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为满足大量建筑火灾风险评估工作的需要,本文依据火灾风险评估的定义建立一种半定量建筑火灾风险评估体系.通过风险矩阵,由每个火灾场景的火灾发生概率和火灾危害程度,确定每个火灾场景的火灾风险,各火灾场景风险之和为建筑的火灾风险.在确定火灾发生概率时,借助事故控制因子考虑评估对象的特征,从人员脆弱性因子、建筑脆弱性因子和火灾发展阶段危害控制能力因子考虑了影响火灾危害程度的主要因素.在确定因素权重和因子赋值的过程中使用了模糊综合评价法、层次分析法和多属性评价法.最后运用该评估体系对某医院建筑进行了评估.  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放和经济建设的快速发展,原油的开采和需求量与日俱增,越来越多的原油储罐区拔地而起,罐区和单个储罐的储油量迅猛增加。近年来原油储罐的火灾时有发生,给国家财产和人民群众生命安全造成了不应有的损失及危害。由于原油起火原因多样,发生火灾后大多伴有爆炸、罐体移位、防火堤内流淌火、沸溢、喷溅等燃烧形式,现场情况复杂多变,给消防部队灭火救援战斗带来了重重困难和极大的挑战。深入研究原油储罐防火堤内流淌火灾的形式和规律,对于提高消防部队扑救此类火灾的灭火救援战斗能力,有效控制和扑救原油储罐防火堤内流淌火灾,具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

隧道火灾中高温烟气是导致人员伤亡的最主要因素,火灾中如何快速有效地排除高温烟气是隧道消防中的重要课题.本文采用CFD模拟方法对采用集中排烟道进行半横向排烟时隧道内火灾烟气的蔓延进行了模拟分析,对不同排烟阀设置下隧道火灾烟气的控制效果进行了比较,讨论了半横向排烟系统中排烟阀的设置原则和对排烟效果的影响,可为隧道火灾半横向烟气控制系统的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

本文针对典型幼儿园特大火灾事故的特点,应用火灾科学、系统安全理论、计算机模拟和可视化技术,通过合理设置火灾场景,利用FDS(Fire Dynamic Simulate)对火灾事故中明火产生以后的幼儿园室内火灾增长过程和火灾烟气蔓延进行了数值模拟,数值模拟结果与真实火灾事故基本情况一致,解释了火灾事故的某些特征属性。表明利用计算机模拟技术,对事故过程进行分析,可以动态地再现真实火灾场景,并为事故分析、风险评价、火灾原因调查提供直观、可靠的依据。  相似文献   

鲁刚 《刑警与科技》2005,(7A):124-126
本文通过计算机火灾数值模拟软件FDS动态输出的描述,使该软件更好地利用三维效果来显示火灾场景,为消防人员更直观地了解火灾发生、发展的过程提供依据。  相似文献   

地下商业区是一类典型的建筑形式,同时具有地上商业建筑和地下建筑的特点,一旦发生火灾,极易造成重大损失,其消防安全性甚为重要.本文选取某典型地下商业区,采用数值模拟的方法对其进行消防性能化验证.5个火灾场景的计算结果表明,防火分区L的疏散宽度不足会导致人员疏散不及时,建议采用镂空吊顶提高该分区的集烟能力,增加可用疏散时间,确保发生火灾时所有人员能够及时安全疏散.  相似文献   

在对自由主义法学传统中的形式主义和客观主义批判的基础上,昂格尔提出"偏差原则"与重塑民主和市场制度形式的主张.这其中,以对法律与社会的适当关系的认知为理论支撑点,以权利体系的重新规定为主要内容之一.认为制度设计和"社会情境"的相互彰显是昂格尔思想中的核心之一,故以其为切入点,围绕法律如何在"社会情境"下存在这一问题,分析昂格尔意义下的"社会情境"的理论内涵和这一场景下昂格尔对法律中权利体系的方案设计,并对其理论构想的成立与否做出评价.  相似文献   

