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论职务发明人的权利及其立法保护   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着人们对创造性智力劳动作用认识的提高 ,职务发明人的权利越来越受到重视 ,如何确认并保护职务成果完成人特别是职务发明人的权利已经成为当今软科学的重要课题。本文阐述了确认职务发明人权利的意义 ,对职务发明人的权利内容作了较深入的探讨 ,并提出了职务发明人权利保护的立法建议。  相似文献   

论人权的司法最终救济性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
莫纪宏 《法学家》2001,(3):15-19
人权,一般意义上理解为“人作为人’应当享有的权利,其最根本的价值就在于通过现代法治社会制度上的设计,使人权这种价值得到最彻底地实现。其中,司法在国家职能中县有保障人权实现的最终救济功能。…….  相似文献   

During regulation the regulator carries out an intermediary role between shareholders and managers, consequently affecting property rights and the agency relation between the two. Deregulation implies that this intermediary role ceases to exist. This article analyses how government deregulation changes property rights, differentiating between firms of network and non-network structures. Changes in property rights affect the agency relation between shareholders and managers, increasing information asymmetry and agency costs. I argue that the way to reduce agency costs depend to a great extent on the country’s legal system classified as of common or civil law tradition.
Eva JanssonEmail:

物权与债权的区分及其相对性问题论纲   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
刘保玉  秦伟 《法学论坛》2002,17(5):39-45
物权与债权作为两类最基本的财产权 ,既相伴而存 ,有着密切的联系 ,又相离而立 ,在性质、客体、设定、效力、期限等方面存在明显的区别。近现代法上 ,物权与债权的目的性与手段性在发生着更迭与交错 ,特定领域的债权有物权化的现象 ,某些物权也有债权化的趋向 ,物权与债权还有性质上的渗透与融合的问题 ,体现出两者的区分具有相对性。了解并正确对待这种现象 ,有助于物权与债权的类别整理、立法的完善和复杂问题的解决。  相似文献   

作为个体的人死亡以后 ,原先依附于其身的权益是否依然存续 ?如若存续 ,其存续形式是什么 ?当这种权益形式遭受不当侵害时 ,又如何运用法律手段予以维护 ?近些年 ,因侵犯死者生前权益如名誉、肖像等而涉讼的案件 ,每每引起争论 ,说明有必要对与死者生前权益有关的一些问题进行深入的法理思考 ,并在此基础上探讨如何健全与完善我国维护死者生前权益的法律制度。  相似文献   

Analysis on the legal protection of merchandising rights in characters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The case of cartoon character “San Mao” triggers broad debates on merchandising right in fictional characters within the academic circle of intellectual property law. For lack of explicit legal provisions and theoretical supports, the final judgments of such cases may be unfair or inconsistent. By introduction to the origin of the merchandising right in fictional characters and the practice of its protection in the US, this paper holds that China shall learn from the US comprehensive protection mode in practice, give consideration to its protection standard formed in its case law, research typical cases and, if necessary, establish the standard on protection of the merchandising right in fictional characters by judicial interpretations.  相似文献   

完善农民消费者合法权益的保护体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓伟艳 《行政与法》2009,(7):118-120
完善农民消费者合法权益保护体系既是由农民消费者本身的特点决定的,也是严峻现实的需要.在观念层面上,要强化农民的权利意识与法律意识,达到"以法抗争",实现依法自我维权之目的;在制度层面上,要完善或制定相关的法律制度,实行国家法制保障.而强化行政机关对农民消费者合法权益的保护和完善司法机关对农民消费者合法权益的保护则是重点.  相似文献   

论网络空间个人隐私权的法律保护   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
计算机信息网络技术的迅猛发展 ,使得网络空间的个人隐私受到前所未有的严峻挑战。这种状况已经严重阻碍了电子商务和网络经济的进一步发展。强化对网络空间的个人数据和隐私权的法律保护 ,已成为国际社会立法的当务之急。本文从隐私权的传统界定与保护入手 ,引出网络隐私权的内容和保护领域 ;在此基础上论述了现阶段网络空间存在的侵犯个人隐私权的种种现象 ,揭示了保护网络隐私权的迫切性与必要性 ;最后介绍了美国和欧盟两种不同的法律保护体系的特点 ,借鉴先进法域的立法经验并结合我国目前的现状 ,提出了我国网络空间个人隐私权保护的立法建议  相似文献   

