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SIXTY years ago,on May 23,1951,the peaceful liberation of Tibet was marked by the signing of the Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet between the Central People’s Government and the Local Government of Tibet.Over the six decades this autonomous region has made tremendous progress in all respects,and its development has shown more traction since 1994,when the third national conference on Tibet was held.This desolate plateau region had little in the way of transportation infrastructure,in the modern sense,before 1951.  相似文献   

Color and Change     
On October 1, we celebrated our 55th National Day. In the past 55 years, ongoing poverty eradication has been a major aspect of China's steady development. This is apparent in areas as diverse as Xinjiang, ethnic autonomous regions in the Northwest, and Foshan City, a small but developed city in  相似文献   

中国道路是中国共产党把马克思主义基本原理同中国实际和时代特征结合起来走出的新路,引起了世界的广泛关注。中国道路以中华民族优秀传统文化、中国特色社会主义制度、中国特色社会主义理论体系为理论基础,经历了旧民主主义革命、新民主主义革命、社会主义新时期不同历史阶段中国人民探索和发展,烙下了深刻的时代印记。中国道路在实践中取得巨大的成功,还在于其具有探索科学发展、注重和谐发展、追求和平发展的鲜明实践特色,为世界的发展做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

Chan Ka-ying, or Nicole, lives with her cat in Shenzhen, a booming tech city in the south of Guangdong Province. Born in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), she is currently working in a stateowned enterprise after graduation from Peking University.I work as a policy analyst for the business in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), Chan told Beijing Review. I plan to work here for a few years and then return to Hong Kong, where my family lives.  相似文献   

阎嘉 《思想战线》2002,28(1):83-87
文化传统在发展演变的过程中会发生断裂 ,也会不断延续。重要的是要确认和研究哪些传统断裂了 ,哪些传统延续下来并至今还在起作用 ;尤其要关注中国近代以来产生的各种新传统以及体现于民间的文化心理结构 ,这对理解当代中国社会历史进程有着重要意义。在不同民族文化交流和对话当中 ,深入特定文化所产生的语境 ,对于理解不同文化特别重要。过分强调理解中“前见”的作用 ,会造成真正的“误读”。  相似文献   

中国新文学的某些思潮脉络在当代大陆文坛其势不彰,或断续小整,在台湾却延续下来甚至有较大发展,因此缺少台湾文学的中国现当代文学史的书写将是脉络断裂、残缺不完整的。本文梳理了"一民主义文艺"、"自由派"和"人的文学"、现代主义文学、批判现实主义和乡土文学等在当代台湾的延续和发展,认为将它们纳人研究视野和文学史书写中,才能勾勒中国新文学诸多思潮脉络产生、发展和演变的完整图像,并使20世纪中国文学的历史过程和经验得以全面地呈现。  相似文献   

张君浩  兰海燕 《前沿》2011,(7):125-128
在变革的时代,媒介环境发生着日新月异的变化,以数字化、全息化和交互性为特征的高新技术,对传媒组织的经营管理提出了更高的要求。传媒只有尝试着把握变革的艺术,对媒介的组织结构、盈利模式等进行相应的调整,才能在新的技术环境下更好地生存和发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines recent modifications in American policy toward the Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan). It contends that, while the George W. Bush Administration may have carried out a significant readjustment of US policy, available evidence suggests that it will not endorse any major upgrades in ties with Taipei during the foreseeable future. Like previous administrations, the Bush Administration now recognizes the value of engaging the People's Republic of China (PRC). This development holds important implications for the future trajectory of America's relations with Taiwan and the PRC and for peace and stability in the Western Pacific.  相似文献   

陈俊 《中国发展》2005,(4):16-18
文章在制度演进论与博弈论的框架下分析了农民失地的制度变迁过程,重新分析了被我国学者忽视的失地农民和城市居民作为行为主体参与博弈过程所起到的作用.同时提出要关注制度执行的效率与结果,对于失地农民补偿后带来的一些社会问题,要加强制度的执行监管,建立一种平衡机制,达到和谐的目标.  相似文献   

