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美学三题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛富兴 《思想战线》2004,30(1):82-87
人类审美个性与其普遍性文化功能是德国古典美学两主题 ,其间存在的逻辑矛盾与历史张力以及其审美个性研究的不够深入 ,都深刻地影响了 2 0世纪中国美学。以宗教为参照 ,可以深化审美个性研究 ,则审美是人类追求即时性感性精神愉悦的活动。审美感性是物质感性、具体感性和即时感性 ,这些决定了审美乃人类精神生活起点、大众文化之典型代表。审美是最世俗的人类精神活动 ,美学则是人类感性精神现象学 ,这当是当代美学基础理论研究的确当起点。在拓展人类精神世界的深度和广度上 ,审美较科学、宗教、哲学均远为逊色。  相似文献   

边疆少数民族地区教育的宗教影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,宗教有着相当长的历史和深刻的影响,全国55个少数民族约1.1亿人口中,大部分都有自己的宗教信仰。在信教民族地区,宗教和教育合二为一,各寺院既是宗教活动的据点,又是大大小小的教育中心。如何以科学发展观为指导,调动积极因素,克服消极因素,促进边疆农村少数民族地区国民教育与宗教教育的和谐相处,共同发展,成为边疆农村少数民族教育中的一个十分重要的问题。  相似文献   

本文运用政治仪式和剧场理论对现代中国大众政治行为进行了模式分析和意义解读。认为:以学生为主体的大众政治行为在仪式和剧场中展开并互移;失控的仪式和自发性的大众行为通常演化为政治剧场;政治剧场富含象征意义,根本诉求是政治参与、公开性和民主;官方对政治剧场的态度在鼓励与弹压之间摆动;作为公众表达途径的政治剧场是中国政治过程的一种动力因素。  相似文献   

This essay examines current developments in International Relations theory in China. First it comments on Song Xinning's essay, agreeing that IR theory in China is limited by ideology, the dominance of policy-oriented research, and the state. But rather than seeing culture ('IR theory with Chinese characteristics') as a problem that can be solved by a more scientific approach to IR theory, the essay argues that the scientism of realism and IPE has similar problems. Thus the essay switches from the universals of science to the contingency of interpretation to understand global politics, drawing on recent books which combine IPE with historical and cultural studies. The concept of sovereignty is deconstructed to show how it is not universal, but is bound up in knowledge practices in both the West and China. The essay concludes by suggesting that we broaden both the concepts and the resources of IR research to consider the transnational economic‐cultural relations of Greater China. In this way China can be part of the globalization of IR theory, for such concepts exemplify current theoretical debates about the meaning of globalization. This approach moves from territorial notions of sovereignty where power is based on an expansion of economic and political relations—which reify borders—to popular notions of sovereignty where power is measured by movements of people across borders in a qualitative struggle of cultures and knowledge.  相似文献   

Suisheng Zhao 《当代中国》2013,22(82):535-553
This paper revisits the debate about foreign policy implications of Chinese nationalism in the context of China's increasingly confrontational and assertive behavior in recent years. It argues that while the Chinese government made effective efforts to control popular nationalism and Chinese foreign policy was therefore not dictated by emotional nationalistic rhetoric before 2008, it has become more willing to follow the popular nationalist calls to take a confrontational position against the Western powers and to adopt tougher measures in maritime territorial disputes with its neighbors. This strident turn is partially because the government is increasingly responsive to public opinion, but more importantly because of the convergence of Chinese state nationalism and popular nationalism calling for a more muscular Chinese foreign policy. Enjoying an inflated sense of empowerment supported by its new quotient of wealth and military capacities, and terrified of an uncertain future due to increasing social, economic and political tensions at home, the communist state has become more willing to play to the popular nationalist gallery in pursuing the so-called core national interests. These developments have complicated China's diplomacy, creating a heated political environment to harden China's foreign policy.  相似文献   

政治学研究方法类教材的现状说明,近年来国内政治学研究方法取得较大进展,但仍存有五个方面的不足。此种状况要求在政治学研究方法中切实做到“五个结合”,进而建构科学的政治学方法论体系,促进政治学理论研究朝原创性和科学性方向发展。  相似文献   

本文具体分析了大众文化对军警院校校园文化的影响,尽力从两种文化的价值定位,文化特性、文化功能等理论层面,系统论述大众文化与军警院校校园文化的统一与冲突,并基于对大众文化对军警院校校园文化的影响的理性认识,提出现代军警院校校园文化的构建设想。  相似文献   

Feng Chen  Yi Kang 《当代中国》2016,25(100):596-612
Concurring with the approach stressing the role of contentious politics in (re)shaping state institutions, this study explores how disorganized popular contentions configure local institutional building in China. As Chinese citizens are not legally allowed to take organized collective action to express their grievances and demands, popular contentions, despite their common origins, similar claims and identical targets, break out here and there in large numbers without clear organizational shape. This compels the government to build institutions able to map scattered conflicts, detect potential problems and defuse them on a case-by-case basis in a timely fashion. Such a dissipative approach is distinguished, by its purpose, format and mechanism, from two common types of state responses to popular contentions—incorporation and repression—which are typically linked to democracies and authoritarian developing states where popular contentions are often organized in various ways.  相似文献   

从发展当今西部地区县域经济的现实意义入手,阐述了激活民间投资对县域经济跨越式发展的意义,并分析了西部地区激活民间投资的有利和不利条件,提出了激活民间投资的对策建议.  相似文献   

社会资本是倍受当今社会科学领域关注的热门概念和分析的重要起点。随着社会的不断发展,市场与国家已不能也无力承担起正义实现的全部内容,社会资本理论的兴起为正义实现问题的研究提供了新思路。丰富的社会资本能使公民自觉并自愿地服务于公共利益,促进社会调剂,以实现社会经济平等;提高公民道德自律,确保公民自由的实现;并使社会拥有大量社会信任与自组织网络,增强社会合作,实现社会正义。  相似文献   

