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THE decision on where to run my first marathon was an easy one: I chose my second home, Xiamen, a beautiful city with long beaches and a lovely climate. The route for the Xiamen marathon, which runs along the Island Ring Road, must be the most beautiful in the world. This year was the city's third to hold a marathon, and it attracted 15,000 participants from several countries. I downloaded a training program  相似文献   

正Very recently, the acknowledgement section in a doctoral dissertation managed to stir up an online sensation. Huang Guoping, a Ph.D graduating from the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) in 2017, wrote in this part that he had toiled away for 22 years before he was finally able to hand in his doctoral dissertation. He further acknowledged the countless difficulties he’d encountered along the 22-year-long path of receiving education from primary school, across the mountains surrounding his village all the way to the CAS.  相似文献   

近年来,对于文化问题的关注日益升温,这既是黄楠森先生晚午开拓的一个崭新的研究领域,又是其哲学思想的重要组成部分。文章详细介绍了黄先生的主要文化哲学思想.包括文化的本质、古今中西文化比较、中国特色社会主义文化观等内容。黄先生的文化哲学思想,不仅具有理论意义,而且对中国特色社会主义文化建设同样具有深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

Two-Way Street     
The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) was held in San Francisco from August 1-4.Huang Youyi,Vice President of China International Publishing Group,has just completed a term as FIT vice president.At the conference site on August 1,Huang talked to Beijing Review on his role in the FIT,as well as the development of the language service industry in China.  相似文献   

MS.Huang,a Chongqing local,felt an unexpected chill one summer morning."I [instinctively] knew I was going to catch a cold,"she said.Her response was to make an appointment at a health spa called Treasure without Borders for a Tibetan medicinal bath.Huang and her 16-year-old daughter are both regulars at the spa.She believes that many ailments can be eased through the healing properties of a medicinal bath.  相似文献   

Amid lingering chal-lenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE), held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, still managed to attract global participants and saw the enduring enthusiasm of domestic buyers and traders. More than $70.7 billion worth of tentative deals were reached for one-year purchases of goods and services at the event, Sun Chenghai, Deputy Director of the CIIE Bureau, told a press conference after its conclusion. Inaugurated in 2018, the CIIE is the world's first import-themed national-level trade show. This year's edition, in a first-ever, launched an online country exhibition. According to the CIIE Bureau, a total of 58 countries and three international orga-nizations participated, with five making their CIIE debut.  相似文献   

辩护全覆盖改革在首批试点地区取得了较为理想的改革成效,由于试点地区先天的自身优势使得其成功经验不具有可复制性,改革试点向全国推广仍面临着律师资源稀缺、援助经费匮乏的双重瓶颈性困境。为保障改革取得全国性胜利,宜尽快建立刑辩律师数据库、探索律师远程参与庭审机制以及加大援助经费投入、提高援助办案补贴标准。  相似文献   

律师事务所公司化运营是我国法律服务市场中已经出现的现象,其中分配制度是公司化改革中非常重要的一环。目前我国律师事务所在公司化运营下的分配方式种类复杂,各种形式并存。本文旨在通过研究律师事务所分配制度的发展历程,深度剖析公司化改革后分配制度的类型及其优缺点。使掌舵者明确公司化改革下分配制度的基本情况,并根据自身需求选择合适的分配制度。纵观全局,总结改革取得的成就,研究改革中急需解决的问题,提供较为详细的解决方案,推动公司化改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

Art From Fire     
Every morning at dawn, Huang Xiaoling, 53, devotes herself wholeheartedly to designing three sketches for her porcelain works.She is an expert in the creation of polychrome porcelain, an art that is part of China's intangible cultural heritage.  相似文献   

刘家谋的友人黄鹤龄的诗集钞本《不暇懒斋诗钞》未引起台湾研究者的注意。他的诗歌反映了台湾航海、气候、地震、风俗、文化、古迹、民生、兵事等方方面面的情况,可以说是道光末至咸丰年间台湾社会生活的一面镜子。面对道咸年间台湾世风日下、民生凋敝的状况,他提出重教化、贵树艺、勤桑麻的救世主张。他的诗集应该与刘家谋的《海音诗》、《观海集》一样成为研究台湾道咸年间社会状况的重要资料。  相似文献   

Although China has made headway in reforming the exchange rate regime of its currency,the yuan,and expanding the use of it in cross-border trade during the past year,the yuan is far from fully convertible.Huang Yiping,a professor at the National School of Development of Peking University,said in an article for Beijing Review that China has the conditions for capital account liberalization and should strive for basic convertibility within five years. Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

