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With the government's decision to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060,the race is on in China to switch to clean fuel.Some of the biggest energy companies in the country have increased investment in the exploration of natural gas.China National Offshore Oil Corp.(CNOOC),the largest producer of offshore crude oil and natural gas in the country,for example,has announced that gas will account for 30 percent of its production by 2025,growing to 50 percent in 2035.  相似文献   

伴随着当今世界政治、经济不断变化,各个国家,尤其是一些对世界形态影响的一些大国,都在沿着各自的发展轨迹前进着,倒退着,或原地踏步着.而集中着世界上最多财富的美国,连续几年来却出现了一个怪现象--穷人越来越多,这不能不说是当今美国政府的一个悲哀.  相似文献   

The U.S. quantitative easing policy could have a negative impact on the world economy and repercussions for China By revving up its money-printing machines, the United States will try to shock its economy  相似文献   

<正>On the cusp of the G20 summit in Hamburg,Beijing Review interviewed Alexandra Voss,Delegate of German Industry at the German Chamber of Commerce in Beijing,and discussed with her Sino-German economic cooperation as well as the expectations and experiences of German companies in China.  相似文献   

<正>Enhanced assistance program proves effective in its first-year operation Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,previously known as a vast,remote and underdeveloped land in China’snorthwest,has become one of the country’s hottest investment destinations.  相似文献   

A new round of corporate mergers and acquisitions(M&As)is on the way.On September 6,the State Council announced that it would require companies in the automobile,iron and steel,cement,machinery manufacturing,electrolytic aluminum and rare earth industries to accelerate M&As.  相似文献   

<正>A draft amendment to China’s Banking Law passed on June 24 removed the 75-percent loan-to-deposit ratio stipulation,a regulation index that China has kept for two decades.The decision comes as the government is at pains to channel credit to the real economy to support growth.However,the central bank still has stringent control over the volume of loans issued by commercial banks,which has led to stubbornly high mid-and long-term rates and  相似文献   

The growing number of such films has engendered a new phrase among Chinese film circles: the "mixed-blood" movie is alive and flourishing.  相似文献   

年初 ,日本的右翼势力在大阪集会 ,公然否定“南京大屠杀”。这一闹剧又一次暴露了日本国内否定侵略战争的右翼势力的丑恶面目。前年秋天江泽民主席在访问日本时 ,曾在不同场合一再强调正确认识历史对发展中日关系的极端重要性。尽管其时日本国内的右翼势力对此大为不满。日方当时虽然在首脑会谈中口头道了歉 ,但最终也没有同意将其载入双方的联合声明。去年 7月前首相小渊访华时 ,朱基总理在会谈中也明确要求对方“用行动证明”日本政府对历史问题的态度。但事实表明 ,日本政府在这个问题上根本没有尽到责任。助纣为虐 ,日本右翼势力日益…  相似文献   

More Motorolas     
MOTOROLA, best known for its mobile phones, has ventured into the electrical home appliance market. At the end of 2003, the international communications giant launched Chinese marketing campaigns for plasma and liquid crystal televisions as well as DVD players.Although most consumers are familiar with Motorola's communi-  相似文献   

More Engagement     
At the end of 2008, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office issued "The UK and China: A Framework for Engagement." It is the first such document Britain has issued on its China policy. It was designed to set out a way of thinking about China more widely. Peter Wilson, Political Counselor at the British Embassy in Beijing, recently talked with Beijing Review about the significance of the document for bilateral relations between China and Britain.  相似文献   

正The year 2014 is crucial for China to implement the projects of its 12th Five-Year Plan(2011-15).It is also the year the country will push forward its comprehensive and deepened reforms.As a result,higher-than-average expectations have been pinned on this year’s"two sessions"—annual plenary sessions of the National People’s Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.Reform,anti-corruption,stabilizing the  相似文献   

正The yuan shows greater two-way fluctuation over the past year At 9 a.m.on August 11,2015,the China Foreign Exchange Trade System(CFETS)announced the day’s central parity rate of the yuan against the U.S.dollar,changing from the previous day’s 6.1162 to6.2298.The market burst into uproar over such a big drop of 1,136 basis points on a single day.  相似文献   

<正>As competition in China intensifies,foreign-funded banks and joint ventures look to rural areas to expand operations With recruitment and personnel training in full swing,BOC Fullerton Community Bank is preparing to open more community banks in Shandong Province’s four counties  相似文献   

正Impact of Russian-Saudi rivalry sends shockwaves across the globe The 13-member Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC),led by Saudi Arabia,agreed with its allies,including Russia,on April 9 that they will cut output in May and June by 10 million barrels per day in principle,the largest ever production cut in history.The move temporarily eased a mo nth-long tension between Saudi Arabia and Russia on lowering production and keeping prices stable,but its smooth implementation is  相似文献   

时代主题是对时代发展进程的深入把握。时代主题内容的确定,必须以时代特定发展阶段的主要矛盾为依据。只有这样,我们才能深刻领会将和平与发展概括为现阶段时代主题的必然性与科学性,也才能对当前时代主题是否发生了变化作出正确的回答。  相似文献   

一、妥善处理好协调发展中的重大关系保持经济社会更好更快地发展,必须在推进协调发展的过程中正确处理好涉及全局的几个重大关系。(一)以人为本与以经济建设为中心的关系实现协调发展,既要坚持以人为本,这是协调发展的价值基础;又要坚持以经济建设为中心,这是协调发展的物质基础。以人为本的经济社会协调发展是当代世界经济社会发展的基本趋势。经济社会协调发展的核心是人的发展,是人的本质力量和能动性的重要体现,经济社会的发展与进步集中体现在人的发展上。发展坚持以人为本,就是使全体人民广泛参与发展活动的所有领域、所有层次、所有…  相似文献   

In a hospital in Jingme n City,Hubei Province in central China,Xu Peifeng intently watched the monitor of a verb tilator,which was pulsing with waves and graphics.He needed to adjust the ventilator to provide patients with oxygen when they were unable to breathe on their own.We must fully understand the condition of patients' lungs before we set the parameters to help them,Xu said.  相似文献   

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