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This article explores self-expression as an (and not the) articulation of one's personhood. The point of this article is to enquire whether expression, when articulated on and for an audience, can be deemed authentic. Self-expression can be revealed and recognised through different modes, and on different platforms. Moreover, most human activities, such as singing, dancing and writing, can be considered acts of self-expression. Face-to-face encounters and social media platforms enable a person to express him/herself, and so, give spectators access to some part of his/her self-understanding as an individual. It is possible that some modes of self-expression have the potential to hinder the authenticity of one's expression. Such a hindrance may reflect a distinction between who someone ‘truly’ is, and who they would like others to think they are. There thus appears to be a link between someone's motive and his/her authenticity, where platforms for self-expression enable someone to authentically or inauthentically express their distorted or genuine personhood. In view of the possibility of certain modes of self-expression threatening authentic self-expression, how can authentic self-expression be possible?  相似文献   

This article inquires into the absence of non-western theorizingupon Southeast Asian international relations by positing thatmodernization and its conceptual kin ‘realism’ haveproclaimed themselves as the mainstream in both theoreticaland empirical research. This is as much a product of postcolonialwestern scholarship as it is of indigenous scholarship in reproducingthe former's frameworks. The effect of this Gramscian hegemonyis to marginalize possibilities for non-western internationaltheory. There are nonetheless flickers of hope for a generic‘Southeast Asian contribution’ to theorizing InternationalRelations, inclusive of non-mainstream western scholarship,if one considers the categories of transitional and hybrid scholarship,in addition to historically informed possibilities of a traditionalSoutheast Asian statehood. Received for publication May 16, 2006. Accepted for publication June 27, 2007.  相似文献   

Ontological security theory (OST) provides a unique account of how state Self-identity is formed and reformed in international relations. OST postulates that state Self-identity is usefully understood by inquiring into the foundation of a state's sense of Self: its autobiographical narrative. We seek to amend this line of argument by further suggesting that the autobiographical narratives of states are ‘gendered’. Feminist theorizing about the relationship between gender and power implies that the dominant autobiographical narrative of state Self-identity is ‘gendered’ masculine. The power of this masculinized autobiographical narrative flows from an ‘internal othering’ process of counter ‘feminine’ autobiographical narratives that exist alongside the masculinized autobiographical narrative. Our goal is to suggest that opportunities do arise for counter ‘feminine’ narratives to challenge the dominant autobiographical narrative due to their interdependence and we explicate two practices by which masculinized narratives can be engaged, challenged and disrupted.  相似文献   

国际关系理论是一门既年轻又古老的学科,年轻主要体现为国际关系学科地位正式确立的时间不长,古老则表现为其基本思想理念却早已有之.通过回顾和梳理,我们可以发现西方国际关系理论拥有较长的历史与学术传统,其漫长的发展演变进程可分为三个大的阶段:萌芽阶段、孕育阶段、发展成熟阶段.  相似文献   

近年来,东盟国家经济增长出现了急剧的波动。究其原因,主要是在经济全球化下受到主要发达国家经济周期波动的冲击和金融危机后国内经济转型与结构调整的影响。从东盟经济增长趋势看,各国经济增长速度将放缓而波动有所加大。  相似文献   

When do non-governmental organizations (NGOs) cooperate with each other? Even with much touting of the positive effects of inter-NGO cooperation on humanitarian outcomes, the extant literature offers us few insights into the determinants of this cooperation, especially in a cross-national framework. Drawing on both the current NGO literature and the larger cross-disciplinary literature on inter-organizational cooperation, I argue that both trust and opportunity are needed for inter-NGO cooperation. Trust in other organizations is highly dependent on governance structures within the state. Similarly, in the uncertain situation of humanitarian disasters and development work in non-Western states, security concerns and a lack of a coordinating leadership body can limit the opportunities of NGOs to collaborate. The presence of humanitarian state interveners can act to mitigate these concerns and provide NGOs with more opportunities to collaborate. Using a novel measure of NGO to NGO cooperation in non-Western countries, empirical results of this project largely support the hypotheses derived from this trust and opportunity framework.  相似文献   

试论合作安全在东亚的发展及其局限性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张磊 《国际观察》2005,46(3):54-59
冷战结束后,东亚地区的安全状况错综复杂。一方面存在着冷战时期遗留的安全结构;另一方面也在孕育一种新的安全形式———合作安全。合作安全的理念在冷战后被东亚各国普遍接受,获得了长足的发展。虽然,它自身具有一定的局限性,受到来自多方面的挑战,但是,从未来的发展趋势看,建立起以合作安全为主体的安全机制,仍将是东亚地区合理的选择。  相似文献   