行政允诺虽已被最高人民法院增列为新型行政行为之一,但行政法学及法律规范中均缺少对其内涵的进一步解释。以"黄银友案"裁判文书为观察切入点,发现行政相对人从不特定转变为特定并引起法律关系端点发生变动,进而从中抽象出行政允诺二阶段论之范式。通过剖析其他涉及行政允诺的司法实例以检视这一初步范式。对比分析显示,行政允诺之相对人既包括特定相对人,也包括不特定相对人;涉及行政允诺的司法实践易与他类案由发生复合。  相似文献   

私人侦探最早出现在西方国家,在我国,虽然官方明令禁止开设私人侦探所性质的民间机构,但是,从上世纪90年代开始,经过10多年的发展,目前已有民间调查类企业组织或机构近2.5万家,从业人员近20万。然而从整体上看。我国目前的私人侦探业极度混乱,存在着许多问题,黄立荣被害案就是一个缩影。究其原因,是因为我国的私人侦探业缺乏明确的立法规范和有效的行政管理。为了使这一新兴行业走上良性发展道路,也为了不再有更多的“黄立荣”悲剧发生,尽快为私人侦探立法才是正视现实、从实际出发的理性选择。  相似文献   

作为中国近代建警第一人,黄遵宪在警政理念和实践上都有突出的贡献。在理论上,他最先关注西方的警察制度,首次使用近代意义的"警察"一词。在实践中,他创办中国警政的滥觞——湖南长沙保卫局,制定《湖南保卫局章程》等规章,赋予长沙保卫局鲜明的时代特色,寓意了保卫局近代民主观念。其创办工作不仅是举办地方警政的一次有益尝试,也是实行地方自治理论的一次有益实践,书写了中国近代警察制度史上别具风格的篇章。  相似文献   

远程教育作为一种崭新的教育形式,目前越来越显示出它的重要性和优越性。文章比较研究了网上远程教育与传统教育在公安民警培训工作中的不同效用,介绍了网上远程教育的学历与学习方式情况,并对开展网上远程教育进行了思考。  相似文献   

文章对黄育馥和刘霓的著作《e时代的女性———中外比较研究》做了评述,认为该书填补了我国从性别角度研究信息技术社会问题论著的空白。本文分析了该书揭示性别“数字鸿沟”的方法、过程,归纳了形成“数字鸿沟”的原因,重点论述了性别数字鸿沟使女性在全球化中处于不利地位的观点,并提出相应消除性别数字鸿沟的方针和建议。  相似文献   

付广华 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):84-87
民族观是一个思想意识层面的问题,包括对民族本身的看法、民族问题产生原因的认识以及解决这些问题的想法及观点。文章通过仔细梳理李宗仁、白崇禧、黄旭初等新桂系领导人的思想,认为新桂系政权在民族问题上的基本观点分为:“中华民族”观、“特种部族”观以及“民族同化”观。之所以呈现这一局面,乃是因为阶级、时势、学术等多方面因素影响的结果。  相似文献   

网络游戏作为一种计算机软件,兼有作品属性和工具属性。网络游戏的工具属性——可玩性是网络游戏的价值所在。根据网络游戏的特征和性质,宜将其视为"以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品",并承认网络游戏画面属于著作权意义上的作品。对"网络游戏直播"应适用"应当由著作权人享有的其他权利"。"耀宇诉斗鱼案"适用《侵权责任法》,要求侵权者承担民事侵权责任,更具合理性。  相似文献   

When did Chinese characters come into this world? Ancient Chinese mythology claims this took place on an April 20, or so, some 5,000 years ago. Legend has it that Cangjie, the Grand Historiographer of Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor), one of the most legendary Chinese sovereigns and cultural heroes, had been tortured by the inaccurate results of keeping track of historical records via the tying of knots. One day, having been inspired after taking closer note of animal tracks, Cangjie felt compelled to create written characters that would replace the errorprone process of knot-tying, signaling a new era of Chinese civilization.  相似文献   


In this concept paper, the authors explore online learning in social work and how IV-E education has been and will continue to be impacted. An empirical estimate of the national prevalence of online IV-E social work degree options is presented. Using Colorado as a case example, the authors share some of the opportunities and challenges presented by online education. Universities in Colorado have realized that online education connects rural and indigenous communities, reduces the need for students to relocate, and promotes a well-prepared, qualified child welfare workforce, but online options also challenge programs with localization issues. With connectivity increased and the physical location of students becoming less and less relevant, IV-E child welfare education providers need a proactive national dialogue to further assess the benefits and barriers to IV-E partnerships across state lines and the development of promising approaches in this area. The recruitment and retention of a well-educated and prepared child welfare workforce is critical for positive outcomes for children and families. Online social work education continues to grow nationwide. Now is the time for a national workgroup, including a broad group of stakeholders, to explore how the IV-E community will respond to online delivery of social work education.  相似文献   

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