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<正>I wish to be the grass,greening the spring days;I wish to be a fountain,moistening the dry land;I wish to be a spring breeze,warming people in cold;I wish to be a ladder,helping children make progress.  相似文献   

正The core of the message to the outside world lay in President Xi Jinping’s assertion that the international community expects to hear China’s voice and be aware of China’s plans and China will not be absent from the world’s debate.This is not new,of course.For some time now,the world has recognized China as a force to be reckoned with.But in order to understand what the world can expect from China in 2016,it is useful to analyze the carefully considered content of the president’s  相似文献   

<正>Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s statement, “it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal,” is more apt than ever under the administration of Joe Biden. This is evident, for example, in the case of the war between Ukraine and Russia and the position that the friends of the United States have had to take, even going against their internal needs.  相似文献   

Lost Childhood     
正EVERY school day Dongdong wakes up at 6:20.Still half asleep,his mother has to force him to drag on his clothes and brush his teeth.Within 15 minutes he has to be in the car,ready to leave,which means his breakfast has to be consumed on the way.If it is winter,the sun has not yet risen.  相似文献   

China will use jade in the medals for the Beijing Olympics in order to symbolize the nation's culture On March 1,artisans at the Shanghai Mint were about to add the fin- ishing touch to 3,030 jade rings. These jade tings will be mounted on the reverse side of the medals to be pre- sented at the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games. A ring will encircle the Beijing Games em- blem engraved on metal in the center of each  相似文献   

Acollection of 305 songs from the early Western Zhou Dynasty (1100-771B.C)to the mid Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 B.C).the Book of Songs is acknowledged to be the Book of Songs is acknowledged to be the fountain of Chinese poetry and literature in general,and was high on the reading list of intellectuals in ancient China.  相似文献   

As the old saying goes, "The rich get richer," but for fat cat developers, not without ample cash flow. So in China's booming property market, these big golden boys are turning to outside help to blimp themselves up a bit more. But if "greed is good," then it's also smart for companies listed overseas to return to the mainland for their extra injection of cash. At least that's what every Tom, Dick and Harry Chinese company seems to be doing these days, including overseas Chinese company returnee Ping An. But the blue chips may not be the best investment in the A share market, as QFII investors are noting. It could be the undervalued underdogs that turn invested pennies-or mao-into riches. Meanwhile, foreign companies continue to jump on the mainland bandwagon-Alliance Boots Plc is the latest to make the leap into the pharmaceutical sector.  相似文献   

A new city is in the making on the eastern outskirts of Guangzhou.In lieu of the average citizen,the city will be home to thousands of biotech engineers or new energy researchers.It will be a green city.It will be a hi-tech city.It will be a city of the future.  相似文献   

Nothing can compare to looking down this old city from above. Beijing's physical growth during the last 30 years makes it difficult to appreciate the layout of the city and the relationship of each district to the city as a whole. It would be great to actually see it from the air, but the city's airport is to the east of the built-up area and only on very clear days can the whole city stretching to the Western Hills be seen during descent. Maps of Beijing, updated with the layout of the city every year, can give a two-dimensional view of the city's shape and particularly the development of the urban highway network. However, nothing can compare to looking down from above.  相似文献   

Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket will be starring in "Charlie and the Choco-late Factory", due to be released in 2005. A youngboy embarks on a tour to the most magnificentchocolate factory in the world guided by its mys-terious operator. Directed by Tim Burton. Johnny Depp will also be appearing as Cap-tain Jack Sparrow with Orlando Bloom as WillTurner in "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", due to bereleased in 2006. It is the second high-seas adven-ture of …  相似文献   

Shaking the SOEs     
According to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), a new state-owned capital operational budget system is to be established by the end of 2006 and put into practice in 2007. The establishment of this system is intended to standardize and improve the remuneration and distribution system of central SOEs. The most noticeable facet of the new system is expected to be the requirement for central SOEs to turn in profits to the state, which will end their privilege of delivering no profits, only taxes.  相似文献   

Checkbooks can be called the dinosaurs of banking. Once essential for transactions, especially those involving large sums of money, they became virtually extinct with the arrival of ATM cards. Now, as technology continues to evolve, it could be time to say goodbye to the handy little bankcards as well.  相似文献   

the history of the early part of the last 150 years is very depressing, I feel that young people should know about the long, hard road China has traveled, as all should know about the past to be wise for the fu-ture. As such I feel it would not only be of interest to foreigners, but also to Chinese readers if you could have some articles highlighting the past, so as to understand the present.  相似文献   

China is banking on tax reforms to help transform its economy Reform of the taxation system will be a topic of significant importance at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)to be held in October,according to sources.  相似文献   

TO be, or not to be, that is the question ..." to Hamlet and to the majority of people, who generally treasure life and fear death. In many cultures it is taboo to raise the topic of death in everyday discourse, but this is not the case with the Chinese people. To them life and death are a common conversational topic. Their matter of fact approach is illustrated in the sayings: "Human life is nothing but a stage over which the sun and the moon  相似文献   

<正>The benefits of greater integration should be for the manyDuring the past one or two decades,the view toward globalization among the Chinese transformed remarkably as people who used to cast doubt on the trend began to be convinced that the country should definitely be involved in the process,or even lead it.The globalization we're talking about today  相似文献   

正OPINION Not the Old Path A series of stimulus policies are coming out.Monetary policy may be fine-tuned,construction of several major projects is to be restarted,policies of expanding domestic demand may be adjusted,taxes will be further reduced,and the threshold for private capital to enter more sectors will be lowered.  相似文献   

The world of traditional Chinese medicine is quite mysterious. In the early times of the Western Zhou Dynasty(BC IO46-BC 256), Chinese people started to use snake liquor to cure illnesses. Even old baked clay roof tiles can be considered to be traditional Chinese medicine due to their ability to stop thirst and dispel heat.  相似文献   

Board of directors article We recommend keeping the board of directors small and allowing for board meetings to be held outside China or even by telephone conference. Emergency board meetings should be just that, "an emergency" and called at 24-hour notice, not one-month notice! Pay attention to the duties and responsibilities of directors. General manager article This is a legally responsible position so put it in the hands of someone you trust, ideally your expat manager in charge of production. Limit the term of office to a year to give you some leeway. General managers can be notoriously difficult to fire if employed under the long terms often used in standard articles.  相似文献   

Ninety percent of problems when set- ting up business in China can be avoided by the deployment of due diligence at the front end of the investment planning.Here we point out some of the areas that can hinder a sensible approach to due diligence,the hidden risks and basic checks.The process does not have to be expensive. Land use rights These relate to the status of the land on which your Chinese partner has his prem-  相似文献   

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