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罗万艳 《法制与社会》2013,(24):178-179
随着新闻媒体对商业贿赂的不断曝光,医药行业的商业贿赂逐渐凸显,因医疗事关老百姓的切身利益,引起高度社会关注。要根本上规范医药行业的商业贿赂,首先要理清楚医药行业商业贿赂的产生原因、特点、根源等,才能制定防止医药行业商业贿赂的有效措施。  相似文献   

2004年1月19日,张宝顺省长主持召开省长办公会议,决定成立山西省医药行业管理办公室。根据省长办公会议精神,2004年2月18日,省编委以晋编字[2004]1号文件下发了“关于省经委医药行业管理办公室机构编制的通知”,明确山西省医药行业管理办公室属行政机构,由省经委管理,编制12人,下设综合部、老干部处、行业管理部三个部门,负责全省医药行业的管理和服务工作。山西省医药行业管理办公室自成立以来,在省经委的领导下,逐渐处理和解决了医药行业的诸多遗留问题,并在行业管理方面取得了长足的进步。通过进行项目筛选和论证、建立专家库、邀请专家…  相似文献   

贪污受贿是伴随人类经济社会的发展而存在的现象,本文从现阶段医药行业商业贿赂的表现形式入手,分析此类腐败现象的特点,阐述了医药行业商业贿赂腐败现象的社会根源及治理医药行业商业贿赂的对策。  相似文献   

贪污受贿是伴随人类经济社会的发展而存在的现象,本文从现阶段医药行业商业贿赂的表现形式入手,分析此类腐败现象的特点,阐述了医药行业商业贿赂腐败现象的社会根源及治理医药行业商业贿赂的对策。  相似文献   

本调查试图在国内外医药行业发展和跨国医药企业加紧在中国的专利布局的大背景下,通过对企业的专利申请和专利保有量、专利保护意识、知识产权管理机构的设置与职能、知识产权保护制度建设和专利维权状况的描述,分析国内医药企业知识产权保护的现状,提出国内医药行业知识产权保护方面的问题和应对措施建议。  相似文献   

面对我国已加入世界贸易组织(WTO),我国的制药行业面临着机遇和挑战。加入WTO,有利于医药行业更好地引进外资和利用国外新成果、新技术;但同时,也必然使跨国医药公司与我国医药行业的竞争加剧。要使竞争处于不败之地,我们不但需要加大创新的力度,而且迫切需要提高国内药品专利的申请量,这是我国入世后适应规范市场经济竞争形势的需要,也是医药企业生存、发展的需要。  相似文献   

本文以广州市萝岗区查处的某医院商业贿赂案件为例,就医药行业的潜规则作了简要的分析和论述。  相似文献   

张驰 《法人》2005,(6):39-41
在许多入的眼里,技术标准是技术性的,而非经济性的,但近年在医药行业发生的一系列与技术标准有关的争端,却让更多的人认识到了标准的经济学价值  相似文献   

改革开放以来,广东的政治、经济、科技、文化发展很快,成绩斐然,作为广东高等教育的组成部分——广东公安高等教育怎样,有哪些成绩,存在什么问题,今后如何发展,这需要认真的分析和思考。本文将广东公安高等教育放在广东高等教育和全国公安高等教育两个系统中,联系广东的社会发展,结合公安工作的实际,既立足于现在,又着眼于未来,以期认清现状,明确方向,把一个高质量、高效益、有特色的广东公安高等教育带入21世纪,培养高素质的公安人才,为保护广东的繁荣稳定、加强粤港澳三地联系和创造良好的社会治安秩序作出贡献。  相似文献   

加入WTO以后,我国的医药行业在知识产权领域遭到了前所未有的冲击。中药是我们中华民族传统医学的瑰宝,对中药进行法律保护我们缺乏认知。但是,面对越来越多的中医药被其他国家抢注的紧迫现状,对中药加强知识产权保护势在必行。  相似文献   

Correspondence on this paper and offprint requests should be addressed to Professor Marcelo Dascal, Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel. We thank Dennis Kurzon for helpful remarks on an early draft.  相似文献   

浅谈高校消防工作存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄泽鹏 《政法学刊》2002,19(3):95-96
消防工作关系到人民的生命和财产安全,关系到国家的稳定和发展。高校国家教育人才的基地,学生集体居住地,极易发生火灾,形成群死群伤,故高校消防工作是必不可少的,且责任重于泰山。  相似文献   

