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Lessons for Life     
Growth of affordable kindergartens has made preschool education more balanced After inspecting the three classes in his kindergarten,Li Ming,head of the preschool institution in Anding,a village in Yunnan Province,southwest China,feels satisfied.  相似文献   

从处于权力中心不同力量之间的博弈关系来理解权力的本质,是分析权力系统的一个重要思路。女村官是村治中进入村庄权力系统中心的特殊群体,以女村官与政府的关系、女村官与男村官的关系、女村官与村民的关系为变量,以它们的不同表现形式考察三个变量之间的组合关系,可将女村官在村庄权力系统中的地位分成三种类型,即弱势型、强势型和均衡型。分析这三种类型将有助于深刻理解村庄政治,积极推动农村政治的发展。  相似文献   

村规民约是村民自治的重要载体。基于乡村振兴调查数据与实地调查资料发现,村规民约在实行中存在不足,将村规民约视为管理乡村的制度,忽视了村规民约的社会组织功能;村规民约在实践中受到行政力量的较大干预;契约性不足。在此基础之上,比较分析了“乡约”与村规民约存在的一些共同的特征,基层性、政府的干预、村民的教化及遵从,构成了村规民约实践的先天缺陷。基于“三角模型”对实践中的不足进行反思,可以从村民、村民自治组织以及政府三个方面进一步推进村规民约的实行。  相似文献   

2008年中国2/3的省将开展新一轮的村委会选举,农村妇女能否顺利进入村庄权力结构,需要公共政策的支持,同时妇女参与村委会选举的竞选策略也非常重要.本文以湖北随州市选举调研为基础,阐述了在农村初级政治市场形成的背景下,妇女在村委会竞选中运用营销策略的正当性和必要性以及存在的认识误区;并以案例分析的形式,探讨了妇女在村委会选举中的竞选策略,为妇女参与即将到来的下一届村委会换届选举竞选提供帮助.  相似文献   

从《白鹿原》到《丁庄梦》,是一个农村人自我德行逐渐丧失殆尽的过程,是从"仁义白鹿原"蜕变到"末世梦魇的丁庄"的过程。《白鹿原》人的自我始终生活在祠堂里,个人自我以道德自认,其外在表现则为"学为好人"。丁庄人丢了《白鹿原》的"魂’,人死如灯灭,完全去意义化。表现在丁庄人现世的生命如同果戈里笔下的"死魂灵"。丁庄最后的悲惨结局可想而知:人去村空,"穿过丁庄时,像穿过没头没尾的沟壑一样"。  相似文献   

Xiao-Qing Wang 《当代中国》2006,15(49):687-704
This article investigates the relationship between local culture and the inculturation of Catholicism in a northern Chinese village. Little research has been conducted on the effect of local culture on the continuation of Catholicism in China. Based on my ethnographic and archival research on a Catholic village and on a neighboring non-Catholic village in northern China, the findings of this research suggest that local culture is the underlying factor for the continuation of Catholicism. Differentiated life-cycle rituals in the Catholic village from those of the non-Catholic village, a combination of Catholic belief with fengshui, local religion and local cultural symbols have been used as effective means to carry on Catholicism. This article helps explain why hundreds of Catholic villages in northern China have kept their Catholic identity for generations, and why the underground church in China could survive, but the generalization of the findings requires more and diverse cases.  相似文献   

对农村社会控制弱化的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在改革开放的过程中 ,家族组织的复兴和地方恶势力的盛兴是造成中国农村社会控制弱化的主要原因。本文通过对其产生的历史根源及对现实和未来农村社会发展影响的剖析 ,揭示了在社会转型时期 ,倡导符合社会发展进步的价值观念、思想信仰的必要性 ,加强社会非正式手段控制的重要性。在确立和完善一种新的经济制度的同时 ,需建立起与之相适应的一系列民族文化、民族精神。  相似文献   

民族村寨旅游开发的政策选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
民族村寨旅游是我国乡村旅游的重要形式。作为一类特殊社区,民族村寨的旅游开发离不开政府的引导和扶持,而合理的政策选择是贯彻科学发展观、充分发挥政府主导作用的前提。本文从民族村寨旅游开发的基本理念和目标出发,结合旅游开发现状与存在的问题,从立法、制度建设、财政刺激、技术支撑、监控评价等方面探讨实现民族村寨旅游合理开发和促进乡村社会和谐发展的政策工具。  相似文献   

保护性政策为什么没有改变农村妇女公共参与"推而不动"的状态?这与政策运行的村庄社会基础有很大的关联性.本文考察了一项保护性政策实验中村庄社会的不同反应,发现自上而下的保护性政策在输入到村庄社会的过程中,会遭到不同程度的抵制;对于村庄层级链条中位置不同的妇女,保护性程度不同,其公共参与程度也不同;同时,它并没有改变男性主导村庄权力结构的局势,还加深了两性隔离.为此,制定政策应该充分尊重村庄妇女公共参与三级链分层现状,使政策的保护性力量在这个链条上出现增量式发展;应该建立有效的配套机制,改变"两性场域"不对等分割状况,实现和谐式参与.  相似文献   

