares the application of pratibimba in the writings of Bhartṛhari and Maṇḍana.  相似文献   

In this article we compare the propensity to intermarry of various migrant groups and their children who settled in Germany, France, England, Belgium and the Netherlands in the post-war period, using a wide range of available statistical data. We try to explain different intermarriage patterns within the framework of Alba and Nee's assimilation theory and pay special attention to the role of religion, colour and colonial background. We therefore compare colonial with non colonial migrants and within these categories between groups with ‘European’ (Christian) and non-European (Islam, Hinduism) religions. First of all, religion appears to be an important variable. Migrants whose faith has no tradition in Western Europe intermarry at a much lower rate than those whose religious backgrounds correspond with those that are common in the country of settlement. The rate of ethnic endogamous marriages in Western Europe are highest in Hindu and Muslim communities, often regardless if they came as guest workers or colonial migrants. Whereas differences in religion diminish the propensity to intermarry, colour or ‘racial’ differences on the other hand seem to be less important. This is largely explained by the pre-migration socialisation. Furthermore, the paper argues that the attention to institutions, as rightly advocated by Richard Alba and Victor Nee, needs a more refined and layered elaboration. Institutions, often as barriers to intermarriage, do not only emanate from the receiving society, but also—be it less formalized—within migrant communities. Especially religions and family systems, but also organized nationalist feelings, can have a profound influence on how migrants think about endogamy. Finally, strong pressures to assimilate, often through institutionalized forms of discrimination and stigmatization, not only produce isolation and frustrate assimilation (with resulting low intermarriage rates), but can also stimulate assimilation by 'passing' mechanisms. These factors, together with a more comparative perspective, are not completely ignored in the new assimilation theory, but—as this study of Western European intermarriage patterns stresses—deserve to be included more systematically in historical and social scientist analyses.  相似文献   

In his twelfth century alaṃkāraśāstra, the Candrāloka, Jayadeva Pīyūṣavarṣa reverses the sequence of topics found in Mammaṭa’s Kāvyapr-akāśa, an earlier and immensely popular work. With such a structural revisionism, Jayadeva asserts the autonomy of his own work and puts forth an ambitious critique of earlier approaches to literary analysis. Jayadeva investigates the technical and aesthetic components of poetry in the first part of the Candrāloka, prior to his formal semantic investigations in the latter half of the text, thus suggesting that aesthetic evaluations of poetry beneficially inform scientific investigations of language. Jayadeva’s organization of his chapters on the semantic operations, moreover, intimates that the study of suggestive and metaphoric functions of language clarifies our understanding of denotation, which is conventionally understood to be the primary and direct path of verbal designation.  相似文献   

Evaluation appointment orders provide enforceable scaffolding for conduct of family court parenting plan evaluations, and use of the evaluator's reports, feedback, file, and testimony. Unlike a contract, a stipulated or adjudicated appointment order is directly enforceable by the family court. It unambiguously positions the evaluator as the family court's appointee – answerable directly to the court and, in some jurisdictions, protected by quasi-judicial immunity from damages claims. A well-crafted appointment order governs the roles and expectations of the court, the evaluator, the parties, the lawyers, and the collateral witnesses. An appointment order mandates the legal duties, rights, powers, and responsibilities of the professionals, the parties, and the collateral witnesses. At minimum, an appointment order articulates the legal basis for the appointment, the purpose and scope of the evaluation, compensation of evaluator, and the duty of the parties to participate in the process. A written evaluation protocol or procedures statement discloses in advance the methods of investigation and assessment that the evaluator intends to use. Together, the appointment order and written protocol help the evaluator, lawyers, parents, and judge manage the complexity of the evaluation process.  相似文献   

Sanskrit poeticians make the visionary faculty of pratibhā a necessary part of the professional poet’s make-up. The term has a pre-history in Bhartṛhari’s linguistic metaphysics, where it is used to explain the unitary perception of meaning. This essay examines the relation between pratibhā and possible theories of the imagination, with a focus on three unusual theoreticians—Rājaśekhara, Kuntaka, and Jagannātha Paṇḍita. Rājaśekhara offers an analysis of pratibhā that is heavily interactive, requiring the discerning presence of the bhāvaka listener or critic; he also positions pratibhā in relation to Bildung (vyutpatti) and practice. For Kuntaka, pratibhā, never an ex nihilo creation by a poet, serves as the basis for the peculiar forms of intensified insight and experience that constitute poetry; these may also involve the creative scrambling and re-articulation of the object in terms of its systemic composition. At times, Kuntaka’s pratibhā comes close to a strong notion of imaginative process. But the full-fledged thematization of the imagination, and of pratibhā as its support and mechanism, is best seen in the seventeenth-century debates preserved for us by Jagannātha. A link is suggested between the discourse of poetic imagination in Jagannātha and similar themes that turn up in Indo-Persian poets such as Bedil.  相似文献   