地区一体化的相关理论认为,地区意志和地区行为能力是实现地区一体化的两个必要条件,在特定的历史条件下域外因素会通过作用于特定地区的地区意志和地区行为能力影响某一地区的走向。本文通过对东亚经济一体化进行分析,指出在东亚地区自身和美国因素的共同作用下,东亚各国进行经济一体化建设的地区意志和地区行为能力都相对较弱,东亚地区在一体化建设上任重道远。  相似文献   

一、《东北亚大国关系》内容概要 《东北亚大国关系》一书的作者罗伯特·A·斯卡拉皮诺是美国加州大学伯克利分校政治学终身教授,美国人文社科学术委员会成员,美国美中关系国家委员会的创始者、第一任主席。他的研究集中于中国、日本、政府治理及日本对华政策,共发表文章500多篇,出版著作38部。除了获得加州大学伯克利分校杰出贡献奖外,斯氏还获得中国、日本、韩国、蒙古等亚洲各国的学术嘉奖。  相似文献   

On 25 July 2006, Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Pascal Lamy formally recommended the suspension of the Doha Round of global free trade talks.  相似文献   

Amidst criticism of the concept of “the learning organisation” there is a perspective which is both critical of, and open to, innovative ways of developing the notion of a learning organisation. This article contributes to this perspective by examining the learning practices of a feminist NGO which operates across Southern Africa. The ways in which this NGO has interpreted the idea of a learning organisation and put it into practice are an example of a bottom-up approach which is informed by humanism. The findings of this qualitative study demonstrate both innovative possibilities for organisational learning and potential pitfalls.  相似文献   

区域制度化合作的程度反映区域一体化的水平,同时也反映了各国经济、社会、政治诸多层面的合作状况和合作远景。后冷战时代,国际格局的变化为区域性制度化合作创造了发展的空间。国际组织和制度、跨国公司等一些新兴行为体的作用越来越大,这些行为体对于区域制度化合作发挥了先行的效用。同时,东北亚区域制度化合作存在来自外部与内部的干预,区域制度化合作本身制度遵守与网络形成等方面的障碍。但和平与发展的时代特征将为这一地区制度化合作前景提供契机。  相似文献   

论中国人移民东南亚的四次大潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国人移民东南亚历史,根据其动力和规模,可分为四次大潮。东南亚为中国海外移民的最主要目的地。中国人大规模移民东南亚始于17世纪,盛于20世纪上半叶,历三波移民高潮。20世纪50年代初期至中国改革开放前,移民东南亚工程中断。随着大陆改革开放及中国与东南亚经济合作的飞速发展,中国人重启移民东南亚热潮。虽然推动不同时期的移民潮各有其不同的国内外因素,但就四次大规模移民潮而言,中国与东南亚的经贸发展和合作都是主要动力之一。随着中国与东南亚经济一体化进程加速,如中国与东南亚的政治关系保持良好,前往东南亚的移民潮仍将继续。与此同时,东南亚各国进入中国的移民也将日益增多,并呈加速之势。  相似文献   

论东北亚地区新的渔业合作体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来东北亚地区周边水域主要是以中、日、韩为主导来利用和管理的,同时相互之间进行了竞争性开发和利用,在渔业资源的保存方面缺乏应有的合作。东北亚地区的国际渔业关系也是以日本为中心形成的。随着联合国海洋公约的生效以及近年来韩国和中国渔业技术水平的提高、渔业规模的扩大等国内外环境的变化,这一地区的各国按各自的需要宣布了经济水域,1998年中国也宣布了经济水域,从此东北亚地区进入了完全的经济水域体制。针对这一情况,东北亚各国的渔业关系出现了新的特点,东北亚地区的国际渔业合作应形成以经济水域体制为基础的新的渔业合作体制。  相似文献   

在世界经济全球化加快的大趋势下,东北亚区域经济合作表现出了较强的滞后性。构建东北亚区域经济合作机制是解决该问题的有效途径。东北亚区域经济合作机制化的必要性与迫切性日益凸现,东北亚区域经济合作机制是指在东北亚区域范围内,以合作项目为主要纽带,以促进东北亚区域合作为宗旨,由组织协调、资金筹措、信息传播、人才交流、咨询服务和多边法律约束等若干子机制构成,在东北亚区域经济合作中发挥务实、高效的功能。从东北亚地区区情出发,采取适宜的举措以促进东北区域经济合作机制框架的形成。  相似文献   

很多东西方学者所认为的中国与东南亚之间长期存在的“朝贡贸易与宗藩关系”,实际上并不具备“朝贡”和“宗藩”的实质。将到中国者统称为朝贡者,基本上是中国统治者以及历代史官、文人的一厢情愿。中国朝廷通常没有也不打算利用这种表面上的、自我安慰式的“朝贡宗藩”关系来干预东南亚地区事务。实行“朝贡体制”数百年的明清两朝,其海外政策基本上是不作为的自我封闭政策,并没有获得对东南亚的实际政治影响力。  相似文献   

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