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王淑贞 《青年论坛》2008,(3):130-132
在新中国对外关系史的发展历程中,周恩来睦邻外交思想占有极其重要的地位。睦邻外交是周恩来外交思想的重要组成部分。本文从思想渊源、历史背景、客观条件、主要内容、深远意义、继承发展六个方面对周恩来睦邻外交思想作了全方位的探析。  相似文献   

杨小彦 《思想战线》2007,33(5):48-54
中国远古时期夏商周三代权力交替过程中呈现出意识形态的变化,在"祖灵崇拜"、"血缘制度"和"天命观"三者的不同解释当中,存在着一种紧张的内部压力。周在取代商的过程中强化"天命观"的意义,这个意义对现实政治无疑产生了影响。周人藉此不仅奠定了此后中国国家意识形态的政治性格,而且也由此形成了中国古代城市等级制度的思想基础。  相似文献   

汉武帝开通西南夷,先后设置了犍为、牂柯二郡,贵州被纳入汉王朝的行政区划。其中牂柯郡共领十七县,有的在今贵州境内,有的只辖及贵州的部分地域。且兰是牂柯郡治所在地,汉阳县治曾为南部都尉治所。在汉代的牂柯郡内,现今发现了大量的汉墓群。这些汉墓群所分布的区域,与历史文献中的牂柯郡的范围基本一致。出土的众多文物,从一个侧面说明汉代的牂柯郡主要在贵州境内,而牂柯郡治应在安顺宁谷一带。  相似文献   

张军 《中国发展》2012,12(1):46-50
杭州市通过实行“六个创新”和建立四项保障机制,在较短时期内开创了城乡区域统筹发展的新局面,城乡区域统筹发展取得了明显成效。杭州在城乡区域统筹发展上的经验和成功做法,为其他地区正在进行的城乡区域统筹发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

中央民族歌舞团是在周恩来等老一辈无产阶级革命家的亲切关怀下创立和成长起来的。周总理等国家领导人非常关心中央民族歌舞团的发展与建设,指导节目的创作与编排,参加团里的演出活动,关心团里的每一位演职人员。他们的教导和鼓励,成为中央民族歌舞团不断发展和创新的巨大前进动力。  相似文献   

《黔记》是明代郭子章私家撰著的贵州通志。该书《学校志》中有关各儒学学田的记录十分翔实,这些史料能从一个侧面反映当时贵州各地生态背景和生计方式的差异。例如,该志所载乌撒卫学田中有部分田产以荍作为缴纳田租的粮食种类,这与乌撒其地湿润多雨、生长季短及当地彝族回族大量种植荞麦密切相关;又如该志所载清平卫与思州府学田的田租中有以手和边为粮食计量单位的实例,这足以表明当地侗族苗族习惯于种植糯稻,而他们栖息地的生态环境确实适宜种植糯稻。总之,只要认真解读史料,就能在很大程度上复原明代贵州的生态面貌。  相似文献   

元明清时贵州地区的外来移民   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对元明清不同时期中贵州地区外来移民的方式、来源及民族构成等进行了系统的考察研究,并对其在贵州历史上所产生的作用和影响作出了分析评价。  相似文献   

Hot on the heels of the presidential election result, Beijing Review reporter Liu Yunyun sat down with Zhou Mingwei, President of China International Publishing Group. Zhou, a seasoned expert on China-U.S. relations who is also a member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, shared his views on how the new president-elect, Donald Trump, could transform his surprise victory into a meaningful presidency.  相似文献   

周恩来在王明“左倾”错误统治中央时期,在毛泽东已被排挤出中央苏区党和红军领导岗位的情况下,顶住压力,主动争取毛泽东参与红军作战指挥;坚持毛泽东的军事路线,为确立毛泽东在党和红军中的主导地位做出了特殊贡献。红一、四方面军会师后,周恩来坚持北上抗日战略方针,协助毛泽东粉碎张国焘的分裂图谋,维护了党中央和红军的团结统一。在处理西安事变前后,周恩来提出“停止内战,一致抗日”的主张,贯彻毛泽东建立抗日民族统一战线的主张,为推动第二次国共合作做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

哈耶克思想在台湾的传播始于20世纪50年代初,一开始是作为一位“反极权”的冷战英雄被接受。随着对哈耶克理解的深入,台湾学术界针对哈耶克“自生自发秩序”的理解出现了明显的分歧。周德伟的解读代表了哈耶克思想保守主义的一面,而殷海光则试图将对哈耶克的解读导向一种“后五四精神”,林毓生在综合二者的基础上,提出中国文化的“创造性转化”的概念。  相似文献   

The brain drain has become a growing problem for China's overseas education, especially after the Tiananmen Incident of June 1989. Brain drain is a symptom of a home country's social, economic, or political problems. In China, political alienation, low income, poor living conditions, insufficient research facilities, and mismanagement of high‐level manpower are the major factors pushing intellectuals to seek development opportunities abroad.

