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After U.S. National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe proclaimed that "China is National Security Threat No.1" in a Wall Street Journal article on December 3, 2020, he followed it up with a Fox News interview a few days later, claiming that China is "altering DNA" of its 2-million-strong military personnel, "trying to make them stronger through gene editing."  相似文献   

A World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitrator on January 26 ruled on the case of the United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products From China, determining that China may impose trade retaliations against the U.S. with respect to trade in goods in the amount of$645 million annually given the U.S. failure to comply with a WTO ruling in force. China now urges the U.S. to take immediate action to right its wrongs in trade remedy investigations targeting China.  相似文献   

HAVING promised to"build back better,"the Biden administration now faces two chal-lenges as it sets out to revamp the country's battered international image in the wake of its predecessor's blunders.They are:to recalibrate the U.S.'s China policy,and to regain the trust and confidence of its European allies.  相似文献   

A Mad Mission     
The pandemonium in coronavirus origins-tracing led by the U.S. intelligence community has culminated in a somewhat subdued ending. On October 29, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released "a declassified assessment on the origins of COVID-19," said to be an update of its previous report issued in August. Nevertheless, the content proved basically the same as that of its predecessor, determining that "the inquiry remains inconclusive on the origins of COVID-19," while pointing the finger at China for not "sharing information."  相似文献   

“冷战”时期之禁毒与美国外交取舍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"冷战"时期,以美国为代表的西方社会,以联合国为舞台,借助新闻媒介之手,曾经展开过一场禁毒遏共外交活动。这既是当时特殊的"冷战"背景下美国遏制与孤立新中国的产物,更是美国对外政策实施过程中以话语权优势制衡对手的惯有手法,而由此助长了东南亚"金三角"毒品源地的坐大,则显然是以意识形态为标尺的"冷战"背景下禁毒外交取舍不当之"苦果"。唯有摒弃意识形态领域的偏见,保持禁毒的初衷不变,国际禁毒事业方能得以长足发展。  相似文献   

China continues to shed its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities as the country aims to diversify its foreign exchange reserves. More U.S. companies are looking to solidify their footprint in China. Chinese exporters stage a comeback, as the ongoing Canton Fair witnesses increased deals. The e-commerce sector slows down due to seasonal factors. The Internet portal Sohu.com cashes in on stronger online gaming, advertising and search businesses.  相似文献   

正Despite strong opposition from its own people and neighboring countries, the Japanese Government has asserted its decision to discharge the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant's wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Western societies, headed by the U.S., however, have thus far managed to provide a display of unprecedented generosity toward Japan.  相似文献   

正The U.S. regards Chinese news media outlets as part of a "propaganda machine" of the government because they are state-owned. On Twitter, almost all Chinese news agencies and journalists are labeled as "China state-affiliated media," implying their reports are neither true nor objective. The United States also argues that since its media is mostly privately held, they are "free" and "independent,"  相似文献   

Defending the Yuan Recent complaints from the United States about the Chinese yuan have escalated.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said China is an advocate of free trade and opposed the idea of taking aggressive measures to force another country's currency to either depreciate or appreciate.  相似文献   

Bank lending turns lackluster in China as the country gears up to tame lingering inflation. Despite a weakened U.S. economy, China continues increasing its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities. State-owned enterprises are losing some momentum, as a result of cost inflation. Telecom equipment maker Huawei fares well, drawing strength from booming consumer device businesses. Chinese companies are expected to accelerate their pace of venturing overseas.  相似文献   

The Center for China and Globalization released Transition and Opportunity: Strategies from Business Leaders on Making the Most of China’s Future on February 24. At a roundtable inside the center’s Beijing headquarters, various contributors to the book, all leaders of trade groups and multinational corporations(MNCs) in China.  相似文献   

The China Banking Regulatory Commission has kickstarted a pilot program to bolster consumer finance companies. This marks a step forward in the economic shift toward consumptions. In June, China trimmed a record net $25.1 billion in holdings from U.S. Treasury securities on concerns over the value of U.S. dollar assets. Air China Ltd., one of the country's big three carriers, meanwhile, plans to raise its stake in Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. to nearly 30 percent. China's foreign direct investment inflows, a...  相似文献   

正In U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry's visit to Tianjin, China, in early September and his discussions with China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua, we can see a welcome movement toward the better(old) days of cooperation in areas the two countries could agree on. The old official bridges were partially "deconstructed" and that self-inflicted damage was shouldered by the American people. Now, the U.S. can finally see what it produced: precisely nothing of value.  相似文献   

经过近50年的发展,律师助理已成为美国发展速度最快的行业之一.本文试从产生的制度背景、从业资格与工作内容等方面考察美国的律师助理制度,并兼论对中国的启示.  相似文献   

正It became commonplace during former U.S. President Donald Trump's tenure to hear the Communist Party of China(CPC) maligned in Cold War-style rhetoric, with the emphasis on "communist" and Marxist as the dirtiest of words, which were then stretched into alarmist fantasies alleging China's efforts to impose a communist vision globally.  相似文献   

This research is a survey study of the opinions of one group of China scholars in the U.S.—scholars teaching Chinese politics in American universities—on issues concerning the People's Republic of China. Our findings suggest that despite some new developments in the Sinologist community in the U.S., China scholars continue to favor more generous and more pragmatic approaches toward China. They are more concerned with practical issues such as regional stability and economic ties with China and do not want the U.S. to be highly moralistic in dealing with China.  相似文献   

The creation of a multilateral world has changed the international scene. While the United States preserves its military superiority, the continuous development of China and Russia's resilience influences the balance of power. Under the administration of President Joe Biden, Washington seeks to set the tone by demonstrating to its partners that "it is back" on the world stage after four years of former President Donald Trump's policies. During his first trip to Europe since his inauguration in January, Biden took part in Group of Seven (G7), NATO and U.S.-EU summits. But the meeting that captured international attention was the one with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 16.  相似文献   

李华锋 《桂海论丛》2006,22(6):63-65
当今国际社会是以美国为首的西方国家主导、经济全球化为核心的全球化加速发展、国际政治问题社会化和国际社会问题政治化、权力政治和权利政治共存竞争的全球性国际社会。这启示中国应当在坚持符合国家利益和国际利益的原则基础上,以营造良好国际环境与塑造和谐国际社会为目标,更积极地融入国际社会,在融入中做到传统外交和非传统外交并重,保持一颗平常心和自信心,灵活对待社会主义国家和发展中国家身份,着力处理好与大国和周边国家的关系,尤其是中美两国之间的关系问题。  相似文献   

Manufacturing activities continue to lose steam as the purchasing managers index drops for the third consecutive month. The U.S.retail giant Best Buy trims its China presence after struggling to survive amidcut-throat competition. But an increasing number of U.S. companies are still expanding into China to cash in on the vibrant market. The aluminum behemoth Chalco jumps back into the black due to growing prices of thelight metal. China’s leading portal website Sina makes a push into the online shopping market by acquiring a stake in an online apparel retailer.  相似文献   

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson fingered a new scapegoat for the world's economic problems. He said massive savings accumulations in countries such as China helped to trigger the crisis by squeezing interest rates and pushing investors toward riskier assets, the Financial Times reported on January 2. Zhang Jianhua, Director of the Research Bureau at the People's Bank of China, rebutted Paulson's comments as "extremely ridiculous and irresponsible" in an interview with Xinhua News Agency. Edited...  相似文献   

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