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HE GUANGHUI 《人权》2009,(2):31-33
I. An Overview of the Right of Privacy for Minors and Relevant Obligee's Right to Learn Their Privacy
The right to privacy has been recognized as an important personal right by China's practitioners and theorists of law although it is not an independent part of the Civil Law. In general, the right of privacy refers to the "right of the natural person to enjoy tranquility of private life and his or her right not to allow other persons to invade, learn, use, reveal or publish the kind of information relevant to his private life."  相似文献   

LI YUNLONG 《人权》2010,(1):10-13
Poverty generally refers to material destitution, namely, conditions under which a person's or a family's life is not up to the lowest socially acceptable standard. Lacking some necessary means of livelihood and services, they live in great difficulty. Poverty deprives a person of his or her naturally endowed value and of life's basic necessities. Poverty is a deprivation of the most basic human right and an insult to human dignity.  相似文献   

周强 《人权》2015,(2):144-152
Comparative analysis of China’s human rights white papers provides a valuable perspective on changes in the official human rights discourse. In terms of their structures, the white papers can be divided into three types: the mixed model, the five-in-one model and the rights-list model. The rights-list model has a consistent style, standard terminology, and an arrangement of rights in line with China’s reality. In terms of contents, the right to subsistence has been gradually reduced and the right to development is increasing. In the 2013 white paper, there was a whole chapter on social security rights, which highlights China’s social development and the priority placed on the people’s wellbeing. The right to development and social security will become a new focus of human rights discourse in China.  相似文献   

WANG SIXIN 《人权》2009,(6):25-28
Article 35 of the Constitution provides that citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration. This accords with provisions of Articles of 19, 21 and 22 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In his report at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Hu Jintao urged to guarantee the people's right to freedom of expression. The right to free expression, apart from freedom of speech and of the press, includes the right to use slogans and posters to express political views.  相似文献   

SINCE 2000 China has been implementing the Western Development Strategy, the aims of which are to push forward the development of backward areas and reduce regional imbalance. Since its inception, the Western Development Drive has integrated ecological construction and environmental protection as vital tasks, and in the process of executing a succession of eco-environment projects has enhanced the region's capability to adapt to climate change.  相似文献   

THE widening usage of China's currency, the RMB, in inter- national trade and invest- ment has strengthened thecountry's trade ties with the rest of the world and actively promoted the growth of the global economy. China has also taken the RMB's internation- alization as an opportunity to promote its exchange rate reform and to open up the country's capital account.  相似文献   

As an avid reader of China .Today to which I first sub-scribed in 1981 at the Guangzhou Fair, I would like to take the liberty now to put something right concerning Valentine's Day. This is not a Westem festival and it has nothing to do with a saint or religion. It used to be an Anglo-Saxon habit to dedicate one day per year to present flowers to a person you treasure (friend, lover, nice colleague, etc.),  相似文献   

As a basic right of citizens, equality is explicitly written into China's Constitution. In its administrative laws, the violation of citizens' right to equality is labeled as misuse of authority in regard to the procedure of judicial assistance. On the basis of making clear the definition of civil equality and current administrative protection, this thesis tries to suggest that an all-dimensional system for protecting citizens' equality right be established within the scope of administrative laws.  相似文献   

LI JUNRU 《人权》2013,(6):2-4
This year, nothing has sparked so much interest both at home and abroad as the "China Dream" concept initiated by Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China and general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It not only represents a dream of national rejuvenation, prosperity and the people's well- being that has been pursued from generation to generation in China, but also a dream of human rights for which the Chinese people have long strived.  相似文献   

ZENG YU 《人权》2009,(6):6-9
China has made steady progress in putting into practice the concept of gender mainstreaming, the public policy concept adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in 1995 in Beijing, which calls for assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programs, in all areas and at all levels. Meanwhile, there are still shortfalls in China's mainstreaming effort, which indeed merit our attention. This article attempts to analyze, in light of gender mainstreaming, the various aspects of China's endeavor to ensure labor protection for women.  相似文献   

YIN WEIMIN 《人权》2009,8(3):2-4
Guided by the state policy of reform and opening to the outside world, the Chinese Government has, by dint of hard work over the past three decades, by and large accomplished the task of building up a human resources and social security system. Good enough to serve China's goal of developing a socialist market economy, this system has contributed to the national endeavor to ensure and improve people's livelihood and to safeguard the stability of the reform-and-opening undertakings.  相似文献   