治安学研究的问题与出路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前治安学的研究和发展陷入了困境,问题的核心是治安学的定位。治安理论研究在发展过程中出现了由治安管理经验研究开始向治安管理学科研究转变,由治安管理学研究开始向治安学研究转变两次重要的转折。但在治安管理学、公安学的理论前提下研究、发展治安学理论,路子只会越走越窄。治安学包括理论治安学与应用治安学两个层次。理论治安学是关于社会治安系统运行条件、机制、规律、问题和控制的最一般的原理和方法论,是一门整合、融合了所有与社会治安有关的专门学科和理论的精华,形成系统理论知识的独立学科。应用治安学是在理论治安学一般性理论指导下,现有关于社会治安的各种专门学科和理论的归类集合。  相似文献   

本文认为台湾民意有三个层次:一,"台湾民意"有"一般意见"与"政治态度"之分,是可以改变的、多元的;二,"台湾主流民意"有具体问题与总体发展之分,当前涉及台湾前途与两岸关系的主流民意有两岸关系和平稳定、维持现状以及"台湾认同"等;三,"台湾认同"的形成有其国际因素、内部因素以及大陆因素,它是一种正常的现象,不等同于政治态度,"认同台湾"与"认同中国"并不一定互相对立。研究台湾民意的重点在于研究"台湾认同",需要多学科、综合性的研究。  相似文献   

CHIH-YU SHIH 《当代中国》2007,16(53):699-716
This paper argues against the popular impression that the rise of Taiwan's national consciousness is a result of democratization. Instead, it looks to the world timing of Taiwan becoming an independent reference point internationally for explanation of the changing identity in contemporary politics.  相似文献   

民族地区和谐社会构建中的政治沟通   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁明旭 《思想战线》2006,32(5):74-80
民族地区特殊的区域环境、复杂的民族关系、多元的民族文化、普遍的宗教信仰、落后的社会经济等,决定了政治沟通对民族地区和谐社会的构建具有特殊的意义。要加强政治沟通主体建设和公民政治社会化教育,疏通和拓宽政治沟通渠道,保证信息的有效性,加强和改进政治沟通,推进民族地区和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

谈突发事件中公安机关对网络舆情的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,网络媒体作为一种新的信息传播形式已深入人们的日常生活,成为思想文化的集散地和社会舆论的放大器。在给政府的社会控制提供新手段的同时,网络舆论也给现有的社会管理和信息控制模式带来了挑战。在各种突发事件爆发时,如何对网络舆情实施科学有效的管理和控制,已经成为公安机关亟待解决的一个崭新课题。文章分析了网络舆情容易失控的原因,并结合公安工作和网络媒体的特点,针对公安机关在突发事件中的网络舆情控制提出了相应的方法和策略。  相似文献   

一种面向利益分析的政策研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建社会主义和谐社会,对政策制定的科学化和民主化提出了新的更高的要求,即必须更加重视各方利益的表达和协调,以实现共赢。本文在综合分析软科学和政策科学两个相对独立的学科现状的基础上,讨论当前政策研究在利益分析上存在的不足及其根源,指出政策研究需要超越先前主流的实证主义范式,发展面向利益分析的理论和方法。针对我国政策制定中利益分析和协调的现实需求,本文介绍了一种基于讨论式博弈和综合集成支持的公共政策实验方法(EPRM),论述了该方法的基本思路、运用过程和若干焦点问题。  相似文献   

军事科技伦理学论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军事科学技术的特殊性,决定了军事科技道德的特殊性。建立军事科技伦理学学科,对于促进军事科学技术的发展,推进有中国特色的军事变革,培养高素质军事科技人才,具有重要的理论和现实意义。对这一新的学科的研究对象、学科内容和研究意义的初步探讨,是建立军事科技伦理学的重要环节。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which China's ‘Fourth generation’ leadership might be inclined to place a greater emphasis on nationalist rhetoric both in China's international relations and in domestic policy. It explores two different views of nationalism, namely state-centred and popular. With the decline in the public impact of official ideology, the Party–state has given tacit recognition to nationalism as one potential source of regime legitimisation. However, this article argues that by placing the Party at the centre of the official discourse the state-centred view of nationalism restricts the extent to which the Party–state can mobilise nationalist symbolism in support of its leadership and makes the Party vulnerable to criticism from more popular conceptions of nationalism. The priority given to developing the economy means China's leaders must downplay popular criticism which can focus on the negative consequences of China's growing interaction with the wider world. Under China's ‘Fourth generation’ leadership this tension may deepen. China's new leadership are unlikely to resort to ‘wrapping themselves in the flag’ as some commentators have suggested.  相似文献   

劳动教养制度是一项具有中国特色的法律制度,它既是我国法学理论界争论的焦点,也是西方社会攻击我国人权状况的主要层面.本文对劳动教养制度存废争论的主要观点进行梳理,并结合法学理论对之进行评析,认为劳动教养制度不能废除,应该完善.  相似文献   

尽快形成我国创新型科技人才优先发展的战略布局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从界定创新型科技人才的内涵与特征出发,根据数据的可获性和可比性,尝试从创新投入、创新产出、创新效率三个维度构建一套科技人才创新力评价指标体系(包括3个一级指标、5个二级指标和20个三级指标),并对我国31个省(市、自治区)科技人才创新力进行了系统的比较研究,深入分析了我国科技人才创新力低下的具体表现及其主要原因,提出了如何尽快形成我国创新型科技人才优先发展的战略布局的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

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