Beijing has found it difficult to bring students back home. Restrictions often anger students abroad. Family members also discourage students from returning. Many students find it difficult to adjust to the home environment after years living abroad; some are afraid that they will be punished at home for their outspoken political opinions abroad. However, Beijing has limited control over students overseas. Also, after the 1989 June crackdown, most host governments have decided to allow Chinese students to stay.

Concerned with the brain drain problem, Beijing is adjusting its policy of study abroad. There are various policy scenarios. Each has its merits and limitations, and each will lead to different consequences. Some technical solutions are also worth considering. Although a brain drain will still occur in the future, the tendency can be reduced if appropriate measures are adopted. China's future policy on overseas education depends on the future domestic situation and foreign relations. Apparently, a continued open policy of overseas education is in the interest of the students and the country. For an effective and long‐term policy, some strategic adjustments are necessary. Beijing needs to shift its attention away from the symptoms and concentrate on to the causes of the brain drain. Also, Beijing needs to redesign its future strategy to balance the benefits and costs of overseas education, instead of attempting to eliminate the brain drain.

The brain drain is not permanent. More professionals will return home as the economic and political situation significantly improves. The experience of Taiwan and South Korea in coping with their brain drain problem is a valuable reference for Beijing.  相似文献   

论周恩来成为中共第一代领导集体重要成员的缘由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从建党开始到中共七大周恩来对中国革命和建设的理论和实践的巨大贡献以及对毛泽东核心地位形成所起的重大作用 ,是周恩来成为中共中央第一代领导集体重要成员的关键因素 ,也是中国共产党任人唯贤、德才兼备、以政绩选人用人的干部路线和干部标准的集中体现。  相似文献   

周易管理思想是一个完整的思想体系,其中蕴含着丰富的管理哲学思想。在管理主体上,它肯定了"人"是管理的主体,无论是管理者还是管理对象,都应该是"以人为本";在管理价值上,它重视伦理管理,将"以德治平"作为管理的主要价值取向;在管理目的上,它强调主要是社会群富而非"独富",认为真正的善治是天下为公,有德的人来掌握社会财富的分配。周易管理思想对于当代社会管理具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从文字上而论,“夏”同以后的“华”的概念接近,甚至说,二者之间存在着颇为密切的关系。西周时期“夏”主要用来指代周王朝的直辖领域,春秋以后其范围逐渐扩大。而“夷”的概念则产生久远,起初并没有包含受到歧视的内容,与战国以后的夷狄概念是大有区别的。无论就语言、地域、经济生活以及表现于共同文化上的共同心理素质,先秦时期的戎夷蛮狄诸多人们共同体,都还处于极不稳定的状态,相互渗透混融为普遍的历史现象。华夏与夷狄观念的区别,主要表现在饮食、衣服、社会生活习俗和物质文化等方面。然而,随着民族间的文化交流与融合,彼此间的诸多差别也逐步消失。  相似文献   

Addressing Asian concerns;mediating issues among emerging Asian economies-this is the purpose of the Boao Forum for Asia.This has been the forum’s goal since its inception a decade ago.Zhou Wenzhong,Secretary General of the BFA and former Ambassador to the United States,wants the forum’s prominence to grow several-fold in the coming years.Before leaving for this year’s BFA in south China’s Hainan Province,Zhou answered questions from Beijing Review reporter Ding Zhitao about the BFA’s development and influence on Asian economic integration and emerging economies.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

Cyber Love     
PEOPLE asking how I got to know my boyfriend are incredulous when I tell them. Our love story is different from that of most people, as our matchmaker was the Internet.Nowadays getting on the Internet is a staple of life in developed regions. Cyber-chat is the foremost pastime for young people, and net-friends are as numerous as colleagues and schoolmates. Many people nev-  相似文献   

The Shanghai Communiqué, a pathbreaking accord signed by U.S. President Richard Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai on February 28, 1972, marks a defining moment in the history of both the United States and the People’s Republic of China;50 years on, its significance endures.  相似文献   

为了有效识别犯罪现场提取的黑色头发是否是染色头发,利用OLYMPUSBX51相差显微镜无损观察未染色及几种情况染色的黑色头发。结果表明,黑色头发中染色与未染色、黑色再染黑与白色染黑、染色两周与刚刚染色头发之间在相差显微镜下都存在显著差别。因此,文中基于相差显微镜无损检验方法为法医学鉴定头发染色问题提供了有效的检验方法。  相似文献   


Several definitions of “home,” drawn from dozens provided by the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language underscore how a large urban county jail becomes many forms of home for the women detainees there. Drawing on the women's poetry and the mechanics of creative writing workshops facilitated by the author for the last seven years at Cook County Jail, this essay describes some of the realities of the criminal (injustice system and how the women's writing becomes a way of writing against the grain of official discourse, thus altering certain definitions of this “home.”  相似文献   

Zhou Yan 《当代中国》1998,7(17):103-123
This paper examines the brain drain that has prevailed Chinese universities since the beginning of 1990s. A case study on the impact of market economy on higher education has revealed that university teachers in the 1990s attend classes, teach, and are physically present on campus, but their real interests lie elsewhere, and most of their energy goes to other pursuits. Through the voices of university teachers, some changes in higher education have been discussed and causes to the new form of brain drain presented.  相似文献   

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