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强制戒毒所一直以来由当地政府设立 ,由公安机关禁毒部门进行管理。随着我国毒品问题的发展 ,某些省份根据自己的具体情况对强制戒毒所的归口管理进行了调整 ,改为由监管部门进行管理。强制戒毒所归口管理的问题关系到我国禁毒工作的整体部署 ,必须引起足够的重视。文章经过比较分析 ,得出了结论 :将强制戒毒所归于禁毒部门管理或者监管部门管理各有利弊 ,禁毒部门负责强制戒毒所的管理有利于禁毒部门对整个禁毒工作进行统抓统管 ,有利于最大限度地发挥有限的禁毒资源的作用 ,禁毒部门管理强制戒毒所是禁毒工作的基本要求。强制戒毒所归口到禁毒部门管理优于监管部门管理  相似文献   

强制隔离戒毒所(以下简称强戒所)的戒毒优势主要体现在,能给强戒人员提供了一个无毒环境,同时能采取各种措施帮助他们从生理、心理、意志等方面解除毒瘾。我国的强戒所由于转型期普遍较短,多数民警的执法思维和执法方式都还残留着管理劳教人员的痕迹。在强戒所,"警戒关系"是主导并制约戒治效果的一个重要因素。"警戒关系"不和谐,既是场所各类事故发生的导火线,也会严重影响到戒治工作的成效。因此,对转型后的强戒所而言,探索并构建和谐的"警戒关系"十分重要,也十分迫切。  相似文献   

正Shanghai International Gold Trading Center Starts Operation The Shanghai International Gold Trading Center was recently launched as the first international trading platform in China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone(FTZ).The Shanghai FTZ is also preparing to establish other international trading centers.In the Shanghai gold trading center,foreigners are allowed to invest in China’s gold market.According to Li Jun,deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai  相似文献   

在看守所内羁押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人中,具有特殊身份的所占比例较小,但是他们要么社会地位高,要么案情重大.这就给看守所的管理提出了新的课题。本文拟从分析这类在押人员的心理特征入手,掌握其在押期间的心理活动规律,采取行之有效的管理与教育方法,保障监所安全,顺利完成对他们的刑事诉讼。  相似文献   

Simon X. B. Zhao 《当代中国》2013,22(84):1006-1027
Over the past several years, China has consistently maintained economic growth and at the same time emerged as a new global giant in the international arena, despite the distractions caused by the global financial crisis, which was triggered by the US Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis of 2007 and the recent bond crisis that emerged in the European Union in 2011. Concurrent with China's growing interaction with the global economy and robust growth of its domestic economy, competition for the status of national and even international financial centers in the region has become fierce. This study focuses on a ‘local’ examination of internal conditions for the emergence and growth of Chinese financial centers over the next 10–20 years. Cities contending for the top slot in the roster of Chinese cities, like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, are striving to become international financial centers and are trying to compete with Hong Kong. This study investigates the development potentials, future prospects and division of functions between different financial centers within China regarding Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai, with special reference to the role of information and locations of MNCs' regional headquarters.  相似文献   

South China's industrial centers are scrambling for migrant workers who have stopped swarming there  相似文献   

Scott Wilson 《当代中国》2012,21(77):863-880
Over the last two decades, international actors have sought to diffuse repertoires of contentious practices, including rights-based litigation, to China. Multilateral organizations, foundations, and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) have used funding and training programs conducted in China and at law schools abroad in order to raise the capacity of Chinese attorneys, NGOs, judges, and legal officials to improve rule of law and protection of human rights. In particular, international actors have worked with Chinese NGOs and state officials to found legal aid centers that provide information and advocacy to protect the rights of pollution victims and AIDS carriers. Legal aid centers, attorneys, and their financial backers seek to bring forward ‘impact litigation’ cases in the courts to establish model decisions for other plaintiffs, attorneys, and judges to follow. To date, environmental groups have enjoyed more success gaining access to the courts and in receiving favorable court judgments than have AIDS groups. In many cases involving AIDS victims, attorneys and legal aid centers seek compensation through alternative dispute resolution methods rather than litigation, which do not establish a legal precedent. This paper explores the reasons for the divergent outcomes of efforts to protect the rights of pollution victims and AIDS carriers in the courts. Primarily, the institutional particularities and contexts of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Public Health have allowed international legal norms related to the environment to take deeper root than those related to AIDS.  相似文献   

"东突"恐怖势力目前主要有欧美、中亚、中东三个活动中心,迄今并没有产生一个真正的领导核心.打击"东突"恐怖犯罪势力应与国际反恐怖力量相配合,从境内、境外两个方面加强打击力度,同时要在意识形态领域加强对"东突"的打击.  相似文献   

