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叶晓川  曹飞 《河北法学》2012,(10):153-158
警察任务在警察法治化构建过程当中的地位十分重要,《中华人民共和国人民警察法》第2条有关警察任务的规定在实际操作过程中明显过于宽泛,又受到政治因素的干扰,引起众多对于警察职责职权方面的争议,甚至在某种程度上造成警察在执法中进退两难的境地。警察任务如何执行,既关乎人民生命财产安全、社会秩序健全,更影响到国家在法治化建设进程中如何适当脱离"人治",入轨"法治"的转型。对此,需要通过对当前我国警察任务相关规定的拆解,分析时下警察任务所面临的现实困境,找到问题的根源,结合法治化进程明确警察任务的规范化途径。  相似文献   

徐键 《行政法学研究》2009,(2):75-81,126
公共建设是现代行政结构下行政任务的基本构成。城市化背景下,公共建设任务的扩张以及行政任务的多元化,使行政主体难以独自达成庞杂的公共建设任务。规制性征收是通过城市规划将公共建设任务从行政主体转移至私的土地利用主体的法律机制。规制性征收的社会正义性基础在于引导土地利用迈向公平与正义。这种替代性的公共建设模式面临诸多法律问题,因而需要从多维的视角审视其制度合法性。  相似文献   

The focus of our paper is to qualitatively explore the mission statements components of university TTOs using Pearce and David’s (Acad Manag Exec 1(2):109–115, 1987) eight components. Mission statements are the organization’s central defining purpose and focus. In essence an organizations’ raison d’etre. Given the growing importance of the role TTOs now play, understanding components of mission statements is timely, particularly during the first phase of TTO developments. To provide insights concerning these issues our study is set in the Republic of Ireland, which has one of the top performing university and public research organization technology transfer system within the European Union. Using Pearce and David (1987) well established eight mission statement components we analyzed seven Irish university TTO mission statements. We also conducted quantitative analysis on the number of mission statement components and selected variables. We found that university TTO mission statements focused primarily on two mission components—target customers and markets and principal services. From our quantitative analysis we found moderate positive correlations between patents granted and number of mission statement components. Furthermore we found there was a positive correlation between grants granted outside of Ireland and the number of mission components. Our results, albeit they are tempered by a small sample of data, have pertinent implications for TTOs.  相似文献   


We analyze the way in which individual academics and research groups organize their third mission activities before and after the institutionalization of third mission strategies by the university governing body. Drawing on the literature, we put forward an interpretative framework that links central entrepreneurial or engaged strategies with the way academics organize their third mission activities. Then, we propose an application of this frame to the case of the University of Florence (Italy), before and after its transition to more structured entrepreneurial and engaged models. We use a mix of quantitative and qualitative analysis. A cluster analysis allows identifying different types of academics involved in the third mission based on the way they organize their activities. Furthermore, a set of interviews to academics complements the comparison and the interpretation of the clusters obtained. The following paths of change emerge: (1) increased proportion of academics involved in third mission activities; (2) bottom-level initiatives that are aligned with central strategies; and (3) increased heterogeneity of bottom-level organization forms, with a relative loss of importance of the group dimension with respect to the individual academics and an increased specialization of research groups.


李卒 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):125-128
公安高校学报的特殊性质,决定了其始终要坚持为公安现实工作服务的使命。在新的形势下.公安高校学报及其编辑人,要通过在编辑各环节中的努力、规范化办刊、准确的读者定位等来保证及实现为公安现实工作服务。  相似文献   

共享权、给付行政程序与行政法的变革   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
给付行政时代的来临使国民共享权之保障成为行政法的基本任务。与传统行政程序相比,给付行政程序因承担了国民共享权的保障任务而体现出诸多不同的法律特色,包括去高权性、积极行动、信息支持、关注正当程序、高度强调信赖保护等。这些变化引发了行政法的主题变更、结构性变革以及角色再造,促其渐变为以平等为时代主题的、作为沟通过程的、在公共治理活动中发挥更加重要作用的行政法。  相似文献   

