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On the stages of international politics and economics,the Europe-an Union(EU)is a key player,and its development has greatimpact on the global political and economic setup.In2005,the“constitutional crisis”occurred in the EU,the fruits of European e-cono…  相似文献   

Along with the fast growth of world economy, industrialization in particular, global issues such as climate change have become common concerns of the international community. Climate diplomacy is also gradually becoming a hot topic on the international agenda. Climate change is a common challenge to the world and every country bears the responsibility to address this issue. China is highly concerned about climate change and hopes to work with EU and the rest of the world to meet this challenge.  相似文献   

As world consumption of energy grows fast, the proven petro- leum reserves are limited in today's world, and the oil price fluctuates and most often soars up sharply, energy has become a most crucial factor in the world economy and the energy security problem has increasingly become an important focus of attention for the international community. Owing to the big size and the fast growth-rate of China's economy, it is only too natural that China's energy situation, including its energy import, and its energy policy and strategy have been watched closely and discussed extensively by the whole world with wide-spread interest. It might be useful for this paper to give a brief account of the actual situation of China's energy production and consumption and China's relevant strategy for energy security.  相似文献   

World Geopolitics and China's Choices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the beginning of the 21st century, international geostrategic thinking has experienced two important changes. First, the rise of the Asia Pacific region as a global economic power has shifted the world geopolitical center of gravity from the Euro-Atlantic region to the Asia Pacific region at an ever increasing speed. Second, globalization along with Asia Pacific's rise has shaken up world geopolitics. Traditionally, geopolitics centered on power struggles and preparations for war but this is now dying out. New geopolitics emphasizes global interdependence and cooperation. These changes provide a rising China with new opportunities. They are creating favorable conditions for the nation in its ascendance. China now needs to formulate a new geostrategy.  相似文献   

Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine on December 26, the anniversary of his second premiership. His visit on the 70-year anniversary of the release of the Cairo Declaration represents a flagrant defiance of the post-war international order. It features the following three characteristics.  相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, the multipolarization of international politics and globalization of world economy have been developing robustly in an unprecedented way in terms of width and depth. As the largest developing country and the fastest growing economy in the world, China is undergoing historical changes in its relations with the world, being deeply involved in the existing international system.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, some terms, such as the "Asian Century , the "rise of Asia" and the "rise of China and India,have become popular in international society. For some international observers, these terms simply reflect a global tendency; but for Asian people, they are more like visions. As members of Asia, China and South Asian countries have a responsibility to make these visions into realities, and these countries are trying their utmost to do so.  相似文献   

At different stages of historical development in the past 60 years of its foreign relations, China came up with fresh strategic thoughts and concepts of great significance to the international community, such as the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the Three Worlds Theory, the New International Economic and Political Order, and the Concept of Harmonious World. In today's world, the international balance of power has experienced great changes, the prospect of multi-polar system is increasingly clear,  相似文献   

China' s foreign relations with its neighbors are integral to the country's economic development and the direction of its rising political influence. China' s core goals in the region are to create a favorable regional environment for sustainable economic development;  相似文献   

Beginning from the advent of the 21st century, the world has increasingly shifted toward multi-polarization, and international relations are becoming normalized and institutionalized due to economic globalization and regional integration. The concept of multilateralism has gained currency in the international community and become a cornerstone of international relations.1 In this context, India highlights multilateral diplomacy in its foreign strategy, and enthusiastically engages in the construction of multilateral systems.  相似文献   

In the Cold War period, India took a relatively estrangementpolicy toward Latin America and relations between the two sides were fairly cold. With the adjustment of its policy after the end of the Cold War, India began to actively engage the Latin American countries, especially the major ones,  相似文献   

<正>Climate change issues, as a grave challenge to the sustainable development of the human society, have received ever greater attention from the  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is one of the main energy consumers and importers in the world. Safeguarding energy security has become the priority objective in internal and external policies of the EU. By implementing its diversification strategy in energy supply, the EU has strengthened its rivalry for energy in Central Asia. China and the EU face similar energy security problem. After the launching of the natural gas pipelines in Central Asia,  相似文献   

What impact does a shift in the global distribution of power have on the international order? According to the views of traditional realists, power transitions in the international order are usually accompanied by major wars, the best example being the two world wars of the twentieth century. China's peaceful rise is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and Pacific regions. The steady rise of China's position and its role in dealing with international and regional problems have proved China's success in "cooperative security". This paper analyzes the security order in the Asia-Pacific region1 that China wants to construct to provide important guarantees to its peaceful rise. Firstly, I review and compare key arguments about the transition of international systems and China's Asia-Pacific strategy, Secondly, I investigate the dynamics between China's peaceful rise and the "cooperative security" which I think are the collective embodiments of modem transformation and the restructuring of China's traditional strategic culture. Thirdly, I examine how to construct a mechanism of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region to guarantee China's peaceful rise on both political and economic levels. Economic cooperation and free trade in Asia-Pacific region is an important route to regional economic integrity which will guarantee China's role in maintaining the political and economic security in the region.  相似文献   

Since the founding of New China, with tremendous changes in the Chinese society, social productivity and comprehensive national strength have been greatly enhanced, and people's livelihood has also been substantially improved. Great achievements have been made in the aspects of education, sports, medical care and health. For 60 years, the universalization of education in China has come close to the average level in medium income countries;  相似文献   

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