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正During a recent interview with Beijing Review reporter Tao Xing,Cuban Ambassador to China Carlos Miguel Pereira shared his opinions on the role of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in China's development and its governance philosophy,as well as the progress made in terms of bilateral ties.This is an edited version of the interview:  相似文献   

女士们,先生们,朋友们,很高兴参加皮尔逊进步政策中心组织的研讨会。该中心的宗旨之一是促进加拿大同国际伙伴之间的对话,为増进加拿大同其他国家交流搭建了平台。我想借此机会介绍中国应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情举措及成效,希望这能帮助大家更好地了解中国和中国的制度。当然,我也愿意谈谈对当前中加关系的看法。  相似文献   

女士们、先生们、朋友们:大家好!感谢中国日报“新时代大讲堂”提供这个重要的交流平台。新的一年已经开启,美国新政府也刚刚就职,我们此时进行对话,探讨中美关系走向,可谓适逢其时,也十分有意义。刚刚过去的2020年是极不平凡的一年。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑,尊敬的各位国际组织负责人,尊敬的各代表团团长,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:大家好!很高兴在第四届中国国际进口博览会开幕之际,同大家“云端”相聚。首先,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,向各位.嘉宾,表示热烈的欢迎!向各位新老朋友,表示诚挚的问候和美好的祝愿!  相似文献   

Beijing Review: In your book, you wrote that if both China and the U.S. were to fo-cus on improving their peoples' wellbeing, they would find no contradictions in their long-term strategies. It seems that China has been doing so, but the U.S. seems to be preoccupied with retaining its global domi-nance. What's your take? Kishore Mahbubani: I'm glad you raised a very critical point that I made in my book: the U.S. should not engage in a contest for su-premacy. Yet unfortunately, it would be difficult to change the views of many Americans, because their strategic thinking is still stuck in the 19th and 20th centuries. When you had this zero-sum games between great powers, this was the day when European powers used to fight and go to war with each other. But we no longer live in that world. We now live in a very small, interdependent world where we have many common interests and challenges to deal with.  相似文献   

面对学生的质疑,教师是断然回绝--报之以拒人于千里之外的冷漠面孔,还是欣然应对--投之以"有朋自远方来,不亦说乎"的满腔热忱?笔者结合自己的教学体会,拟就学生的质疑和教师的释疑问题作了粗略探讨.  相似文献   

Beijing Review: Why have you been inter-ested in researching China-related affairs and why are you willing to refute Western media reports? Bruno Guigue:? At this historical juncture, China raises a series of fascinating issues on development, governance and democracy, especially for those Western analysts pre-pared to challenge conventional wisdom. I realized that China was providing us with answers different from those we were accus-tomed to, and that these answers were either ignored or distorted by both mainstream media and research institutes across the West. I just want to make a modest contribu-tion to provide more objective insights on China and a new outlook on the workings of Chinese society.  相似文献   

尊敬的各位使节、各位代表、各位朋友:大家好!值此辞旧迎新之际,我谨代表中国外交部,向各位驻华使节和代表以及你们的家人和同事,致以诚挚的问候和美好的祝福!2021年,对世界来说,是充满动荡和挑战,同时又孕育着和平与希望的一年。一年来,新冠疫情继续在全球肆虐.德尔塔、奥密克戎等新的病毒变体此起彼伏,接踵而来,威胁各国人民的生命健康安全。  相似文献   

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It has the same significance for the Chinese people as Christmas has for people in the West. Spring Festival traditionally calls for a thorough house cleaning before pasting up Spring couplets, images of Gate-Gods, New Year Paintings and papercuts. Sacrifices are also offered to various gods and ancestors,and everyone dresses in their best clothes to see in the new year. All this is done in the hope of good fortune for the coming year.But would you prefer to experience Spring Festival with a difference? The following four destinations offer something for everyone.  相似文献   

正In an interview with Beijing Review,Alvaro Rodriguez,International Secretary of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA),shared his thoughts on the need for development and social justice.This is an edited version of the interview:  相似文献   

Significant progress achieved in science and technology Soon,you will be able to check out lunar soil in Beijing.The National Museum of China announced that it would exhibit the lunar samples brought back in December 2020 by the Chang’e-5 lunar probe.Preserved in a delicate container made of artificial crystal,the samples have already arrived at the museum.These are not just China’s first samples from Moon but also the world’s freshest lunar samples in over four decades.  相似文献   

'Wearing the blue helmet makes you feel like a heavyweight in the pursuit and support of peace," He Yongxue,a battalion commander in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), told Beijing-based PLA Daily.Selected as a member of the new peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan, he needs to switch roles and throw himself into the intense training schedule before leaving China to embark on his new mission.  相似文献   

李克强 《北京周报(英文版)》2019,62(29):I0001-I0006
尊敬的施瓦布主席先生,尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑,尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们,先生们:很高兴与大家再次相聚在美丽的大连。首先,我谨代表中国政府,对第十三届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开,表示热烈祝贺!对远道而来的各位嘉宾和媒体界朋友,表示诚挚欢迎!  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between the country of birth and the ability of the individual from that country to create a sense of home, identity and belonging in other countries and cultures. What is home? Is home the place where you were born and raised, where your parents live or where they are buried? Is home the place from where you were dislocated or where you live now? What does longing for home mean? The author draws on theory to address these questions but her personal story plays a prominent part.  相似文献   

正Samuel Daniel Shafiishuna Nujoma,former President of Namibia,discussed how he views the Communist Party of China (CPC) as well as China-Namibia ties in an interview with Beijing Review.This is an edited version of the interview:  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: As our readers probably know, "harmonious society," a call issued by the ruling Communist Party, is now a pet phrase in China, meaning balanced development of different regions, balanced development of the town and countryside, sufficient attention to the underprivileged etc. How the call is being translated into grassroots action? The following article may help you find an answer.  相似文献   

Conversation 卡洛琳:珍妮,我想买一伯连衣裙,去哪个商场好呢? Kaluolin:Zhenni,wo xiang mai yijian lianyiqun,qu nage shangchang hao ne? 珍妮:我一般都在网上购物,非常方便。 Zhenni:Wo yiban douzai wangshang gouwu,feichang fangbian. 卡洛琳:网上购物应该怎么操作呢? Kaluolin:Wangshang gouwu yinggai zenme caozuo ne?  相似文献   

正China's success stems from the nation choosing the right path, meaning that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC), Khamphao Ernthavanh, Ambassador of Laos to China, told Beijing Review reporter Tao Xing in a recent interview. She also shared her views on China's development and what it has brought to the world.  相似文献   

一、欢迎您来到埃及,首先我们希望了解您此次访问埃及的原因?以及您将同埃及领导人讨论的主要议题?很高兴在新年伊始访问埃及,这也是我2020年首次岀访的第一站。中埃都是文明古国,两国友谊源远流长。埃及是第一个同新中国建交的阿拉伯和非洲国家。建交60多年来,两国人民始终相互理解、相互信任、相互支持,中埃关系经受住了国际风云变幻的考验,成为发展中国家关系的典范。中国一贯高度重视同兄弟国家埃及的传统友谊和互利合作。  相似文献   

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