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It was the fear of facing her pet dog's death that made Wu Tong switch careers in 2015.Her dog, Little Q, named after the movie Quill: The Life of a Guide Dog, was over 9 years old in 2015, an old age for a dog. Thinking of her dog's approaching death caused Wu to feel anxious. Describing herself as an introvert, Wu said the dog, a cocker spaniel, was the best company she had in the world.  相似文献   

创新城市社区管理体制对推动基层自治与促进社区和谐意义重大,但社区管理体制创新需要政府权力边界厘定、社区职能定位明晰及社会互动机制形成等基本条件。文章在对近年来成都市武侯区及其所辖的黉门街社区在社区管理体制创新中的实践探索梳理基础上,提出了进一步完善城乡社区管理体制创新的措施,对于化解基层矛盾纠纷和激发居民参与民主自治具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

土家族巫文化的人类学考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人类学视角对土家族巫文化进行考察、挖掘、阐述,从而进一步了解了土家族色彩斑斓的巫文化特质及巫文化事象。  相似文献   

《清威略将军吴英事略》是吴英继《行间纪遇》之后撰写的另一部自传体著作,为线装抄本,现藏厦门市图书馆。经将《清威略将军吴英事略》与《行间纪遇》比对之后,发现两者之间既有一定的源流关系,也有明显差异。尽管《清威略将军吴英事略》一书存在着若干神灵怪异的描述和文章排序错乱等问题,但其保存了一些《行间纪遇》所没有的资料,对于了解、研究吴英的身世、成长过程以及探寻与吴英的相关史迹有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

从战略高度重新审视南唐与吴越之间的战争 ,吴越始终扮演着中原盟友的角色 ,在南唐失国的过程中发挥了牵制、削弱和落井下石的作用。无锡之战后 ,杨吴失却了日后发展的战略基础 ;伐闽之战中吴越驰援福州 ,使南唐从此步入衰降的轨道 ;北周与南唐交兵 ,吴越协同进击 ,使南唐分兵作战 ,损失惨重 ;最后 ,吴越又与宋结盟 ,出兵会攻金陵 ,直接导致了南唐亡国。  相似文献   

正How China’s Kunqu Opera finds its groove on the ballet stageInspiration arose when a mutual friend of Wu Husheng and Zhang Ting proposed the idea and introduced them to each other. After Wu got in touch with Zhang, they immediately clicked and started devising the creation of A Dream of a Floating Life.China's Kunqu Opera and the art that is ballet performing together on the same stage? A feat perhaps far-fetched before, yet, as the world rests on the cusp of change, no longer beyond realization. One might be curious as to what the combination of the two arts, opera and dance, East and West, looks like. A Dream of a Floating Life will provide the answer to that question.  相似文献   

ON November 25,2020,the late French sculptor Jean Cardot's artwork Taureau lumière [Cattle in the Sun],donated by Académie des Beaux-Arts of France to the National Art Museum of China(NAMOC),was set up and unveiled in the Sculpture Park of the latter. At the ceremony,Wu Weishan,NAMOC curator,said,"Chinese art in the 20th century is characterized by the borrowing of Western elements.The art exchanges be-tween China and France have contributed a lot to this.Today,we are here,witnessing the unveiling of this French masterpiece.Our bilateral friendship conveyed by it will be written down in the history of Sino-French art exchanges? For years,Wu has been dedicated to expressing the spirit of Chinese culture through sculpture for cross-borderunderstanding and cooperation in arts.  相似文献   

作为党和国家民族工作的卓越领导者 ,乌兰夫对我国民族高等教育事业做出了重要贡献。他参与创建了延安民族学院 ,担任中央民族学院的首任院长 ,倡议在全国创办民族学院 ,对民族高等教育的办学规律和办学指导思想也有着深刻的认识和论述。这些经验和理论对我们今天实施西部大开发战略、科教兴国战略和发展少数民族地区的高等教育事业 ,仍然具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

Skill Rules     
Ever since winning first place in the masonry category at the First Vocational Skills Competition of China in December of last year, Wu Yuanzhou has been busy continuing to enhance his craftsmanship with bricks and mortar and impart his knowledge as a lecturer at the Changsha Construction Engineering School, a vocational school in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province.  相似文献   

