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正Observed on April 20, is the UN Chinese Language Day. The exact date comes in tribute to Cangjie, the legendary figure credited with havinginventedChinese characters. The theme of this year’s UN Chinese Language Day is "Highlighting Pictographs,"as pictographs are the origin of Chinese characters.  相似文献   

China was one of the architects of the UN. The country was the first signa-tory of the UN Charter in San Francisco in 1945. Yet it was only in October 1971, with the Chinese delegation led by then Vice Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua, that the People's Republic of China's representa-tion in the UN was resumed. Since that time, the UN has had the great privilege of witnessing and support-ing China in achieving one of the greatest periods of socioeconomic progress in world history.  相似文献   

Five decades may have gone by, but Ye Zhixiong, now in his 90s, can still clearly recall the warm welcome the Chinese delegation received inside the UN Assembly Hall on November 15, 1971. Ye, a Xinhua News Agency reporter at the time, was dis-patched there to witness the debut of the delegation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) at the UN. Some 20 days earlier, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 to restore the PRC's lawful seat.  相似文献   

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the People's Republic of China's lawful seat in the UN. With this historic event, the Chinese people, accounting for one fourth of the world's population, were able to return to the UN family. In the five decades since, China has stood for sovereign equality and non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, while opposing power politics and hegemony. It has safeguarded international justice, adhering to equity and impartiality, and opposed geopolitical rivalry and exclusive blocs. The country has also supported the political settle-ment of hotspot issues in line with the spirit of the UN Charter and stood up to the use of force or uni-lateral sanctions.  相似文献   

冷战后,随着美国对外战略、国内政治及联合国维和行动的发展,美国的维和行动政策不断调整。美国对联合国维和行动的政策先后经历了积极主导、消极参与、有限参与等阶段,但在联合国框架外的维和行动则呈扩大趋势,并带有明显的强制性与干预性。随着世界格局多极化趋势日渐增强,预计美国将调整其单边式维和政策,更加借助联合国和区域组织实施维和行动,并且维和行动的方式也将更加多样化。  相似文献   

On October 25, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended and addressed a conference in Beijing to mark the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the People's Republic of China's lawful seat in the UN. Summarizing China's philosophy as a major country that pursues peaceful development for the benefit of people worldwide, he called on the international community to dy-namically advocate the common values of humanity featuring peace, develop-ment, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, determinedly defend the authority of the UN Charter and coop-eratively observe true multilateralism. For the past 50 years, the Chinese people have promoted economic and social development, with overall na-tional strength continuously on the rise; knowing all too well the value of stability, they have followed an inde-pendent foreign policy of peace, stood firm for justice and resolutely opposed the practices of power politics. China has stayed true to the purpose and prin-ciples of the UN Charter and upheld its central role in international affairs.  相似文献   

The active involvement of China in UN peacekeeping operations in the past three decades has earned it the status of global peace provider. Ever since China first deployed troops to the UN's blue helmets in 1990, when it sent five military observers to the Middle East, its commitment to serving the wellbeing of humanity through UN peacekeeping remains a key initiative showcasing the country's soft power.  相似文献   

美国长期以来对台湾形成了“朋友·伙伴”的固有意象。在美国和台湾针对“入联公投”的博弈中,美国不断强渊“入联公投”不影响美台“朋友”与“伙伴”关系的性质,也没有对陈水扁当局采取有实质意义的惩罚措施,使美国的政策有不少保留的空间。美国对“朋友·伙伴”意象的盲目认知和坚持,无法阻止台湾某些政治人物和“台独”势力的挑衅行为,无法取信于中国政府和两岸人民,也不利于美国政府的决策者加深对台湾问题重要性和敏感性的认知,不利于台海地区长期的和平、稳定与发展。  相似文献   

正One former UN program manager explains how calligraphy reflects the roots of Chinese culture After setting up the Chinese calligraphy class at the UN in 2011,Yong Ho,former Chinese Language Supervisor of the UN,instinctively knew the task at hand was a challenging one.  相似文献   

在国际法上自卫权是国家的一项自然权利,是禁止使用武力和以武力相威胁基本原则规定下,一种使用武力的合法例外。《联合国宪章》第51条对自卫权予以规定,并提出行使的前提——"受到武力攻击",但是,《联合国宪章》并未就该行使前提进行进一步明确及解释。因此,有必要对武力攻击的对象、来源、时机、规模以及选择的必要性原则等进行阐述,并对规范应用自卫权提供一些建议。  相似文献   

President Hu Jintao calls for international cooperation to build a richer,safer world during the UN summits in late September  相似文献   

联合国军事维和人员不法行为的归责主体认定非常复杂,须分两种情况讨论。在联合国指挥的维和行动中,联合国对维和部队具有行动控制权,派遣国具有纪律制裁权和刑事管辖权,维和部队既是联合国的附属机关,也是派遣国的机关。这种双重指挥机制决定了《国际组织的责任条款》第7条是最合适的法律依据。在联合国授权的维和行动中,指挥与控制机制较为复杂,被授权主体具有行动性指挥与控制,派遣国享有纪律制裁权和刑事管辖权,联合国具有最终控制。《国际组织的责任条款》第7条适用于认定被授权主体或派遣国的责任,不适合认定联合国责任。这两类维和行动均存在双重或多重归责的可能。  相似文献   