疏散照明和备用照明,统称火灾应急照明.目前,我国尚缺一部火灾应急照明设计的专门标准或规范,仅在《建筑设计防火规范》、《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》、《民用建筑照明设计规范》、《民用电气设计规范》等规范的有关章节中有所涉及.由于这些规范所使用的标准及其解释尚未统一,一些问题仍待明确,给设计和审核都带来了模糊概念.本文分析目前火灾应急照明在供电方式、线路、灯具选择等控制方式和使用过程中存在的问题,并提出解决问题的看法及对策.  相似文献   

近年来随着计算机技术的普及和计算速度的不断提高,有限元分析在工程设计中得到了越来越广泛的重视,已经成为解决复杂的工程分析计算问题的有效途径,其中FDS、ANSYS、FLUENT、PHOENICS、CFAST等软件被广泛应用于火灾模拟研究和工程应用中,本文通过对上述软件的功能、特点和应用等方面的详细介绍,纵观当今国际上CAE软件的发展情况,得出火灾模拟有限元分析软件未来将与CAD软件的无缝集成,具有更为强大的网格处理能力,由求解线性问题发展到求解非线性问题和由单一结构场求解发展到耦合场问题的求解.尤其是FDS场模拟火灾软件和cFAsT区域模拟软件亟需与CAD软件的无缝集成,这样才能更加有利于工程应用人员对火灾场景模型的建立.  相似文献   

火给人类带来了福音,亦给人类造成灾难.每年世界各个国家、各个地区所发生的数不清的火灾,不知造成多少人死亡及财产损失.因此"火警"、"火警"--世界各地媒介都把所发生的火灾给予及时的报道、详尽的披露,以期"警钟长鸣".由此,突然联想我们常说的一句警语:"纸包不住火".  相似文献   

本文对住宅建筑中住宅类型的准确理解进行了论述,指出了公寓式住宅(办公)和商业服务网点中防火设计以及住宅建筑中消防电梯的设计存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了设计意见.  相似文献   

本文通过论述当前形势下数字化消防战训系统的框架性方案设计,提出了“数字化消防战训系统”的概念,并简要阐述了系统的建设目标、具备的主要功能、系统构成、结构框架和建设该系统的重要意义。  相似文献   

王振  刘茂 《刑警与科技》2005,(2):6-10,34
文章针对人们对城市公共场所火灾的理解,提出了风险因子、风险转换因子等描述火灾风险的概念;介绍了风险观点在性能化建筑火灾安全规范中的两种应用方法:第一种方法用风险因子按照低中高对建筑物进行分类,每类建筑物都赋予一个风险判断因子,在建筑物安全设计中,通过设置安全等级较高的风险判断因子而提高建筑物的火灾安全性;第二种方法将概率的方法用于建筑火灾安全设计,并使用风险因子建立起风险转换因子。在概率方法中,通过规范建立起最大生命期望风险值(Expected Riskto Life),用适当的风险转换因子调整最大ERL值。  相似文献   

Homicide by fire     
A study of homicide perpetrated by fire was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, during the years from 1977 until 1984. A total of 26 cases were collected and analyzed as to age, race, sex, and the cause of death of the victim along with the blood alcohol content, the drugs detected at autopsy, and the blood carboxyhemoglobin level. Additionally noted were the geographic location of the terminal incident, the scene circumstances, how the fire started, who started the fire, and the reason for the fire. The most common victim was a 31-50-year-old white man who died from smoke inhalation while sober. Commonly, drugs detected were negative, and the carboxyhemoglobin levels were elevated. The fire occurred at "home" while the victim was sleeping. Usually, a flammable liquid was poured and ignited by a drifter who was a brief acquaintance and earlier involved in an argument with the victim.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the use of metallographic analysis and NIST's Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) program to identify the cause of an actual electrical fire. A severely carbonized steel plate and a cable with a bead were found inside a damaged switchboard from the debris of a factory fire. By metallographic analysis, the copper spatter on the steel plate was found to imply a short circuit has occurred and that this was the probable ignition source of the fire was supported by the presence of a small amount of copper oxide and by the cavities with the tree-like grain microstructures in the bead. The heat estimated to have been released per unit area of the switchboard in question (approximately 236.29 MJ/m(2)) served as key input data for applying the FDS simulation of the blaze. The simulation indicated that thermal insulation polyethylene (PE) played an important role in the rapid fire spread.  相似文献   

