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After the remarkable success in digitalizing payments nationwide, China is ready to unveil its next financial innovation by launching its own digital currency(CBDC).  相似文献   

正China brings its yuan one step closer to be a global currency by allowing direct trade with the Japanese yen Shanghai Hyron Software Co., having business relations with the Japanese market, started receiving favor from investors recently thanks to the June 1 official start of direct yen-yuan trading in the  相似文献   

正Despite depreciation,the renminbi is on its way to becoming an international currency The central parity rate of China’s currency weakened to 6.8796 against the U.S.dollar on November 18,an eight-year low,according to data from the China Foreign Exchange Trade System(CFETS),triggering market worries that the currency could be about to tumble.  相似文献   

袁世凯功过辨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁世凯乃一代枭雄,一生经历跌宕起伏、多姿多彩,最后以身败名裂告终,对袁氏的评价似乎早已盖棺论定。其实不然,我们不能对历史人物的评价简单化。袁世凯死后,人们均认为其悲惨结局乃袁氏咎由自取。这里有两个问题需要解决:一是袁世凯执政期间,国家在经济、政治、文化和社会方面的发展情况如何,与以前相比,是有所进步还是倒退;二是对袁世凯遭人批评甚至唾骂的三件事,即戊戌期间的告密案、接受“二十一条”和称帝如何评价。如果我们能对上述两个问题进行实事求是的研究,得出合理的科学的结论,那么对袁世凯也就能作出公正的评价,这种评价不是建…  相似文献   

鲍磊 《前沿》2010,(11):125-127
我们所生活的时代正在经历一种社会医学化现象,先前的非医学生活领域已逐渐被医学“殖民”了。包括制药公司、医药研发机构、疾病医疗部门在内的现代医学工业和大众传媒,成了医学化的积极推动者和受益者,民众也通过自我实现的预言促成了医学化。健康人担心得要命,成了现代医学最大的荒谬,也成为当代社会人的一种生存状态。除了要坚持适当的医学化,防止过度的医学化,要求人们自己冷静地面对生活中的“问题”。  相似文献   

Throughout my school life,phones offered one significant benefit:a means of communication,via either text or call.Typing out a message,“back in the day,”required quite the skill set,i.e.,understanding the code of the numbered buttons.  相似文献   

Yuan Goes Global     
Five cities participate in a trial program to settle overseas trade in renminbi, bringing the currency a step closer to becoming global Five of China's key manufacturing cities will launch services allowing the experimental use of the renminbi for international trade settlements. This move, aimed at reducing risks from exchange rate fluctuations, is a boon for Chinese exporters who already have had their profits squeezed at both ends.  相似文献   

<正>A yuan cross-border interbank payment system is expected to accelerate the currency’s quest to go international By Wang JunThe yuan reached yet another milestone on October 8 when the first phase of the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System(CIPS)was launched in Shanghai.The system,  相似文献   

CHINA'S opening and reform started in Shenzhen, or more specifically, in Shekou. On January 31, 1979, the Shekou Industrial Zone was established, marking the first trial  相似文献   

The first thing Dong Yuejun does after arriving at the office is to check the latest currency exchanges rates."Exchange rate fluctuation of the yuan means uncertain costs.This is the most important thing for export merchants," said Dong,an electric equipment exporter in Ningbo,east China’s Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

OVER 700 years ago the Mongolian cavalry crossed the Yangtze River from the northern grasslands and invaded southern China. In 1279, the conquerors marched on to the South China Sea coast and cornered the fleeing Southern Song emperor and his ministers. On being confronted by certain capture and death, minister Lu Xiufu, with  相似文献   

Yuan Sets Sail     
<正>Wide use of the yuan in direct investment overseas marks a step toward a fully convertible currency In its first document of the year, the People’s Bank of China, the central bank, outlined new measures for a pilot program to allow non-financial enterpris-  相似文献   

严庆  刘琳 《贵州民族研究》2021,42(3):96-103
数字竞争伴随着数字技术的发展而产生,反过来又促进了数字技术的进步,进而对人类政治、经济、社会生活的各个领域产生深刻影响.族裔政治作为政治领域的一部分,也深受数字竞争的影响,体现在族性动员、族际关系以及民族政治发展三个方面.数字竞争对族裔政治的影响本质上是工具性的,一方面,它能够成为政治动员的工具,造成种族歧视、民族冲突,阻碍民族政治发展;另一方面,它也能够为政府所用,成为消抑族性动员的重要手段,促进相互包容.而其走向究竟如何进行,主要取决于治理者如何实施规制.  相似文献   

Sales of RQFII products prove international demand for the renminbi is growing Demand for the renminbi in Hong Kong has led several senior officials,including Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah,Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury K.C.Chan and Hong Kong Monetary Authority(HKMA) Chief Executive Norman T.L.Chan,to pay a visit to Beijing on October 29,asking the China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC) for support and exchanging views with CSRC Chairman Guo Shuqing.  相似文献   

On May 2,a small meeting attended by seven people was held in Nantang Village in Fuyang City,east China's Anhui Province.They were discussing how to involve more senior villagers in the organic chicken-raising industry.The host of the meeting,Yang Yunbiao,is the head of the Nantang Xingnong Cooperative,an organization set up in 2007 to develop the village's economy.  相似文献   

施蔚 《警察技术》2001,(2):25-26
数字签名和数字证书是通过加密算法实现的。信息加密体制分为两类 ,即传统密码体制和公开密码体制。传统密码体制采用对称可逆加密算法 ,公开密码体制采用非对称可逆加密算法。算法的可逆性 ,是任何加密算法必须具备的首要条件 ,否则加密后的密文就无法通过解密算法恢复出明文来。传统密码体制算法的对称性 ,决定加、解密所用密钥是一样的 (或解密密钥可由加密密钥通过简单算法导出 )。公开密码体制算法的非对称性 ,决定加、解密的密钥是不一样的。正是公开密码体制的加解密钥的不同 ,方使得公开密码体制成为完善的信息加密体制 ,即具备“排…  相似文献   

对元代杂剧人物命名爬梳整理,挖掘其中蕴藏的文化内涵,探讨杂剧人名折射出的元代社会制度、思想文化、时代心理和民族特点。  相似文献   

CHINA is no stranger to starvation. The latest famine in its long history occurred from1959 to 1961 when natural disasters swept most of the country. Anticipating and mitigating any food shortages is imperative for the nation.  相似文献   

正As of December 29,the last trading day in 2017,the Chinese yuan’s onshore exchange rate stood at 6.5120against the U.S.dollar,strengthening by 6.72 percent for the year,constituting the sharpest annual appreciation in nine years according to calculations by financial information provider Eastmoney.com.  相似文献   

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