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Lifting the Veil     
As the offspring of a Chinese immigrant, Madagascar's Ambassador to China Jean Louis Robinson has every reason to explore his ancestral roots in China and learn about its development. His grandfather moved to Madagascar from Foshan, a city in Guangdong Province. In 2008, Robinson returned to Foshan for the first time in search of all things related to his lineage. After years of frequent visits, when Robinson saw local members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) testing out various measures to help villagers out of extreme poverty and promote rural development, he came to realize why China was able to achieve such rapid progress in various fields.  相似文献   

在中国共产党创建时期,李达在以极大热情从事党的创建工作的同时,也十分关注中国妇女问题和妇女解放运动。除主持平民女校、指导《妇女声》刊物以外,他还译介国外有关妇女解放著述,介绍西方妇女解放运动;结合中国社会发展实际,大力宣传马克思主义妇女解放理论;将马克思主义妇女解放理论与中国妇女解放实际结合起来,努力运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法研究妇女问题特别是中国妇女解放问题,撰写并发表了一系列有关妇女解放的著作,积极探索中国妇女解放的道路。李达在党的创建时期对中国妇女解放运动所做的贡献,对推动党的创建起了重要作用,在中国妇女解放运动中也占有重要地位。  相似文献   

正Speaking Standard Chinese is a skill that helps people out of poverty For the first few years after Abudullah Urashim left his hometown in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, "2 yuan for 50 grams" was the most fluent Standard Chinese sentence that he could say. He left Xinjiang to sell raisins in east China and used this phrase to answer all questions posed by his customers.  相似文献   

20世纪马克思主义哲学在中国的传播和发展,以新中国的建立为界限,划分为两大阶段。前50年,用马克思主义哲学武装起来的中国人民为现代化在中国的实现而创造了必要的政治前提——夺取人民民主革命的胜利;后50年,则是中国共产党运用马克思主义哲学治理国家和它作为学术理论曲折发展的50年。贯穿这百年哲学的一根红线,就是它与中国革命、建设和改革实践日益结合并占据主导地位,使中国现代化的梦想变为现实的艰难曲折历程。世纪之交回顾这百年哲学历程,认真总结历史经验和教训,有利于抓住机遇,迎接挑战,明确主题,突出重点,推动21世纪马克思主义哲学在中国的新发展。  相似文献   

作为中国近代建警第一人,黄遵宪在警政理念和实践上都有突出的贡献。在理论上,他最先关注西方的警察制度,首次使用近代意义的"警察"一词。在实践中,他创办中国警政的滥觞——湖南长沙保卫局,制定《湖南保卫局章程》等规章,赋予长沙保卫局鲜明的时代特色,寓意了保卫局近代民主观念。其创办工作不仅是举办地方警政的一次有益尝试,也是实行地方自治理论的一次有益实践,书写了中国近代警察制度史上别具风格的篇章。  相似文献   

张蓉蓉 《思想战线》2001,27(4):80-84
1835年~1846年是马克思早期思想上的大变化时期,其人生观和哲学观经历了由康德、费希特主观唯心的理性理想主义转向黑格尔客观唯心的理性现实主义,并由此又逐渐转向费尔巴哈的自然人本主义,最后终于迈上了辩证唯物论和历史唯物论的科学大道,从而创立了马克思主义.从马克思早期三个阶段思想观念的演变,可以看出马克思主义法学观的形成过程.  相似文献   

HUANG An finally set footin Hainan, the onlyChinese province he hasnever been to, at the end ofJune. If he had gone in May theprice of his ticket would have been50 percent less. But the awarenessat that time that visitors fromBejing, the area worst stricken bySARS, were not welcome in otherparts of China made him wait.  相似文献   

Learning Chinese provides young people a different perspective to understand today's China My eyes witnessed the shining miracle,And my ears heard the sound of time flying;I met an old Chinese man,His words had tea garden, Kungfu and Tai Chi;I met a young Chinese man and he talked about Lights, skyscrapers and high technology.  相似文献   

The Canton Fair, a barometer of the country's export health, continued to send worrying signals as foreign buyers skimped on orders for Chinese products. The country's fund managers cashed in on the stock market euphoria of the first quarter. The central state-owned enterprises bounced back from their previous dismal financial situation. China Mobile, the country's largest mobile service provider, saw slower profit growth in the first quarter. The first domestic auto financing company with no foreign owners...  相似文献   

