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韩袁红女士不仅在学术上是王小波作品的研究者,在生活中也有着对其作品发自内心的热爱。她的《批判与想象——王小波小说研究》是国内第一部研究王小波小说的专著。抱着对小说发现之发现的目的,作者不仅对王小波的小说进行学术上的客观阐释,也在尽力向我们展示王小波小说及其本人超越时空的魅力。对上述两方面进行总结,对这种发现做出分析,有助于对王小波小说进行深入研究,通过正确评介让更多的人接受它。  相似文献   

正Malcolm Clarke,a British director and two-time Academy Award winner,shared his views on how China's pursuit of xiaokang,or moderate prosperity,has changed people's lives with Beijing Review reporter Li Nan. Xiaokang is a goal the government first proposed in the late 1970 s and has recently been accomplished.  相似文献   

正The teachings of Confucius illuminate the path for achieving our dreams in life,and one key teaching in particular has been illuminating China's path toward becoming a moderately prosperous—or xiaokang—society.It is that taking a moderate approach to building well-consolidated social and economic foundations is essential for achieving prosperity.The concept is far from new,but it is standing the test of time as China enters a new era of development.The Communist Party of China (CPC) has a strong understanding of this notion,and all Party leaders have been demonstrating it in their work.The main result has been the eradication of absolute poverty last year,which completed China's process of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

Jiwei Xiao 《当代中国》2008,17(56):513-528
This article is a study of aesthetic idealism that characterizes the fictional works written by the contemporary Chinese writer Wang Anyi during the 1990s. I start with a comparison of Wang Anyi with Zhang Ailing, arguing that Wang's ambivalence towards Zhang's aesthetics of details is translated into a dilemma the former faces in her own writing. On the one hand, Wang Anyi appreciates Zhang's passion for life's details. Wang's own works show a high penchant for details. On the other hand, Wang is critical of Zhang's aesthetic leap from the sensuous (detail) to the nihilistic (meaning). Wang's anxiety over the ultimate value of detail can be attributed to her ideological allegiance to a May Fourth leftist tradition as well as to her awareness of the derogatory association of detail with women's writing in China. So in what way can Wang Anyi say no to Zhang Ailing? How does she try to steer clear of the danger of ‘materialistic’ trivialization that she sees lurking in details? I observe that in Wang's fiction there is neither a full embrace of idealism nor a total rejection of detailed realism à la Zhang Ailing. Instead, Wang Anyi treasures the use of details as a signifying practice to embrace her idealism.

In her 1990s' fictional works, Wang Anyi's effort to circumvent the dichotomy between detail and idea is complicated by her attempt to use details to reconstruct pictures of the past. There are several aspects to this issue. First, although nostalgic details in Wang Anyi's ‘memory stories’ help to give expression to idealistic longings of the author, they also tend to conspire with the official ban on the discourse of the traumatic socialist past. Second, while details are regarded as important in sum total, they are actually relegated by the writer to a secondary place as mere constructing materials to serve the function of bringing out the larger idea. In terms of actual narration, the highly ‘authoritative’ voice often suppresses the depth of individual subjects in her fiction. Third, Wang's ambiguity with regards to details and ‘feminine materials’ affects her characterization of women. A reading of Wang's two fictional works, The Song of Everlasting Sorrow (Changhen ge) and Fu Ping (Fu Ping), demonstrates that the writer's instrumental approach tends to render female characters stranded between allegorical figures and individual subjects.  相似文献   

At the age of 66, Wang Jie is learning a new skill—papercutting. Every Monday and Thursday afternoon, she attends a class in her neighborhood in Beijing's suburban district of Changping, with her toolkit. The kit, once a medicine box, now holds two pairs of scissors, a paper cutter, a pair of glasses, pencils, a big eraser and a roll of tape, all necessary for her lesson.  相似文献   

正Beijing recently released a new white paper providing a comprehensive overview of a multitude of efforts to achieve a xiaokang, or moderately prosperous, society, on schedule in 2021, coinciding with the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC). First described in the modern era by Deng Xiaoping in 1979, subsequent generations of Chinese leadership made this concept central to national development goals.  相似文献   

Lust for Life     
In January 2018, when Lyu Xiaoning crossed the threshold of La Casa Azul, Frida Kahlo's family home in Coyoacán, Mexico, she was touched by a particular painting named Viva la Vida. For her last work, completed in 1954 fol-lowing complications from an amputated leg, Kahlo chose to paint vivacious red watermelons for their significance to the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1 and 2. This holiday sees fam-ily and friends gather in remembrance of those who have gone before them. The artist inscribed the words "Viva la Vida"on the central melon wedge at the bottom of the canvas, which trans-late as "Long live life," just eight days before she died.  相似文献   

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has concluded with a much anticipated resolution on the Party's history, the third such resolution since the Party's founding, amid expectation that a new assessment would appear this year. The session came at a time when China signaled it had entered a "new era" and celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding in tandem with achieving a xiaokang (moderately prosperous) society and after eliminating extreme poverty, while transitioning to a new development model, advancing the green revolution, recovering from the pandemic, and further bolstering sovereignty and national defense. Chinese media reports for the most part have focused on the 10 principles or lessons the report provides to help China tackle major challenges in coming decades.  相似文献   

