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After Chinese President Xi Jinping's visits to Italy, Monaco and France on March 21-26, Premier Li Keqiang will attend the 21st China-EU Summit in Brussels, Belgium, in April amid a backdrop of pressing international problems.  相似文献   

<正>In June 2011, Days Inn China held its fourth general managers’ annual conference in Xi’an,capital city of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. With five new deals to build hotels,  相似文献   

Central and western China is seeking to stimulate economic growth through its advantages in labor, resources and geography and its regional planning policies. Meanwhile, eastern China is feeling the pressure brought by economic restructuring and aims to release it using resource integration and institutional reform.  相似文献   

ON September 6, the Information Office of the State Council, China’s cabinet, released a white paper on China’s peaceful development, elaborating on the motivations, policies and goals behind the strategy.  相似文献   

At the opening of the 2013 Understanding and Cooperation Dialogue held by the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)on July 23 in Beijing,former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo expounded his understanding of the Chinese dream and its implication for Africa.The full text of his speech as follow:  相似文献   

China started providing aid to Africa in the 1950s by undertaking construction projects, providing goods and materials and dispatching specialists in various f ields. Since then, China has undertaken almost 900 social and economic develop- ment projects in the fi elds of agriculture, animal husbandry, fi sh farming, water conservancy, energy, transport and com- munications, TV and radio broadcasting, and food processing, as well as culture, education and health. More than 700 of these project…  相似文献   

The economic model based on exports and attracting foreign investments is called the small country model. When China became the world’s second biggest economy, its economic model began shifting to expand domestic demand and construct an open economy with internationalization at its core. Big changes started in 2012 when Chinese economic  相似文献   

The Aba Teachers’Collegein Sichuan Province succes-sively had three foreign volun-teers teaching English conversa-tion in 2003.They were retired Canadian government of ficial Martin Padgett,German teacher Ms.Schickedanz Petra and Aus-tralian teacher Peter Hogan.An-other German woman teacherInge Dahm taught at Guangya School in Dujiangyan.The ycame from afar to teach at anunfamiliar place,passed on their knowledge and skills to the young students of China and returnedhome after comple…  相似文献   

China is undergoing the fastest development in history–one that has invigorated the country and changed the world. China therefore stands out in the international community.Many people wonder what the secret of this astonishing development is. But if you were to ask a thousand people what they thought, you would get a thousand and one  相似文献   

云南在我国西部地区外贸出口中具有重要的地缘优势。改革开放以来,云南省外贸出口有了明显增加,但出口规模小、增速慢、效益差,对经济增长贡献度低的状况还没有根本性改变。在拉动云南经济增长的投资、消费和出口"三驾马车"中,外贸出口已成为最弱的一项。诸多因素制约着云南外贸出口增长,而实现云南外贸出口大幅度增长,不能就出口抓出口,更不能只是"见子打子",必须既有近忧,又有远虑,采取长远而系统的对策措施。  相似文献   

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