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正There are over100million patients of chronic renal disease-a type of kidney disease that causes the body todeplete its protein through urine,a condition known  相似文献   

<正>Beijing’s successful bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics can fuel a development boon Chongli,a small county in north China that has remained in obscurity for ages,became destined for international fame from the moment Thomas Bach,President of the International Olympic Committee(IOC),announced on July 31 that Beijing had won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics.The Chinese capital Beijing will co-host the event with Zhangjiakou,a city about 200km to its northwest.According to the bid,  相似文献   

It's a popular phenomenon to wear a white face mask against the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) spreading quickly this spring. And also it's this spring that a woman writer Chi Li published a new timely novel entitled "Once in Large Charge, Cry" which was adopted in accordance with the American soldier's way of abreaction. Right now I don't know whether such a "cry" or appeal is effective or not, but I'd like to mention that my intelligent colleagues also borrowed  相似文献   

皇民化运动时期,一部分台湾人作为台籍日本兵被强征进入日本军队,这些人既有被迫及无奈而参加的,也有小部分是志愿加入的,但此中志愿包含殖民统治高压下心灵扭曲的背景。至于极少数受殖民主义、军国主义毒害者,则应予以揭露。台籍日本兵的历史告诉人们,皇民化运动确曾给台湾社会带来了一定的负面影响,但同时也不必过高估计这种影响。  相似文献   

KNOWN in the West as china, porcelain has long been coveted as one of the highest forms of ceramics. The art was pioneered in its namesake country, and the most iconic examples of Chinese ceramics are fine works of white porcelain decorated with a blue pigment, whose major constituent is cobalt oxide, under a clear glaze.  相似文献   

论《白鹿原》中三位女性的悲剧命运   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从女性批评的视角解读<白鹿原>中三位女性的悲剧命运:鹿兆鹏媳妇在理与欲的矛盾挣扎中走向疯狂,最后被父亲下重药毒死;田小娥因不甘于屈辱的境地,大胆追求欲望的满足而得罪传统礼教,惨死于公公之手;白灵所具有的独立意志与要求服从权势者意志的现代政治相抵触,死于革命内部的肃反运动中.她们的死亡显示出剥夺她们生命的中国传统礼教与现代政治的共同阴暗面:它们都是权势者的工具,维护的只是权势者的利益与意志,蔑视和践踏的是普通人(尤其是女性)的生命与意志.她们的悲剧揭示出现代中国的真相:重视他人生命与个人意志的现代社会远未到来,女性解放还远未完成.  相似文献   

Salaried professionals are facing greater pressure and growing anxieties Updated criteria for identifying workers labeled "white collar" have been widely discussed among netizens in China in the past few months.Drafted as of early 2012,  相似文献   

HINESE blue and white porcelain stole the show at the 2003 Doyle New York auction. Lot 74, a Yuan Dynasty cloud and dragon design "pilgrim" flask, 37.7 cm-tall, mended at the mouth and cracked on both sides, sold for an incredible US $5.8315 million. This is not so surprising from a collector's point of view, bearing in mind the brevity of the Yuan Dynasty (1271 -1368) and there being just seven such vases extant, six of them in museum collections.  相似文献   

正Will new pledges to protect office worker rights make a difference?Li Meiling,who works at a privatesector public relations company in Beijing,has to work until 8-9 p.m.and also at weekends for half the year.Things were much worse at her previous com-  相似文献   

试论土家族白虎崇拜渊源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张勤 《贵州民族研究》2005,25(2):95-101
西王母是中国神话体系中极其古老的神祗之一,闻一多先生称之为“中华民族的总先妣”。有关她的原型,从汉代起,便有多种论述。本文一方面从文字学的角度出发,通过对“戴”与“胜”的甲骨文字的字形结构分析,对二者分别作出了新颖的诠释,推翻了郭璞释“胜”为“玉胜”的传统说法。并以此为契机,来证明西王母乃古羌戎的氏族图腾。另一方面,结合土家族的白虎崇拜习俗,来论证土家族之祖先———巴人源于西北的羌戎部族,而土家族的白虎原型则为古羌戎部族图腾———西王母。  相似文献   

The prospect of better wages in skilled blue-collar jobs is drawing college graduates Two groups with very different demands exist simultaneously in China’s job market:college graduates vying for whitecollar jobs and employers scrounging for skilled blue-collar workers.A saturation of college graduates has resulted in declining starting salary of many white-collar jobs,whilst a shortage of skilled laborers has prompted blue-collar salaries to rise.Li Qiang,a 34-year-old college-educated professional,recently decided to become a skilled blue-collar worker.On July 30,he enrolled at the Laiwu Polytechnic Institute in Laiwu City,  相似文献   

What northern scenery: Hundreds of miles are locked in ice; Thousands of miles of snow flies. Behold! On both sides of the Great Wall, Everything is pure white; All along the Yellow River, Endless torrents are lost to sight. Mounts are like silver snakes dancing, And highlands wax elephants running; All trying to compete with the sky for height. Wait till the day is fine, You 'll see all clad in red Presenting a charming sight.  相似文献   

美国著名的人类学家怀特在其代表作《文化科学———人和文明的研究》一书当中提出了他有关文化科学的主要思想。经典社会学的代表韦伯在他阐述其有关社会科学方法论的主要观点时 ,亦提出了“文化科学”一名 ,并就此进行了详细的论述。值得注意的是 ,二者所理解的“文化科学”是两个不同的概念 ,需要加以严格区分 ,因为他们不仅在研究的目的、理论的诠释系统还是探讨方法上 ,都存在着明显的分歧。引进二者这个同名的术语时 ,决不能乱贴标签 ,否则将会制造出无穷的无意义的争端  相似文献   

BEFORE I came to China I 'd never even heard of this game. But it has no shortage of enthusiasts in China, evidenced by the fact that even the most insignificant, junior level tournament is likely to be broadcast on TV. The game I am referring to is go, or weiqi in Chinese. Some Europeans mistakenly believe the game to be Chinese chess, but that is entirely different.  相似文献   

On December 5, 2001, China issued a set of four special stamps featuring "Xu Xian and WhiteSnake."  相似文献   

正A controversial poem on Chinese cuisine sparks criticism In singsong rhymes,an American poet tackles the seemingly endless varieties of Chinese regional cuisine and the difficulties involved in keeping up with the latest trends.Yet his unappetizing piece sparked controversy over perceived elements of racism and prejudice.  相似文献   

QI Peng is trying to create a series of pictures on the theme of the Beijing Olympic Games in traditional Chinese ink and wash. However, even she herself is not sure if it is an appropriate way to fully capture the athletes' sportsmanship. "Perhaps I should try other means...oil painting,or multiple materials..." Qi Peng thinks aloud.  相似文献   

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