市场的逻辑与中国的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场的基本逻辑是:如果一个人想得到幸福,他(或她)首先必须使别人幸福。市场的这一逻辑把个人对财富和幸福的追求转化为创造社会财富和推动社会进步的动力。由此,才有了西方世界过去200多年的崛起,也才有了中国过去30多年的经济奇迹。市场交易的范围越大,经济发展越快。利润本质上是一个连带责任制度,是市场信任的基础。中国市场化改革的核心是从职权经济转向产权经济。腐败的根源是职权经济与产权经济并存。未来改革的方向仍然是进一步缩小职权经济的范围,减少政府手中控制的资源。解决中国当前面临的问题仍然需要遵循市场的逻辑,而不是凯恩斯主义的刺激政策。  相似文献   

Rejecting Change     
正British voters overwhelmingly reject an alternative voting system The British electorate,in only the second ever national referendum held in their history (the first was on joining the EU,over 35 years ago) rejected alterations to their voting system from the current first-past-the-post system to a form of alternative voting similar to that used  相似文献   

Sculpting Change     
One artist’s 15 years as a member of the political advisory body Her short,bleached-blonde hair has made Caroline Cheng,a maverick among members attending the Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).At the session,she submitted two proposals.One on expanding and regulating nonmotor lanes on Shanghai’s streets to encourage more people to ride bicycles for a low-carbon lifestyle.  相似文献   

后苏哈托时期见证了印尼华人的族群意识与文化复兴,其中华人历史纪念馆的兴建成为华人族群文化意识复兴的一个重要象征。本文在对印尼华人纪念馆田野调查的基础上,考察了后苏哈托时期华人历史博物馆兴建的动因、机制与意义。印尼华人博物馆的兴建,不仅体现了华人对族群历史文化的追溯与传承,同时也反映了华人与当地的融合与政治认同的变迁。更值得指出的是,华人历史博物馆通过华人参与民族国家建构历史的展示重新塑造了华人的集体与文化记忆。  相似文献   

全球化带来的社会变迁对妇女的社会地位产生很大影响,一方面,由于全球化,妇女得以进入之前许多社会对其关闭的角色与社会领域,由此缩小了男性世界与女性世界在社会构建中的距离;另一方面,全球化对当代"归属政治"产生影响,最终在许多地方形成多种新保守主义和族群文化,从根本上扩大了男性与女性构建的差别,以及男人与女人在社会中的总体权力关系.新的女权主义"横向政治"将突破以往"归属政治"对妇女身份的界定.把全球化时代的妇女重新团结起来.  相似文献   

<正>The UN faces an uphill bsttle to promote world peace and development This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’sreturn to the UN.On October 25, 1971,the 26th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution2758 and decided to restore the lawful seat of  相似文献   

票据作为一种信用工具,随着社会主义市场经济的迅速发展和金融体制改革的深入,各种商业票据和银行票据的使用逐渐增多,为准确认识票据行为及其性质,文章对票据伪造变造的构成及效力进行了深入论述,使对伪造变造后的票据当事人之间权利义务有个清楚认识。  相似文献   

<正>Representatives from nearly 200 countries and regions have gathered in Durban,South Africa,for the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 7th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.The meeting is the follow-up conference to tacklin  相似文献   

I first came to China in 1982, three years after the reform and opening policy enabled individuals as well as tour groups to travel within the country, My first stop upon disembarking the ship I'd sailed from Hong Kong to Shanghai was the local police station. There, a local official listed the places I intended visiting on an internal "passport." Second was the bank, which exchanged my U.S, dollars for Foreign Exchange Certificates (FEC) - the currency mandatory for buying goods at the state Friendship stores.  相似文献   

<正>After high-speed growth over 30years,China is now entering a new phase of economic transformation and industry upgrade.To fulfill its objectives,the country must turn to a more environmentallyfriendly and sustainable growth pattern.During such transformation,economic growth is bound to slowdown,which raises questions as to the probability of another global recession.  相似文献   

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