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中小城市仲裁工作是一个很容易被人们忽略的角落。笔者以自己的经验和思考,总结出了在中小城市发展仲裁事业的全局思路和具体应该采取的措施,为我国中小城市的仲裁事业发展提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

于霄 《检察风云》2013,(1):32-35
2009年1月21日上午9点半。克雷格上任的第一天,就接到了这样一个突如其来的电话。“我来问你个问题,”奥巴马的法律顾问格雷格·克雷格(GregCraig)说,“你觉得有人认为他不是总统吗?”打电话来的是戴维·巴伦(DavidBarron)。巴伦也刚刚到法律顾问办公室上任。他们都将成为即将上任的首席政府律师(theattorneygeneral)艾瑞克·霍德尔(EricHolder)的内部法律团队。  相似文献   

日本的法律用语与德语——关于“行为”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言 今年5月号的连载"德语"登载了石田先生为本系列专栏撰写的有关探讨日本法律学与德语之间密切关系的论文.现代日本的法律及法律学起始于明治维新之后,从欧洲引进法律体系之时.日本法律用语中的大部分就是在这一过程中通过把德语或法语等的法律用语译成汉字而形成的,学习法律的人当中,或许会有一些人对法律用语感到有些束手无策.但是也常常遇到这样一种情况,表面上看似难解的法律用语,只要把它还原于德语或法语的原词,就变得易懂了.这是由于欧洲的许多语言中的大部分法律用语决不是法律家所独享的专门术语,而是任何人谁都会经常使用的日常用语的缘故.  相似文献   

论宪法与私有财产权保护   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
编者提按:在任何社会和任何历史时期,财产归属,即所有权制度都是一个决定社会秩序形成、确立的关键因素.我国改革开放和经济体制改革以来,社会经济活动的方式、内容和规则获得了极大发展,几十年的社会主义计划经济模式,已经为越来越广泛的市场经济模式所取代.因此,打破原有所有权概念,重新构建新的所有权制度,并以国家根本法即宪法的形式予以确立,已经成了一个不可回避的重大社会课题.从下文列举的案件来看,可以略知如今我们对于财产所有权问题无论在思想上和实践上,还是在法律上和制度上,都是相当的混乱.此处文章属于思考和探索这一问题解决方案的尝试之一,思考深刻、观点鲜明,合理抑或唐突总是因人而异.谨此示于读者,意在不废一家之言,顺便提及,现今法学界对于物之所有权有不同的表述方法,如:财产权、产权、所有权.对这三个概念的异同,学者间颇有分歧.为尊重作者起见,本刊不要求一律采用传统的、于法有据的"所有权"概念,而保留作者采用的"财产权"概念.  相似文献   

法治社会的“法”与“治”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“依法治国”,“法治”为其要义。近些年来,学界政界,对法治议论者甚多,其中不乏有胆有识之高论。但何谓法治之“法”,何谓法治之“治”,何“法”可用之于“治”,“法”与“治”关系如何,法治本质与特性如何,似鲜有平心静气、细致深入之论者。就此而言,此处严存生教授之文可谓棋高一筹,令人一新耳目。文中释论人之本性,法之明善及法之属性;治之自治与善治,治之于官而非民,治出于民及其属性等等,均有学理说服与发微启迪之长。推呈学界,或能复引精粹之玉。不仅如此,意味更为深长者,“依法治国”之“法治”,究竟寓意何在?其与“法制”究竟有何不同?前者一定是观念上的进步,抑或传统“治”国之策的另一种表达?  相似文献   

朱志峰 《行政与法》2005,(11):17-18
和谐社会观与依法治国在以人为本、维护人性尊严等方面存在着内在的联系。按照和谐社会观的要求进行系统的法治建设,是目前我国依法治国中面临的一个重要任务。  相似文献   

婚姻关系模型理论与离婚法律制度之间的关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
婚姻关系理论从来都是婚姻制度的实质性基础。如果说离婚制度研究是一种“具体而微”的学术进路,那么婚姻关系理论则反映着整体的、宏观的、基础的婚姻定位、婚姻意识和婚姻观念,它融合了学者对婚姻文化的观察和思考,从“认识婚姻和塑造婚姻”的角度彰显着和实践着婚姻法的根本使命。对婚姻关系有着怎样的认识和定位,从根本上决定着离婚制度的指导思想和离婚案件的处理方式,这是另一种意义上的“塑造婚姻”。婚姻关系理论对个人自由与社会正义的考量,鲜明而深刻地体现在离婚制度中。一、不同婚姻关系模型的理论争锋关于婚姻关系理论,丰富多…  相似文献   

