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Aland-locked state three times the size of France bordered by Rus sia to the north and China to thesouth, Mongolia is far away from moder-ating maritime influences. After a short,pleasant summer, when the temperaturecan go up to 30 degrees, the long wintercan produce January temperatures below-40 in the capital Ulan Bator. This is muchcolder than would be expected for a lati-tude of 47 degrees North. A major factorin this is the wind which, when it blowsfrom the north, can q…  相似文献   

尤中 《思想战线》2006,32(3):19-22
历史上云南曾有过一条水陆交通线,即通往今天境外越南的红河航道。这条航道自先秦至元代一直存在并不断发展变化,史书对此有不少记载。红河航道的商业运输至唐朝时期(618~907年)繁荣发展到相当高度,可以由今越南河内北上,入今云南东南部、南部,转陆路交通路线,北上至今昆明,再转西折至今云南西部、西南部,入今缅甸境内,更北折西入今印度,形成了通往东南亚、南亚的国际水陆交通路线。同时又可自今昆明陆行北上,入今四川,更达中原。  相似文献   

Changting is located in the west of Fujian Province, south of Wuyi Mountains, in southeast China. It covers an area of 3,099 square km, 85 percent of which is moun-tains, and it has historically been the county in Fujian most severely affected by soil erosion.  相似文献   

LION-shaped Yiyang City is to the south of Dongting Lake in north-central Hunan Province. The Zijiang River runs through the city from west to east, dividing it into two, and emptying into Dongting Lake. The Zishui Highway Bridge links the areas north and south of the river. In ancient times the Zijiang River was called Yishui. As at that time  相似文献   

两岸合作开发南海渔业资源法律机制构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海自古以来便是中国渔民的重要作业渔场。两岸合作开发南海渔业资源,是解决南海争端的重要着手点和突破口。两岸南海渔业合作符合双方共同利益,但这一合作必定面临诸多内外因素阻碍。内部因素是两岸主权共识缺失、互信基础薄弱、沟通渠道有限;外部因素是南海周边国家的分化和美国的阻扰。然而,南海渔业资源北衰南兴的现状与外来侵渔的紧迫形势决定了两岸加紧合作共同维护南海渔业资源主权权利是必要的。目前两岸在政策、法律和技术层面的一致性、默契性和互补性也决定了双方南海渔业合作是可行的。两岸可基于《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》已搭建的制度化平台,由两岸经济合作委员会成立南海渔业工作小组,通过签订协议的方式构建南海渔业资源合作开发法律机制。  相似文献   

近年来,山西的高速公路建设取得了很大的成就,到2 0 0 0年底,全省高速公路通车里程达到5 1 8公里,居全国第1 1位;在太旧高速公路建成通车之后,山西又投资2 0 0多亿元建设了由大同至运城6 6 6公里的大运高速公路。这条高速公路北起大同,南至运城,纵贯山西全省,穿越山西的产业集中区、资源富饶区、经济发达区和人口稠密区,经过大同、朔州、忻州、太原、临汾、侯马、运城等重要城市,并将这些地区和城市连接起来辐射到全省各地。这样一条高速公路的建成,对山西的经济的社会发展的意义和作用是难以估量的,甚至对全国经济和社会的发展的意义和作用…  相似文献   

巴文化的典型陶器是尖底杯,兵器是戈、矛、剑。考古发现,最早的尖底杯出现在三峡地区,这表明巴人发源于巫巴山地。并且,典型器物沿东西南北四个方向分布,表明巴族的扩张是在某一时期安排好,四面出击。最终,东面到达宜昌附近,南面进抵清江,北面到达城固、洋县和宝鸡地区,西部直达成都平原。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,美国以保护自由通航为由逐步介入南海的争端,并将此作为实现其亚太战略的一种手段。美国的介入对中国南海主权权益的维护产生的负面影响是:危及中国战略安全利益,增加中国收回南海主权的难度,加剧了地区紧张局势。中国政府坚定地表达了维护国家领土主权的决心和意志,并采取了切实措施维护中国的领海主权;坚持“以邻为善,以邻为伴”的周边外交政策,加强与东盟的战略沟通和战略互信:有针对性地应对美国在南海地区的利益需求。  相似文献   

In a tropical rainforest national park in Hainan Province, the macaques nimbly jump from branch to branch, and wild boars run amok while squir-rels and all kinds of birds happily frolic the day away. The conservation area is among China's for-mally established first batch of five national parks. During the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, President Xi Jinping announced on October 12 that China had officially designated its first group of national parks, covering more than 230,000 square km in total and protecting nearly 30 percent of the country's key wildlife species.  相似文献   

W ITH a minimum altitude of more than 1,200 meters above sea level,the moun-tain range is higher in the north and low-er in the south,with some peaks reach-ing more than 2,000 meters above sea level.To the east of the mountain range is the North China Plain,while the Loess Plateau is in the west,thus creating a large dichotomy between the terrain on both sides.In the western region,the mountains are connected to high plateaus having a rather even topography,with gradual inclines and declines in the terrain,while the eastern region of the range is connected with the central plains,making the terrain quite uneven with many steep cliffs.These various geographical features add to the beauty of the Taihang Mountains scenery that can be described with words like magnificent,unique,dangerous,and serene.  相似文献   