Tianjian Shi 《当代中国》1999,8(22):425-442
Many observers of Chinese politics suggest that there are certain relationships between economic development and village elections. Using empirical data gathered from a 1993 nationwide survey, this study examines whether economic development is associated in any way with successful elections in Chinese villages. The analysis reveals that the relationship between economic development and village elections appears to be a concave curve: economic wealth increases the likelihood that a village will hold semicompetitive elections for people to choose their leaders, but its impact diminishes as economic wealth increases. Rapid economic development may even delay the process of political development because incumbent leaders can use newly acquired economic resources to consolidate their power by: (1) making peasants more dependent on the village authority; (2) providing incumbent leaders with resources to co‐opt peasants; and (3) providing incumbent leaders with resources to bribe their superiors to ignore the decisions of the central government to introduce competitive elections into Chinese villages.  相似文献   

陈文庆 《桂海论丛》2007,23(1):62-64
近年来,广西基层组织在赈济灾民的过程中成功的摸索出建设五保村,集中供养五保户的新模式。如果从社会制度视角审视这一模式。五保村建设是社会主义制度正义的实践诠释,文章从社会管理的目的、利益的分配与补偿、社会合作、公民地位四个方面探讨五保村建设所体现的社会制度正义性。  相似文献   

黎兵是古代海南地方政府控制的以黎族人为主组成的一支军队,是一种乡兵性质的地方武装。其主要作用是为了协助官军防御和镇压黎族人民的反抗、稳定和维护海南地方的统治秩序。本文梳理了黎兵从出现直到消亡的近千年历史的发展脉络,对唐宋、元、明、清各个时期的黎兵都进行了详细的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

Village elections at the grassroots level have been regularly conducted for more than a decade in the context of the Chinese political system. Both negative and positive views have been expressed and written on village elections. How does one evaluate Chinese village elections? Free and fair elections require conformity to international election principles, rules, and procedures. This study develops a minimum procedural criterion to assess if village elections have followed internationally-accepted rules and procedures of free and fair elections. We also measure the meaningfulness of village elections by examining the effects of elections on village governance and villagers' life. We find that elections have been conducted in a manner consistent with proscribed rules and procedures and are generally free and fair, and there is a considerable convergence of views of villagers and cadres who see that elections are meaningful in producing positive changes in village governance and life. The data also confirm that elected villagers' committees are still in the long shadow of township governments and village Party branches.  相似文献   

It was a day in October 1921 that a tall foreign man appeared in the small village of Yangshao, in Henan Province of central China. This Swedish geologist, Johan Gunnar Andersson, had originally been invited to China as a mining adviser in the 1910s. However, a few pieces of pottery brought back from this village by his Chinese assistant made him suspect the existence of something more precious than mines.  相似文献   

参与式扶贫开发模式是对传统自上而下扶贫模式的"扬弃"和发展,它以受助者——贫困人口为主体,并在扶贫开发运行机制上赋权于民,充分体现了"相信群众、依靠群众"、"从群众中来到群众中去"的思想理念和工作方法。甘肃省麻安村是这一模式推行较早的试点行政村,并且取得了较为显著的成效,对该村运行机制和绩效分析可获得参与式扶贫开发模式的一般规律和经验,对我国农村扶贫政策趋向具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Rong Hu 《当代中国》2005,14(44):427-444
Based on survey data from rural Fujian Province of China, this paper shows that economic development, especially village collective revenue, plays an important role in village elections. With economic development and industrialization, collective revenues will increase and differentiated interests will develop among villagers. Village elections are institutional channels for villagers to articulate their interests. The research findings show that it is the collective revenue and the relative living standard of the village compared with other townships within the same county or district that arouse villagers' interests for participation and candidates' motives for campaigning, and thus enhance the implementation of elections. The paper concludes that village-level economic development is crucial for the implementation of competitive elections. With economic development, village committees will control more collective revenues, thus increasing the stakes villagers have in elections. This will result in greater participation by villagers in elections, and in more competitive elections. Increased competitiveness of elections will facilitate changes in the institutions regarding village committee elections.  相似文献   

透视"城中村"--我研究"村落终结"的方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李培林 《思想战线》2004,30(1):21-26
"城中村"是中国城市化过程中出现的独特现象,村落终结具有与农民终结不同的特殊机制。[1]村落终结不仅仅是非农化和工业化的问题,甚至也不是变更城乡分割的户籍制度问题,而是最终要伴随产权的重新界定和社会关系网络的重组。在村落研究方法方面,传统村落研究中使用"文本概括法"和"文学概括法"来处理个案调查的访谈资料,当代学者试图提炼出某种村落研究的理想类型或象限图式,但这些方法都存在着局限性。因此,需要另辟蹊径,建立一种关于中国村落终结的具有普遍解释力和更广泛对话能力的理想类型。  相似文献   

李大钊对马克思主义的认同是近代中国人接受和认同马克思主义过程中的一个典型案例。研究李大钊认同马克思主义的行为,搞清楚李大钊为什么认同马克思主义,怎样认同马克思主义,以及认同什么样的马克思主义这些基本问题,对于从主体和感性方面理解马克思主义在中国社会的全面兴起具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄乔松 《桂海论丛》2007,23(1):16-19
乡镇政府及其工作人员能否对乡村社会和广大农民的需求做出积极、负责任的回应,直接关系到新农村建设的成效。因此,提升乡镇政府回应能力就要改革压力型行政体制,合理划分各级政府的事权;把握好回应指向;转变乡镇政府职能;建立健全乡镇政府回应机制和注重对乡镇政府回应进行科学的绩效评估等。  相似文献   

该文阐述了汕头市西浦村借助自身的自然资源优势,以生态环境作为旅游吸引力,开发观光、休闲、度假旅游产品,以创建"乡村旅游型名村"为契机,形成环境优良、经济发展、社会稳定、人与自然和谐相处的良好局面,同时指出了该村新农村建设过程中存在的若干问题,并提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

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