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信用卡诈骗罪若干问题研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
信用卡诈骗罪是以信用卡作为犯罪工具的诈骗犯罪。建议该罪亦可由单位构成犯罪主体 ;骗领信用卡人不能成为恶意透支的犯罪主体 ;对使用伪造、作废信用卡、冒用他人信用卡 ,恶意透支行为 ,应区别不同情况分别处理 ;危害信用卡并使用的行为 ,拾得信用卡并使用的行为构成本罪 ;对骗领信用卡并使用的行为、信用卡协议透支的行为 ,应区别不同情形 ,作出相应处罚。  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that forensic document examiners (FDEs) have expertise in providing opinions about whether questioned signatures are genuine or simulated. This study extends the exploration of FDE expertise by evaluating the performance of eight FDEs and 12 control subjects at identifying signatures as either forgeries or the disguised writing of a specimen provider. Subject eye movements and response times were recorded with a Tobii 1750 eye tracker during the signature evaluations. Using a penalty scoring system, FDEs performed significantly better than control subjects (t = 2.465, p = 0.024), with one FDE able to correctly call 13 of the 16 test stimuli (and three inconclusive calls). An analysis of eye movement search patterns by the subjects indicated that a very similar search strategy was employed by both groups, suggesting that visual inspection of signatures is mediated by a bottom up search strategy. However, FDEs spent greater than 50% longer to make a decision than the control group. The findings are suggestive that for some stimuli FDEs can discriminate between forgeries and disguises, and that this ability is due to a careful inspection and consideration of multiple features within a signature.  相似文献   

论信用证诈骗罪   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
信用证诈骗罪侵犯的主要客体是国家对信用证的管理制度,在实施骗取信用证进行诈骗时,公私财物的所有权仅是一种选择客体。客观方面表现为《刑法》第195条规定的四种方式。信用证诈骗罪在某些情况下也存在既遂、未遂之分。应当区分本罪与伪造、变造金融票证罪的界限。对盗窃他人信用证后又加以使用、利用信用证诈骗银行“打包贷款”的行为应按本罪论处。  相似文献   

罗马法债权理念的一般发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由罗马法发展起来的债权理念 ,代表了罗马法的较高成就 ,是人类法律文化的宝贵遗产。罗马法债权理念发展的一般历程分为三个阶段 ,即 ,人身性债权向财产性债权的过渡形成、债权理念与家父权理念的并存格局 ,以及罗马法债权理念的扩充发展。这三个阶段展示了人类债权理念由原始状态向文明过渡的历程  相似文献   

Shoeprint and toolmark examinations have been carried out for forensic purposes for a great number of years. According to literature, the first case of footwear identification dates back to the year 1786. This particular case was worked out by a local police constable. Who then, are the persons working in crime laboratories and specialising in shoeprint and toolmark examinations today? Are they responsible for some other kind of duties, and if ‘yes’, what kind of duties? To find answers to these questions, a questionnaire was prepared and sent to 78 forensic laboratories, 62 laboratories in 27 European countries and 16 laboratories in six countries outside Europe. Forty-three laboratories (55%) in 23 countries; 35 laboratories in 19 European countries and eight laboratories in four countries outside Europe returned the questionnaire. The conducted study shows that the shoeprint and toolmark examiners are performing a great variety of tasks besides shoeprint and toolmark examinations, and also that the tasks vary a lot from one laboratory to another.  相似文献   

刑法中伪造信用卡犯罪中的伪造不仅包括仿制其物理外观的形式伪造,还应包括将权利人信息写入磁条介质、芯片等的内容伪造。作为伪造对象的信用卡应当是具有物理载体的实体卡片,事实上不存在对虚拟信用卡的伪造。以虚假身份骗领无对应实体卡的虚拟信用卡应视为妨害信用卡管理罪中的骗领信用卡行为;利用权利人既有实体卡信息,复制虚拟信用卡的行为系对他人信用卡信息资料的非法使用而非伪造。有关伪造信用卡犯罪刑法规定的立法原意并不包含伪造空白信用卡,伪造空白信用卡具有严重的社会危害性,理应将其纳入刑法规制范围,以保持与妨害信用卡管理罪刑法规定的协调。不能通过司法解释改变立法原意,现行刑法中伪造信用卡犯罪的伪造含义应有相应的调整。  相似文献   

丘志馨 《政法学刊》2000,17(1):26-30
当前信用卡恶意透支犯罪日益剧增,其表现形式也愈来愈复杂,存在着信用卡业务管理的不完善、技术防范手段落后、特约商户把关不严等客观原因,因此,必须从加强宣传教育、健全风险防范机制、完善技术服务手段、加大打击力度等方面入手,才能有效地遏制信用卡恶意透支犯罪。  相似文献   

论我国个人信用征信中隐私权的保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场经济是信用经济,个人信用征信势在必行,而在个人信用征信过程中,存在着信用信息的流动与隐私权保护的矛盾冲突。目前,我国已经采取了一定的措施来平衡这对矛盾,但是笔者认为还存在诸多问题,只有完善隐私权的一般规定、制定个人信息保护法、构建个人信用活动的具体规则,才能真正保护个人信用征信中的隐私权。  相似文献   