A Tender Heart     
BEIJINGER Chang Mengwas once one of those for-tunate types that seem notto have a care in the world.On marrying twenty years ago,after a sweet and loving courtship.Chang Meng and her husbandopened an hotel that prospereddaily.Her life was bliss.Then one  相似文献   

张爱玲的小说语言极富魅力,尤其是叙述语言非常独特,其冷峻超然的叙述及电影镜头语言的运用展现了她高超的叙述技巧。这种叙述语言既有利于时空的自如切换,又有助于作品苍凉底蕴的书写,从而使她的作品保持着对所处时代超然冷峻的观照。  相似文献   

正Recycling used things becomes trendy and handy in China Wang Yewen, a 32-year-old company staff member, recently moved into a new apartment in Beijing. The moving process proved torture, as she had too much stuff she didn't even realize existed. Fortunately,  相似文献   

弄清个体人生观形成的心理机制是正确进行人生观教育的前提条件。人生观并非先天遗传的,只有在青年期,个体才有可能正式全面地考虑人生问题。个体人生观是在青年期经过强化、内化、习惯化三个阶段最终得以形成的,其实质是个体的社会化过程。  相似文献   

Carolyn Swift has pioneered new professional roles in unconventional settings, including a Midwestern city hall and an interactive TV network. Her career-long interest in the prevention of rape began when she learned of the sexual abuse of adolescent males in the city's jail, and projected the long-term implications of such abuse for reducing its incidence in future generations. She explored the use of QUBE, an experimental interactive TV network, as a platform for teaching prosocial behavior to children-a preliminary step in violence prevention. Empowering women and men in relationships was a theme throughout her career. Her life path reflects her challenge as an early feminist-to combine a devotion to family with a passion to build a more just world.  相似文献   

本文分析了丁玲前期的生活和写作,并由此探讨“五四”以来女性寻求独立过程中所经历的突破和面临的困境。丁玲独自离家赴异地求学,并以种种实际行动表明了同封建父权制的彻底决裂,从而初步确立了现代女性相对独立的自主地位。在此基础上,丁玲的写作本身既打破了女性在公共空间的“沉默”历史、公开展示了女性隐秘的身体欲望,因而极具颠覆意义和革命力量;同时又因为日记体的特殊体例而重新被置于私人话语的圈子里,削弱了其公共权力和合法性,并且再次把女性作为有待窥视的秘密加以性别化———这构成了丁玲创作的一个悖论。  相似文献   

赵静 《青年论坛》2010,(4):118-121
永嘉乱后琅邪王氏家族追随司马睿南下,积极兴建新朝,恢复儒学,促进南北文化融合,成为东晋立国的主要支柱。在两晋之际特殊的历史条件下,该族群将鲁文化中崇儒守礼、务实重功和齐文化中因俗而变的传统巧妙地结合在一起,不仅使其家族门第高显,冠冕不绝,保存并延续了齐鲁文化,同时也促进了齐鲁文化与中原、荆楚等地域文化的交流和融合,共同发展了江南文化,在中国文化发展史上产生深远影响。  相似文献   

正Seven million people with disabilities in China have moved out of dire poverty over the past five years When the car crash that changed the course of her life happened in April 2011, Yang Shuting was just about to embark on her career as a nurse at a local hospital in Hunan Province. Waking up in a daze, she found herself in intensive care. Not long after, doctors told Yang that the accident had left her with high paraplegia,  相似文献   

VILLAGE teacher Zhi Yueying was loudly applauded at the national poverty alleviation commendation conference in February 2021,when she was honored for her contribution to poverty allevia-tion through education. Over the past 40 years,she has been teaching at Niyang Primary School and a learning center in remote mountain-ous Baiyang Village,in Zaoxia Town,Fengxin County,Yichun City,Jiangxi Province.Zhi has helped more than 1,000 children rise above the tough life in mountains and pursue a bright fu-ture.She also sponsored more than 20 students from impoverished families to complete their studies.  相似文献   

本文通过现代女作家陈学昭创作风格的形成,探讨女性写作在现代文学史上成长的可能性空间,事实证明,女性写作是在一种被男性文学叙事规约和询唤的美学潮流的引领下进行的,适应并不断复制主流话语,是在文学场域得以生存的条件,除此之外,似乎别无他路。陈学昭的创作只有适应主流叙事的那种被界定为清丽温婉的美学情调得到了认可,而作品里独特的、鲜活的、可以触摸的生命意志被遮蔽掉了。对于一个并不自主的制度化场域来说,文学与新民主主义革命的独特关系,使得陈学昭一类的作家缺少必要的写作空间。  相似文献   

'My dearest son, traveling abroad for the first time in my life, I am not here to go sightseeing, nor to attend your graduation or wedding; I am here for your funeral," Li Rong sobbed when speaking at her son's memorial service thousands of miles away from home.  相似文献   

正Understanding their efforts and perseverance to transform the border region Eighty-one-year-old Shi Huifang could never forget her life-changing decision to venture out into Xinjiang, a remote and bare land to her in northwest China, some six decades ago. She wanted to escape poverty and create a better life for herself by putting in hard work in a new place.  相似文献   

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