"Today there are nearly 300 million people learning to play guzheng (a Chinese plucked zither) in China,but the number of people learning konghou is less than 500" Wu Qian said.Thus by contrast,konghou,a multi-stringed plucked instrument of the harp family,proves to be the one only for a selected few.However,Wu,a foremost konghou master and virtuoso,surprisingly seems to be very satisfied with this figure.As kong-hou has always been primarily made and played for display and appreciation throughout history,it is not likely it will ever become a popular musical instru-ment any time in the future.For the vast majority of people,they learn about konghou by admiring,watching,and listening to it and deem it as one of the most crucial musical embodiments of Chinese culture.Nevertheless,they do not feel any desire to learn to play it.  相似文献   

外国留学生住宿社会化背景下,留学生聚居区逐渐形成。北京市海淀区五道口留学生聚居区是北京市管辖外国留学生数量最多,处理留学生事务最多,留学生管理服务最先进的社区之一。通过研究在京留学生居留现状,分析留学生社会化管理中存在的问题,对完善公安机关外国留学生管理提出建议和意见。  相似文献   

《黔记》是明代郭子章私家撰著的贵州通志。该书《学校志》中有关各儒学学田的记录十分翔实,这些史料能从一个侧面反映当时贵州各地生态背景和生计方式的差异。例如,该志所载乌撒卫学田中有部分田产以荍作为缴纳田租的粮食种类,这与乌撒其地湿润多雨、生长季短及当地彝族回族大量种植荞麦密切相关;又如该志所载清平卫与思州府学田的田租中有以手和边为粮食计量单位的实例,这足以表明当地侗族苗族习惯于种植糯稻,而他们栖息地的生态环境确实适宜种植糯稻。总之,只要认真解读史料,就能在很大程度上复原明代贵州的生态面貌。  相似文献   

本文运用人类文化学、行政学和历史学等学科研究方法对武则天皇权在其性别角色、皇权和公共行政等方面的合法性进行论述,以此展示女性公共行政的魅力以及在人类文化和公共行政领域所发挥的积极作用.  相似文献   

OVER just 40-plus years of development since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy,a poor village built on reclaimed tidal marshes in east China's Jiangsu Province has emerged as an eco-friendly,industrialized urban center with modern facilities matching any major city. Situated on the south bank along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Yonglian Village in the town of Nanfeng in Zhangjiagang City has seen an earth-shattering transformation.During the annual sessions of the 13th National People's Congress(NPC)and the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)in 2021,Wu Huifang,NPC deputy and secretary of the Party Committee of Yonglian Village,accepted an exclusive interview with China Today,sharing Yong-lian's experience in making growth benefits available to all,guaranteeing people's political and civil rights,and achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

Nearly 200 million Chinese people opt for non-traditional forms of employment Soon after graduation,Wu Mengwei,an electronic and information engineering major,followed his passion and became a writer contributing to online novel websites.He usually works five to six hours every night and jots down some 4,000 to 6,000 words.  相似文献   

具有强制执行效力的公证书确认的债权进入执行程序后,债务人进入破产清算的,围绕债权产生的争议,在规范层面上,存在着公证债权文书执行审查程序与破产债权确认之诉这两种不同的争议解决程序,然而这两种程序性质迥异,相互排斥、无法并行。为协调两种程序之间的关系,应当以裁定受理破产申请与裁定中止执行这两个时间节点为界,对这两种程序的适用范围进行区隔,分别确定两个程序的不同规制范围。  相似文献   

Psychological health is gaining more attention, especially among China’s urban population A couple of months ago, Wu Miao found herself trapped in a bout of depression whilst on maternity leave. On the one hand, she and her husband were strapped for cash as raising a baby turned out to cost a lot more than they had initially expected, and she was earning much less during the leave. On the other hand, her mother-inlaw was temporarily staying with them to help take care of the baby, but this resulted in the occasional bickering over household trivialities.  相似文献   

War on the Virus     
A new round of COVID-19 infections has swept across China beginning on October 17. As of November 12, 1,499 cases had been reported across the country in this round, 279 of which were imported cases. And as of November 13, the virus had spread to 21 provinces. "The situation is becoming more stable as the clusters of cases in multiple provinces have been brought under control," Wu Liangyou, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control with the National Health Commission (NHC), said at a press conference on November 13. The case clusters in Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan and Sichuan provinces have been brought under control while those in Liaoning, Jiangxi and Yunnan provinces, as well as in Beijing, require additional efforts.  相似文献   

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