Signs of hypothermia injury were studied in rabbits cooled to a core temperature of 30 degrees C by immersion in ice water and thereafter rewarmed to 35 degrees C. Anaesthetized control rabbits were kept normothermic (37 degrees C) for a corresponding time (4 h). Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity increased 24 h after hypothermia to 20-fold in serum. In cerebrospinal fluid the activity was already significantly (5-fold) increased after hypothermia and was still as high at 24 h. Smaller increase was also found in the control normothermic rabbits both in serum (10-fold) and cerebrospinal fluid (2-fold). The values had returned to the initial level after 1 week. Small haemorrhages were observed in the brain at 24 h and slight scarring was seen in the myocardium of some rabbits which had lived 4 weeks following hypothermia. The results indicate that CPK can be a useful marker in the diagnostics of hypothermia death, especially in cerebrospinal fluid, which is less affected than blood by autolysis.  相似文献   

The paper first describes general trends in evaluation in (mainly) western societies. Why is evaluation growing, what are the characteristics of this ‘growth industry’ and what developments are occurring outside western societies? Trends in the evaluation of criminal justice programs in the USA, the UK and the Netherlands are then discussed. Two important developments are therafter highlighted: experimental evaluations and theory-driven evaluations. Both approaches are discussed, and some pros and cons are listed. Finally, the paper outlines some challenges for future work in the evaluation of criminal justice programs, stressing the importance of combining good designs with both program and social science theories.  相似文献   

英汉用词差异很大:英语倾向于多用名词、介词、形容词等呈静态词类,是一种静态的语言;汉语倾向于多用动词,叙述呈动态,是一种动态的语言。蕴藏在语言表面形态差异之下的是中西方思维、哲学观和文化心理的巨大差异。英汉两种语言的互译要充分尊重译入语的表达习惯。因此,词类静态动态灵活转换的翻译策略对提高译文质量有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Data published by the United Kingdom’s Ministry for Justice clearly shows that, compared to persons who were White, members of racial minorities in England, particularly Blacks, were far more likely to be stopped and searched by the police. The question is whether such racial disparity in stops and searches could be justified by racial disparities in offending? Or whether the disparity in stop and searches exceeded the disparity in offending? This paper proposes a method for measuring the amount of excess in racial disparity in police stop and searches. Using the most recently published Ministry of Justice data (for 2007/08) for Police Areas in England and Wales it concludes that while in several Areas there was no excess to racial disparity in police stop and searches, there was, on the basis of the methodology proposed in the paper, evidence of such excess in some Police Areas of England and Wales.  相似文献   

The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) recently completed a report entitled Microbicides Development and Delivery in Canada: Legal, Ethical and Human Rights Issues. The report builds on Canadian and international experience and was written in consultation with Canadian community and international experts. It is available on the CAS website (www.cdnaids.ca) and from the Canadian HIV/AIDS Information Centre (www.aidssida.cpha.ca) as of September 2004. In this article the report's author, Anna Alexandrova, argues that Canada needs to develop a microbicides development and delivery strategy that addresses research and development issues, outlines possible roles for meaningful community participation, and provides guidelines on funding, promotion, licensing, and distribution.  相似文献   

Corporate Governance governs corporations. To discuss the law and economics of corporations, their performance on the market and management control by legislation and government, is to discuss Corporate Governance. Now, Corporate Governance is being challenged by a new concept to conceive the role of corporations in the world and to control their managers: this is the concept of Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR). This concept focuses on other than merely profit centered functions of corporations; rather, performance of corporations is measured by criteria of good corporate citizenship. In the Non-Profit sector, corporations also play a major role, although organizations in this sector typically differ from business corporations in several aspects. Yet, deficits of transparency and control of NPO are being discussed here as well. The tendency is to draw from the concept of corporate governance to develop appropriate remedies. Furthermore, the discussion of Corporate Social Responsibilty has also made its way to the NPO sector.  相似文献   

Under the traditional socialist central planning system, economic growth in China and Vietnam was unstable and not very satisfactory. Yet, both countries achieved a remarkable progress in the area of human development. Later, under the market socialist model, China and Vietnam achieved very high rates of GDP growth, and malnutrition declined significantly. Yet, income distribution and the provision of key public services deteriorated in both countries. Progress in reducing child mortality in China was relatively slow, before improving in the early 2000s. Although Vietnam is much poorer than China, and has been growing less fast, its record in this area was markedly better. We show that this apparent paradox is due mainly to the fact that the negative side-effects of market-oriented reforms have reached a more advanced and alarming stage in China than in Vietnam. Our results also suggest that an additional factor is constituted by a relatively better status of women in Vietnam with respect to China. However, we also warn that signs are emerging in Vietnam too, indicating that it is entering a stage of development where the social problems now evident in China are starting to manifest themselves on a large and worrying scale. Our policy conclusions advocate in favour of re-establishing (in a new form, compatible with the maintenance of the economic dynamism of the market socialist system) some positive features of the pre-reform socialist model, among which universal public provision of basic public services is paramount.
Alberto GabrieleEmail:

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