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Team Up to Fly     
<正>Three Chinese airline cargo carriers expect to become one After China’s high-speed train maker CNR Corp.Ltd.’s merger with its long-lost rival CSR Corp.Ltd.in March,a new wave of reform for China’s state-owned enterprises(SOEs)seems imminent and imperative.Against this background,after Zhou Laizhen,Vice Minister of Civil Aviation Administration,disclosed the budding thought concerning air freight reorganization at the China Civil Aviation Development Forum on June 24,rumors over a consolidation of the country’s three largest airline cargo carriers began to gain ground.Though a concrete plan of the con-  相似文献   

Humans have a fascination with the unknown and we know very little about outer space.When it comes to exploring our solar system,let alone the universe,mankind has barely managed to scrape the surface.Dreams of space exploration have long had a strong hold on the human imagination.  相似文献   

Fly,Fly, Birdie     
The Shahe Reservoir in north Beijing is heaven for bird lovers.Each year, bird watching enthusiasts flock to the area to observe and record the lives of its avian inhabitants using binoculars and cameras equipped with telephoto lenses.  相似文献   

Learning to Live     
<正>A Beijing-based autism agency works to help afflicted children integrate into society Just like any other regular early-childhood education center,the Gaobeidian branch of the Wucailu Center for Children With Autism,located in Beijing’s Chaoyang District,has corridors lined with chairs that seat mothers,fathers and grandparents as they wait for  相似文献   

TotheeastoftheBeijingZoo,abuildingisunderconstructionwhichwillopenthisJuneas"TheHappyCastle,"thefirstdepartmentstoreforchildreninthecapital.ThegeneralmanageroftheHappyCastleisTeddeSmart,aNorthAmericaninhislateforties.TedfirstcametoBeijinginearly1996,andsaysthatheneverimaginedthathewouldlastfouryearsinBeijing.HefeltthatforeignersinBeijingwereall"laowai"inthewordsofthelocalBeijingdialect.Hepresentedhimselfasaprimeexample.However,henowsayshedoesn'tplantogobacktotheUnitedStatesforalongtime…  相似文献   

<正>Will China be able to outstrip Japan’s established railway technology in the race for the Indonesian market? Given the brutal magnitude of the capital and technological outlays required for entry into the rail market—a characteristic that drastically reduces the number of competitors—the industry is neither for the  相似文献   

<正>Sometimes I feel that being a foreigner in China is akin to being forced to wear a sandwich—board in Chinese saying"hey,look at me!"on the front and"Take as many embarrassing pictures as you want!"on the back.Yes,the same type of sign that Charles Dickens described as being"a piece of human flesh between two slices of paste board."This is no exaggeration,especially during  相似文献   

苗伟 《前沿》2011,(13):186-189
学习型文化是以学习为主要特质的文化类型。在当代中国,将学习型文化确立为中国特色社会主义的文化战略,既有历史的借鉴、经验的累积,又符合时代的潮流、现实的诉求。在中国特色社会主义实践中,要不断地进行各种途径的学习,全方位地提升学习的能力,进而推动中国特色社会主义事业不断走向辉煌。  相似文献   

干青 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):410-413
In the 21st century,education reforms in China are encouraging,different concepts such as innovation and the introduction of different forms of assessment were introduced to the university.The importance of formative assessment is emphasized.This paper aims to study the teacher’s implementation of formative assessment in English lessons during the teaching practise.Commonly used assessment methods,alignment of learning and assessment activities,student teachers’ intervention after receiving feedback from studentss,difficulties encountered,perception of the teacher on formative assessment and students’ feedback are reported in this study.It is hoped that the study will provide insight into the practice of formative assessment in university classrooms.It is also hoped that the study will regard as one aspect othe professional development of teachers driving by the innovation concept.  相似文献   

Hinterland rural towns are the last sanctuaries of old traditions, best honored at the Chinese New Year.YUXIAN in northwestern Hebei Province is a three-hour drive from Beijing.  相似文献   

AS home of the tea plant, China is synonymous with this refreshing bev-erage.A drink made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinesis is described in Shennong Bencao Jing (Materia Medica of Shennong) of 2737 BC as "health giving" and one that "brings joy to the heart." Tea drinking was strictly for medicinal purposes until the end of the Han Dynasty in 220. It then became  相似文献   

陈发桂  韦杰 《桂海论丛》2005,21(4):77-79
文章通过对菲律宾外国投资法的介绍,分析了中国目前外资法律制度中存在的缺陷,并在借鉴菲律宾外国外资立法经验的基础上,提出我国完善外资立法的建议。  相似文献   

我们省委常委学习中心组主要由省委常委和省政府的负责同志组成。中心组成立十多年来,始终把用科学理论武装头脑作为统揽全局的头等大事来抓。班子成员变了,坚持学习的传统没有变;形势发展了,理论联系实际的良好学风没有丢。特别是近几年,...  相似文献   

Higher Learning     
Educational forum draws state and provincial education leaders from China and the United States to discuss best practices In some ways, grade-school education in China and the United States  相似文献   

“形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展”,是党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的目标之一。本文着重探讨了思想政治教育在面对学习型社会全民学习、终身学习的新要求时应采取的举措。  相似文献   

源起于西方人类学学理的音乐民族志经过不断的实践和发展,成为世界范围内民族音乐的理论武器和方法,随着我国1980年代后的学科发展,民族音乐研究在20多年的发展历程里.从传统乐书描述到音乐集成(方志性专志)编纂,再到音乐民族志的书写,进行着音乐民族志化的方法探索和实践.  相似文献   

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