文章主要以最高人民法院和最高人民检察院作出的涉税犯罪司法解释为中心,集中探讨了我国刑法司法解释的观念障碍、涉税犯罪司法解释的问题表现以及克服刑法司法解释观念障碍的基本对策。  相似文献   

在职公安民警的警务战术培训,应以解决现实执法问题和未来可能发生的执法问题为基本着眼点,坚持以受训公安民警为主体、以受训公安民警需要为导向,构建以受训公安民警为中心的节点式课堂教学交往模式,并在平等交往的过程中完成教学信息的传递。  相似文献   

香港警方对社会面治安的防范和控制主要是通过开展不间断的巡逻来实现的。文章介绍了香港警方的三支巡逻力量及开展治安巡逻的基本情况,并重点对其巡逻体制和勤务运行机制的实战、高效的特点进行了分析,对内地公安机关的巡逻勤务改革有着很高的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

输入假说和情感过滤假说是克拉申二语习得理论的主要核心内容,这一假说认为大量的可理解性输入是学习外语的重要条件。依据克拉申的这一理论,教师要根据高职高专英语学习者的特点,注重英语听力材料选择的科学性,改革不合适的英语听力课堂教学方法,以提高学生的听力水平。  相似文献   

国家电子政务统一网络空间:内涵、框架及建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对政府部门类型、组织关系、业务流类型进行分类研究,得出政府系统内的业务通道需求,从而从技术上指导虚拟专网建设和业务系统的部署;通过对业务操作中的数据操作行为和业务数据进行分类研究,从逻辑上规定网络平台数据管理中心的设计和管理的内容,从而改变各部门传统的信息资源共享与交换方式。此外,国家电子政务统一网络空间的管理体制机制的建立和完善迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

调查主要以问卷调查和召开座谈会两种形式进行,问卷调查主要围绕大学生党员的政治思想、学习态度、大学生党支部建设、大学生党员教育培训等四个方面展开。调查显示:公安院校大学生党建工作在大学生思想政治教育中占主导地位.应用科学发展观统领高校党建与思想政治工作。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是中国共产党的优良传统和制胜法宝,它在构建社会主义和谐社会中有着极其重要的作用。但随着社会的发展,原有的思想政治工作体系受到了挑战。因此,思想政治工作必须随时代的变化、工作对象的变化、中心工作的变化而不断进行调整,在观念上、内容上、形式上、手段上、管理机制上创新,不断提高思想政治工作的感召力和凝聚力。  相似文献   

刑事侦查执法队伍庞大、执法工作范围广泛,需要有强有力的执法监督制度加以约束。健全及加强刑事侦查执法的内部监督机制,成为了亟待解决的课题。文章围绕公安机关刑事侦查执法的内部监督问题进行研究,阐明了我国刑事侦查执法内部监督的必要性,分析了其运行现状及存在缺陷,并就日常监督发现的问题有针对性地提出了解决办法,以期为公安机关刑事侦查执法内部监督工作提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

People with severe mental illness evidence significantly higher rates of HIV infection than the general population in the United States. Frequently, the only access to health care for this population is through their outpatient mental health care providers. In order to determine how these providers were dealing with the increased risk of HIV infection among this group, a survey of all licensed and certified outpatient mental health care centers in New York State was conducted. The data were compared to a similar previous survey conducted in 1997.  相似文献   

香港警察学院是世界一流的警察培训基地之一,其新警的招录形式、课程内容、教学模式都是国内现阶段"招录培养体制改革"学习和借鉴的榜样。本文在介绍香港警察学院新警课程中的体能训练课程体系的基础上,对比国内"体改"生的体能课程,并在"教、学、练、战"训练思想的指导下,提出建立"体改"生体能课课程体系的对策建议,以期为推动公安民警招录培养体制改革进程提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

邱香 《青年论坛》2008,(2):30-32
善治理论与和谐社会理论是统一的。善治理论主张新的社会治理结构应当是多中心的、自主的和分工合作的,以民间组织为主体的第三部门在新的治理结构中应发挥日益重要的作用。共青团组织参与和谐社会建设的着力点在和谐社区建设,其组织功能将在和谐社区建设中进一步完善。  相似文献   

执法规范化建设是提高公安机关执法公信力的重要措施,是公安工作的"牛鼻子",是"三项建设"的关键。近几年来,天津海事公安局紧紧围绕交通运输部公安局"五个狠抓,三个加强"指导思想,稳步推进执法规范化建设,取得了突出的成绩。笔者结合当前公安执法现状和存在的问题,谈一谈天津海事公安局执法规范化建设的思考和经验。  相似文献   

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