从鸦片战争开始,中国"数千年未有之大变局"至今尚未结束,解决"数千年未有之大变局"的问题是中国19世纪以来的最高任务,也仍是当前中国人和中国文化亟待解决的最大问题.应对"数千年未有之大变局"的根本出路在于文化变革.中国文化变革的核心在于启蒙与革心,启蒙与革心是中国道德教育的文化使命,也是中国文化变革的根本任务.  相似文献   

This paper examines a particular episode in the history of British imperialism in India: the appointment of the Indian Hemp Drug Commission in 1893. We analyze the way a quasi-judicial investigation into the consumption of drugs was differently conceived and executed as a civilizing mission by, on the one hand, British colonizers, and, on the other hand, an aspiring colonized elite. By bringing together the ideological dimensions of a civilizing mission (e.g., the reliance on scientific knowledge, groper procedures, legal techniques) with its social ones (e.g., collaboration between colonizers and a local elite), we show how the very notion of a civilizing mission became a site of struggle over meaning, identity, and desirable forms of governance. The analysis reveals a local elite struggling to position itself at once on a par with British criteria of scientific competence and yet not as a mere proxy for British interests; at once able to articulate itself in terms of enlightenment concepts such as reason and modernity and yet celebrating its own distinct cultural authenticity.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many juvenile justice professionals became familiar with the “Balanced Approach as a new mission for juvenile probation. In recent months, a number of jurisdictions have adopted the Balanced Approach, by statute or policy, as the mission for their juvenile courts and juvenile justice systems. However, a great deal of misunderstanding persists about the meaning and practical differences between the Balanced Approach and other intervention models. While both quality and consistency of implementation of “balanced” policy and practice vary widely, some juvenile justice managers are using this new mission as a tool or “roadmap” for comprehensive re-structuring of juvenile justice systems and agencies. This paper argues that when viewed as a guide to systemic, rather than programmatic, reform, the Balanced Approach can be clearly distinguished from both the traditional individual treatment and the new retributive/punitive juvenile justice missions. Six critical differences between the Balanced Approach and these missions are described.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Technology transfer to society is—in addition to research and teaching—widely acknowledged as a third mission of modern universities. Academic...  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - A basic mission of NASA is to use the United States’ segment of the International Space Station (ISS), designated a national laboratory, to facilitate the...  相似文献   

李赞 《时代法学》2013,11(4):92-98
国际法是以维护和平与促进发展为根本价值取向的国际法律体系。实现和平的使命是国际法赖以存在的重要基础。康德的永久和平思想重视国际法的制度和组织建设,但忽视了实现和平的心理因素。深受康德永久和平思想影响的现代国际法体系也偏重于法律制度和国际组织的建设,对人类内心和平的建设重视不足。虽然一些国际法律文件和个别国际组织已经意识到了内心和平对世界和平的重要性,并做出了积极努力,但显然还是很不够的。真正的永久和平只能从人的内心开始实现。国际法应该在进一步加强和完善现有国际法制度和国际组织建设的基础上,更加重视人类内心和平的宣传和建设。这是国际法的新使命。  相似文献   

“第三职能”的扩张与中国大学的未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,中国大学的角色发生了重大的变化,大学体系建立之初仅承担教育职能,目前已确立了科学研究的第二职能和直接服务社会的第三职能,与其他国家不同,中国大学的第三职能占有重要地位,由此派生出由大学控制和经营的企业,并对大学科研和发展产生了影响,中国大学的未来,不仅要考虑第三职能有效发挥和社会短期需求,而且更应该以大学在国家创新系统中的角色定位、大学的社会使命作为基点,凸显大学保持与传播知识、探索新知识及对社会的建设性批评精神,国家要努力建立多元化大学体系,要对少数骨干大学进行重点扶持,适当收缩其第三职能,主管部门应汲取历史教训,尽力避免长官意志与“一刀切”行为。  相似文献   