Automated analysis of fire residues involves a strategy which deals with the wide variety of received criminalistic samples. Because of unknown concentration of accelerant in a sample and the wide range of flammable products, full attention from the analyst is required. Primary detection with a photoionisator resolves the first problem, determining the right method to use: the less responsive classical head-space determination or absorption on active charcoal tube, a better fitted method more adapted to low concentrations can thus be chosen. The latter method is suitable for automatic thermal desorption (ATD400), to avoid any risk of cross contamination. A PONA column (50 mx0.2 mm i.d.) allows the separation of volatile hydrocarbons from C(1) to C(15) and the update of a database. A specific second column is used for heavy hydrocarbons. Heavy products (C(13) to C(40)) were extracted from residues using a very small amount of pentane, concentrated to 1 ml at 50 degrees C and then placed on an automatic carousel. Comparison of flammables with referenced chromatograms provided expected identification, possibly using mass spectrometry. This analytical strategy belongs to the IRCGN quality program, resulting in analysis of 1500 samples per year by two technicians.  相似文献   

The location of the hydroelectric power plant poses a high risk to occupants seeking to escape in a fire accident. Calculating the heat release rate of transformer oil as 11.5 MW/m(2), the fire at the Taiwan Dajia-River hydroelectric power plant was reconstructed using the fire dynamics simulator (FDS). The variations at the escape route of the fire hazard factors temperature, radiant heat, carbon monoxide, and oxygen were collected during the simulation to verify the causes of the serious casualties resulting from the fire. The simulated safe escape time when taking temperature changes into account is about 236 sec, 155 sec for radiant heat changes, 260 sec for carbon monoxide changes, and 235-248 sec for oxygen changes. These escape times are far less than the actual escape time of 302 sec. The simulation thus demonstrated the urgent need to improve escape options for people escaping a hydroelectric power plant fire.  相似文献   

A study of self-immolation or suicidal fire deaths was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, during the 8-year period from 1977 to 1984. A total of 24 cases, representing 0.96% of the suicides that occurred during this period, were collected and analyzed as to age, race, sex cause of death of the victim along with the blood alcohol content at autopsy, drugs detected at autopsy, and the terminal carboxyhemoglobin. Additionally, the scene circumstances, geographic location of the terminal incident, the reason for the suicide, whether or not there was a past suicide attempt, a past psychiatric history, how the fire was started, presence or absence of an outside example, time of occurrence, presence of hospitalization, and presence of a suicide note were also noted. Most of the victims were white women of over 50 years of age who died of thermal injuries. Half of the time the blood alcohol content was negative at autopsy, 1/3 of the time the drug screen was negative, and 1/3 of the time a small amount of carboxyhemoglobin was noted. Most fires originated at home, although motor vehicles were also common. Reasons for the suicide were varied. Of the cases 1/3 had a precious suicide attempt and approximately 1/2 of the cases had a psychiatric history. Commonly, the fire is started by pouring a flammable liquid on one-self as isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or gasoline and igniting it. No outside media examples were noted. These events occurred more frequently in the afternoon or evening.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

我国校园各项建设都有了很大的进步,但消防安全工作还比较薄弱,突出表现在消防知识的匮乏和消防器材的缺失.火灾无情,一旦发生必然造成重大的损失.尤其是发生在学校内的火灾,不仅造成重大经济损失,而且社会影响极大,同时给在校学生带来巨大的心理和生活上的压力.为了加强大学校园火灾的预防,有必要对学校发生的火灾情况进行分析,归纳造成学校火灾的主要原因.本文对学校防火现状,原因进行了细致的分析,归纳出造成学校灾的主要原因.同时,根据这些原因,提出了学校火灾是可以有效预防的观点,对预防校园火灾的对策进行了初浅的探讨.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、社会的转型、生活水平的提高和生产力的高速发展以及消防投入滞后于经济发展的现实,火灾隐患和危害都不同程度的有所增加,导致有些地区火灾发生四项指标不同程度的有所上升,但这并不意味着消防工作的成效降低。本文针对以上情况提出我国应重建火灾综合评价体系,以客观地评价一个地区的火灾形势和消防工作成效,为各级政府对消防安全工作的正确决策提供依据。  相似文献   

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