论信用短缺时代的我国公司资本制度   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
信用短缺时代的我国公司资本制度 ,应以能重塑并促进整个社会信用机制的发展为其根本目标。法定资本制度对社会信用机制需求度低 ,且有助于整个社会信用机制的健全 ;授权资本制度对社会信用机制的需求度高 ,没有健全的社会信用作为平台 ,这种制度将难以有效运行。我国现行的公司资本制度所存在的问题 ,主要是验资制度和人格分离制度的纰漏所致 ,并非法定资本制度本身的问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to obtain DNA profiles from immunochromatographic test devices which have already yielded positive results with body fluids obtained from fourteen volunteers. Three different immunochromatographic cards for the identification of human blood and one for the identification of human saliva were used for this research. Each body fluid was detected using the appropriate immunochromatographic card. The used cards were kept at room temperature for various lengths of time. The membranes were removed at the end of the designated times and the entire strip was extracted using low copy number (LCN) extraction procedure. The extracted DNA was amplified using reduced amplification volume and higher PCR cycle numbers. Autosomal STR profiles were detected using AmpFℓSTR® Identifiler™ PCR Amplification Kit from Applied Biosystems (AB). Additionally, DNA extracted from the male volunteers was amplified using the AB AmpFℓSTR® Yfiler™ PCR Amplification Kit. Analysis of the amplified products was carried out by capillary electrophoresis injection on the AB 3130xl Genetic Analyzer. The generated DNA data was analyzed using the SoftGenetics GeneMarker® HID Version 1.7 software.Autosomal and Y-STR DNA profiles were obtained from most of the cards which were stored at room temperature for up to three months. DNA profile was obtained from all four types of the immunochromatographic cards used in this study. These profiles were concordant with the profiles obtained from the donors’ reference samples.  相似文献   

债权让与通知的效力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于债权让与通知的效力 ,我国合同法仅设三个条文进行规定 ,与法律实践中的复杂情况相比显得过于简略。应对债权通知方式、债权通知对债务人、债权人以及第三人的效力等问题作具体研究 ,完善我国《合同法》的相关规定。  相似文献   

政府信用博弈分析及制度建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用博弈论中的纳什均衡理论对政府信用的形成及缺失的内在机制进行了详实的分析。提出了组建压力集团以构筑对等的博弈平台;文章最后提出通过建立重复性博弈机制、守信激励机制、失信惩戒机制和完善监督机制、失信救济机制等手段解决政府信用危机。  相似文献   

债权让与制度若干问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
债权让与是债法上的一项重要制度 ,它还与物权法和不当得利等制度密切相关。我国合同法规定 ,当事人约定债权不得转让的 ,按约定。对约定的效力作这样的肯定是值得质疑的。它与当前国外的趋向不符 ,不适应市场经济发展的需要。有关债权让与制度的概念、构成要件、法律效力等问题 ,均应从理论上作深入探讨  相似文献   

黄明欣 《行政与法》2005,(11):39-42
导致我国信用缺失的最根本原因是法律责任制度的不完善.健康的市场经济必须要有完善合理的信用法律责任制度来维系.我国现行的信用法律责任制度的缺陷表现为设定缺乏、设置非适度和规定的缺位.只有从多角度综合运用各种责任形式,进行完善的信用责任制度设计才能最终为市场经济的发展保驾护航.  相似文献   

程海俊 《政法学刊》2005,22(1):101-104
完善的社会信用体系是市场经济健康发展的重要保障建立健全社会信用体系是我国建设现代市场体系的必要条件,是规范我国市场经济秩序的治本之策我国信用体系建设过程中仍然存在不少问题,要解决这些问题,应从加强全社会的信用意识、加快建设信用服务体系、推进信用立法、完善法律法规和配套设施等方面着手  相似文献   

食品安全问题层出不穷,构建食品安全诚信是遏制食品安全问题、满足人们群众健康需求的迫切需要。首先,食品安全诚信建设必须以法治为保障,发挥法律的规范、引导作用。其次,构建食品安全失信惩戒机制,包括强化对失信行为的刑事处罚及行政处罚、完善行业禁人制度。最后,构建食品安全诚信信息体系,建立起食品安全信用监管体制、征信体制、评价制度、披露制度等,并建立政府、行业、社会三个层面的诚信数据库。  相似文献   

In the past, pattern disciplines within forensic science have periodically faced criticism due to their subjective and qualitative nature and the perceived absence of research evaluating and supporting the foundations of their practices. Recently, however, forensic scientists and researchers in the field of pattern evidence analysis have developed and published approaches that are more quantitative, objective, and data driven. This effort includes automation, algorithms, and measurement sciences, with the end goal of enabling conclusions to be informed by quantitative models. Before employing these tools, forensic evidence must be digitized in a way that adequately balances high-quality detail and content capture with minimal background noise imparted by the selected technique. While the current work describes the process of optimizing a method to digitize physical documentary evidence for use in semi-automated trash mark examinations, it could be applied to assist other disciplines where the digitization of physical items of evidence is prevalent. For trash mark examinations specifically, it was found that high-resolution photography provided optimal digital versions of evidentiary items when compared to high-resolution scanning.  相似文献   

Source of nomination (prosecution, defense, judge) was varied in a fictional not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) case distributed to 180 community forensic evaluators in a state employing theM'Naghten rule. Differences among examiners by appointment for the final NGRI judgment was not significant; interrater reliability for psychopathological symptomatology was .73. Discriminant analysis revealed significant differences in the decision-making process between evaluators recommending sanity and those endorsing insanity, as well as between psychiatrists and psychologists.  相似文献   

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