Too many youth and young adults find themselves on the streets, couch‐surfing with friends, in emergency shelters or worse, after exiting the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. In some circumstances, youth have had court hearings until their exit from the legal system, but those hearings have not focused on long‐range plans of youth and emergencies youth may encounter. In other circumstances, there has been little or no planning prior to discharge, especially for young people who leave the juvenile justice system. Courts can and should prevent, alleviate or end youth homelessness for youth who appear before them through strategies that are enumerated in the recently‐passed NCJFCJ resolution. This article expounds on three of these strategies – coordinating transition and re‐entry plans, insisting on effective legal representation of youth, and utilizing sound judicial leadership. It also describes the concurrent efforts of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice and the American Bar Association's Homeless Youth Legal Network to remove legal barriers and improve outcomes for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness.  相似文献   

This article argues for a new interpretation of the Sanskrit compound gaṇḍa-vyūha as it is used in the common title of the Mahāyāna text the Gaṇḍavyūha-Sūtra.The author begins by providing a brief history of the sūtra’s appellations in Chinese and Tibetan sources. Next, the meanings of gaṇḍa (the problematic member of the compound) are explored. The author proposes that contemporary scholars have overlooked a meaning of gaṇḍa occurring in some compounds, wherein gaṇḍa can mean simply “great,” “big” or “massive.” This general sense is particularly common in the compound gaṇda-śaila (a “massive rock” or “boulder”) and is found in such texts as the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, the Harivaṃśa and the Harṣacarita. Following the discussion of Gaṇḍa, the author examines the term vyūha (“array”) as it is used in the Gaṇḍavyūha-sūtra. The article concludes with the suggestion that a more appropriate translation of the Gaṇḍavyūha-sūtra would be “The Supreme array Scripture.”  相似文献   

Luminol, leuchomalachite green, phenolphthalein, Hemastix, Hemident, and Bluestar are all used as presumptive tests for blood. In this study, the tests were subjected to dilute blood (from 1:10,000 to 1:10,000,000), many common household substance, and chemicals. Samples were tested for DNA to determine whether the presumptive tests damaged or destroyed DNA. The DNA loci tested were D2S1338 and D19S433. Leuchomalachite green had a sensitivity of 1:10,000, while the remaining tests were able to detect blood to a dilution of 1:100,000. Substances tested include saliva, semen, potato, tomato, tomato sauce, tomato sauce with meat, red onion, red kidney bean, horseradish, 0.1 M ascorbic acid, 5% bleach, 10% cupric sulfate, 10% ferric sulfate, and 10% nickel chloride. Of all the substances tested, not one of the household items reacted with every test; however, the chemicals did. DNA was recovered and amplified from luminol, phenolphthalein, Hemastix, and Bluestar, but not from leuchomalachite green or Hemident.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of illusory perception, as approached by the Nyāya and Advaita Vedānta schools of philosophy, is discussed from the standpoint of the Parimala. This seminal work belonging to the Bhāmatī tradition of Advaita Vedānta was composed in the sixteenth century by the polymath Appaya Dīk?ita. In the context of discussing various theories of illusion, Dīk?ita dwells upon the Nyāya theory of anyathākhyāti, and its connection with jñānalak?a?apratyāsatti as a causal factor for perception, and closely examines if such an extraordinary (alaukika) perception is tenable to explain illusory perception. He then proceeds to point out the deficiencies of this model and thereby brings to the fore the anirvacanīyakhyāti of Advaitins as the only theory which stands scrutiny.  相似文献   

The paper briefly outlines the status of technology transfer related issues in drugs & pharma and biotechnology sectors in India. The paper also outlines the contemporary business strategies including R&D and technology transfer models. The study indicates that present technology transfer policies and mechanisms are weak and need to be restructured. The current fiscal incentives and tax concessions etc. available for R&D in industry seem to have outlived and are no longer attractive because of continuous lowering of tariff rates and tax rates in the context of WTO and liberalization of policies. Moreover, the issue of R&D support to industry is not covered in the WTO as in case of subsidies. Therefore, it is advisable for the government to revisit the existing promotional measures for R&D. FDI policies also need to be tailored to encourage Technology transfers and capability building. Recommendations are made for making Technology Transfer more effective for the growth and competitiveness of the industry. A technology transfer management model is suggested.   相似文献   

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