Although human vegetables lose their capacities of will and do not have the intrinsic attribute of civil subjects, they still have legal personalities and the status of civil subjects. The law has not provided for defects of their legal personalities, and thus civil law shall include human vegetables as objects of guardianship. The system of adult guardianship shall be constructed to supplement and correct the legal personalities of human vegetables. When human vegetables enter into a permanent vegetative state or state of brain death, law may declare the termination of legal personalities of the human vegetable. Due to the unique life state and capacity of act of human vegetables, the exercise of their civil rights faces a series of legal difficulties and challenges, mainly involving important issues such as the right of treatment for life rescue, marital right and reproductive right. The civil law shall ensure that the civil right of human vegetables can be fully enjoyed and effectively protected. Zhang Li, associate professor in civil and business law at Fujian Normal University, and also an invited researcher on civil law, international economic law and international private law, co-operated with Law School of Renmin University of China. Till now, she’s already released 23 theses in law journals and a monograph of the Survey of International Private Law. In addition, she was a member in doing studies (2006) on the legislation of Chinese tort law and presides over the researching (2007) of the legal personality and rights of disabled persons.  相似文献   

The parameters of legal visitation rights for grandparents in both biological and adoptive parenting situations are explored. Laws in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia are summarized. Suggestions for improvement in the current system are included.  相似文献   

Since the entrenchment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian courts have been burdened with a disproportionate number of cases concerned with issues arising from the newly introduced legal rights. However, the transition from the Canadian crime-control model to the American-style due-process model is far from complete. The rights of the accused are consistently deemed to be secondary to the aim of reinforcing the legitimacy of the criminal justice system. Canadians' legal rights will in fact remain limited as long as judges continue to decide cases on the basis of harm done to the justice system, rather than individuals and groups. An earlier version of this paper was presented at a joint session of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association, Leamed Societies Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario; June 7, 1993. I thank attending colleagues for their useful feedback. I am also grateful for the comments of Piers Beime.  相似文献   

With over 36 million people now living with the virus and over 21 million people dying of AIDS in the last two decades, HIV/AIDS is a global health and security problem. These shocking figures eclipse the human toll of many wars, and reveal in themselves that human rights are not being respected, protected, or fulfilled, either through negligent omissions or violations. A human rights approach to the epidemic was advocated early by advocates such as Jonathan Mann, who recognized that infections thrived in conditions of inequality. This approach was crystallized in the International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights that were developed at the Second International Consultation in 1996 convened by UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Guidelines cover three main areas: improving governmental responses in terms of multisectoral responsibility and accountability; widespread law reform and legal support services; and supporting increased private sector and community participation in effective responses to the epidemic. This article focuses on the half of the twelve Guidelines that concern rights that are justiciable and amenable to law reform. It highlights the responsibilities of States Parties to human rights treaties, as they bear the principal burden of the obligations to implement.  相似文献   

完善紧急状态立法保障公民的宪法和法律权利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紧急状态是危及一个国家正常的宪法和法律秩序、对人民的生命和财产安全构成严重威胁的正在发生的或者是迫在眉睫的危险事态。如何在紧急状态时期始终坚持依法办事的原则,是衡量一个社会法治化水平的标志。为此,世界上绝大多数国家都注重通过宪法和法律来确立国家的基本紧急状态制度,以保障宪法所规定的公民基本权利,通过赋予国家机关必要的紧急权力,来建立有效的应急反应机制,迅速恢复宪法和法律秩序,最大限度地保证人民的生命和财产安全。另外,还有一些国家依据宪法关于紧急状态的规定,制定专门的紧  相似文献   

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