CEMENT, telephones, camera film, steam engines, and electric motors. A slew of innovative new inventions have been displayed at World Expos since the fair's inception in 1851. It has always been a showcase for the envelope-pushers in science and technology. This year's Shanghai World Expo, which opens on May 1,2010, will have plenty of the next generation of gadgets to impress and amaze.  相似文献   

ZHANG ZHIMING 《人权》2007,6(2):29-31
Ⅰ. Getting help from lawyers and its realization according to international standards The right to defense for a person involving in a law suit is a universal human right. Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence." This means (1) the right to defence is a basic human right due to all persons charged with a penal offence; (2) it is a basic requirement for the principle of presumption of innocence and fair trial; and (3) the realization of the right needs practical and effective guarantees.  相似文献   

Gehua New Century Hotel Beijing
Gehua New Century Hotel has 327 standard rooms and 26 deluxe king size rooms, providing guests a stay of luxury and relaxation. Each room features the intelligent-controlled environment system, which automatically adjusts the room's temperature and lighting to be most comfortable for guests. Many of the rooms offer guests brilliant views that tower over the famed Olympic stadiums, including the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube.  相似文献   

BAI ZHONGHONG 《人权》2008,(4):30-34
1. The International Protection of Women's Human Rights: Emergence of CEDAW
For a long time, women's rights have been excluded from traditional discourse on human right. The traditional discourse on human rights has developed without considering its impact upon women. Transforming this discourse to a perspective that will consider the needs and vindications of women is absolutely essential.1 Although international efforts addressing women's issues presumed to be associated with women began in the nineteenth century, it was in the postwar period that such activity gained a coherent focus under the auspices of United Nations.  相似文献   

正ON July 1,2014,Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration adopted a cabinet resolution to"reinterpret"the constitution and so allow the country to exercise collective self-defense.Since Abe took office in December 2012,his administration has consistently sought to break with the restrictions of Article 9 of Japan’s pacifist constitution,which renounces"the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes."The resolution in effect reflects Abe’s ultimate aim.Although the Abe administration has issued specific restrictions on the right to collective self-defense,and there are constraints on Japan’s use of military force,this reinterpretation nonetheless marks a turning point in Japan’s histori-  相似文献   

SHEN GUOQIN 《人权》2009,(2):34-36
The women's liberation movement in China started after the first opium war and it took shape with the aim of protecting the race and salvaging the country. Doubtlessly, the emergence of modern feminism opened the precedent in the theory of women's liberation in China and exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on women's liberation afterwards. But we must face up to the fact that there was some traps or misunderstanding of modern feminism, which were unfavorable for realizing women's rights and such influence was long, so much so that till today we are still seeing its existence. It is, therefore, necessary to have a full reflection of modem feminism, unveil the original meaning of women's rights and make women's rights return to human rights in order to make the development of women's fights continue.  相似文献   

The topic of"dreams" reminds me of a text by the late Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng who was paralyzed when he was 21, in whichhe elaborated on his devotion to sports. He loved track and field the most, more than writing, and his favorite star was Carl Lewis whom, with a strong body and super speed, he regarded as the luckiest man on earth. Shi once thought that he would do anything to have Lewis' physique and vigor in another life, if there were one. But observ- ing the athlete's rise and fall after a doping scandal, he gained fresh understanding of success, happiness and life in general. He said his dream was to have a healthy body, a beautiful soul and life wisdom. While acknowledging that many think one should not be too greedy or ambitious, Shi's overriding belief was that everyone has the right to dream big, and to look forward to the best in the world.  相似文献   

BY MO RONG 《人权》2014,(1):23-25
##正##Human rights refer to the basic rights to which every person is entitled based on his or her nature and dignity under certain social and historical circumstances.Simply put,the term means that everyone has the right to live and develop in a free and equal manner.Article 42 of the Chinese Constitution stipulates that Chinese citizens have both the right and obligation to work.The right to employment is a basic right for our citizens.The National Human Rights Action Plan of China(2012-2015)  相似文献   

The use of solar and geotherma I energy, wind power and other renewable forms of energy to run Beijing's Olympic venues has deeply impressed the world with the country's commitment to developing energy alternatives, China has always been handicapped by a relative shortage of domestic energy resources, and its energy efficiency has remained low for many years, rendering its energy consumption per unit of GDP among the highest in the world.  相似文献   

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