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法国作家阿妮.艾尔诺的代表作<地位>和<一个女人>根据作家自己的身世为蓝本,以简明深刻、明快隽永、带有浓厚地方色彩的诺曼底风格写成.本文通过对这两部作品的分析,旨在说明艾尔诺作品的体裁既具有自传的性质,又包含诸多小说因素,是一种作者独创的介乎于文学、历史、社会学、传记乃至圣徒传之间的新型文学体裁.  相似文献   

在巴尔扎克的《无名杰作》中,描写和绘画相互借用,互为补充叙述者力图使描写具有绘画特征,而老画家弗朗奥费尔则试图借助诗的语言使画中人物摆脱画框。真实绘画作品在推动情节发展的同时,通过画中女性暗示出女主人公的命运。  相似文献   


In this article Franco Bozzi discusses the case made by the supporters of Italian Risortgimento, who advocated a federal structure for the new Italian national state. Because in the course of events, Cavour's model of a unitary state under the House of Savoy was adopted, it is often overlooked that coherent arguments were advanced, to the effect that the whole historical-political tradition of political life in Italy had been federalist, built around the tradition of the autonomous City Commune. Thinkers such as Carlo Cattaneo, Enrico Cemuschi and outsiders, including Proudhon, suggested that a federal structure for the new state would be in line with the political tradition of Italy and would attract a much higher level of popular support and consent, whereas a unitary structure would have to be enforced from above on a reluctant people. In the light of their thinking, the unification after 1860 could be seen, and has been interpreted, as a potential popular revolution that failed or was stifled by Cavour and the centralizers.  相似文献   

傅荣 《法国研究》2003,(1):109-131
本文以法国原版教材<法律法语>为例,展示对外语教材进行描述性分析的一种可能途径.  相似文献   

雅姆的诗平易自然 ,但意境幽丽 ,读来令人感到亲切 ,余音缭绕。本文着重从词汇、结构、韵律、主题等方面分析了雅姆的一首诗 ,展现了作者的主要写作风格。  相似文献   

本文通过分析汉语和法语词语丰富的文化信息内涵,探讨在外语教学中从词汇入手学习外国文化的可能性,并且讨论在教学中如何引导学生关注文化问题,尤其是隐性文化。  相似文献   


In this article, Simone Lassig examines franchise reforms in the federal states of the German Empire before 1914. She is critical of restricting the history of the German Empire to the history of Prussia. From this viewpoint, electoral reforms in several of the German federal states are used to indicate the capacity of the political elites to resolve problems related to the system. When we observe southern and central Germany, it can be shown that the old elites were capable of learning. Although the non-socialist parties opposed every form of mass politics until the turn of the century, by limiting the right to vote, after that they opened up to the increasing demands for participation from the lower levels of society. Tendencies towards democrati;tation appeared not only in many new electoral laws, but also in the political culture, expecially in the development of new methods of parliamentary conflict. Legitimation of authoriry gained a new status: the parliamentary resolution of conflicts was revalued as against legal restrictions, and facilitated the partial integration of the formerly excluded workers' party. The concept, scarcely challenged in research, that there was only a primitive level of democratization in Wilhelmine Germany should be reconsidered at least, as a result of this analysis.  相似文献   

刘艳 《法国研究》2003,(1):140-148
通过对一个法国语言教师在“对外法语”教学班教学活动的观察分析 ,本文指出 ,在第二语言习得教学中 ,教师的重要作用之一是掌握和适时调节言语输出的机制 ,扮演“交流导演”的角色 ,并随时向学习者提供正确语料 ,保证外语输出的准确度  相似文献   

程静 《法国研究》2002,(1):71-77
雅姆的诗平易自然,但意境幽丽,读来令人感到亲切,余音缭绕.本文着重从词汇、结构、韵律、主题等方面分析了雅姆的一首诗,展现了作者的主要写作风格.  相似文献   

神话中的火凤凰,是一只在烈火中燃成灰烬,又从自己的灰烬中再生复活的神鸟。加拿大魁北克著名小说Kamouraska中,并未直接提及这一神话原型,但我们在阅读中,在剖析女主人公的过程中,常常能看到这传说中火之鸟的影子。女主人公伊莉莎白,是一位受人尊重的贵妇。当她守候在垂死的丈夫身边时,压抑多年的激情开始复苏。由于意识到新生活即将来临,她既兴奋又紧张,既高兴又害怕。内心两个不同的自我在奋力挣扎一个恪守妇道,另一个则追求真实的情感。这两个自我不断地交替轮换,一个自我的死亡孕育另一个的新生。直到小说结尾处,在两个自我间来回摇摆的女主人公,一直如同一只不停扑打着翅膀,积聚能量,即将燃烧的火凤凰。这是一只犹豫的,思考的,甚至有些恍惚的火凤凰。  相似文献   

此文是对 2 0世纪上半叶法国文化在中国的传播和接受过程的总体回顾。作者结合现代中国的特殊历史背景 ,着重论述了五四运动和《新青年》杂志、留法勤工俭学运动、中法大学等历史事件和相关人物对传播法国文化所起的作用 ,并介绍了这个时期法国思想和文学在中国的译介情况。  相似文献   

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