历史时期的华南少数民族 ,包括广东、广西、海南、台湾等地的少数民族 ,他们在特定的生态地理环境和相对落后的社会发展阶段中 ,充分利用华南地区丰富的自然资源 ,维系本民族的生产与生活 ,逐步形成了华南地区少数民族利用自然资源的传统与特点 ,进一步促进了华南地区各民族社会的发展进步。  相似文献   

从类型来说,中国陆地边境口岸类型多元;从分布来说,北少南多、东密西疏、两头多中间少;从基本建设来说,中国边境口岸基础建设设施需要改善或提升;从功能上来说,北守南通、北货南人、东通西控;从规划和运行来说,受周边国家利益、国家政策影响至深;从建设现状来说,多数陆地边境口岸的基本建设需要提升;从效果来说,绝大多数口岸对中国边疆发展的辐射力不够;从负面影响来说,沿边境口岸的跨国犯罪、分裂恐怖活动难以避免。根据以上特点,本文提出:树立口岸通达与管控相结合的管理理念,落实通达与管控双管齐下的管理措施;改善或提升陆地边境口岸的基础建设工作;逐渐改变口岸重经贸轻文化交流的现状;通过边境口岸加强中国与周边国家边境经贸互补性;因地制宜地在口岸过于稠密处减少口岸数量、在口岸稀少区域增设口岸数量;与毗邻国家在保持国家领土和主权的前提下建立友好关系,为边境口岸良性发展奠定外部基础;连接陆地边境口岸与航空、水运口岸,建设“一带一路”六大经济走廊。  相似文献   

正COP15 provides a platform for solutions to the world's biodiversity crisis Earlier this year, a herd of wild Asian elephants wandering in southwest China's Yunnan Province captured the attention of the entire world. Departing their home range in Xishuangbanna on the very southern border of Yunnan as early as March 2020, the herd traveled more than 500 km north before reaching the provincial capital,  相似文献   

WALKING along the archaistic streets of Yongqingfang Square in Guangzhou,one will notice a museum built in the architectural style of a Lingnan gar-den (a typical garden south of the Five Mountain Ridges in south China).That is the Cantonese Opera Art Museum.Standing as a local landmark,the "garden museum" has attracted many Canton-ese Opera lovers.  相似文献   

今年是西藏民主改革50周年。50年在人类历史长河中不过是短暂一瞬,但在西藏这片古老而神奇的土地上却创造了旷世未有的人间奇迹。从肃穆的藏北高原到盎然的藏南谷地,从草原的牧民帐篷到热闹的拉萨街头,雪域高原焕发出勃勃生机,一个繁荣昌盛、充满活力的社会主义新西藏展现在世人面前。西藏50年的历史巨变,蕴含着党中央的深情关切。以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体,顺应西藏人民翻身解放的强烈愿望,带领西藏人民进行民主改革,实行民族区域自治,  相似文献   

Diarra Boubacar is the first non-Chinese postdoctoral fellow in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).The Malian was bom into a family of doctors in 1964.With his passion for the complex and intriguing field of traditional medicine,Boubacar pursued his master's degree at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,in Guangdong Province,south China,and doctoral degree in Chengdu University of TCM in Sichuan Province in southwest China,where he learned from masters.  相似文献   

文章认为,隋文帝在其执政的短短20多年间,就能一统南北,把隋朝建设成一个颇为强盛的封建王朝,除了与隋文帝所进行的内政改革致为密切外,与其所推行的“无隔华夷”、“文轨攸同”的治边思想、“远交近攻”、“离强合弱”的治边方略和“严防边塞”、“清边制胜”的治边措施亦不无关系。  相似文献   

In addition to her full-time job,Zhao Qi,28,is a graphic designer in Guangzhou,Guangdong Province in south China who gets an added sense of satisfaction from her sideline activity—sketching illustrations and posting them on Xiaohongshu,a popular Instagram-1 ike Chinese fashion and lifestyle-sharing platform.Chubby faces,black-pea-styled eyes and sausage-like lips are heavily featured across her depictions of both human and animal characters,pumped up by a rich variety of colors and high color saturation.  相似文献   

The concept of happiness differs from person to person and country to country. Beijing Review asked two people—Zhao Xingzhou,a doctor at a hospital in Baoding,north China’s Hebei Province,and Niu Fenglei,a white-collar worker at an IT corporation in Beijing—to share their ideas about happiness.  相似文献   

At first glance, my motherland, Egypt, and China seem to be worlds apart. In a strictly geographical sense, there are 6,896 km between them. But a closer look reveals much the two countries have in common. That was what my uncle, who served as ambassador to China in the 1990s, used to tell me.  相似文献   

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