Officially, there were 650,000 people living with HIV in China in 2005.1 ?1. State Council AIDS Working Committee Office, UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in China and World Health Organization, 2005 Update on the HIV/AIDS Epidemic and Response in China (Beijing: National Center for AIDS/STD Prevention and Control, China CDC, 24 January 2006), p. 1; State Council AIDS Working Committee Office/UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in China, A Joint Assessment of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in China (2004) (Beijing: State Council AIDS Working Committee Office, 1 December 2004). View all notes The Chinese government has pledged to keep the total under 1.5 million by 2010. The study argues that China must emphasize non-epidemiological factors as mutually-reinforcing factors sustaining the disease. The fight is entwined with profound economic and social transition. Government and civil society have engaged with the principles and agencies of global HIV/AIDS governance. But HIV intersects with normative regimes addressing issues of humane governance in the widest socio-economic and political sense. Based upon primary and secondary research, the study reviews the evidence of the HIV/AIDS challenge facing China, considers the nature and quality of the national response, and evaluates the relationship of global and national regimes.  相似文献   

With nearly 100 gardens and parklands, it is no wonder that Glasgow is known as the Dear Green Place, the perfect place to host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26. Delegates from some 200 countries are gathering in the British city to discuss ways to upgrade the global response to the world's increasingly profound climate crisis. UN Secretary General António Guterres expressed particular concern over slowing collective action ahead of the meeting. "We need to make sure we reverse the trends, not maintain them. It is now clear we are coming to a point of no return," he said.  相似文献   

鞠九江  王桂兰 《人权》2011,(4):23-27
近年来,南通泰慕士服装有限公司50名“爱心妈妈”无私帮扶50名孤儿的善举在江苏省如皋市传颂着。50位孤儿融入了一个爱心家庭,每人都有一个“爱心妈妈”,他们找回了失去的母爱,拥有了温暖的家,快快乐乐地健康成长。在2011年“六一”国际儿童节前夕,笔者慕名对这个爱心团队进行了独家采访。  相似文献   

联合国维和人员性犯罪问题严重侵犯东道国受害者的人权并使联合国声誉受到重创。各管辖主体在对犯罪嫌疑人实际行使刑事管辖权时,存在诸多障碍:维和人员在东道国享有豁免;各国刑法在域外适用上的规定不同和派遣国主观上不愿对本国维和人员性犯罪行使管辖权;维和人员性犯罪难以被认定构成国际罪行;混合法庭须经东道国同意才能成立;维和人员性犯罪是否构成《罗马规约》中规定的国际罪行和受《罗马规约》约束的国家有限。改进建议包括:多方管辖权相互补充;成立对性剥削和性虐待作出快速反应的小组;起草《联合国官员和特派专家刑事责任公约草案》;联合国在东道国设立混合法庭;派遣国在东道国进行实地军事审判等。  相似文献   

'Environmental challenges are not figments of our imagination, but a key issue of mankind's future," Laurent Fabius, former French Prime Minister and one of the leaders who helped turn the 2015 Paris UN Climate Change Conference into a success via the Paris Agreement, said when pointing out what is at stake during a recent webinar. Acknowledging the urgent need for solid actions tackling climate change, the webinar high-lighted the importance of partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society and the significance of synergy between China, Europe and the United States. Known as the first dialogue of the China-Europe-America Net-Zero Transition Platform, it took place on December 20, two months after the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow of the United Kingdom, which adopted the Glasgow Climate Pact.  相似文献   

腐败犯罪的国际化促使国家间反腐国际合作不断深入,《联合国反腐败公约》的出台填补了国际法在相关领域的空白。相比较而言,我国《引渡法》在某些方面与《反腐公约》存在一定的差异,公约的各项原则和规则还需要通过国内立法加以落实。因此,建议比照《反腐公约》的规定,借鉴国际上引渡立法的先进经验,利于完善我国的引渡法律体系。  相似文献   

Glasgow, the location of COP26, officially known as the 26th Session of the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, was once a very dirty city.  相似文献   

根据“联合国妇女十年”的要求,韩国于1983年建立了“韩国妇女发展机构,”附设在政府的健康和福利部之下。第四次世界妇女大会后,韩国顺应建立和加强提高妇女地位国家机制的国际潮流,建立和完善了韩国政府的性别平等部和性别政策国家机制,将社会性别关注纳入政府政策制定和执行的主流,并不断提高国家机制的权威性、执行力、影响力和效力,有效地推动了韩国的性别平等事业和社会的可持续发展。韩国提高妇女地位的机制和推行社会性别主流化的模式,1999年被联合国妇女发展基金(UNIFEM)遴选为执行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(CEDAW)最佳的7个方式之一。其经验和做法可为中国加强和完善提高妇女地位的国家机制提供参考。  相似文献   

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