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正The 2016 Group of 20(G20)Summit will take place in Hangzhou,capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,on September 4-5.As a primary platform for international economic cooperation,the upcoming G20 Summit is steering the world’s attention to the middle kingdom.This summit has provided China  相似文献   

China's nonferrous metal producers have a decision to make:grow stronger or be eaten up by others severe economic woes have  相似文献   

上海合作组织是基于安全合作优先的区域性国际组织,在国际政治舞台上日益发挥重要作用.随着经济全球化不断推进.深化经济合作成为上合组织应对国际政治经济格局变动的重要方式.当前,上合组织间的经济合作面临着诸多挑战.必须充分发挥中俄两国的带头作用,加强团结与互信,增强内部凝聚力,公平合理地兼顾各方利益,逐步建立长效合作机制,推动经济一体化,最终建立起一个安全合作优先与经济合作并行的区域性国际组织模式典范.  相似文献   

正THE Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,APEC,is the highest-level inter-governmental mechanism for economic cooperation in the AsiaPacific region.China and Russia,who joined in 1991 and 1998 respectively as sovereign states,have deepened bilateral economic cooperation and that with other nations in the region on this important platform.With the steady improvement in their national strength,the two countries now have  相似文献   

How China's small businesses can survive and thrive in gloomy times A lthough Asia was not the epicenter of the economic earthquake that khas rattled the world, it has failed to escape a collapse in exports that forced firms to scale back investments and lay off workers.  相似文献   

<正>Snow and ice games catch on in preparation for the 2022 Winter Olympics Xia Yu,an 11-year-old student from Yanqing District in Beijing,has been learning to ski for one year now."At the beginning,I was afraid.But now,I have fallen in love with the sport,"Xia said."I[especially]enjoy the exciting downhill journey."  相似文献   

A Major Lift     
Wide-ranging support measures will give the country's petrochemical industry a shot in the arm The China National Petroleum Corp.  相似文献   

覃志清 《桂海论丛》2008,24(4):73-75
在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的背蒂下,平南县必须抢抓机遇,发挥优势,进一步深化改革,扩大开放,争取主动融入泛北部湾经济合作战略之中,更多地接受北部湾经济圈建设的辐射和推动,才能更好地利用国内国外的资源和市场,促进平南县域经济又好又快地发展.  相似文献   

SIXTY-THREE years after establishing diplomatic relations,China and Finland have decided to significantly deepen bilateral ties.At the Boao Forum for Asia in April,Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto reached a consensus to upgrade the two countries’ relations to a future-oriented new-type cooperative partnership. President Niinisto is the first European head of state to visit China since the country’s new leadership took office Finland was also among the first Western countries to recognize the PRC 63  相似文献   

面对汹涌而来的经济全球化浪潮 ,作为有中国特色的政党制度———多党合作制度应该如何应对?本文运用马列主义、邓小平理论的基本立场、观点和方法 ,紧密联系当今国际国内经济与政治发展的实际 ,特别是我国统一战线和多党合作的形势与任务 ,在理论与实践的结合上 ,在历史与现实的比较中 ,进行了多方位、多角度的探讨与解读。  相似文献   

试论区域经济合作下的地方政府职能重组   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济全球化与区域经济一体化的不断发展,我国区域经济合作的范围和规模不断拓展,已成为提高区域及国家综合实力的重要途径。较之区域经济的发展,我国地方管理方式改革明显滞后,严重阻碍了区域经济合作的进程。如何充分发挥地方政府在区域经济合作中的作用已成为区域合作顺利发展的关键问题之一。  相似文献   

闽台经济合作的技术选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴棉国 《中国发展》2010,10(1):38-42
该文章回顾了闽台经济合作历经五个阶段的历史沿革,分析了闽台经济合作的现状与问题,提出了闽台在农业产业、资讯产业、石化产业、电子控制技术以及环境保护等方面的技术选择与加强闽台经济合作,促进经济增长的战略构想,并提出了优化科技资源、改善投资环境以及建立协调机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

THE strong economic connections between China and the U.S. are understandably at the core of bilateral ties. Developments in the two countries’ economic relationship are keenly watched by the rest of the world. In this context, the recent visit to the U.S. by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, not long before the 18th CPC National Congress (to be held in the latter half of this year)  相似文献   

莫仲宁 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):24-27
广西提出推动泛北部湾区域经济合作,构建中国-东盟“一轴两翼”区域经济合作新格局的战略构想,顺应了经济全球化和区域经济一体化的发展趋势,抓住了广西未来发展的战略关键。广西应紧紧抓住构建泛北部湾经济合作区的机遇,解决广西经济和社会发展中的矛盾,促进广西经济社会更快更好地发展。  相似文献   

雷多荣 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):43-45
随着泛北部湾区域经济合作构想的提出和实施,广西的发展面临着融入泛珠三角、泛北部湾及中国—东盟“一轴两翼”经济圈等多区域经济合作的良好机遇,同时也把地处中越边境的大新县推到了我国对东盟各国开放的前沿。文章立足于大新县的资源优势和区位优势,就大新如何从更大范围、更广领域和更高层次上融入到多区域经济合作中,不断开拓对外开放的新格局提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

TIGERS have roamed the Chinese territory for two million years, but their numbers in the wild have been dropping steeply over the past century. Starting in the 1980s the Chinese government began to strengthen effortsto protect this beautiful felid species.  相似文献   

正SINCE the establishment of full diplomatic relations between China and Brazil 40 years ago,the two countries have tightened their bilateral ties to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership.Recently Brazilian Ambassador to China Valdemar Carneiro Leao sat down with China Today for an exclusive interview.He said that the two countries share similar stances on issues of bilateral and multilateral relations and have maintained close economic cooperation.  相似文献   

The founding ceremony of the China-EuropeAssociation for Econondc and Technological Cooperationwas recently held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.More than 300 people attended the ceremony. includingWang Guangying, vice chairman of the Standng Committeeof the National People's Congress; Zhao Nanqi. vice chair-man of the National Committee of the Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference; Shi Guangsheng,Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperaion;European am…  相似文献   

中共十六届三中全会《决定》和2004年中央1号文件,提出了发展多种形式的农民专业合作组织,积极推进有关农民专业合作组织立法工作的要求.实现证明,这一要求完全正确,符合当前农村实际的发展.  相似文献   

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