人民民主是我国社会主义国家政权的本质,发展社会主义民主,实现人民当家做主是我国宪法、宪政的核心使命。秉承这一使命,我国现行《宪法》实施30年来,极大地促进了我国社会主义民主政治的发展。然而,在当前我国社会主义建设的新时期,社会主义民主政治也面临着不少问题与挑战。因此,有必要结合既有成就,正视新时期的挑战,通过进一步推进我国现行《宪法》的实施,探索社会主义民主政治发展的新路向。而培育社会主义民主文化,关注公民身份、提升公民的民主行动能力,走社会主义民主渐进发展之路,促进我国社会主义民主制度的完善与创新则是最为重要的环节。  相似文献   

In the last decades Third mission of Universities (encompassing Technology and Knowledge Transfer) has come abreast of the two traditional tasks of Universities. Organization of Universities and attitude of researchers in this field still needs to undergo research. The present work provides experimental evidence of the differences existing in such terms between a specialized technological University and a generalist “Humboldtian” one (with particular regards to its scientific departments). The experimental study is performed on two Italian Universities with similar formal structure and external environment, but with different specialization and research/teaching subjects. Two databases—one agent-based, the second institutional-based—are exploited in order to highlight characters. Results show different organization and attitudes. This may be due either to different organization of internal competencies and responsibilities, or to a different historical path of external relations. Results might prove relevant for the organization of Third mission activities with particular regard to Technology Transfer.  相似文献   

环境法产生和兴起于环境危机的时代,在法律领域承载着应对环境危机的历史使命。环境法的基本品格和历史使命决定了环境法成为保障和促进生态文明的首要法律部门。以生态文明为基本理念,根据生态文明建设的基本要求,环境法呈现出完全不同于传统法律部门的价值追求。作为环境法的核心价值,环境法的正义追求表现为多面的正义,包括代内正义、代际正义和人际正义。环境法的正义追求以实现人与自然的和谐共处为终极目的,这同时也是生态文明建设的题中之义。  相似文献   

The Federal Laboratories have almost 30 years of history in technology transfer. This paper examines some critical factors leading and impeding success, in terms of strategic partnerships, mission relevance and transfer context. The paper also considers future potential for transfers to the field of assistive technology for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

对于精神障碍患者的非自愿收治,应注意保障患者的人身权利,尤其是合理程序保障的权利。比较分析国际上的各国立法,在收治程序各个环节上,均须体现出对人权的保护,其主要问题有:制定强制收治的标准、送治主体、收治主体、初步裁定的步骤和时限、对初步裁定的救济、法律代表人制度、司法审查的介入(或独立第三方的介入)、危险的证明、避免无限期拘留而进行的后续定期审查、患者方获取信息的权利保障、上诉等。我国应坚持程序正义原则,借鉴国际上先进立法经验,弥补我国精神障碍患者非自愿收治程序设计的立法漏洞。  相似文献   

Increasingly widespread adoption of health information technology tools in clinical care increases interest in ethical and legal issues related to the use of these tools for public health and the effects of these uses on the clinician-patient relationship. It is argued that patients, clinicians, and society have generally uncontroversial duties to support civil society's public health mission, information technology supports this mission, and the effects of automated and computerized public health surveillance are likely to have little if any effect on the clinician-patient relationship. It is also suggested, nevertheless, that electronic public health surveillance raises interesting and important ethical issues, some of which can be addressed if not resolved by empirical research, especially regarding patient preferences about secondary use of health data and their moral obligation to contribute to population- based health.  相似文献   

现代法视野中的刑事诉讼   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以现代法理念为基础 ,解析现代刑事诉讼的基本特点 ,由此得出以下结论 :“刑事诉讼法现代化”是我国刑事诉讼法未竟的历史使命 ,也是我国刑事诉讼法发展的基本方向  相似文献   

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