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正The world needs a new consensus on growth strategy Taoist thinking holds that nature and the universe are in balance,the Yin and Yang,and it is up to man to shape his thinking and actions to ensure he is aligned with this natural balance and to achieve harmony. This is as true for 21st century economics as it was for day-to-day life in 14th century China.As representatives of the world’s 20 largest economies gather for the annual G20  相似文献   

<正>Non-governmental sectors make their contributions to ST development Xu Chenyan was born in 1981.Compared with many people from the post-80s generation in China who are still struggling for an ideal career,Xu seems to have it all.When Xu was in middle school,he demonstrated a gift for mathematics and earned  相似文献   

Scientists develop animal models to assess countermeasures against emerging viruses Seventeen years ago,when China suffered an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS),it took seven months to develop animal models essential for the application of antivirus drug findings from bench to bedside.  相似文献   

向开林 《桂海论丛》2002,18(6):40-42
领导干部在公民道德建设中当好表率,是公民道德建设对共产党人最基本的道德要求 ,是新形势下重塑道德新风尚、身体力行“三个代表”重要思想的客观需要和重要体现。发挥共产党员和领导干部在公民道德建设中的带头作用 ,应着力加强学习、提高素质,拒腐防变、严以律己 ,接受监督、强化他律 ,践行宗旨、改造世界观 ,开拓创新、当好表率 ,全面提高公民道德建设水平。  相似文献   

科技全球化背景下中国科技发展的机遇和挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
傅建球 《桂海论丛》2002,18(6):52-55
随着科技全球化的日益彰显 ,其在对中国的科技体制、科学研究、产业研发、人力资源、知识产权建设等方面提出了极为严峻的挑战的同时 ,也为中国的科技发展带来了不可多得的机遇。  相似文献   

韦勇强 《民主与科学》2004,40(2):124-128
1923年,顾颉刚提出了著名的"层累地造成的中国古史"的观点.这一观点的形成与顾先生特殊的学术渊源及时代环境密切相关.它一经提出,即引起中国史学界的广泛关注并产生了深远的影响.客观评价这一观点并吸取其科学合理的成分对中国上古史的研究有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

文章通过对广西依靠科技发展现代农业的典型调查及建设现代农业示范区的具体实践 ,阐述发展现代农业必须充分依靠科学技术 ,必须采取有效措施 ,包括正确制定农业科技政策 ,深化农业科技体制改革 ,发挥科技人员和农民应用现代科技的能力以及增加农业的科技投入 ,才能真正促进现代农业的发展和跨越。  相似文献   

高校编辑一是指高校编辑工作,二是指高校编辑人员。搞好高校编辑科学研究是实现高校编辑现代化的必由之路。本文仅就高校编辑科学研究的类型、内容、任务、特点和方法发表了自己的浅见。  相似文献   

President Xi Jinping talks with researchers during his visit to the School of Medicine at Tsinghua University in Beijing on March 2.Xi,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,inspected the research work on the novel coronavirus disease as well as diagnosis and treatment that day.  相似文献   

正bottlelight紫外净水瓶这是一款来自德国的设计,它将紫外线净水瓶和电筒合二为一,为供给耗尽的露营者和旅行者提供了两种基本的必需品淡水和灯光。在60秒的时间内,紫外发光二极管能够将1升水内99.9%的细菌、病毒和原生动物杀灭。牵引绳上的垃圾袋配出器以色列设计工作室OTOTO推出"mighty dog",一个可以直接与宠物牵引绳相连的小型垃圾袋配出装置。该装置由塑料制造,分为两个大小相等的部分,能够容纳下一卷袋子。当形势需要时,可以随时派上用场。  相似文献   

指上利器nimble 由英国version 22工作室设计的“nimble”是一款可以轻松开启塑料和纸质包装的指尖设备.利用一个微小的陶瓷刀片,nimble可以割穿坚硬的包装材料,但不会对人体肌肤造成损伤,有效地避免了意外的发生.  相似文献   

正超自然玻璃雕塑受新西兰自然美景的启发,艺术家ben young对透明的片状浮法玻璃进行手工切割和加工,将它们层层叠在一起,再将做好的有机玻璃雕塑和表面充满纹路的混凝土结合,最终创作了一系列极具表现力的玻璃雕塑作品,为我们讲述了一个隐藏在海景背后的故事。  相似文献   

正Enhanced technology and public awareness give more momentum to biodiversity protection in China This year has been rewarding for Yang Xiaojun, a researcher at the Kunming Institute of Zoology,the Chinese  相似文献   

<正>Against the backdrop of mass migration,a section of workers are coming back home,spurred by new policies to help them start their own businesses Morning mist shrouded the hills around the stretch of water where a small boat lay moored close to something enclosed by a net. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a square-shaped fish hatchery  相似文献   

China’s contributions have helped the global economic recovery move forward as uncertainties about 2011 begin to surface Taking the festive season to heart, China engaged in economic gift giving to the tune of trade contracts .  相似文献   

China’s first Tibetan Olympian looks to the future When China’s snowboard cross athlete Yongchin Lhamo secured a ticket to the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 in mid-January, two firsts occurred: She became the first Winter Olympian from Tibet Autonomous Region as well as the first Chinese athlete to take part in the most electrifying event the Games have to offer.  相似文献   

正With China's political season approaching, how is the economy performing?When China's top lawmakers and political advisers convene their annual sessions in Beijing in March, the economy will be at the top of their agenda.  相似文献   

正China's plans for further development weigh heavily on the minds of the public in the run-up to the Party's national congress T he 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) begins on November 8 in Beijing. The national congress is the highest  相似文献   

<正>On the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland,Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor,Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(SAR),Zhang Xiaoming,Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong,Leung Chun-ying,  相似文献   

益多 《统一论坛》2012,(1):52-60
在全国人民隆重纪念西藏和平解放60周年的时候,远在印度的十四世达赖喇嘛和他的小集团再次发出“西藏独立”的密集鼓噪和梦呓。由达赖策划并审定的新版伪宪法继续谎称西藏曾是“与中国、印度并驾齐驱的大国”,“中国政府武装入侵西藏,暴力镇压西藏百姓”,再次表明这个小集团将顽固坚持其分裂中国的立场。  相似文献   

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