本文通过梳理唐文标在20世纪60至80年代的思想路径,试图揭开唐文标在两岸文学、文化史上被遮蔽的先锋作用。从1960年代的“寻根”“回归现实”,到1970年代的“文以载道”“重建桃花源”,再到1980年代的“集体救赎”“伦理重建”,唐文标始终是台湾文学与现代文化敏锐的研究者和坚定的实践者。通过重新认识唐文标,我们得以重估保钓的精神遗产,重新认识台湾现代文学和文化史中走过的歧路和迄今悬而未决的问题。唐文标晚年从台湾民变史和中国戏剧史中看到建立适应时代的伦理秩序和文化制度的重要性和迫切性,实际是尝试从中华文明史的角度提出人的困境的解方。他一生的创作,正是实践自己“道”的写照。  相似文献   

延安时期陈云对马克思主义时代化做出了艰辛探索。陈云对马克思主义进行中国化和大众化探索的同时,始终坚持适应时代需要、把握时代脉搏;始终坚持回答时代课题、关照现实世界;始终坚持加强理论创新、坚持与时俱进。从思想理论到革命实践方面对马克思主义化的中国革命事业做出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   

It is the ninth year Ni Pei is following everything about musician and actor Zhang Yixing (Lay). The idol debuted in 2012 in the Republic of Korea (ROK) as one of the Chinese members of male K-pop sensation EXO-M. At the time, Ni was a sophomore at a college in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. "He goes to extreme lengths when it comes to his work," Ni told Beijing Review, adding it is the meticulous atti-tude and ambition he reveals that she finds most attractive.  相似文献   

为了充分利用现场遗留的锯路波痕迹,推断作案用锯的种类,笔者用木锯制作了大量带有锯路波的锯痕,并对实验样本进行分析测量,采用统计学中二独立样本的t检验方法对断面形态与锯齿组合的关系进行分析,找出了锯路波波纹方向与进锯方向夹角和锯齿角度的关系、进锯方向上的波距与同侧齿距的关系,为工具痕迹的锯痕检验提供参考。  相似文献   

I N his capacity as practitioner of tra-ditional Chinese medicine (TCM),Zhang Boli,73,has made a long career out of saving lives.The most recent advocacy of Zhang's chosen field of medicine was heard in the speech he made at an industry development conference on Chinese medicinal herbs produced in Zhejiang,held in the prov-ince's Wuyi County.In his speech he said,"In developing TCM,we need to stick to its theoretical essences as well as absorb advanced technologies and methods from other disciplines."  相似文献   

The League of Legends World Championship finals took place on Saturday, November 6, a timing welcomed by fans of the game, many of whom work on weekdays. While looking forward to the day, one such fan, Lin Weicang, said the choice of day was considerate, even though Chinese fans would need to stay awake through the night due to the time difference as the game was held in Reykjavik, Iceland. They have another day to relax. "It will be a sleepless night for electronic sports fans in China," the 27-year-old Beijing resident said in a post he shared on WeChat Moments. Since Chinese esports team EDward Gaming (EDG) beat rivals GEN.G from the Republic of Korea (ROK) in the semi-final on November 1, the final became a big event for Chinese fans like Lin. A fan of the team for eight years since the EDG club was established in 2013, Lin has dreamed to see the team become number one in the world. In previous years, EDG did not progress beyond the top eight to reach the semi-finals.  相似文献   

正The real China in the eyes of a Kazakh veteran journalist Despite having visited more than 50 Chinese cities, Serik Korzhumbayev says he doesn't see himself as an old China hand. Korzhumbayev's first encounter with China was in 2001 when he was invited to visit Beijing,  相似文献   

正One former UN program manager explains how calligraphy reflects the roots of Chinese culture After setting up the Chinese calligraphy class at the UN in 2011,Yong Ho,former Chinese Language Supervisor of the UN,instinctively knew the task at hand was a challenging one.  相似文献   

THERE is a Chinese saying: If you present someone with a fish, he has food for a day; if you teach him how to fish, he can feedhimself for the rest of his life. This Chinese maxim characterizes the work of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Tech-nischc Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH  相似文献   

毛泽东在领导中国革命的过程中,高度关注中国社会阶级阶层及其关系的新变化,及时地进行科学的理论概括.通过阶级分析,毛泽东为我党制定新民主主义革命的总路线奠定了基础;通过阶层分析,又为我党制定新民主主义革命的不同时期或不同方面的具体路线奠定了基础.这种分析法对今天我们认识社会主义社会的阶级阶层结构仍有现实意义.  相似文献   

Larry Warsh,an experienced art collector and dealer in New York,has been involved in the art world for more than 25 years.Since 2000,he has focused on collecting and championing contemporary Chinese art.In 2007,he founded AW Asia,a private organization dedicated to the promotion of contemporary Chinese art through institutional loans and museum acquisitions,curatorial projects,publishing and educational programs. In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Chen Wen,Warsh shares his thoughts on collecting Chinese art.  相似文献   

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