王军明 《行政与法》2007,3(4):104-107
犯罪是一种特定的危害社会行为的符号,是反社会的行为方式之一,不仅仅是一种社会现象,也是一种法律现象,该行为包括刑事违法性的法律内容与严重社会危害性、应受刑罚处罚性的社会内容。在形形色色的犯罪现象中,对某些犯罪而言,其犯罪主体除须具备一般刑事立法中要求的具有自然人与刑事责任能力两个基本条件外,特殊身份作为主体的内容,影响甚至决定着行为人的刑事责任有无及大小。身份与行为人刑事责任的关系,决定着其在特定犯罪构成中的地位,特别是涉及共同犯罪中的身份犯问题,身份对共同犯罪的定性及各共同犯罪人刑事责任的承担产生重要的影响。因此,身份问题是现代刑法理论中一个不容忽视的问题,尤其是与有着“绝望之章”称谓的共犯论相交叉时。本文拟就共同犯罪人与身份的相关问题略述管见。  相似文献   

于英红 《检察风云》2011,(16):33-35
对公司在海外业务中贿赂外国官员的行为进行规范,已经成为世界上很多国家的共识。这不但是从促进本国平等竞争的角度考虑,也能够间接敲打海外的权力腐败,促成清廉政治的养成,从而间接促成更为有利的投资环境。  相似文献   

The historic decisions of the 22nd Party Congress, and the new Party Program adopted by that congress, have posed major and serious tasks before Soviet social science, particularly that of a comprehensive study of the paths of development from the socialist state to communist public self-government. In the solution of this task, Soviet philosophers and jurists inevitably encounter questions pertaining to the concept of power and its relationship to the state. (1)  相似文献   

The English law of theft is confusing and problematic in principle. Since the introduction of the Theft Act 1968 there has been inconsistency in the interpretation of appropriation as court and commentators have grappled with the intuition that appropriation must entail some subjective element and cannot be purely objective. Although subjectivity is traditionally associated with culpability rather than with conduct, it is argued that some acts can be subjective and yet factual and stand as causes to effects. Appropriation is such an act, its necessary and sufficient condition being a mindset, here termed proprietary subjectivity, on the part of the actor. It is argued that clarification of the concept of appropriation can help to resolve misperceived problems. Such clarification will also reveal other problems in the law of theft. Some tentative comments de lege ferenda are made suggesting how these problems can be addressed.  相似文献   

<牡丹亭>以情理冲突为主线,剧情以由生而死、唤死回生、翁婿冲突三段为主体,折叠式结构具有内在的完整统一性,支撑了作品深刻思想的表现.<牡丹亭>将矛盾对立形象的设置由<紫箫记>、<紫钗记>的恶人恶行转为表现善人恶行,杜丽娘形象也发生了现实性回归,这是对社会生活更为深刻的认识.  相似文献   

“What is and what is defined as populism?” In response to this question the best political theories and philosophies have put forward many different answers, that are taken into account in this article. The article affirms the constitutive ambiguity of the concept of “populism” and its ability to unify very different issues. After analyzing some of the implications that populism entails in practice (in particular the political use of fear and the emphasis on the role of the citizens' anxieties because of migratory flows, the spiral of fear and insecurity triggered by terrorism, the role of religions as symbolic repertoires), the article stresses the link between populism and the end of the logic of the principle of representation, specific of the liberal and democratic theories. The emphasis on the role of the “people” in opposition to the political elites is also a feature of populism, analyzed by the author in this article. In conclusion, the author focuses on the legal field: some of the contemporary constitutional theories, in particular the so‐called “popular constitutionalism”, are discussed. These theories, while polemicizing with those authors who overestimate the role of the Supreme Court, reassess the function of the average citizen in the life of constitutional culture, with the intent of favouring greater political participation and strengthening democratic life.  相似文献   

This is perhaps the most complex sphere of work of village [sel'skie] soviets. All their manifold activity is associated with it. Funds for economic and cultural development, and for maintenance of the institutions subordinate to the rural agency of power, are concentrated in the budget. The soviet's specific relationships with various enterprises and organizations on the territory within its jurisdiction take shape through it.  相似文献   

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